Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 216 Isn't it? The final decisive battle is also a 2 move?!!

Although it was the first time that Rimuru had heard of a creation-level weapon, it was fine no matter what.

Veldora's sword was entwined with a faint demonic energy, emitting a pitch-black brilliance, and on the blade, there was a beautiful golden-colored wavy blade pattern, brewing a dreamlike charm.

It's a pity that the name is called Veldora's sword casually.

"The level of the sword is not clear, but it has nothing to do with defeating you, come on, since you also have a creation-level magic weapon, take it out.

It's a lot of time, but it's not there to play with you guy. "₁

Velda's expression was twisted by anger and humiliation, and he shouted at Erimlu.

"Look! I am the true successor of Veldanava!!!

This sentence left the trillions of viewers in front of the screen musing, is the successor of Star King Dragon?

This guy actually said that he was the true successor of Star King Dragon?

In this regard, the mood of the demon kings is even more complicated.

"What? He said that he is the successor of the Star King Dragon Veldanava?

The first Demon King Guy's expression became more serious, although he couldn't see anything from Velda, the strength of this guy was very powerful.

"By the way, what character is this Velda? I've never heard of it before?"

The fourth Demon King Dagoliyuru frowned, and he couldn't even see the breath of a creature from Velda's body.

"No...impossible, he doesn't have the breath of his father at all, he is a fake."

The second Demon Lord Milim took a deep breath and glanced at Velda maliciously, then turned to Rimuru.

His eyes were instantly friendly.

If Velda is the successor of the Star King Dragon Veldanava, Milim is willing to admit that Rimuru has an aura she likes.

"It seems that these guys also want to resurrect the Star King Dragon.

The Seventh Demon King Ramiris's eyes were full of worry, she sighed lightly, perhaps she could understand at this moment why those primitive dragons were dominated.

Perhaps the guys in the imperial coalition used the resurrection of the Star King Dragon as the purpose to enslave the original dragon species.

"Fuck?! Does this guy also have a god of creation?"

"By the way, what kind of thing is the Creation God Weapon at the end of 270! Is it an existence higher than a mythical weapon? 39

"I thought the battle was over, it seems that this guy is much more powerful than the searing dragon - Velgrind! The weapon is broken and there is another move! 99

"Strong! If weapons of the same level collide together, the entire God Realm will collapse, right?"

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were all excited at the moment, under their expectant gaze.

In the picture in the video, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen saw Velda folded his hands and shouted angrily!

【Sword Summoning】


At this moment, everyone felt a strong aura, and the terrifying power seemed to come from the void. In the dazzling holy light, the outline of a big sword gradually emerged.

Just the imposing manner of summoning the Divine Sword stunned the trillions of viewers in front of the screen.

At this moment, even the Demon Kings took a deep breath.

Said that he did not understand why there are so many strong people in their world?!!!

This is totally unreasonable!

Where did these guys come from, why are there no such terrifying auras in the whole world when they are now Demon Kings?

"The God of Creation? This terrifying power has indeed far surpassed that of mythical weapons!"

The third Demon King Dino frowned, and the powerful aura emanating from this weapon alone made him feel like he wanted to surrender.

"This... It seems that there really is the aura of the Star King Dragon in this light... Who is this guy?"

The first Demon King Guy's eyes were fixed on the sword that appeared in the video, and he could really feel the aura of the star dragon Veldanava from it.

Although there was only one wisp of it, and even after several Ten Thousand Years, Ke Qi Yi recognized the breath of an old friend at a glance.


The Eighth Demon King Karion looked surprised. If even Guy said that, I am afraid that this sword is really inextricably linked with the Star King Dragon Veldanava.

If that's the case, then this weapon is more powerful than the weapon that Veldora transformed into, the storm dragon?

The other demon kings were also very surprised. After all, the first demon king, Qi Yi, had noticed the aura of the star king dragon Veldanava, so they had nothing to doubt.

You know, Limuru also has this kind of aura!

"What a powerful breath, this is the power of God!

Even Whis was surprised at this moment. He didn't expect that he would actually summon the Divine Sword, and the aura emanating from this sword was not even weaker than that of the lord.

Could it be that in that world, there is a god more noble than that adult?

Weiss' eyes became dazed, he couldn't believe it, but everything in the video seemed to prove it.

Kakarot and Vegeta have now given up the idea of ​​competing for combat power, after all, this kind of thing is meaningless in front of the gods.

For the strong who can touch the power of the rules, no matter how strong the people within the rules are, they cannot fight against the gods outside the rules.

What's more, the gods who have reached this level are even more terrifying.

"Wes... who is that lord you're talking about?"

"That's right, how come I never heard you mention it?

Both Kakarot and Vegeta were very curious, but Whis just shook his head, even calling the adult's name felt disrespectful.

"You will see that adult in the future."

Kakarot and Vegeta looked helpless, but from the performance of Whis, are the gods in the video really more noble than the gods in their world?

"This is a magic weapon! Even a single sword can destroy the planet! What a terrifying existence! 35

Hawkeye was breathing rapidly, and his sharp eyes stared at the great sword wrapped in divine light on the screen. This kind of creation-level divine weapon was completely untouchable for a powerhouse like Hawkeye.

