Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 105: Need To Be Naked? Feng Senior, Let's Get Started! (Seeking Subscription)

"Supporting Sunshine?"

Feng Yuwan frowned slightly.

Yang Chen explained:

"Phoenix senior, the Xuanbing Holy Lotus has absorbed the cold air of the Xuanbing Spiritual Water Ten Thousand Years, so it can be said to be the most yin and coldest thing in the world!"

"Although you are an ice attribute cultivator and have ice phoenix bloodline, if you forcefully absorb it, your body may not be able to withstand the cold!"

"However, Junior is endowed with a strange fire, the sun of heaven and earth!"

"If you can use the different fire to neutralize the extreme cold, then Feng Senior can refine the Xuanbing Sage!"

Feng Yuwan glanced at Yang Chen with beautiful eyes.

As a Divine Transformation cultivator, he has practiced for thousands of years.

She naturally also understands Yin & Yang's complementary cultivation method.

However, looking at the playfulness at the corner of Yang Chen's mouth, she always felt that this bastard had no good intentions.

However, what the bastard said had some truth. "Seven Zero Zero"

The extreme cold in the Xuanbing Holy Lotus was indeed unbearable for her.

Just touch it, and the True Qi in the body will be frozen.

If refining into the body.

I'm afraid that own life breath may also be frozen.

After hesitating for a moment, Feng Yuwan said:

"You said to use different fire to complement yang, how to do it?"

Yang Chen secretly smiled in his heart.

It seems that Xuanbing Shenglian is quite attractive to Feng Yuwan.

In the original plot.

Xuanbing Shenglian should be the introduction to the breakthrough in the relationship between Long Tianyu, the son of destiny, and his mother-in-law Feng Yuwan.

But now.


It can only be replaced by his father-in-law.

After all, it is always wrong for Yuer to be like that.

His father-in-law is justified.

"Phoenix senior, it's actually simple!"

"Just transfer the strange fire in Junior's body into your body, and then you refine the Xuanbing Holy Lotus, and use Junior's strange fire to neutralize the extreme cold of the Xuanbing Holy Lotus!"


Yang Chen pretended to be in trouble.

"Just what?"

Feng Yuwan immediately asked.

"It's just that the strange fire is too hot, and the clothes on Feng Senior's body may not be preserved!"

"And Junior still has to touch your body, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to control the strange fire!"


Feng Yuwan's beautiful eyes widened immediately.

Silver teeth clenched.


She knew that this bastard must be upset and kind.

It turned out to be waiting for her here.

"Yang Chen, this is impossible!"

"This seat can't do it!"

Feng Yuwan said directly.

In the face of this bastard?

She is a dignified Divine Transformation cultivator, who has practiced for thousands of years.

It is also dignified.

"Since Feng senior is unwilling, forget it!"

Yang Chen looked helpless.

Not at all forced.

Then said:

"But this Xuanbing Sacred Lotus is a rare treasure after all!"

"It can't be wasted like this!"

"Feng senior, Xu Qingxuan who came with me has also awakened Ice Phoenix Bloodline, how about letting Junior help her refine it!"

"The future can also create a Void Refining Power!"

"Your maid?"

"It seems that you two have an unusual relationship!"

Feng Yuwan spoke coldly.


"That's Junior's personal maid, so the relationship is naturally extraordinary!"

Yang Chen's eyes were playful:

"Feng Senior's expression and tone, could it be that he is jealous?"



Feng Yuwan's jade face suddenly turned frosty:

"I have been practicing for thousands of years, so I will be jealous of you, a brat?"

"Love yourself!"

"Little brat?"

Yang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

This woman is playing with fire.

The word "little boy" is the greatest insult to him.

"Yang Chen, this seat asks you, is there no other way to refine the Xuanbing Holy Lotus except for the method you mentioned?"

After a while, Feng Yuwan couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, Yang Chen smiled.

Knowing that this woman still couldn't resist the temptation of the Xuanbing Shenglian.

He shook his head and said:

"there is none left!"

"Feng senior, the strange fire has entered your body, do you think the clothes on your body can still be preserved?"

"Besides, we are all married, are you still making things up?"

"They are all cultivators, so you shouldn't stick to trifles, not to mention you have practiced for thousands of years!"

"Junior doesn't even care, why should you care about these details!"


"Damn it little bastard!"

Feng Yuwan gritted her silver teeth tightly 0.

Meimou glared at Yang Chen fiercely.

As the Divine Transformation cultivator, the lord of the clan, the lord of the Ice and Snow Ancient City.

She wanted to give up directly.

Absorbing the mysterious ice spirit water can improve the cultivation factor.

It can even allow her to reach the Divine Transformation middle stage for a short time.

But refining the Xuanbing Holy Lotus can change her aptitude.

In the future, there is even the possibility of stepping into the Void Refining environment.

Just give up because of the need to be naked.

Thinking about it, it's a pity.

Moreover, this bastard is right, they are married.

The entire Beiling Domain already knows about it.

To be honest, it will be sooner or later.

never mind.

After practicing Taoism for thousands of years, what kind of storms and waves have not been seen?

Moreover, during this period of time, this bastard took advantage of him in different ways.

Just now it was pressed on that part by him.

Not too bad.

A flash of determination flashed across Feng Yuwan's face.

Then look at Yang Chen:

"Yang Chen, I can do what you said!"

"But you must, must turn around and keep your own eyes!"

turn around?

Take care of your eyes?


Yang Chen smiled.

Knowing that this was Feng Yuwan's last touch of stubbornness.

It is also the steps she built for herself.

So say: 3.1


"Feng senior, in fact, Junior is not a person who likes to take advantage, he needs to face each other naked, it is completely forced by the situation!"

"After all, Junior is a gentleman no matter what!"


Feng Yuwan spat softly.

She didn't believe the bastard's nonsense.

It's completely taking advantage of it and acting like a good boy.

"In this case, Feng senior, let's start!"

Yang Chen sat on the shore in Lotus Position and closed his eyes.

Above Feng Yu's graceful appearance, there was a flash of tangled hesitation.

But in the end, the scallion jade fingers still lightly pulled the belt around the waist.

Just for a moment, the sun is white,

The lake is full of spring.

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