Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 319 Don't lis10 to my mother, that's the end! The real big boss behind the scenes

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are boiling!

What kind of evolutionary path is this so-called [Spider Girl]?

What does it sound like... a little unorthodox?

"Wow! No way?! Could it be that spiders have been able to evolve into human form? Too powerful, right?

"Is the strength already terrifying to this level? The next level can transform into an adult form! That is to say, she can eat the food she wants to eat.

"Finally! I can finally see with my own eyes how beautiful this cute spider has evolved into a human form! It must be very cute!"

In the video screen, Spider Zi also developed a strong interest in this so-called "Spider Girl".

"Will it become a humanoid after evolution? Huh? [Spider Girl]? This..."

Under simple annotations, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen also saw the explanation.

[The lower half of life is a spider, and the upper body is half human and half spider. 】

The spider took a deep breath, as if seeing hope.

As long as it can evolve into this, it should be able to reduce the possibility of being hunted by people, it can't be wrong!

After all, it has more human faces than ordinary spiders, and it will be a little looser on my guard... That's right, it should be, definitely...

"Okay! The goal is to evolve into a girl spider!"


The idea of ​​spiders stunned the trillions of viewers in front of the screen.

Many people have even imagined the terrifying scene of half-man, half-spider, and that picture is even more terrifying than a spider, right?!

How could the spider think that the half-human, half-spider form can gain the favor of humans with a human face?

"Hahaha! What a cute spider! I didn't expect a dignified fighting genius to have such an outrageous idea. It's so interesting."

"This... If this is really half-human and half-spider, I am afraid it will be classified as a high-level monster! It will definitely be hunted down more violently!

The idea of ​​the spider was quickly conveyed to the major anime dimension walls, and almost everyone was puzzled by the amazing idea of ​​the spider.

But at the same time, they are also looking forward to what kind of picture the spider will successfully evolve into [girl spider].

"Hahaha! I thought about one, and it feels even more terrifying! The human-faced nerubian! It can be directly attacked by humans as a BOSS! 99

Xin Zhao burst into laughter at the moment, and couldn't help but think the idea of ​​Spider-Man was too cute.

Ge Xiaolun closed his eyes tightly, thinking about it, the upper body is a human, the lower body is a spider, isn't this the same as a mermaid?

If spiders can evolve into beauty spiders, hehehe...Isn't it a good idea?

"Wow! Half-man, half-spider monster! It's very interesting! It would be great if I could invite this kind of monster as my partner.

Luffy's eyes lit up, and it was interesting just to see the introduction under the name of evolution. This kind of guy is the most suitable for his boat!

Ace frowned, couldn't even imagine such a scene, could it be considered a half-orc race?

More and more looking forward to it.

"The next evolution will be interesting. 35

The S-class hero metal bat looked at the picture in the video with anticipation, from monster to monster, and the strength became stronger and stronger!


The S-class heroes present at the scene are particularly eager to see what will happen when such a monster enters the human society.

It is a disaster for the whole human beings, how can they fight against such monsters as spiders?

It's all about experience!

You can't rely on that bald man Saitama no matter what powerful monsters you encounter in the future, right?

"Is it going to evolve into a half-human monster so soon?" 39

The first Demon King Qiy frowned, how long has it been since this spider was born!

As long as she rises one level, she will be able to possess the power of the Demon Lord?

And only the basic attribute panel has reached the strength of the Demon King.

Even with the strength of the spider now, it has been able to crush the demon kings at the bottom of the ranking.

With that thought in mind, Guy even turned his head to glance at the eighth demon king Karion and the ninth demon king Frey.

With their complicated expressions, it seemed that they could not accept the power of the spiders to reach the Demon King immediately.

Isn't that the same class as them?

And if it's hard power, they can't even beat this spider!

"I don't have the confidence to defeat her now, and if she evolves into a Demon King, let alone! 35

The eighth demon king Karion frowned, and his dignity as a demon king had long since been swept away. Frey, the ninth demon king, could only sigh.

This Demon King is getting more and more aggrieved.

"Wow! Spiders are going to evolve in the direction of humans?!

Limuru looked forward with anticipation, not knowing which one would look better compared to his future.

For the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, they are all waiting for the moment when the spiders evolve into [girl spiders].

And the spider is already moving at full speed in the video screen at this moment!


The spider fell to the ground instantly, with a gloomy face and a weak look.

"I'm a hungry spider..."


A terrifying figure appeared in his mind, and the red eyes glared at Spider Zi.

"Mom? What? Let me go back?'""

Then a skill appeared in front of him.

[Familiar Control: The one who can control one's own family...]

What a veritable introduction! Hey!

Suddenly, this kind of thought was injected into my mind, and once I thought that I was going to return to that terrifying maze... I felt terrible.

But Mom's orders... orders... don't seem to work at all!

Then another skill appeared in front of the spider.

[Heavenly Invalid: Completely invalidate the attack on the soul...]

Spider Zi immediately relaxed, but he didn't expect to get rid of his mother's control so easily... It seems that he is strong enough.

Now that she has reached the Qilin Earth Dragon, her mother can't control her at all!


The spider sprinted forward again like a smoke, and suddenly a warning appeared in front of him, the spider stopped, and the vision continued to look far away.

