Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 301 Earth Dragon Alaba? Is this a mythical beast unicorn?!!


Xin Zhao was stunned! He didn't expect that Spider Zi could cast thousands of dark magic circles at the same time!

Is this really something one person can do?

"No! Impossible! These must be afterimages! It is absolutely impossible to control thousands of dark magic circles at the same time, right?

Ge Xiaolun's pupils were filled with shock, he couldn't believe it, but the terrifying energy generated by the simultaneous operation of thousands of magic circles in the video was so real.

It doesn't look like an afterimage, does it?

All the staff in the high-level meeting room of the Company of Heroes went crazy, and the instruments that automatically detected energy fluctuations launched a red warning at the same time.

The critical value of energy has reached the highest level, and the entire conference room is sinking in the flashing red light.

Thousands of dark magic circles!

Run at the same time!

Could this be the so-called [Parallel Consciousness]?!

How can an independent consciousness control thousands of magic circles at the same time?


The S-class hero Xiao Tornado kept retreating, and even her pupils began to dilate. What happened on the screen was an operation she could not even imagine!

How could this spider be able to do it so easily?

At the same time, thousands of dark magic circles were operated, and judging from the operation, there was no single mistake!

All magic circles are working perfectly.

"How much brain does it take to control thousands of dark magic circles at the same time?"

The S-class hero Tong Di was dumbfounded. He really couldn't imagine such an operation!

Even if there are four parallel consciousnesses in the spider currently, at least each consciousness must control hundreds of dark magic circles at the same time.

Under such a huge workload, it is impossible to achieve mutual interference and no mistakes!

It is already very difficult to control a magic circle by one person.

And even if the spiders evenly distribute the manipulation of the dark magic circles according to the independent consciousness, they will at least control hundreds of dark magic circles at the same time!

All the S-class heroes are aware of this horrific scene, Spider-Man is a genius!

"No! Impossible!"

The top officer of the Hero Association frowned, he didn't expect that Spider Zi could actually manipulate so many magic circles!

So unexpected!

A staff member hurriedly came to the top officer, panting heavily.

"How's it going?"

The top officer hurriedly asked, in order to confirm this fact, he just asked his staff to conduct an energy assessment.

"Sir, it's true! It's true! Almost all of the thousands of magic circles operate independently!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Although this result was unexpected, it was reasonable. Spiderzi's [Parallel Consciousness] was matched with her powerful brain.

It's terrifying!

"What?! Thousands of magic circles are running at the same time?!

The first Demon King Qi Yi immediately clapped the table and stood up, full of doubts, and the other Demon Kings were also stunned. Is this really magic?

"No! Impossible! This is not a trap magic circle, but an instant release magic circle!""

The seventh Demon Lord Ramiris kept spinning and dancing in the Demon Lord's Chamber. The trap-type magic circle could be arranged in advance to achieve this terrifying effect.

But these are not trap magic circles at all, but instant release magic circles!


Everyone can't understand!

Gu Aotian frowned at the moment, froze in place, and after three seconds, he suddenly sat down on the sofa, and the hand holding the golden staff was shaking.

Is this really possible?

Even him, at most, can only manipulate three instant-release magic circles at the same time.

And judging from the energy fluctuations of the dark magic circle in the video, it is at least the seventh-order magic.

Only he knew the complexity of the operation and construction of the magic circle, even though the seventh-order magic was nothing to Gu Aotian.

Can release thousands of seventh-order magic circles at the same time, he can't do it anyway!


In the hall of the guild temple, many of Gu Aotian's subordinates choked up.

Can magic still work like this?

It seems that in this respect, the spider has already surpassed Ainz-sama by too much!

"How is that possible?! How is it possible that the spider (bbfb) is stronger than Ainz-sama?! How is this possible?!

Tears flashed from the corners of Albedo's eyes, the fire of anger gradually burned in her heart, and her eyes suddenly became sharp, glaring at the spider in the video.

"I'm going to kill her! How dare you surpass the Supreme Lord Ainz-sama! I don't know what's wrong!

In the video footage, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen have been stunned.

"This special multi-core computing is too much! Thousands of dark magic circles are running at the same time!

"This is to make the hive into a sieve! The spiders are too powerful!"

"I can't take it anymore! This magic circle will fill the screen! 99

【Dark Gun】


Spider son shouted in a deep voice, and tens of thousands of dark matter energy spheres rushed out from thousands of magic circles, attacking the huge hive.

The dense monster bees like dark clouds fell like raindrops, and the spider did not hesitate to increase the magic operation.

The next moment, the firing frequency of the dark gun and the size of the sphere have changed significantly, and the huge beehive has been beaten into a sieve.

Finally, unable to withstand the pressure, the link of the wall fell off and hit the ground like a meteorite.


The dust was stirred up, the sky shook in the cave, and the honeycomb shattered in response!

The spider child was excited as the corpse of the monster bee continued to fall, and the ethereal mechanical sound expected by the trillions of audiences in front of the screen came.

Everyone's eyes widened, staring intently at the picture on the screen.

[A certain amount of experience has been accumulated...]

As the bright light flickered in the spider's body, the shell turned to ashes and faded, and the spider's appearance also underwent some subtle changes.

Now she is more like an alloy armor spider!

The eight limbs are covered with metal lines, and the overall texture for all audiences has undergone great changes.