At least from his point of view, if Rimuru's Veldora sword was sent to him, it would probably be instantly swallowed up by that terrifying energy.

For Hawkeye, such weapons can only be seen through the screen.

Just seeing it, he was satisfied.

At the same time, this is also the wish of those Ultimate swordsmen among the trillions of viewers in front of the screen. Seeing it, you will be satisfied.

In the video screen, after the light of the god receded, everyone's eyes focused on the summoned divine sword.

"Let me take out my trump card, let me use this sword, I will praise you, this sword is the sword of creation: Star Emperor Dragon Horn Sword (Veldanava)!!!35


A suffocating magic weapon!

This is the only feeling in the hearts of the trillions of viewers in front of the screen. The large sword is slightly bent inward, and the blade is a shining blue, as if the blade itself is shining.

Contrary to its appearance, its mass can rival that of stars, and it is an ultra-dense energy block.

Velda was so excited that his expression became distorted, and he looked arrogantly at Rimuru.

"Having a sword that can rival the unique creation-level divine weapon is surprisingly powerful, Rimuru." (bbfb)

After speaking, Velda grabbed the hilt of the sword, and immediately put on an indifferent expression that was so proud of herself as Ultimate.

"However, since I have drawn this sword, then you are finished.


As soon as the words fell, Velda rushed in front of Rimuru at great speed and slashed directly at him. If it were not Rimuru but any other person, I am afraid that he would have to explain it directly here.

Velda's movements were too rough for Rimuru.

He clearly said not to use any small tricks to test him, and he was trying to test Limuru again. In his eyes, this is simply looking down on him!

However, these are no longer important to Rimuru.

"too slow!"

Rimuru muttered, and then waved the knife.

Velda hurriedly changed the trajectory of the sword and blocked Rimuru's attack.


In the blink of an eye, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen didn't even see what was going on in this scene, if it wasn't for Bei Feng deliberately setting the video to the slowest speed.

I am afraid that Velda, who was bragging about one second, will burst out the next second.

Even if Velda blocked Rimuru's attack, he had no idea that his strength could not resist the overwhelming shock wave generated by the collision of the swords!

The body was instantly knocked flying, and even after destroying countless building rubble, it kept rolling on the ground, extremely embarrassed.

This scene also made the audience in front of the screen take a deep breath.

Velda's reaction was a bit too much for Rimuru.

Rimuru didn't move a single step from beginning to end!

"What the hell?! What the hell just happened?! I didn't see anything at all! 35

"Has Rimuru already won? What the hell? Did you fight? Did anyone see it?'

"I didn't see it! I didn't see anything at all! I just blinked, and Velda was sent flying!"


In the video, the violent Yuwei is raging on the buildings of the God Realm with passion, and the otherworld barrier blessed by the Demon Kings has become extremely unstable.

But all of this doesn't make any sense to Rimuru at all?

"Does it have so much power?"

Limuru lowered his head and muttered, how could he generate such a powerful force with just one easy swing?

There were still some expectations, but it was incredible, it was indeed a powerful shock wave.

Limuru turned his head to look at all the buildings within the realm of the gods, almost all of them had been destroyed, and the demon kings in the back were pale at this moment due to the huge and strong shock wave.

But...for myself, I don't feel anything at all?!

A shock wave of this level was not even as good as a breeze for Limuru.

Shouldn't he, this guy has done his best, right?

Shouldn't be possible?

Are you still looking forward to it?

I remember when I met Velda for the first time, I was terrified. If it was him at that time, he would have defeated him without any accident.

But what about now?

You don't feel any threat from this guy at all?

[Information: That is of course, because my lord is evolving every day. 】

The tone of the Psionic Ciel was a little impatient, didn't Rimuru ever realize how fast his growth rate was?

At this moment, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were rather pissed off by Limuru's series of reactions.

"What? Are you too embarrassed to say that others are weak? You are an open-minded big brother, are you embarrassed to say that others are weak?"

'Does the monster that becomes stronger while lying down don't know that he is invincible without knowing it? This is really funny!

"No way! I can't do it! This slime is going to piss me off! Doesn't he know how bizarre he is?""

Countless new comments have been refreshed below the video. At this moment, the demon kings were surprisingly angry when they saw Limuru's reaction.

They hate Rimuru!

Obviously they have gone through so much hardship and pain in order to get to the step of the Demon King, but what about now?

A guy who can become stronger while lying down has surpassed all of them at an incomprehensible growth rate, standing directly at the top of the world.

Even in the future they have to rely on Rimuru's power!

It's impossible to keep calm in front of anyone like this?!!!

"Damn! Why is this guy so irritating!"

The Eighth Demon King Karion was trembling with anger. If he could, he also wanted to hang up! He wanted to lie down and become stronger!

"This guy really sucks! 99

The fourth Demon King Dagli Yulu also gritted his teeth viciously, staring at the video, wishing to punch Limuru directly to let him understand how strong he was!


The First Demon King Guy can only sigh and sigh now. Facing this kind of monster, what can he do as the oldest First Demon King?

However, fortunately they are allies in the future, otherwise, it would be really a headache.

"Huh? this the end?"

Limuru, who is watching the video at the moment, is dumbfounded. He was looking forward to a big battle, but the creation-level magic weapon looks quite hanging?

How did it end in one move?.

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