The earth is shaking dozens of kilometers away, and thousands of spiders are marching at the fastest speed!

This huge army of spiders made the trillions of viewers in front of the screen frightened silly!


"What is this! What a neat spider army! This speed! This audacity! It's amazing!"

"Damn it! What are you going to do?! Crusade against the empire?! The murderous look is too terrifying!"

"This seems more terrifying than a lot of real armies! Even all the spiders move the same way! 35

The spider in the picture frowned. When she saw the angry spider army, she felt the anger from her mother in an instant.

This army of spiders is clearly here to "take" her back to the labyrinth?

And when the trillions of viewers in front of the screen got this information, they couldn't help but take a deep breath. Don't the mother who looks like an animal want her child to run away from home?

This battle is too big, right?!


Spider Zi saw the leader of the spider army, and the momentum in his gestures... It seems that he is not weaker than the previous Qilin Earth Dragon?!

The spider took a deep breath and muttered helplessly.

"Wow! It's a subordinate sent by my mother! After all, she's quite angry.

With his detection skills, the information of the leader of the spider army gradually emerged in front of his eyes, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were completely stunned.

This mother's love for spiders is too deep!

This guy is even more terrifying than the Qilin Earth Dragon!!!

【Super Spider Monster】

[Skills: [HP High-speed Recovery LV5], [MP Recovery Speed ​​LV7], [Magic Operation LV7], [SP High-speed Recovery LV2], [Abnormal Status Enhancement LV3], [Destruction Greater Enhancement LV4], [Penetration Enhancement LV8] ], [Taboo LV7], [Outlaw Resistance LV5], [Destiny LV2]...]

The number of skills has exceeded 100!

And even the exclusive skills unique to the previous spiders, this so-called [Super Spider Monster] also has it.

No matter in terms of suppressing power, panel attributes, or the number and quality of skills, they are stronger than the so-called Qilin Earth Dragon!

And there are more than ten titles!

Seems to be more than spiders!

"No...isn't it? Just looking at his abilities, he is not inferior to the Kirin Earth Dragon Alaba! 35

The voice of the spider is full of fear, the main force is [Super Spider Monster], and there are three higher-level spider monsters.

It's even the size of a Moving Castle!

The size is even comparable to the previous Kirin Earth Dragon!

So oppressive!

Even the trillions of viewers in front of the screen shivered. As the viewing angle continued to get closer, the originally small army of spiders became extremely large!

Even a small spider in the army is dozens of times larger than a spider!

66 FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! What monsters are these! Why is this army of spiders so oppressive!"

Xin Zhao was stunned, shivering, and couldn't even speak clearly, so he could only keep shouting what the hell.

The super spider monster is more terrifying than the unicorn earth dragon!

And is this really what the spider's mother sent?

Even a monster of this level can only obey it, so how terrifying the mother of the spider is?!

Ge Xiaolun swallowed his saliva, and he was completely convinced by the spider army whose scalp was tingling at a glance in the video.

How much does Spider Zi's mother love her to send such a strong spider army!

"No... No way? How powerful is the spider mother?! Is this just one of its subordinates?"

The high-level personnel of the Hero Company couldn't help but take a deep breath, even a monster like the Qilin Earth Dragon can only be its child?

The unimaginable power... makes the senior staff feel extremely panic.

What kind of monster is hiding in that underground labyrinth?

And according to their guesses, it is absolutely impossible that only the spider's mother exists, there must be other monsters!

"What are you kidding?! The dragon-level child [Super Spider Monster]? Then... Is it possible that the spider's mother already has the strength of a god-level disaster? 99

The S-class hero Metal Knight felt shivering when he saw the [Super Spider Monster] in the picture, and couldn't even imagine what kind of monster the spider's mother was.

For other S-class heroes, Spider-Man is already scary enough, but I didn't expect her to have a more scary mother.

"These guys...are horrible.

The top chief of the Hero Association frowned, and the strength of the [Super Spider Monster] was even more terrifying than the Kirin (good) dragon.

Unexpectedly, the spider has just won the victory in the battle with the unicorn earth dragon with a miserable attitude, and as a result, a group of more powerful spiders have been chased out!

This...if it was them, they would have turned around and ran away.

It's impossible to beat!

As for the spider's mother, does such a monster really exist?

God-level disaster!

At least it's a god-level disaster, right?!


The first devil, Guy, couldn't help but imagine what kind of existence the spider's mother was.

Judging from the situation in the video now, I am afraid that the spider and its mother will inevitably have a war!

Can't help but even Guy was looking forward to this battle.

The other demon kings also began to speculate on the strength of the [Super Spider Monster] in the video, and they already had the strength of the demon king.

And there is an army of spiders behind it, the strength is terrifying!

The respective reason of the demon kings still told them that once the spiders fought against these monsters, they would have no chance of winning.

In the video screen, the army of spiders marching at the fastest speed has come to the spider, the huge body like a moving castle, giving a sense of oppression.

Even the trillions of viewers in front of the screen felt suffocated, but Spider-Man seemed to be very relaxed in the face of enemies of this magnitude.

For the spider, even if she escapes, these spider armies will follow, and now it seems that it can only be... on!!

And the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were also shocked. The spider's eyes... It's too disrespectful to this group of spiders, right?!

If you can beat this, there will be ghosts!

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