Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 312 Reversing the black hole! The whole dimension is shocked! Isn't the black hole irre

All the S-class heroes present were dumbfounded. The red aurora energy on the screen was constantly condensing, and the world-destroying energy seemed to have reached a critical value.

"Fuck! Black hole? Is this energy called magic so powerful?

The senior staff of the Hero Association started their work in a hurry. After detecting the black hole in the picture, it was as expected by everyone.

This... is a black hole with terrifying unknown energy, which is completely different from the dark matter energy black hole released by Gu Aotian before.

But the powerful energy contained in it, if not controlled, can easily cause the destruction of the planet.

The red light shone, and everyone in the high-level meeting room was stunned. Even the top officer swallowed his saliva, looked at the screen, and murmured in despair.

" this going to explode? Is the black hole going to explode?

It is unimaginable that if the so-called magic energy cannot control the explosion of the black hole, the planet will be destroyed in an instant, but if this violent energy is limited by magic.

Even the explosion of a black hole can't break through this magical energy, and everyone can't imagine how terrifying the power of Gojo Satoru.

Looking at his confident expression, I'm afraid everyone's worries are completely superfluous.

"What a terrifying energy fluctuation!"

The first Demon King Guy's eyes lit up, no matter how many times he saw the power of the black hole, he was surprised, the kind of thing that could swallow energy infinitely, he was scared at a glance.

That guy Rimuru is also related to the black hole, otherwise he wouldn't have grown to that level.

Unexpectedly, Wujo Satoru can control such a thing as a black hole, which is incredible.

The other demon kings also took a deep breath. What kind of energy is the magic power?

Controllable black holes... Seems to be more powerful than magic!

These demon kings have completely lost their self-confidence at this moment, Gojo Satoru, this guy is a bit too shocking!

The battle has been going on until now, and he is still like a blind man, wearing a blindfold, I really don't know how he did it.

"Black hole?! What the fuck! Awesome! Will Gojo Satoru also squeeze a black hole? 35

Rimuru is full of envy, when will he be able to master this kind of power!

There are still long days to wait.

"Is this possible?! 35

Gu Aotian was suddenly dumbfounded, the energy of the spell enveloped the black hole in Wutiaowu's hand, and even Gu Aotian felt his scalp tingle.

The violent energy is still condensing, and the black hole has become more compact, but the energy contained in it is enough to destroy the world.

Is this guy trying to destroy the entire planet?


The red aurora flickered on the screen, Gu Aotian stepped back abruptly, and subconsciously blocked the dazzling light with his hands.

Is this...exploding?

"What a shining light! Ah! My eyes!"

Because Luffy was always in a state of excitement, he fell into the terrifying energy and couldn't extricate himself. The bright red aurora flickered constantly, almost blinding Luffy's eyes.

Ace opened his mouth wide and stared directly at the picture on the screen, dumbfounded.

This black hole really exploded!


Under the attention of trillions of viewers, the entire anime dimension wall was shrouded in red aurora, and everyone was surprised by the violent energy generated by the explosion of the black hole in Gojo Satoru's hand.

【Reversal Technique · He】

The sky and the earth changed color, even the entire planet was enveloped in the violent energy generated by the explosion of the black hole at that moment.

The world turned blood red, and only the black hole in Wujo Satoru's hand radiated light, the energy previously absorbed by the black hole.

After Wujo Satoru gave the order, all the energy that was sucked into it reversed the rules in an instant and poured out frantically.

At this moment, Wujou Wu just ripped open the sealing power of the spell, and the bright red aurora engulfed the entire planet in an instant.

And Hu Bao was frightened and lost his soul by this terrifying energy!

In the video, just the red aurora almost disintegrated the pot into molecular fragments, and Wujou hurriedly stopped.

The entire attack process was less than a tenth of a second, and the whole dimension was stunned!

Wujou can not only catalyze the explosion of a black hole, but also reverse the energy of the explosion of the black hole.

This scene... made the trillions of viewers in front of the screen dumbfounded!

Doesn't it mean that black holes are irreversible?

It turns out... Irreversible just means that the power is not strong enough!

Isn't this really reversible?!

What the hell!

"Fuck! Take it back? Can the black hole explode? What the hell! I'm kneeling! 55

"No way! I'm going crazy! What's happening in the video now conflicts with the educational knowledge theory I've received, and my brain is going to explode!

"No! Impossible! Black holes are irreversible, and no one can stop this phenomenon from changing! No one! This video must be fake!"

All the staff of the Hero Company were stunned, looking at the Hu Bao who was repelled by the violent energy in the video screen, they didn't care about the outcome of the battle at all.

Then... why does the energy generated when the black hole explodes disappear?

Could the so-called magic energy be able to turn the extremely unstable black hole in an explosive state into nothingness?

This... how is this possible!

Isn't this a joke?

From their point of view, the state of a black hole is an absolutely irreversible existence, and only when it reaches a certain critical value, it will change its state.

During this process, it is absolutely impossible to force its state to change through external forces.

If the black hole is in a state of devouring everything, no amount of energy and matter can change the state of the black hole!

The same is true for black holes in unstable explosion states.

Although the power of the explosion was only released in less than a tenth of a second, that is, an instant, everyone in front of the screen saw it.

The black hole was reversely manipulated by Gojo Satoru!

Everyone can't even imagine the horror of this power, because in their understanding, it is an impossible thing to happen.

