Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 104: Mysterious Ice Sacred Lotus! With The Help Of Zhiyang, It Can Be Refined! (Seeking Subs

Feng Yuwan raised the Bingfeng Seal in her hand.

The ice phoenix seal immediately released a bright blue brilliance.

Then, it was directly submerged into the stele.


A force of space pervaded the surrounding area.

The originally silent stone tablet unexpectedly slowly formed a white gate of light.

Intense ice-cold air surged out from it.

Yang Chen followed Feng Yuwan into it.

Open your eyes again.

In sight, mountains, land, lakes~ covered with snow.

There is no limit at a glance.

This opened up space can indeed be called Minor World-.

With Yang Chen's current vision, he can't even see the border.

At least thousands of miles away.

A space world of this scale can be opened up.

The strength of that old Phoenix is ​​indeed unimaginable.

Feng Yuwan took out an ancient map at this time.

I took a few glances at it.

Then fly towards the sky.

Yang Chen followed closely behind.

Not long after, the two came to a small lake.

Under such a cold temperature, the lake did not freeze.

And, the lake is sparkling.

Yang Chen reached out and stroked the lake water.

I just feel a bit cold.

Immediately surprised.

He possesses different fire and dragon blood, and has reached the Nascent Soul Ninth Stage body cultivator.

The lake water actually made him feel icy cold?

"This is the mysterious ice spirit water transformed by the cold air!"

"If you are not a body cultivator, just this one is enough to freeze your palm off!"

Feng Yuwan gloated a little.

Seeing this bastard deflated was one of the few things she was happy about.

"Mysterious Ice Spiritual Water?"

Yang Chen was taken aback.

He read it in ancient books.

Xuanbing Lingshui can only be formed in places where the ice attribute Spiritual Qi is extremely rich.

However, Indo is only a small depression.

As long as it appears, it will cause competition for ice attribute cultivators.

And in front of you.

But a whole lake.

Although this lake is not big, it has a hundred feet of Fang Yuan.

If all of this is absorbed and refined.

To what extent will Feng Yuwan's strength improve?

Feng Yuwan looked at the whole lake of Xuanbing Lingshui, her beautiful eyes were also full of surprise.

Because according to the records in the clan.

Every time the secret realm is opened, a pool of mysterious ice water will be formed.

After refining, the strength will improve rapidly.

but now.

Where is a pool!

It's clearly a lake!

At this time.

The originally calm lake suddenly burst into waves.

The waves gradually became more and more violent.


In the middle of the lake, a snow lotus slowly emerged.

Lotus flower blooms.

In the center of the snow lotus, there is a Blue lotus seed.

Exudes a cold light.

The mysterious ice water in the lake is rapidly freezing.

This scene shocked both Yang Chen and Feng Yuwan.

Xuanbing Lingshui is born from the gathering of Spiritual Qi, which is the ice attribute of heaven and earth.

Even God Transformation Realm's ice attribute cultivator cannot make it freeze.

but now.

With the appearance of snow lotus.

The Xuanbing Lingshui in the entire lake actually froze!

"Mysterious Ice Sacred Lotus!"

"That Legendary is certainly true!"

At this time, Feng Yuwan suddenly spoke.

His tone was full of shock.

"Mysterious Ice Holy Lotus?"

Yang Chen was taken aback.

Among the ancient books, there are records of the Xuanbing Holy Lotus.

According to legend, the Xuanbing holy lotus can only grow if it is watered with Xuanbing spiritual water every day.

Xuanbing Lingshui is extremely precious.

Watering Ten Thousand Years, the Xuanbing Holy Lotus can mature.

The degree of Precious can be imagined.

Absolutely a holy object for all ice attribute cultivators.

Feng Yu's graceful appearance is full of dignity.

Then it soared into the air and flew towards the Xuanbing Sacred Lotus.

But at this moment.

A glint of light shot out from the Xuanbing Holy Lotus.

Feng Yuwan's Cultivation Base of God Transformation Realm couldn't resist this gloomy light.

He was directly beaten and vomited blood.

Yang Chen hurriedly caught her.


"Bastard, bastard!"

"Quickly let go of this seat!"

Feng Yuwan didn't care to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, she said in a hasty tone.

