Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 217 Yuuki Appears! Unexpected Battle! Whole Dimension Shocked!!!

Limuru had never imagined that an enemy of this level would rush up to him with a sword, but with a block, the whole person flew away.

However, the violent energy generated by this collision did almost destroy the entire God Realm.

Rimuru is also a little afraid of his own power now.

Storm Dragon - Veldera was really frightened. In the Divine Sword that Velda summoned, there was actually the breath of his eldest brother, the star king dragon Veldanava.

Moreover, the energy fluctuations produced by this collision were so shocking that even the Storm Dragon - Veldella - did not expect it.

Those demon kings were almost unable to resist the huge energy generated by the residual power.

It would be interesting if the otherworld barrier collapsed.

I am afraid that the entire God Realm will fall.

"Damn it?! How powerful is Limuru's body! I'm kneeling! My knee is straight up! It's too strong!"

Xin Zhao was already immersed in the violent lingering power, unable to extricate himself. He could see this level of battle in his life, and he would die without regret.

Ge Xiaolun also felt a strong visual impact on the side. If it were true on Earth, if these two people fought against each other, I am afraid that one accident could split the planet in half.

Even these aftermaths can destroy the entire surface of the planet!

What a powerful force this is?!

Liu Chuang didn't know what to say now, only shock kept reverberating in his mind.

In the high-level conference room of the Company of Heroes, all the staff members were stunned in place, and many people did not even hold the documents in their hands and fell to the ground.

They were shocked to the point that they had lost their ability to think. For them, a battle of this level was like an ant's perspective, witnessing such a huge burst of energy.

Sure enough, in front of the gods, the power of human beings is as small as ants.

It only takes a single sword to split the planet in two, and the sense of fear brought about by this powerful power makes them panic.

The whole office was so quiet that anyone could hear the heartbeat of anyone clearly. It was so generous and powerful, as if it was only at this moment that their respect for life could be ignited.

The strong beating of the heart proved that they were still alive.

"It's terrifying... I didn't expect that slime has grown to such a level that it can destroy a planet with just a few gestures, just like the title, it has now reached the altar."

The words of the top leader of the Hero Association made the other staff members take a deep breath, and only then did they get a breath from the terrifying energy.

All the staff seemed to be dehydrated and fell to the ground one after another, with cold sweat on their foreheads.

This level of power is unbearable for them just to watch.


The S-class hero Tong Di was stunned. Rimuru's power made him speechless, and the other S-class heroes were also dumbfounded.

The aftermath of Limuru's sword can destroy the planet. It is hard to imagine what consequences this sword will have if it is aimed at the earth.

"The growth rate of this slime is truly amazing!

The S-rank hero Silver Fang can only feel the respect as if facing a god at this moment, and Rimuru has completely detached from their cognition at this moment.

All the S-class heroes did not expect that the speed of slime becoming a god is so fast!

And the enemy who originally thought that his strength was comparable to him was so vulnerable.

Just now, the moment Velda summoned the Divine Sword, all the S-rank heroes present thought that Rimuru had encountered an evenly matched opponent.

But in the next second, reality hit them hard in the face.

In just one encounter, Velda was instantly killed even with the Divine Sword, and even lost his combat effectiveness.

This disparity in strength is like a world of difference, even Limuru himself has no idea why the enemy is so weak.

The root cause of all the problems is that Rimuru is too strong!

So strong that you don't even know how strong you are!

The speed was so fast that Rimuru's thinking couldn't keep up with the changes in his own strength.

I am afraid that at this moment, only the psycho-core Ciel can objectively and rationally understand how strong Rimuru is.

After all, this is the god she created with her own hands!

"Saitama-sensei... This is too strong, isn't it?!!!"

The S-class hero Genos was dumbfounded. He never thought that the aftermath of the battle could produce such a huge power. He could even see fear in Saitama-sensei's eyes.

For ordinary people, it is reasonable to fear the power of this god.

Not to mention that the power of Rimuru's skill can trigger the rules of the world.

Saitama didn't respond to Genos, but just kept gulping, as if every cell in his body was screaming, eager to fight.

"This is too exaggerated, isn't it?

Sengoku took a deep breath, he didn't dare to look directly at this video now, and subconsciously regarded this video as a fake special effect in order to calm himself down.

However, he understands that this is just deceiving himself.

Under this huge energy, the creatures on the entire planet are only ants, and even ants are inferior.

And he must not fall into the mood of Limuru, otherwise, there is no need for him to continue to be the Marine Marshal.

For the gods, everything lost its original meaning.

"Amazing! It's amazing!"

Garp's eyes were red, and he shoved chips into his mouth one after another, not even realizing that his mouth was running out of stuff.

But he still seemed to be insane, stuffing potato chips into his mouth.

Vaguely praised the fight.

At this moment, even the Four Emperors of the Pirate World were dumbfounded, their self-esteem as strong men was defeated, and they even disappeared directly.

For the existence of Rimuru's level, what is their strength?

"Wow... Seiya, this... This slime has grown into an existence even more powerful than a god.

The goddess Lista was directly knocked to the ground by the powerful impact of the picture, her hair was messy, and her eyes were full of fear.

She should have found out long ago!

Even if you look at the entire God Realm, no one has been able to fight against this slime, and in her cognition, I am afraid that the gods in the upper God Realm will not be able to fight against the slime!

"It's amazing that a monster can really grow to this level!"