The world view of the high-level personnel of the Company of Heroes collapsed at this moment.

How... how is this possible?

"Are the states of black holes reversible? 39

The top officer seemed to have aged a lot in this second, and he was weak when he spoke, and asked the other staff members dumbly.

The silence overwhelmed everyone, and the answer to this question, even if I saw it with my own eyes, did not dare to confirm it.

"Black hole! Exploding black hole! What the hell! It was reversed? This is so fake! If...if this power can be controlled or even reversed."

The top officer of the Hero Association looked terrified and kept wandering in place. Although he knew what this represented, he never dared to admit it.

"This already has the power to transcend the cosmos class, right?"

A high-level person muttered with dull eyes, and the other high-level personnel also took a deep breath. In theory, it was like this.

But there was nothing special about Wujouwu at all.

"Back to Basics?"

Another high-level person raised his own question. Although it sounded reasonable, it could not stand up to scrutiny.

If Gojo Satoru really is at this level, how could he live on the planet?

It was not logical at all, and only the highest commander stood in contemplation.

There is only one answer left, and although this answer sounds more terrifying, there is only one possibility.

"It's a black hole he made with the energy he can control..."


All the high-level personnel present almost fell to the ground, without any equipment, without any preparations, not even violent energy fluctuations.

Just like that... Can the energy in the body be converted into a black hole with a pinch?

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Miserable laughter echoed in the high-level meeting room of the Hero Association, and one person had gone crazy... The reactions of others were normal.

It seems that in the face of such a thing, it is not normal not to be crazy.

Their worldview was completely shattered.

"What kind of monster is this! Reversal spell?"

Seeing the picture just now, Gu Aotian couldn't help but exclaimed suddenly, can this kind of violent energy be easily reversed?

・・For flowers...  

If it is for magic, he can also perform reversal spells, but unless it is absolutely necessary, he will not do it.

Because this contains too many uncertain factors, if an explosion occurs accidentally, even Gu Aotian will be unable to protect himself.

But these five sages seem to be very relaxed, and they are too slippery to play!

This scene is undoubtedly too shocking for the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, but many people do not understand the principle.

They also didn't understand the strength of Wutiaowu. In their sight, Hubao, who had a victorious attitude just now, has been beaten foolishly.

The violent energy that flickered in that moment sent Hu Bao flying into the forest several kilometers away. Like a heavy object, Hu Bao was repeatedly smashed to the ground.

The huge impact instantly raised thousands of meters of dust, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen held their breaths. This Luffy gallop, even a towering tree was broken by the middle.

The impact was still unabated, even the boulders were penetrated, and everyone in front of the screen frowned.

Is this pot too hard?

Flying so far, it seems that the body is still intact?

"Monster! This physique is stronger than a cannonball! What the hell!"

"Isn't this rolling too far? At least a few kilometers away, a Luffy galloping with lightning!

"It's's terrifying that this monster is like a normal person. 35

Many people were impressed by the strong Hubao. In the video screen, the Hubao, who was constantly subjected to impact, even flew and ran directly.

He already realized that he was no match for Wutiaowu, but Wutiaowu, who was several kilometers away just before running two steps, appeared directly in front of Hubao.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were dumbfounded.

Hu Baofei flew for ten seconds before gradually calming down. How could Wujou catch up with him in an instant?

Is it too fast?

Or move instantaneously?

"Fuck! When did this guy come here?! Why didn't I see anything!

"This is so much faster than some flying man Bolt! 35

"This is teleportation! How can a distance of several kilometers come over in an instant?!"

In the video, Hu Bao was stunned in place, looking at Wujo Satoru's kind smile, and at this moment only felt his scalp go numb.

This guy!

How the hell did it appear here!

Hu Bao's feet suddenly exerted force, and the whole person shot out, fleeing wildly into the depths of the forest. The speed was so fast that the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were speechless.

But what's the use of fast?

Hu Bao directly used his own speed to run horizontally on a towering tree, grabbed his hands on the high tree trunk, and turned in the opposite direction in an instant, ready to kill Wutiao Wu by surprise.


Wutiaowu's figure disappeared on the spot, and before Hu Bao, who was surprised, felt a strange and dangerous aura surging behind him.

He didn't even have time to turn around, Wutiaowu immediately grabbed Hu Bao's head, and the flesh on his face and facial features were deformed.

Everyone in front of the screen is dumbfounded, this speed... is also completely crushed!

Wutiaowu grabbed Hu Bao's head with one hand and pressed him directly to the ground. Under the strong impact, Hu Bao's head and back swept across the ground.

Like brake pads, it can even rub off sparks!

Hu Bao, who suffered heavy blows again and again, did not dare to slack off at this moment, blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were full of surprise.

In desperation, the magic power in his hand condensed, and Wujou Wu also sensed the danger, so he let go of his left hand and let go of the pot treasure.

The spell that contains the power of the curse is like an overclocked energy laser cannon, filling the entire screen and blasting in the direction of Wujo Wu!


The violent and raging energy shocked many viewers in front of the screen. The "laser cannon" with a diameter of about ten meters directly penetrated all the matter in front of it!

But Hu Bao's expression was full of horror, and he realized it!

Wujo Satoru did not know when, appeared behind him!

When the audience in front of the screen saw Wujo Satoru appearing behind Hu Bao, they were completely boiling!

Can't fight at all! Xi.

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