Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 313 Because you are too weak, so I found a burden on the spot, are you happy?

This flashover directly stunned the trillions of viewers in front of the screen.

Such a violent energy attack, even if Gojo Satoru didn't dodge it, he wouldn't be able to hit it!

Even many people don't understand the "infinity" that Gojo Satoru said.

"Fuck! Teleport! This is definitely not fast! I can't see Gojo Satoru's figure when he moves! It's terrible!

"Liuguang! Gojo Satoru's eyes actually have a streamer flickering! What kind of ability is this?! 99

"Hahaha! This monster is stunned. I used to be able to touch Gojo Satoru with my skills, but now I can't even touch him with my skills!"

Under the gaze of the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, Wujo Satoru smiled, and even if Hu Bao was aware of the danger, he could not make corresponding confrontation actions.

Gojo Satoru smiled and shot directly at the goal, slamming into Hu Bao's waist, and the huge impact even produced a sonic boom.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are frowning, and Hu Bao's waist is probably dead!

Don't you have to cut off your descendants if you go down this way?


Hu Bao was directly kicked into the lake by Wutiaowu, causing a turbulent splash, while Hu Bao lay quietly on the lake and almost lost consciousness.

In a trance, he recalled what his friend had warned him.

will die!

If you mess with this person, you will die!

Under the gaze of the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, Hu Bao sat up with a dazed look, looked at his scarred body, and fell into contemplation.

With the power of the spell, he stood on the lake, and only then did he understand the seriousness of the matter.

"Three-one-seven" looks like that guy is not lying.

If it continued like this, Wujo Satoru would definitely be beaten to death.

"Hahaha... But, if you can't hit it, I'll drag you into the field."

The volcano above Hu Bao's head gradually heated up and was steaming hot. When he raised his head, he suddenly lost his vision of Wutiao Wu.

In desperation, he looked around, trying to find Wujo Satoru's figure.

"Huh? Where did it go?"

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were also looking for Wujo Satoru's figure. In the next second, Wujo Satoru flew back directly, and he even had a stunned little friend - Knotto Yuren in his hand.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are dumbfounded, what's the situation?!

Why did Gojo Satoru suddenly have one more person in his hand?

It doesn't look strong at all!

"Sorry sorry..."

Wujou Wu even apologized to Hu Bao, who was looking for his figure all over the sky, and Kuzhang Yuren stared at the situation around him.

Where is this so special?

He was still sleeping a second ago!

"Where is this?! Where is this! Hey!

Who is that guy?!

Hu Bao looked at the knotweed Yuren in Wutiaowu's hands with a surprised expression, and at a glance recognized that he was the container of Su Nuo.

Gojo Satoru easily lifted the knotweed Yuren in his hand and said expressionlessly.

"It's Yujin Knotto who came to visit and study.

It was as if the entire time and space were frozen at this moment, and even the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were completely silent.

This... what does this mean?!

What do you mean by "Yujin Knotto who came to visit and study"?


This is a little disrespectful to the potter, isn't it?

People treat you as an evenly matched enemy, why do you treat them as teaching materials?!

Even if it is used as teaching material, at least you have finished playing before teaching students, right?!

Live teaching?!

What the hell!

At this moment, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen finally understood how to write the word "arrogant".

"Damn it! It's too much! This is the most too much video I've ever seen! He even brought his own students and wanted to teach on the spot! This is completely disdainful of Hubao!""

"I'm done! Everyone! I'm kneeling for Big Brother Wujo Go! This is what I do! I wouldn't even dare to dream of such a dream.

"Teaching?! How about pulling a weak student over to the battlefield? This guy must be too confident!"

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are boiling.

And Hu Zhang Yuren was really dumbfounded at the moment. He stared at the video in a stunned manner, not to mention how far the battlefield was from his dormitory.

Gojo Satoru-sensei can go back and forth in a few seconds. The most unacceptable thing to him is... Why did Gojo Go-sensei bring him to the battlefield all of a sudden?

At that time... he was a weak chicken no matter what!

Wouldn't it be a burden for Gojo Satoru to face the super-class spell spirit?

"Ah! Gojo Satoru-sensei! Why are you! Why are you pulling me over during the battle!

Huzhang Yuren now doesn't know how to face Gojo Satoru teacher, and even now himself has become incoherent.

As for Fu Heihui, who has been convinced by this top-level contest, his strength is probably not as good as that of an ant in a battle of this level.

The power of the super magic's really terrifying.

"But...but... Gojo Satoru-sensei, wouldn't it be a burden to the teacher if you brought Yujin of the knotweed over so suddenly? 99

Ningzaki wild rose has a big mouth and can't understand this problem at all. If the super curse spirit uses the knotweed Yuren to make a fuss, wouldn't Wujo Wu teacher be restricted?

Or is it that Gojo Satoru-sensei doesn't care about the life and death of Kuzhang Yuren?

I don't understand it from any angle!

"Wang Defa?! This guy never brought out the person? I'll go! What is he doing?! Is he leading someone to fight?"

Xin Zhao is in a mess now, he has never seen such a rampant person, halfway through the battle, going to someplace to pull his students, saying they want to teach on the spot?!

What the hell?!

Now Ge Xiaolun also has a question mark on his face, what is this operation?

Never heard of it?!

"What! Is this guy so confident in his own strength?

The top officer of the Hero Company was stunned. Isn't this just like fighting a big battle and bringing in a group of recruits to watch it?

This is a big no-no for them!

In this situation, it was the first time that the top executive saw that he took the initiative to sell his flaws to the opponent's fool.