Seiya was not so afraid. After all, this slime is a good person. Although he is a monster, he is a good monster.

Even if he can break the limitations of the dimensional plane, there is nothing to be afraid of.


The expressions of the third Demon Lord Dino and the fourth Demon Lord Dagli Yulu were the same, and they were really stunned.

The power of this slime is more than a thousand times stronger than them!

Such a terrifying scene directly destroyed the dignity in the hearts of the two demon kings.

As for the demon kings who were at the bottom of the ranking, they were even stunned, and even Ramiris, the seventh demon king, was stagnant in the air.

That powerful force reminded her of the time when Qi Yi and the World Destroyer Dragon fought against each other with all their strength, and it was possible to destroy the world only after they fought against each other with all their strength.

However, this Rimuru just slashed the Veldora sword casually, and the power of the aftermath can destroy the world!

Do not!

It should be said to destroy the world!

"Guy, this slime seems to have grown to be stronger than you."

The first Demon King Guy's expression was solemn, and his mood was also extremely heavy at the moment, the seventh Demon King Ramiris was right.

In the video, Limuru has surpassed him, and even Guy feels that Limuru's strength is approaching the realm of the star king dragon Veldanava.

Even he couldn't follow in Rimuru's footsteps.

"I'm afraid this slime is really going to become a god!"

If it was before, the other demon kings would definitely not agree with Guy's idea, but after the sword was cut out, they no longer doubted.

This slime is indeed going to reach the realm of the Creation God Star King Dragon!

In the video, Veluda dragged his tired body and spirit, and fell into a state of collapse for a time, and he cried out in regret.

"Damn! [King of Knowledge (Raphael)]! As long as you can get [King of Knowledge (Raphael)], you can complete the ultimate form! 35

Rimuru was confused and wanted to laugh now, and now he really wanted to tell Velda directly that the [King of Knowledge (Raphael)] had disappeared, and now he should be honored as Teacher Ciel.

··For flowers...

"Although I have this ability, it has disappeared. What a pity, the possibility of your wish is gone."

With sympathetic eyes and the meaning of Yinyang Velda, Rimuru told him this matter ruthlessly.

After all, shrimp and pig heart!

Velda froze in place, looking at Rimuru in disbelief, she really couldn't accept such a result.

Rimuru's words just now were like a sharp blade, piercing directly into Velda's heart, perhaps this blow was more ferocious and real than the effect of the swinging sword.

"No! Impossible! [King of Knowledge (Raphael)] If I was young, wouldn't it be impossible to prove that I am Veldanava?! 35

Velda fell into contemplation, his eyes were blank, and he kept muttering some evil words of unknown meaning.

"No! Impossible! I am Veldanava, I can't agree with you, only the real Lucia can agree with me!!

With a mad cry, Velda has completely fallen into a state of madness, and without the dignity of fighting, she wants to rush up to attack Rimuru!

Rimuru sighed softly, the difference in strength was too great, Velda's movements were like slow motion in his eyes, and it took even a second to make a difference in movement.

This time, Rimuru also lowered his strength specially, just with a light sword, like a duster, he knocked Velda's sword away.

Velda no longer had the desire to continue fighting.

The end of this battle is already clear.

All the Demon Lords breathed a sigh of relief, and it was not Velda, the enemy who had been making them nervous, but Rimuru!

If one is not careful and breaks the barrier of another world, it will not only seriously injure them, but even cause the collapse of the gods, which are all very serious consequences!

Fortunately, the results are still optimistic, after all, this kind of completely crushing battle can be ended with just one blow.

Rimuru did it, and now there is only one last blow left.


The trillions of viewers in front of the screen kept shaking their heads and sighing at the video. Sure enough, Slime was so powerful that the enemies he faced were weak in the eyes of the trillions of viewers, just like weak chickens. .

"Crushing all the way, I feel like no one can beat this slime!

"It's been like this from the beginning, no matter what kind of enemy Rimuru faces, she can crush her with absolute strength and win.

"Strong! This is too strong!"

Under the gaze of trillions of viewers, all the demon kings in the video screen came to Rimuru's side, ready to celebrate the joy of victory.

They even started joking, after all, this battle ended a little too quickly, and it was just a blink of an eye, and Limuru won.

Suddenly, something that was incomprehensible to all the audience in front of the screen happened, and Velda, who was lying on the ground like a corpse, laughed out loud.

"Hoohoo! Ah ha ha ha ha!"

This state of affairs makes the trillions of viewers in front of the screen begin to wonder if there is something wrong with this guy's brain.

After being hit by Limuru one after another, it can be described as a shrimp and pig heart.

For Rimuru's group, they were also very confused by Velda's performance, and then the expression made Rimuru feel familiar, followed by a familiar tone.

"Sure enough! It's exactly what I thought! Mr. Rimuru. 35

Limlu frowned, and then relaxed, this feeling was undoubtedly that guy.

"Is Yuuki?"

With a smile on his face, Yuuki said while grabbing the divine sword beside him.

"Long time no see, as I thought, Velda won't be able to win you at all.

However, there is no problem, enough time has been bought.

Get started now!

The final battle between you and me! 35


As soon as the words fell, Yuuki stabbed Limuru with the divine sword, and the swords clashed, sending all the outsiders flying out, and even the alien barrier was on the verge of collapse.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are blinded!

How can I change this person?!



This guy seems to be much stronger than Velda!!!

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