Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 320 Spider army? But that's it?! I don't even have to do it myself, is the lasagna

Under the stupefied gazes of the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, the spiders even took the initiative to move forward and joked at the [Super Spider Monster] who was like a moving fortress.

"It's been a long time for you, brothers and sisters, and this is where you're buried."

Using the most insipid tone and saying the most hated words, Spider-Man's declaration of war made the trillions of viewers in front of the screen dumbfounded.

This... is this so impatient to live?!

Why do spiders dare to be so arrogant?!

I wasn't so arrogant when I fought with the Kirin Earth Dragon before, but now I am so arrogant when facing the [Super Spider Monster] that is stronger than the Kirin Earth Dragon?!

Why is this so special?!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen couldn't understand it.

But everyone was frightened by the arrogant arrogance of the spider.

"Crazy! This spider is absolutely insane! He gave up his resistance and stepped forward to provoke him, isn't he courting death? 35

Xin Zhao seemed to be very worried about Spider Zi, after all, it would be a pity if she just came out of that big underground labyrinth, and she died before she was dashing.

Ge Xiaolun frowned, thinking this is impossible?!

Why would the spider take the initiative to come forward and die?

Thinking about it, it felt absurd. Suddenly, Ge Xiaolun noticed that there were a lot of invisible spider silks in the video screen. Although Spider Zi stepped forward to provoke him, he did not go too far.

This... may be the reason why she took the initiative to provoke her.

There are traps!

The corners of Ge Xiaolun's mouth twitched slightly, and sure enough, Xin Zhao's two fools couldn't find it, so they could only keep roaring, they were still too young.

"This guy's courage is really getting bigger and bigger. In the face of this level of spider army, he doesn't even run, and he goes up to provocatively abnormally?"

The top officer of the company of heroes also discovered this detail. The so-called "there will be monsters when things go wrong" is what the spiders are doing now.

This is also the reason why she has been able to go so far.

The other staff did not find the trap that was laid out in advance.

Still wondering why the spiders did this.

"No! Even if there is a trap, what can it be?

The S-class hero Tong Di also discovered this trap early, but soon everyone felt that 320 these traps had no effect on that terrifying [Super Spider Monster]!

At that time, the spider will still put himself in a dangerous situation.

"Spiders don't count on these traps to stop the spider army, right?"

The top officer of the Heroes Association sneered, completely not expecting Spider Zi to be so sloppy.

Could it be that... the current spider can easily deal with the existence of the [Super Spider Monster] enemy?

The idea just flashed by, and even he himself couldn't believe it.

If it is said that after a hard battle, Spider Zi can win, it is a bit credible.

But in the face of this army of spiders, it is a bit unimaginable that Spider Zi can easily win.

One dragon-level monster, three dragon-level monsters, and thousands of ghost-level monsters.

With this luxurious lineup, he really couldn't believe that Spider Zi could win.

The other staff members also whispered about the change in the battle situation.

Just when the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were frowning and puzzled, the [Super Spider Monster], like a moving bunker, didn't come forward at all.

Instead, he stretched out the sharp blade directly, and with the speed of lightning, he directly dispelled all the traps arranged by the spiders in advance.

Seeing this scene, everyone behind the scene was dumbfounded, and even many people began to laugh. The spider trap is too simple, right?

Discovered so soon?!


Even the spider in the video screen turned around and ran away when he saw this scene, shouting loudly.

"Is it found out right away?!"

Pieces of trees in the forest fell, and all the traps connected to the spider silk were discovered. At this moment, the entire spider army rushed directly to the spiders who turned and ran away.

Try to take her down!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were also nervous. In the video screen, the mobile fortress [Super Spider Monster] jumped directly, and the fellow spider leaders behind it also rushed up.

Spider silks continued to spit out behind him, and the spiders also nimbly dodged past.

In the originally one-sided situation, the corners of the spider's mouth were slightly raised, and the audience who were still worried about her in front of the screen (bbfb) couldn't help but get goosebumps.

Before they could react, the huge spider army was trapped by the spider's second trap!

All destroyed!

Everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath, and even exclaimed.

"Damn it! Spider! It's so good at playing! I fooled this group of spiders with no intelligence!

"Damn it! There's still a backhand left?! It turns out that the trap just now was just a deception! It's too powerful, this spider! Combat genius! 35

"I wouldn't believe it if she didn't read Sun Tzu's Art of War! It's quite like an admiral!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were amazed by the ingenuity of the spider.

It turned out that everything just now was acting!

This acting is really good!

The spider in the video screen uses spider silk to hang himself in the air, and explains it comfortably.

"There is more than one trap, give me a feast of dark bullets!


The first [Dark Spear] magic circle emerged around the spider!

Immediately after the second! The third... The thousand and eighty magic circles emerged.

The magic power that covers the sky begins to flow!


Countless [Dark Spears] fell like raindrops, smashing directly on the thousands of spiders trapped in the traps, causing thousands of smoke and dust, and even the ground was smashed into countless potholes!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen frowned, and they couldn't help but become more and more proficient in the structure of the magic circle, and even the power of the magic circle was improved a lot!

Spider... It's a scary monster, and its growth ability is amazing!

"Hahaha... successfully counter-killed!"

The spider in the picture stood at a high place, raised both claws, and shouted excitedly, the battlefield below was buried by dust, like rolling waves.

No one could see what was going on inside.