Before the trillions of viewers in front of the screen could be happy, Spider Zi hurriedly left the battlefield and walked towards the next cave.

Still muttering in his mouth.

"Okay, let's start preparing the battlefield for the battle with Alaba.

This sentence suddenly caused the trillions of viewers in front of the screen to fall into contemplation.

Alaba...who is it?

Still need to prepare for the battlefield in advance?

Judging from the spider's reaction, this Alaba seems to be a big boss!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen could not help but start to look forward to it.

"Is Alaba the final boss of this dungeon? Sounds amazing!

"I'm going! Are you going out so soon? The speed at which the spiders grow... is amazing!

"I don't believe it! I don't believe that the final boss of the underground labyrinth can't beat a little spider! It's only been a few days since the spider came here? Can't even the final boss defeat her?!"

Everyone in front of the screen started a heated discussion, and the powerhouses in the major anime dimension walls also held their breaths. The strength of the spider son has far exceeded more than 99% of the crowd.

If even the spiders are afraid of the enemy, how strong should it be?

Just when the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were still curious about this Arabah, the screen went black, and then Spiderzi stood in a dark corner, frowning.




Like an earthquake, in the rhythmic tremor, Spider Zi realized something, and the danger was constantly approaching.

"Great! The fear felt right at the time!"

And the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were also frightened by this terrifying coercive tremor.

Just relying on the movement can make the earth tremble, such an enemy, who has never heard of it, has already felt scared.

"Fuck! What monster! Such a powerful coercion! My heart is shaking!

"It won't really be the final boss of the underground labyrinth! Such a strong sense of oppression!"

"I can't even breathe loudly, what kind of monster is that! 99

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen held their breaths, and the spider in the picture also had the same cautious expression.

She didn't dare to act rashly at all, she slowly turned her head and saw a pair of lantern-sized eyes staring at her!

[Earth Dragon - Alaba]


The behemoth appeared in front of everyone, and everyone was suffocated!

Where is this special dragon, this is clearly a unicorn!


"What the hell?! The legendary beast unicorn?! What the fuck!!!"

Xin Zhao can't control his mood at all now, his heart almost jumped out of his chest, this exaggerated shape is definitely a unicorn!

"Ancient mythical beast - Kirin?! It's true! I believe it! Is this guy the final boss of the underground labyrinth?! 35

Ge Xiaolun was dumbfounded, his eyes fixed on the ground dragon that appeared in the picture that looked like a unicorn—Araba, he couldn’t believe it no matter what.

Liu Chuang seemed to be insane, wandering in circles in the dormitory, muttering in his mouth.

"Kirin! Kirin! Kirin․..

The high-level officers of the Hero Company were silent, only one staff member could suppress the shock in his heart and hurriedly analyzed the data of the unicorn-shaped monster that appeared in the video.

" can't be a unicorn, this kind of strength is not worthy of it at all!"

The top officer would not believe that this was a unicorn, the divine beast could not be like this, but it was very likely related to the blood of the unicorn.

Otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

"Sir... This guy is too strong! It seems that the previous Yanlong can't be compared with Alaba!"

The staff member in charge of analyzing the data sat on the ground in fright after seeing the specific panel values ​​of Alaba, and couldn't believe it at all.


How could the spiders fight him?!

"This...what kind of monster is this!

The S-class hero metal bat was dumbfounded. The terrifying coercion emanating from the video directly made him horrified, as if he was declared dead the moment he was stared at by Alaba.

How should the spiders face such an enemy?

There is absolutely no hope of winning!

The other S-class heroes are also unbelievable, this unicorn-like Alaba is really scary!

The strength of the dragon level is even breaking through!

Are all monsters so scary?

"How?! How about strength?! 95

The top officer of the Hero Association took a deep breath, and although he was eager to know the answer, he was also worried about the spider.

If this is the final boss in the underground labyrinth, is it too early to face it?

"Sir... Long Shang's peak strength is probably stronger than the centipede elder in the previous video... at least three times stronger.

After the staff tremblingly announced the information and data, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, it is more than three times stronger than Elder Centipede!

Such an enemy may have even reached the level of a god-level disaster!

This is also the first time in history that everyone knows that the spider has no chance of winning without data analysis!

The difference in strength is like a world apart!

Impossible to win!

"Another monster similar to the original dragon species.

The first demon king, Qi Yi, felt very curious now. The so-called primitive dragon seed seemed to be not very powerful in that world, perhaps because of the excessive bloodlines.

But for Shizizi, this kind of strength... was enough to crush her. I didn't expect Shizizi to be so brave, and it felt a little too hasty.

"This... this guy is stronger than me!""

The eighth demon king Karion panted and glared at the earth dragon in the video--Araba, he couldn't accept it, a monster who has not yet opened his intelligence, his strength can surpass him!

He is the devil!

The other demon kings also looked solemn, and the monsters that Spider Zi encountered were getting closer and closer to the strength of the demon king.

It also means that the gap between the spiders and their demon kings is getting smaller and smaller.

Under the gaze of trillions of spectators, the spider roared loudly, and a dark magic circle appeared in front of him, and the violent energy raged in the surrounding space!


【Dark Gun】


What everyone in front of the screen did not expect was that Spider Zi would choose to take the initiative in the face of such an invincible enemy!!!

It was so shocking!

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