Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 307 Wutiao Wu comes on stage! The whole dimension is shocked! Apart from being handsome, wha

"Spider's difficult survival journey finally has a happy ending, but Qilin Earth Dragon is also a worthy opponent."

After seeing the end of the video, Xin Zhao couldn't help but froze in place and thought deeply. He didn't expect that when faced with death, the Kirin Earth Dragon could face it calmly with such an attitude.

The battle process is hearty and vivid, and it's really enjoyable to watch!

"It's really amazing, Spider Zi can go to the end, it's all thanks to her strong will to survive, so it's no wonder she was so angry in the end.

For the life he cherishes, the Kirin Earth Dragon doesn't even care, and he doesn't feel anything in the face of death.

So surprising.

Only Liu Chuang saw the news pushed from the top of the screen, his eyes brightened instantly, shaking the shoulders of Xin Zhao and Ge Xiaolun, and said excitedly.

"Hey hey hey! Don't be emotional, the next one is out! Look!"

Xin Zhao and Ge Xiaolun were taken aback for a while. They didn't expect that just after watching the video, the latest video came out. This is the last one in this video.

It must be very interesting. When the video was clicked, the three brothers were dumbfounded.

【Don't worry, I am invincible! 】

This title looks so bald!


At least after that video, the bald head in their minds was the spokesperson for [Invincible] once.

How could such an invincible person come out again?


"Fuck! This battle video is really exciting! It's so interesting!"

The high-level personnel of the Hero Company were all boiling, even if the spider won the victory, but no one dared to underestimate the unicorn earth dragon.

The courage to face death has already surpassed the vast majority of people in the world.

"Sir! The latest video! It was posted directly! Check it out! 35

A staff member hurriedly ran to the top officer and said excitedly.

Then everyone saw the latest push message.

【Don't worry, I am invincible! 】

Almost at the same time, after seeing this title, all the people frowned, even using invincible as the title?

The strength of this person is probably also unprecedented in history, right?!


S-class hero metal bat was dumbfounded by the latest news, these two words are not used!

It's bad to be bald!

At least until I saw the video, only Saitama was invincible in this world.

Now such a guy has come out again.

The other S-Class heroes haven't even reminisced over from the battle process, and as a result new push messages have appeared.

"What! Invincible? Who has such strength?!"

The S-class hero Xiaolongjuan looked very unconvinced, and he was already very unhappy with Saitama's bald head.

Riding directly on the heads of all their S-class heroes, not happy!

Very upset!

The other S-class heroes also smiled indifferently, is Invincible a bit exaggerated?

The previous ones, whether it was Gu Aotian, Spider Zi or Slime, did not directly describe it as invincible when facing the enemy.

Now that Invincible has come out as the title character, does he really have that kind of strength?

"Interesting! I didn't expect the latest video to be posted so quickly!"

The top commander of the Hero Association has just ordered his staff to collect the data of the spider's battle as a series of teaching materials for combat.

Before I could collect the data, the latest video was published.

"Invincible? Hahaha! Who is this! Why are you so crazy? Call yourself invincible?"

A staff member was directly amused, is such a crazy person no one cares?

Even Saitama wouldn't dare to call himself invincible, right?

Although that guy is really invincible.

"It's interesting! It's really interesting! I'd like to see who it is!"

The last person to make the list is almost always being discussed in the high-level meeting room of the Heroes Association.

They clicked on the video.

"Teacher Saitama! Are you on the list again?!"

After seeing the word invincible, the S-class hero Genos immediately felt that Mr. Saitama was on the list, otherwise why would he use invincible as the title?

Saitama slapped Genos directly on the head.

"Genos, when did I say I'm invincible? Don't label me, I'm just a hero of interest, invincibility or something has nothing to do with me at all."5

Genos clutched his head in pain and kept nodding.

"Teacher, although you said so, but the outside world is all about these words. After all, the teacher is already an invincible existence in our minds."

After hearing these words, Saitama's brows were furrowed. When did these people actually put the label of invincibility on him?

It's so confusing.

"Invincible? Hahaha! Interesting!"

After seeing the title of the latest video, the first demon king, Qi Yi, laughed directly, but he didn't expect to use the word "invincible" as the title.

Not even the Genesis God Star King Dragon Veludanawa dared to call himself invincible.

He wanted to see who this person was.


The Eighth Demon King Karion gritted his teeth fiercely. It was outrageous for that spider to be on the list just now. If this guy was a character he didn't know about, he would definitely give him some color.

The other demon kings also watched the video with great interest. Who could it be?

"Invincible...hehehe...Am I also invincible? 55

After seeing the word "invincible", Limuru couldn't help smirking. If it was her future self, a super-god-level existence, I'm afraid she would be able to call herself invincible, right?

At that time, he should have no so-called rivals.

If that's the case, he is also an invincible existence!


At the same time, Rimuru was full of curiosity about the character that was about to appear in the video, and even the storm dragon, Veldora, couldn't hold back his breath.

"Invincible! Why are there so many invincible people! Who is it?! Dare to be so mad! 99

"Wow! Seiya, the original author released a new video so quickly, this is the last character in this issue, I'm really looking forward to it.""

Goddess Lista couldn't help but be filled with joy when she saw the push message, and Seiya hurried to Goddess Lista's side at this moment.