On the jade face, there is a shy blushing.

Yang Chen was taken aback.

looked down.

Suddenly the corners of his mouth curled up in amusement.

No wonder I always felt that my palm was pressed on the cotton just now.



Feng Yuwan, she really lives up to her name.


Yang Chen gave a dry cough, reluctantly let go of his palm, and said solemnly:

"Phoenix senior, there should be formations engraved around the Xuanbing Holy Lotus!"

"The one who attacked you just now was not Xuanbing Shenglian, but Qu Zhiwei!"

Feng Yuwan can't care about these things with him at this time.

Meimou stared at him fiercely, then looked at the Xuanbing Sacred Lotus in the middle of the lake.

He pondered:


"Could it be that this formation was engraved by the ancestor of Bingfeng?"

"Written by the ancestor of Bingfeng?"

Yang Chen was a little surprised when he heard this.

But think about it, it is also very possible.

This Minor World was created by that old Phoenix.

The formation around the Xuanbing Holy Lotus may indeed be carved by it.

"do not care!"

"No matter who inscribed the formation, because of the Water Holy Lotus, I must get it!"

Feng Yuwan's eyes were full of firmness.

If you can get the Xuanbing Holy Lotus, she will not only breakthrough quickly with the Cultivation Base.

Practicing Talent can also be greatly improved.

In the future, Void Refining is even expected.

However, if you want to obtain the Xuanbing Holy Lotus, you must break the formation first.

0...... Ask for flowers......

Feng Yuwan turned her head to look at Yang Chen:

"Yang Chen, are you sure to break this formation?"

Hearing this, Yang Chen looked towards the lake.

Although the formation is very profound.

But, after all, it's been a long time.

It should also be because the age is too long, which caused some problems in the formation, so the Xuanbing Holy Lotus surfaced.

Yang Chen didn't answer, but flew over the Xuanbing Holy Lotus.

Cut the palm.


Drops of Gold blood dripped down.

The blood of the real dragon has the miraculous effect of breaking the seal.


Gold's blood dripped around the Xuanbing Holy Lotus.

Immediately dense lines emerged.

Then, the texture starts to fade.

until it disappears completely.


The formation was destroyed, and the Xuanbing Holy Lotus turned into a beam of white light, flying away with the sky.

"Want to go?"

Yang Chen's figure moved, directly pinching the Xuanshui Shenglian in his hand.

Feng Yuwan hurriedly flew to Yang Chen's side.

He looked at the Xuanbing Shenglian who was grasped in his hands and was constantly struggling.

In the beautiful pupil, is full of astonishment.

According to legend, some holy medicines that have been grown for a long time will give birth to spiritual wisdom.

Today is an eye opener.

If you can refine this Xuanbing Sacred Lotus, you will step into the Divine Transformation middle stage.

Getting into Void Refining isn't a problem, given enough time.

"Yang Chen, you are a fire attribute cultivator. This Xuanbing Sacred Lotus is useless to you, can you give it to me?"

"Don't worry, I will fulfill the agreement and marry you!"

Looking at Feng Yuwan, who looked expectant and her tone softened a lot, the corners of Yang Chen's mouth curled up slightly.

"Feng senior, our relationship, of course I can give it to you!"

"However, if you want to refine the Xuanbing Holy Lotus, I'm afraid it will not be an easy task!"

"What's the meaning?"

Feng Yuwan frowned slightly.

Yang Chen handed her the Xuanbing Sacred Lotus:

"Phoenix senior, touch it!"

Feng Yuwan took it.

Immediately, the cold air swept through the whole body.

Yurong was instantly covered in frost.

"It's so cold!"

With just one touch, Feng Yuwan actually felt that her whole body would be frozen.

"Phoenix senior, the Holy Ice Lotus is the sacred object of the ice attribute cultivator!"

"The Xuanbing Spiritual Water can be watered for tens of thousands of years before it can mature!"

"Although you are a Divine Transformation cultivator, you can't bear the extreme cold of Xuanshui Shenglian!


"But what?"

Feng Yuwan immediately asked.

Yang Chen glanced at her plump and graceful body, and his tone was a little playful.

"However, if there is Zhiyang to assist, then the difficulty of refining will be much smaller!"

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