Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 302 Spider VS Kirin Earth Dragon! The whole dimension is shocked! Is the spider's stren

"Spider has become so brave! Damn it! This is the first time I've seen her take the initiative! And it's against such a formidable opponent."

"You dare to fight?! If you don't hurry, you choose to anger an existence of this level. Is Spiderman dying?"

"It's over! How could the final boss of the underground labyrinth let the spider go? It's over. It's over.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are also in a complicated mood at the moment, why does the spider have to provoke such an enemy?

Why not level up and challenge it again?

In the eyes of everyone, this is a dragon monster with the blood of a unicorn!

What do spiders do?

In the video screen, the piercing dark spear shot out towards the behemoth Alaba, while the unicorn earth dragon Alaba didn't even care.

Under that huge body, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen could not imagine that such a flexible skill was hidden.

Twisting his neck, even some afterimages were produced, and he easily avoided the dark spear that was densely packed with spiders, and even tilted his neck back, at a moment when everyone was unaware.

Condensing powerful energy in his mouth, a strange purple sword energy flew towards the spider.

The speed is astounding. In a critical situation, Spider Zi used [Space Maneuver] to fly directly to the top, in the smoke and dust, jumping several times, evading Alaba's counterattack.

The cold sweat on the forehead was broadcast live, this confrontation made the trillions of viewers in front of the screen boiling, spider!

So strong!

No one thought that the spider would be able to survive, and even many people's impression of the spider was still in the past, but now, everything is different.

The spider kept jumping and rising, and after reaching a certain height, he looked down at the unicorn earth dragon, and the momentum in his eyes made the trillions of viewers in front of the screen feel horrified.

The Qilin Earth Dragon stared at the spider with a displeased face, but he did not expect to be avoided by this kind of guy's counterattack.

This is an insult to him!

The Qilin Earth Dragon's face was solemn. He would never allow himself to be challenged by such an enemy. Only by putting the spider to death could he forgive the spider's behavior just now.


The blue square-like space floor tiles appeared under the feet of the unicorn ground dragon, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were stunned.

It turns out that the so-called [Space Mobility] is not only known to spiders!


Under that huge body, there is an amazing speed hidden. In an instant, the giant unicorn ground dragon disappeared from everyone's field of vision, and blue square-like space floor tiles continued to flash in the sky.

The hurricane rose from the ground, and the unicorn earth dragon pursued the spider son, and the spider son also sensed the danger at this moment, and kept using the [space maneuver] to move to the top of the cave.

The Qilin Earth Dragon's movement speed is also even more terrifying, and in desperation, the spider has even moved to the top of the cave.

Looking at the Kirin Earth Dragon Spider, who was constantly approaching, he directly summoned other spiders that existed as [Parallel Consciousness] in his mind.

Thousands of dark magic circles emerged behind him, and the dense [dark spears] landed on the Qilin Earth Dragon, which ignored the spider's attack.

Completely an unstoppable beast.

Even the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were afraid of the terrifying energy condensed in the dark magic circle, but they were unable to cause any harm to the unicorn earth dragon.

"What kind of guy is this!"

Spider Zi looked puzzled, looking at the Qilin Earth Dragon who had suffered a large number of attacks, but his speed increased instead of decreasing, dumbfounded.

"Fuck! This guy is really invincible! Can you ignore the dark magic without even looking at the spider? What the hell!

"It's too fierce! It rushed here in one breath! Monster! This is a real monster! The coercion from the strong! It's terrible!"

"If that's the case, there is basically no way for the spider to win! What the hell?! Is the Kirin Earth Dragon so strong?""

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen held their breaths. The intensity of this battle was probably beyond imagination.

In the video screen, the unicorn earth dragon came to the same position as the spider child, and stared at the spider child with cold eyes.

Open the bloody mouth, and the terrifying energy condenses in the mouth, as if the surrounding space is broken!

What level of energy is this!


Space warping?!

Can spiders really fight monsters of this level now?

"What is that! Damn it! How can it feel like a nuclear fusion energy cannon! Even the fortifications of the headquarters cannot exert such energy!""

Xin Zhao was stunned, the terrifying energy had caused space distortion.

Ge Xiaolun was dumbfounded at the side, the strength of this unicorn ground dragon far exceeded his imagination!

An attack of this level might be able to penetrate the entire underground labyrinth, right?!

"It's too exaggerated!""

"Is this a tailed beast bullet?!!!

Naruto almost jumped up, and the energy fluctuation in the Kirin Earth Dragon's mouth was no less than Kurama's tailed beast!



"Monster...what a monster."

Sasuke underestimated the real strength of the Kirin Earth Dragon, that kind of terrifying power, even if he took it head on, he would be killed on the spot.

But if you want to avoid it, it's easy.

For the spider, this is not an easy task, the attack at this distance is too close!

"What a joke! The unicorn earth dragon can actually release the tail beast bullet? That is to say, has the strength of the unicorn earth dragon already reached the level of the tail beast? 35

The current Hokage frowned, and immediately clapped his hands and looked at the other Jōnin present. Almost all of them gave the current Hokage a terrible fact.

The strength of the unicorn earth dragon is probably stronger than that of any tailed beast!

"What is this!

The S-rank hero Tong Di looked at the bursting energy fluctuations on his computer screen and fell into contemplation. Under such terrifying energy fluctuations, almost nothing could resist.

All will be reduced to ashes.

Obviously this time, the spider has encountered a tough stubble, a powerful enemy that cannot be defeated no matter what.

The other S-class heroes also looked at the terrifying energy fluctuations on the screen.

They dare not look directly, they can only watch carefully, the distorted space is like the distorted fear in their hearts, torturing their sanity.

