Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 308 Wutiaowu VS Hubao!!! The horror of the super curse! The whole dimension is shocked!!!

Huzhang Yuren jumped up after seeing Teacher Wujo Satoru appearing in the video, shaking back and forth in the classroom excitedly, so excited that he couldn't even speak clearly.

"I knew it, I knew that Wujou teacher would definitely be able to do it! It's really Wujou teacher who made the list!"

The exciting news also made the other two excited, Ningzaki wild rose gasped lightly, stood up and scolded Kuzhang Yuren, pretending to be calm.

"Look at what you look like, can't you be calmer? I've long guessed that Wujo Wu teacher will be on the list, and I'm not excited at all.

Fu Hei Hui was on the side, her brows were wrinkled, and she pointed to the legs of the Ningzaki wild roses very ignorantly.

"Then why are your legs shaking?"

"shut up!"

Ningzaki Wild Rose immediately became furious. After realizing her gaffe, she punched and kicked at Fuhei Hui. Wujo Satoru himself didn't have much reaction. Seeing the three of them fighting, he also smiled helplessly.

"I really can't help you..."

Wutiaowu was still a little happy about his being on the list, and looked at the latest comments that were constantly refreshed below the video.

Basically, they were questioning Gojo Satoru's strength, and they all mocked him to the point that he was nothing but handsome.

Gojo Satoru agrees with this very much. Compared with his own strength, he hopes that others will say that he is handsome.

"That's it?! He also said he was invincible? What a joke!"

The S-class hero Atomic Samurai sneered, it's not that he looked down on Gojo Satoru without his head, but that he couldn't feel the aura of a strong man from the video.

Instead, he looked like a condescending child. What he couldn't understand the most was the "three-one-zero" blindfold!

Can you really see with your blindfold on?!

I'm afraid you're not blind, are you?!

"That finger... has a strong curse on it, even I can't resist it, it may be the stump of some monster. 39

The S-class hero zombie man stood in the corner with a terrified expression on his face. When Su Nuo's finger appeared on the screen, he panicked.

The powerful power of the curse made him feel a great threat. If the owner of that finger was still alive, I am afraid that all the S-rank heroes present would not be able to stop this monster.

As for Wutiao Wu, he really didn't feel any threat from him.

ten seconds?

If it is counted in the time when the monster wakes up, if he persists for ten seconds, his strength is also very good.

But to be called invincible, it is really difficult to recognize his own strength.

"Ah? Isn't this just an ordinary person? Is this filming or is he going crazy?"

Xin Zhao now felt that he could beat that Wujogou, and there was no fear in him at all.

"Strange, did the author accidentally send the wrong video? This time the speed of posting a new video is so fast, it doesn't feel right.

Ge Xiaolun now also suspects that the author sent the wrong character video.

How can an ordinary person be on the list?

"Tsk tsk tsk... The strength doesn't feel very good, but he is quite good at pretending to be B, I have to believe what he said.

Liu Chuang tried his best to hold back his laughter, but he really couldn't imagine how powerful Wujou could be.


The S-class hero Genos frowned, and before he could say the words, he saw Saitama-sensei's frowning expression.

Afterwards, he hurriedly observed Wujo Satoru who appeared in the video, but he couldn't feel his strength no matter what.

Could it be that Gojo Satoru already has the strength of Saitama-sensei's realm?

Otherwise, how could Saitama-sensei have such an expression?

It must be that his realm is not enough, and he was almost embarrassed in front of Saitama teacher. If he can't even perceive the strength of other people, as Saitama teacher's apprentice, he is really ashamed.

Genos has come to his senses, and he must train harder in the future!

However, as for Saitama, he didn't even watch the video just now, and he looked worried, all because the hair restorer he bought last time was useless at all!

At that time, you must ask the merchant well why you have used a course of treatment and still have no hair!

"Garp, can you see anything unusual about this Gojo Satoru?"

Sengoku took a deep breath, or made a wrong judgment because of his own delusion, and Garp was silent at this moment.

Looking at Wutiao Wu in the video, after thinking for a while, he didn't feel anything at all.

Slowly shaking his head.

"I think he's just an ordinary person, and he doesn't feel threatening.

"Hahaha! Wearing a blindfold! How can you see the road clearly with a blindfold on!"

Luffy is almost laughing now, I have seen people wearing masks, but I have never seen one with blindfolds!

Really long experience.

"It's him? How dare you say that he is invincible? I really don't understand.

Ace waved his hand helplessly, maybe the world he was in was just an ordinary world, and there was absolutely no strong man.

"Seiya...that finger..."

The goddess Lista curled up at the foot of the bed, not daring to look directly at Su Nuo's finger in the picture. Under the observation of the priestly skill, just from that finger, you can see what kind of monster it was when she was alive.

Nuo on both sides!

Two faces, four hands!

The appearance is extremely evil, and it has even surpassed the entire world!

At this moment, Seiya could clearly sense the power of the curse coming from that finger.

"Wow! Sister! It's really scary! 35

Shirai Kuroko's face was flushed, as if she was frightened, she jumped into Misaka Mikoto's arms, hugged her fiercely, and refused to let go.

A look of enjoyment, Misaka Mikoto even comforted Kuroko.

"What's there to be afraid of? It's all right..."

At this moment, even Misaka Mikoto was a little nervous.

Under the gaze of trillions of viewers, the scene in the video turned, and in the dark and windy night, a car was driving on the mountain road.

The driver didn't look back and asked.

"It's still a while before the meeting with the principal, do you want to take a detour?

Gojo Satoru clasped his hands in front of him and leaned against the backrest, still wearing a blindfold, looking calm.

"No, go there early once in a while.