After seeing the title, Seiya sneered, such a rampant person must not live long.

In his opinion, only carefulness can make the Ten Thousand Years ship, otherwise, it will definitely be hated by others.

If someone is jealous, it must be accompanied by danger, but this aroused Seiya's curiosity, and hurriedly clicked Keller to play the video.

"Invincible? What an arrogant title! 55

Sengoku couldn't help laughing, and from this sentence, it can be seen that this character should be a good person, similar to the existence of a hero.

I am afraid that only a hero can say such a thing.

"Interesting, the last one must be very strong, but I still hope to see a fierce battle. If you are invincible, it will be less interesting to kill with one punch. 99

While Garp complained, the bald head appeared directly in his mind.

In terms of absolute oppressive power, Saitama can be regarded as the top of the list, even as those eccentrics, it is an untouchable class!

The newly released video this time will not be too bad either.

Invincible, it sounds interesting.

"This title sounds familiar, but I can't remember who said it."

Huzhang Yuren had just been freed from the battle of the spiders at the moment, and he was still a little unfinished. As a result, he saw the latest video released by Bei Feng, and then stared at the title in a stunned manner.

I can't help but think that this sentence seems to be heard by someone, and it sounds so familiar.


Fu Heihui stood beside Huzhang Youren, tutted a few times, shook his head and sighed.

"I don't think you should think about your brain. It was the first time you met Gojo Go-sensei. You can't remember it?"

After a long pause, Hu Zhang Yuren's eyes widened and he jumped up excitedly.

"That's right! It's Gojo Go-sensei! It's him! That's what he told me back then! I knew Gojo Go-sensei would definitely be on the leaderboard! 39

"Cut... why are you so excited?"

Ningzaki Wild Rose glanced at Kuzhang Yuren, snorted coldly, and hurriedly clicked on the video. If Wujou teacher can be on the list, it would be really good.

・・For flowers...  


The classroom door was opened, and Gojo Satoru greeted the three of them.

"Good morning! Everyone!

The three of them were obviously stunned for a while, and then suddenly rushed towards Teacher Wujowu, apparently in the air, Wujowu didn't even know what happened.

"What are you doing? Do you want to give the teacher a warm hug? No need for the time being.

Kuzhang Yuren said excitedly to Gojo Satoru teacher.

"Teacher Wutiaowu, you are on the list!"

The other two also shouted at Gojo Satoru-sensei excitedly, which made them proud.

The last one turned out to be Gojo Go-sensei, that's amazing!

"Well... that's what I said.

Gojo Satoru frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he pulled the three of them into the classroom.

"Let's take a look together, it should probably be me..."

The three suddenly rolled their eyes at Teacher Gojogo, and sat in the classroom one after another, and patiently clicked on the video.

For the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, the title of the latest video directly detonated all the worlds in the entire anime dimension wall.

After all, when the word "invincible" comes out, almost everyone will question it.

There are people outside people, there are days outside the sky, even if you are invincible in your own world, you should keep a low profile, right?


The trillions of viewers in front of the screen clicked on the video one after another.

In the darkness, candles emerged, the darkness was illuminated, and a finger that made everyone in front of the screen feel numb appeared on the screen.

After the two-sided Su Nuo's fingers appeared, the power of the curse contained in it instantly shocked trillions of people.

And after this finger appeared, even ordinary people could see the curse aura emanating from the curse.

At this moment, everyone held their breath, and did not understand why such a finger appeared in the video screen.

After feeling the fear of the two-faced nuo curse, the screen turned, and the tiger stick Yuren was caught in the hand by a huge cursed monster.

Then, under enormous pressure, Yuren Knotta swallowed this finger directly, and the terrifying spell runes directly covered Yuren Knotta's body.

In an instant, a powerful incantation force that suffocated the powerhouses in the major anime dimension walls burst out.

The terrifying monster was instantly killed almost instantly, and everyone stared at this newly-appeared monster in awe, trembling in their hearts.

That finger is definitely not easy!

After that, the screen changed, and Yuren Knotta returned to normal, and the battle with the monster just now was over.

A magician with a blindfold appeared in front of the trillions of spectators, even making preparations with ease.

"Then ten seconds! You'll be back in ten seconds."

Hu Zhang Yuren's face was solemn, and he was very worried about the curse in his body, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen seemed to have guessed something.

"Does it really matter if such a monster is released?"

"Is he the man? Invincible? It doesn't seem to be anything special except for being handsome and tall.

"That monster almost scared me to pee! It's like seeing a ghost! It's scary.

Under the gaze of trillions of viewers, Gojo Satoru said with a smile and a relaxed tone.

"Don't worry, I'm invincible. 35


Background BGM sounds!

The screen is black!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen instantly boiled!


it's him!

This person is so arrogant that he says he is an invincible existence!

And no one can feel the power of Gojo Satoru from the video, so everyone in front of the screen has a great interest in Gojo Go.

As soon as these words came out, together with the BGM specially selected by Bei Feng, as well as Wujo Satoru's disdainful expression, the entire anime dimension wall was suddenly detonated!

"Damn it! This guy is really arrogant! It doesn't look like anything great!

"I can't do it! How powerful can this guy be? I can't see it at all! He said he was invincible? I'm afraid he's not dreaming?! 39

"Hahaha! Invincible? How invincible? I want to take a good look! 35 Xi

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