Is Gojo Satoru really so confident in his own strength?

The other staff clapped and applauded one after another, which can be regarded as an unexpected idea of ​​pretending to be a B!

I'm afraid that monster with a volcano on its head has been humiliated to the core, right?


The S-class hero Atomic Samurai was already laughing from ear to ear. This kind of operation was too interesting for him.

After all, there are so many apprentices under him, if he is fighting the enemy, he is like Gojo Satoru.

The enemy must not be half-dead with rage!

Thinking of this, the Atomic Warrior couldn't help but want to laugh, but on the other hand, since Gojo Satoru dared to do this, he must be much stronger than this monster!

Otherwise, it would not be so bold, and directly pull students to do on-site teaching.

"This B outfit is so good!"

S-class hero Silver Fang can also feel Gojo Satoru's mood, after all, he also has a group of students under him.

"Too mad! This guy is too mad! In the face of such a dragon-level eccentric, he can actually pull a student over to teach on-site!

The S-class hero Xiao Tornado was so angry that his hair was flying. His behavior even indirectly insulted the dignity of their S-class heroes.

But if you think about what Saitama did, it's even more irritating.

The S-class hero Genos blushed at the moment, swallowed, and seeing this picture on the screen, for some reason, an inexplicable feeling emerged in his heart.

If... he meant if, if Saitama-sensei could have half the gentleness of Gojo Satoru-sensei.

At least so far, or the pictures in the previous videos, when he was covered with bruises and bruises, Mr. Saitama only appeared.

It even reached the point of being scrapped several times...

"Genos? Why do you think your face is not very good-looking?

Saitama looked at Genos dully, and asked without any emotion, Genos hurriedly smiled.

"No, I just remembered some sad things.


After Saitama responded indifferently, he turned his head to look at the picture in the video, and even tutted a few times.

"It's really unfortunate to be his student, even in such a fierce battle scene, he will not let him go.."

Genos could only nod his head again and again, his eyes did not fall on the screen, but instead took a peek at Teacher Saitama.

"Yeah yeah, it's too unlucky to be his student."

"Huh? Hahaha! This person is so interesting!

The first Demon King Guy couldn't help shaking his head one after another. This way of pretending to be a B is really unheard of. The most important thing is to bring his students to watch and study during the battle.

"This monster!"

The fourth Demon King Dagoliyuru frowned. He was not in the mood to think about these things. His attention was now focused on how Gojo Satoru came here with a person.

It seems that it is not a space ability at all, but can do so only by virtue of speed.

It's... terrifying!

How fast?!

To get to this point?

The other Demon Lords all had complicated expressions on their faces. Is it really good for Gojo Satoru to do this?

"Interesting! Hahaha! Is this the pride of 'Invincible'? 55'

Limuru seemed to be poked at the point of laughter, and he was almost unable to straighten his waist. This guy is quite interesting.

But for this level of battle, is it really okay to bring a student?

And he was blatantly taking a student, as if he was mocking Hu Bao.

I want to use you as teaching material, not because you are too weak, but because you are strong enough for my teaching.

Invisible mockery is the deadliest!

"This guy...hahaha!99

Gu Aotian released his left hand that was holding the golden staff, and clapped and applauded, this B has learned.

If Gojo Satoru wasn't invincible, it wouldn't be easy.

At this moment, in the hall of the guild temple, all Gu Aotian's subordinates twitched at the corners of their mouths. Facing Wutiao Wu in the video, they felt hatred in their hearts.

This Invisible B, seems to be stealing Ainz-sama's limelight?!

How can there be such a person?!

Maybe they are willing to admit that there are people who are more powerful than Ainz-sama, but they definitely don't allow people who are more capable of pretending to be B than Ainz-sama!


The trillions of viewers in front of the screen also felt that this B-dress was so good, and Hu Bao's face was green with anger.

And in the picture in front of the screen, Wujo Satoru said to the stunned Kuzhang Yuren.

"Yuren, I'm here to teach you the 'realm expansion', the apex of spell warfare.

After he finished speaking, he let go of his hand, Kuzhang Yuren still didn't understand the current situation, but what he was most curious about was why he didn't sink while standing on the water.

"Why?! Why don't we sink? And 5.1 and, teacher, I was still in high school a few seconds ago?! What's going on? 39

These questions are not only the doubts of Yuren Kuzhang, but also the doubts of the trillions of viewers in front of the screen.

"Um... flew over."

Gojo Satoru looked impatient, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were instantly fried.

I depend!

This complex problem is solved in just one sentence?!


Fly over?!

Spaceships aren't that fast, are they?!

Kuzhang Yuren looked like you were teasing me, and gave Teacher Wujiaowu a blank look, and didn't intend to explain it at all!

For Hu Bao, Wutiaowu's behavior is tantamount to killing Wutiaowu, and in order to kill Wutiaowu in the future, it would be much easier to pull the two-faced Su Nuo-possessed Huzhang Yuren into the team.

For the sake of future consideration, it seems that Yuren can't be killed.

"Who is that kid? Was it used as a shield?'

Gojo Satoru immediately shook his head and responded relaxedly.

"No, no, didn't you say it all? He came to visit and study, and I'm teaching him how to fight."

Kuzhang Yuren looked demented, looked at Gojo Go-sensei, and at the trembling stunt magic spirit in the distance, he didn't know what was going on right now!

"You don't mind, just fight.

Hu Bao showed a happy smile, isn't this sending death?

"It's stupid enough to bring a drag yourself.

Gojo Satoru suddenly laughed.

"No problem, because you are too weak.

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