But if the [Super Spider Monster] was just smashed to death by AOE, it would be too unreasonable, and in the next second, a huge figure directly covered the spider.

And Spider-Man nodded his head.

"Well... After all, how can dragon-level super spiders and higher-level spider monsters be killed by this kind of attack?"


A spider silk with a diameter of about half a meter slammed towards her, and the spider child used [Space Mobility] to escape from the original position in advance.

But next second!

The spider silk ejected by the superior spider monster is like a navigation system, and it makes a 180-degree turn.

Go straight to the spiders that keep jumping in the air!




The spiders tried their best to avoid the spider silk with its own navigation, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen also dropped their jaws.

The things that come out at the back can also be automatically navigated?!

This is too outrageous!

"Damn it! These spiders are so strong! I never saw the spiders do this trick! 95

"I've learned a lot today! This kind of spider silk with its own navigation is like a big snake, and it locks on the target! It's amazing!

And this move directly made Luffy of Pirate World dumbfounded.

The spider silk with its own navigation is too handsome, right?!

Suddenly, a light flashed in his mind, since his body can be extended infinitely, then he can use this trick too!

Since it looks like a ferocious python... let's call this move [Big Snake]!

At this moment, Dou Zhibobo secretly vowed that he must develop this kind of trick in the future!

It must be able to hit a fist that is unexpected and will automatically bend, and it is scary to think about it!


At this moment, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were also puzzled, and then the spiders used their [detection] skills to detect that these spider monsters also possessed the skills [manipulation LV10]

It's no surprise then.

But it's really hard to fight head-on!

Spider Zi is not stupid enough to confront these guys from the front, and at this moment, she uses her dexterous posture to constantly avoid.

Space maneuvering!


Fold the mirror!


Even if it is densely packed, the spider silk with its own navigation ability will not hurt the spider, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen are dumbfounded!

This operation is simply not too 6!

Even the eyes of many viewers can't keep up with the changes in the spider!

It looked like it was hit, but it was actually an illusion, and it was hard to tell whether it was true or false. No one could find where the real spider was.

The wonderful performance was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but in the next second, all the spider monsters stopped attacking, and after realizing that the real spiders had fled the battlefield, they chased after them at the fastest speed.

At the moment, the spiders fleeing in front of them kept looking back at them.

"Very good! Almost! 35

No one knows what the spider is trying to pay attention to, and for this kind of fighting genius, no one can guess what it wants to do next.

The spider jumped sharply and jumped directly to the highest tree trunk, and the [Super Spider Monster] and other spiders also jumped up.

The corner of the spider's mouth was slightly raised again, and the area that was originally empty at this moment instantly showed countless bright lights.

Threads and strands of spider silk appeared in an instant!

The trillions of spectators in front of the screen stared wide-eyed. Including the [Super Spider Monster], a total of four spiders were rounded up by spiders.

A large net traps them in it, unable to move!

Then the spider hurriedly added a lot of spider silk to strengthen the seal!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen immediately frowned, absolutely unexpected!

There is still a trap here?!

The spiders are simply playing these powerful spiders as fools!

In fact, for the vast majority of the audience in front of the screen, they didn't expect Spider-Man to win in this way.


"The plan is the plan! I've got it! Why didn't Mission Impossible go to Spider-Man to be the starring role!"

"The traps are endless, and I now suspect that there is no use for the spiders and the prepared traps!"

"People like me have been deceived!


Gu Aotian frowned, froze in place, never expected that Spider Zi would win the battle so easily.

Although the panel attributes of [Super Spider Monster] are much stronger than those of the Kirin Earth Dragon.

However, the IQ is not high, and it is clear that the comprehensive strength of the former is not as good as that of the Qilin Earth Dragon, but it is not difficult to feel the changes in the spider's face in the face of this kind of enemy.


He has only won a tragic victory in the battle of the unicorn earth dragon, but now he can play with monsters of the same rank or even stronger!

This growth rate... simply!


"Huh?! 35

The S-class hero Atomic Samurai was stunned. He didn't expect that this group of terrifying monsters would be so easily defeated by the spider...

How could he accept this?!

At present, I can only admit the terrifying fighting talent of Spider Zi!

Facing an enemy even more terrifying than the Kirin Earth Dragon...Easy to solve?!

"No! At present, it's just trapping this group of monsters, and it's really not an easy task to completely eliminate them.

The S-class hero Tong Di stood up and recalled the first scene, even if the entire spider army was surrounded by spider webs, even if it was the violent attack of thousands of [Dark Spear] magic circles.

It can't hurt the [Super Spider Monster] at all!

The other S-class heroes were also silent. What Tong Di said was that restricting the enemy and killing the enemy were two completely different concepts.

How do spiders kill them?

For the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, this chase, although the spider has always been running away on the weaker side.

But... now these are all plans of the spider, and this time it is a complete victory for the fighting mind!

"You guys are so big, you can't get out of the mesh, right?"

Spider Zi's tone instantly became cold and arrogant.

"Even if everyone uses the same tricks, do you think you can beat me with human intelligence? Oh hoo hoo hoo․.."

Saying that, the spider crawled onto the body of the [Super Spider Monster], raised its claws above its head, and the magic battle containing powerful magic fluctuations began to construct!

Kill Trap!

Space magic!

【Range transfer】!!!


The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are dumbfounded!

When did the spider learn the space transfer?!.

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