Afterwards, he looked out the window. To the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, he had no idea how Gojo Satoru could see out of the window with his blindfold on.


The short answer made the driver extremely flustered.

"Huh? Is it right here?

After the driver stopped the car, Gojo Satoru got out of the car and greeted him.

"You go first.

"Is this a test of me?"

The driver panicked and couldn't figure out what was going on. Why did Gojo Satoru suddenly let him go first?

Gojo Satoru just put his hands in Kabuto's clothes, waved his hands casually, and after a few words, the driver drove away.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen didn't even understand what Gojo Satoru was trying to do.

"Is this the future?"

Wujo Satoru, who was in the classroom at the moment, frowned and clutched his hair with his hands in confusion. In his memory, this incident did not happen to Ben?

"Could this video be able to predict the future? It's amazing!

Huzhang Yuren suddenly looked flustered, excited and scared, what is the origin of this author?

Why is the future so clear?

If this is the case, I wonder if in this video, can I see what my future will be like?

After swallowing Su Nuo's twenty fingers, he was destroyed by a powerful spell, returning peace to the world.

This should be his destiny.

After noticing Yuren's abnormality, Fu Heihui patted him on the shoulder behind him, and just as he was about to speak, Mr. Wujo Wu murmured in a deep voice.

"Looks like a very powerful guy is about to appear.

As soon as the words fell, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen saw the bright moon, and suddenly saw a strange person jumping high, accompanied by a scalp-numbing scream, appearing in front of everyone.



This monster stepped on the road with one foot, directly smashing the hard concrete road under his feet, and even the steel reinforcement used for support in the depths of the road was broken.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen stared dumbfounded at the monster that appeared, and even cracks appeared on the mountain next to it.

"Fuck! This monster is so powerful! 55

Xin Zhao's brows furrowed, one foot can cause such a situation, the destructive power is amazing!

Gojo it really as strong as the title says?

"Gojo Satoru is absolutely powerful!"

Ge Xiaolun discovered this detail, and it was precisely because he sensed the imminent approach of this monster in advance that he asked the driver to leave first.

Just to avoid hurting him.

"This guy, maybe it's just so strong that we can't even perceive it.

The three brothers took a deep breath and waited and saw, at least defeating this guy who suddenly popped out was enough to prove Gojo Satoru's strength.

"Is it so fierce as soon as you come up? It's really not quite used to it.

The top commander of the Company of Heroes was taken aback by the terrifying destructive power. Even a tank dropped from a high altitude would hardly cause such damage!

And this monster can easily step on the ground, it seems to be stronger than the demon of Atrox.

"Amazing! The power of this body is too much in line with the identity of a monster."

A group of staff also praised, this strength is already a very terrifying existence for them.

One foot can even stomp people into flesh.

"Fuck! Is it the strength of a dragon-level geek when you first come up?"

The S-class hero Xiaolongjuan stopped in Bengbu, scolded in a low voice, and then shouted out loudly. The other S-class heroes were all puzzled.

This level of destructive power cannot reach the dragon level at all, right?

At most a ghost-level upper-middle class?

"Look at it, Xiaolongjuan, the strength of this monster is fundamental..."

Before the S-class hero Silver Fang could finish speaking, Xiao Tornado grabbed his beard and gave her a white look, and she explained to everyone.

"This monster doesn't fight with physical strength at all! His mind power is even stronger than mine!


Everyone couldn't help but take a breath, stronger than Xiaolongjuan's thought power?

Isn't that strength reaching the dragon level?

This is too scary!

"Ghost level? Got it wrong! Impossible! There is definitely some kind of terrifying ability hidden in this guy, but our instruments can't detect it."5

The top officer of the Hero Association directly threw the data analysis chart in his hand on the ground, watching his staff sigh and shake their heads.

Can't they feel this powerful coercion?

"What a powerful spell! This is... is this a super spell?!!!35

Fu Heihui was so frightened that his face turned pale. The powerful curse power on this monster seemed to be a super curse spirit formed by people's fear of disasters on the earth.

Such a powerful spell!

It's so scary!

At this moment, even the newcomer Yujin of the knotweed stared at the stunt magic spirit that appeared in the video, and immediately began to worry about Gojo Satoru.

"Teacher, can you beat him at 5.1?"

Rose Ningzaki, who is usually not afraid of the sky and earth, was also so frightened that she couldn't speak. She even shivered and slumped on the ground, her face pale.

"This... what kind of monster is this?! How can there be such a powerful monster?! No! Impossible to win! Absolutely impossible!

When she saw the super curse spirit, Rose Ningzaki realized how naive her previous thoughts were. How could she defeat this kind of monster?

Gojo Satoru noticed the panic among the three, smiled and stretched, and said calmly.

"Don't worry, I'm invincible.

In the video screen, Wujiaowu's face was solemn, and he seemed to feel the horror of this super-class curse spirit. If he hadn't avoided it in time, I'm afraid now he... Well, it's impossible to avoid it anyway.

"who are you?"

With a rash smile on his face, Hubao didn't explain Wutiaowu at all. Under the gaze of trillions of viewers, he waved his hand violently!

On the side wall, an active volcanic head suddenly appeared, and the trillions of spectators in front of the screen could not help feeling their scalp tingle when they saw this spectacle.

How the hell did this thing grow?!


Gojo Satoru just stepped back in front of the crater. At this moment, even he didn't seem to notice the danger. In the next second, hot magma spurted out from the fire Yamanaka.

The bright and hot lava seems to be compressed into the Ultimate!

The spray distance is even thousands of meters!

Under this kind of power, even the air can crush people in an instant, not to mention the volcanic lava!

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