Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 133: Blood Pill Refined By Father! Yuer Collapsed! (Seeking Subscription)

"Refined into a blood pill?"

Feng Yuwan looked slightly startled.

He couldn't help but glanced at Long Aohuan who was pierced by the chain of flames in the air.

Such a cultivator in the Half step Void Refining environment still has Zhilong's blood in his body.

Through the fight with the opponent just now, she can also feel it.

The blood of the red dragon in the opponent's body is quite strong.

Although it cannot be transformed into a dragon body.

But not too bad.

It is indeed equivalent to half a dragon.

If it is refined into a blood pill, it will definitely increase the strength of the family by a large margin.

Although the method of refining the blood pill was somewhat vicious, it deserved what he deserved when used on this bastard.

As for Long Tianyu, when he heard that his father was going to be refined into a blood pill, his pupils shrank immediately.

Hastily said:

"Yang Chen, my father is the Patriarch of the Chilong Family!"

"If you refine my father into a blood pill, my Chilong family will not let you go!"

"Damn it, do you have a voice here?"

Feng Yuwan raised her brows upside down, and directly slapped her across the air.

Long Tianyu was immediately slapped with blood and teeth flying across.

The flesh and blood on half of his face was blown away.

The thick bones of the face were exposed.


Long Tianyu fell to the ground, covering his cheeks and exhaling.

Because 857 lost half of his face, his voice was shrill.

Blood flowed out from between the fingers.

It looks so miserable.

Yang Chen was also a little surprised.

I didn't expect Feng Yuwan to be so ruthless.

To repair Yu'er, it has to be her mother-in-law.

"Brother Chen, since you want to refine the blood pill, there is no time to delay, let's start now!"


Yang Chen nodded.

Fly into the air and come to the side of Master.

"Master, this guy has a strong Red Dragon Bloodline in his body, I want to refine it into a blood pill!"

"You use Xuanyou cold fire to help me!"

"You can help me, but the blood pill is divided into half!"

Zhan Lingshuang said directly.

"Master, what do you want Erdan for? It's useless to you!"

Yang Chen was a little puzzled.

Zhan Lingshuang snorted coldly and reprimanded:

"You traitor, have you forgotten that you also have a Sect?"

"I don't need it as a teacher, don't those disciples of Xuantian Sect need it?"

"What kind of ecstasy soup did that old lady Zhan Lingshuang give you? I only think about her!"

Yang Chen suddenly felt ashamed.

Hastily said:

"It's also what Master said, I, Xuantian Sect, naturally have to divide this blood pill into half, no, third!"

"Hmph, (aife) you still have a conscience!"

Zhan Lingshuang snorted coldly and didn't continue to say more.

Instead, it started to run Xuanyou Lenghuo.

Refining this Long Aohuan into a blood pill was exactly what she wanted.

After all, the waste in this Half step Void Refining environment can be regarded as a half dragon.

It would be a pity to kill it directly.

Seeing that the dark white mysterious cold fire began to emerge on the master.

Yang Chen couldn't help but recall the last time he was in the magma world in his mind.

The ravines between the snow and white are vertical and horizontal.

But let him never forget.

Can't help but remind:

"Master, you must be more careful when using the Xuanyou Token Fire this time!

"After all, there are many people below!"

Zhan Lingshuang instantly understood the meaning of Yang Chen's words, his cheeks burned slightly, and he couldn't help but glared at him:

"You shut up!"

"What kind of person is my teacher, the last time I used the strange fire for the first time, I have no experience!"

"Also, you are not allowed to mention this matter in the future!"

Yang Chen smiled embarrassingly.

Then run Qinglian Tianyan.

Blue flames filled the air.

An ancient green lotus directly enveloped Long Aohuan in it.

"Damn bastard!"

"If you want to refine this seat into a blood pill, you are dreaming!"

Long Aohuan roared angrily.

The phantom of the red dragon surrounds the whole body, trying to smash the flame blue lotus covering the body.


The flame chains were drawn directly from him.

And then just for a split second.

It penetrated him hundreds of times.




Long Aohuan wailed in pain.

The phantom of the red dragon dissipated immediately.

Blue and white flames filled the sky, enveloping Long Aohuan in it.

"Damn bastard!"

"Leave this seat!"

"Leave this seat!"

"My Red Dragon Family will not let you go!"

Long Aohuan roared angrily.

But just for a moment, the roar turned into begging for mercy.

"Forgive me!"

"forgive me!"

"I promise that I will never set foot in Beilingyu from now on!"

"I, I don't want, I don't want to die!"

The begging voice became more and more shrill.

The cultivator in the ancient city of ice and snow felt creepy.

Yang Chen could feel that the strange fire was gradually refining Long Aohuan.

Even if he is the cultivator of the Half step Void Refining environment.

Can't resist the tempering of the strange fire.

Moreover, there is also the help of Master, the Void Refining cultivator.

However, even so, it took a full day of refining to completely erase Long Aohuan's soul.

Another three days passed.

Rows of red brilliance shot out from the blue and white flames.

"It has become a pill!"

Yang Chen said excitedly.

This is his first time refining blood pills.

I didn't expect it to happen once.

The flames dissipated.

Fifty crimson blood pills floated in the air.

Long Yin bursts.

On each blood pill, there is a phantom of a red dragon surrounded by a dazzling light.

Danxiang filled the air, filling the entire City Lord's Mansion in an instant.

"Dan is done!"

Feng Yuwan's beautiful eyes lit up with joy.

The faces of many Feng Family Elders at the side all had a touch of fanaticism.

There are dozens of blood pills.

His Royal Highness Shengzi said just now, because their Feng family has improved their strength.

Then they, the Elders of Nascent Soul Realm, should all get one.

Half step Void Refining environment, a powerful cultivator that contains the blood of the red dragon in the body, the blood pill refined out must have extraordinary effects.

If taken, they can at least improve the First Stage Cultivation Base

Long Tianyu was slapped off half of Feng Yuwan's face, and he didn't get any treatment at this time.

Instead, it was directly tied to a stone pillar.

For the past four days, I have been exposed to the wind and the sun every day.

All the cultivators of the Feng family hated Long Tianyu to death, and tortured him a lot during these four days.

"smell good!"

In a daze, Long Tianyu also smelled a scent of dan.

"Did Qian Ning come to give me a Medicine Pill to heal my injuries?"

Open your eyes with difficulty.

There was no sign of Feng Qian in sight.

Long Tianyu followed the eyes of the crowd and looked towards the sky.

The blue and white different fires have dissipated.

Dozens of medicine pills emitting crimson light were suspended in the air.

Each one is as dazzling as a small sun.

"This is, blood pill?"

Use the blood pill refined by my father?"



"Yang Chen, I am Cao's harem!"

"I will cut you to pieces!"

Long Tianyu understood and roared hoarsely.

Yang Chen, who was sharing the loot with his master, suddenly heard a mechanical voice in his mind:

[Ding, the host refined Long Tianyu's father into a blood pill, Long Tianyu's mood completely collapsed, plundered the son of destiny Long Tianyu's luck value of 2000 points, and the host obtained villain value of 2000 points!】

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