The strength of this unicorn earth dragon is terrifying!

"Sir! I suspect that there is a nuclear fusion superconducting cannon hidden in the stomach of this unicorn earth dragon! This powerful energy fluctuation, only nuclear fusion superconducting cannon can reach such a threshold!"

A group of staff members of the Hero Association choked up. Even they can't develop such a hot weapon now. Can the spit of the unicorn earth dragon have this level of power?

Isn't the difference too big?!

"What a monster!"

The Supreme Commander had a solemn expression, and kept swallowing his saliva.

"This... this power has caught up with super magic! 39

Gu Aotian stood up and exclaimed the moment he saw the Qilin Earth Dragon condensing energy. There was no blessing from the magic circle, and there was no mechanism to increase the operation, only the compression energy that was pure to the ultimate.

Dragons are indeed the most friendly and magical race!

This kind of energy control is really impressive!

"Isn't it?! It's a big move when you come up? This one can directly kill the spiders to scum!

Limuru took a deep breath and looked at the picture in the video. The energy in the Qilin Earth Dragon's mouth condensed into Ultimate, and even the pictures on the screen were filled with that kind of weird energy.


The aurora-like death ray instantly engulfed the spider, and she had no time to react, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were also frightened by this scene.

After the illusory figure dissipated, everyone realized that it was just the illusory afterimage of the spider!

At this moment, the unicorn earth dragon, who was ignorant of it, was still struggling to output a huge amount of energy, and the spider child had been hiding behind it.

Like a killer hiding in the dark, two powerful attack magic circles suddenly appeared behind the Qilin Earth Dragon.

The spider looked solemn and muttered in a deep voice.

"I'm embarrassed when you release the dragon's breath, but take it!"


The two huge magic circles sandwiched the head of the Qilin Earth Dragon, and immediately released violent energy, bombarding the Qilin Earth Dragon's head directly.

Like a blockbuster attack!

The top of the cave was filled with smoke and dust, and the Qilin Earth Dragon also lost consciousness for a short time due to the huge impact force and fell towards the bottom.

··For flowers...

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen saw this scene and couldn't help cheering and cheering for the spider, this time the attack worked!

"Fuck! Handsome! It's an afterimage again! I lied to everyone!"

"Even in the face of such a powerful enemy, the spider can still face it calmly, it's amazing! 35

"Hahaha! I just blinded the unicorn ground dragon, this guy is nothing more than that!"

Before I could be happy, everyone in front of the screen was stunned.

In the next second, the unicorn earth dragon that was unconscious was falling.

The moment it passed by the spider, the powerful and ferocious tail unexpectedly flicked its tail towards the spider, and the spider was caught off guard and took the blow abruptly.

The whole person flew out and slammed into the wall of the cave, instantly smashing a big hole, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen also shuddered violently.

The spider was almost knocked unconscious by a tail flick, and then when she came back to her senses, the unicorn earth dragon directly unfolded a golden magic circle in the opposite position.

And the trillions of viewers in front of the screen are also hanging on a thread, sweating for the spider. Facing the upcoming magical attack, the spider does not dare to neglect at all.

Fortunately, the [Parallel Consciousness] in his mind did not slack off, and in the next second, thousands of dark magic circles appeared in front of him.

"Come on! Yep!


A fierce energy battle broke out between the two sides, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were hooked.

"Fuck!!! Cool! This powerful energy fluctuation! It's amazing!"

"Has the spider child grown to this stage now?! I thought that there was no power to fight at all, but now it seems that I think too much."

"Is it so cruel? Sure enough, the magic ability that has been pulled to the maximum is no joke! 99

"What?! The combat power is even?!"

Xin Zhao couldn't believe it, and he couldn't believe what was happening in the picture. After all, for him, the gap between the spider and the unicorn earth dragon was not a star and a half!

But why in this battle, the two sides showed an evenly matched battle?

"It's so exciting! What the hell!

Ge Xiaolun's blood is boiling now, and he, who was still worried about the safety of the spider, is now completely immersed in this evenly matched contest.

The strength shown by the spider is terrible!

Liu Chuang stood by and did not speak, his eyes were fixed on the screen, his fists were clenched, his face was red and his ears were red. The previous wave of confrontation made him addicted to it. This kind of battle looks too cool!

"Wonderful! It's wonderful! The performance of the spider is really unexpected!"

The top officer of the Hero Company exclaimed and even applauded directly. It was terrifying to be able to fight evenly with the Qilin Earth Dragon under such a gap in strength!

Spider-man's fighting talent is really incomprehensible, maybe all of this is due to [Parallel Consciousness].

On the surface, the unicorn earth dragons fight one against one, but in fact it is one fight four!

Any free time, even fighting time, the spider child is thinking, but the Qilin Earth Dragon can't do this.

"Monster! Why is the power of the spider child equal to that of the unicorn earth dragon! I don't believe it!""

The S-Class Hero Metal Bat simply cannot accept this fact!

Throwing the metal bat directly on the ground, a spider who has just entered a dragon-level disaster, and a unicorn ground dragon who is about to enter a god-level disaster, is this comparable?

Why does it behave like this in battle?

Totally unreasonable!

What kind of terrifying fighting talent is it to make up for this gap in strength that seems to be separated by the sky!

All S-class heroes look at the spiders with admiration in their eyes, so handsome!

"How is this possible?!"

The first Demon King Qi Yi stood up immediately, this kind of battle process was completely different from what he expected!

Why didn't the unicorn ground dragon directly crush the spider?!

Now it's playing back and forth in the video?!

This is a terrible existence that can grow into a primitive dragon!

At this moment, he was stopped by a spider?! Xi.

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