Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 221


Chapter 221 This is Junior Brother?

The person in front of me... is not the Senior Brother!

Cheng Caixuan finally realized the point that he had already noticed, but never reacted. Where can Senior Brother paint? His temperament was the most incapable of doing these things, and he couldn't calm down at all. Even the Master wanted him to inherit her way of painting and calligraphy, and at a certain period of time he deliberately forced him, but as a result, the Senior Brother could not draw any fame.

How could such a senior brother who knows nothing about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting suddenly become so superb in painting?

And, how long has the Master just left? That brings back the Senior Brothers? What about Master and Senior Sister?

Thinking like this, the shock in Cheng Caixuan's heart has turned into horror, and the fear and horror of facing the unknown almost burst her heart.

Who is this person in front of me?

Or, is he really human...

Cheng Caixuan's heartbeat is like a drum, his whole body is cold, and he can't look directly at that moving and familiar face.

Mo Jiu waited for a long time, but did not wait for the compliment he expected, and suddenly looked towards Cheng Caixuan with some doubts, and found that she was a little stiff, her head was turned sideways, her eyes were erratic, and she did not look at the one in her hand. Sub-painting.

Is he bad at drawing?

Mo Jiu's face paled and he bit his lower lip: "I drew...isn't it good?"

Cheng Caixuan came back to his senses and glanced at Mo Jiu with difficulty, Perfunctory: "Very, very good."

Mo Jiu could see at a glance that her words were not sincere, and the joy and expectation on his face gradually dissipated.

This is the first time he has encountered such setbacks since he has been in painting for so long.

So, Master praised his spirituality for his paintings, was he just trying to comfort him?

The young man didn't know how to hide his emotions at all, and the expressions of loss and sadness soon filled his face.

Looking at Mo Jiu like this, Cheng Caixuan finds it difficult to associate him with monsters and wonders if there is something wrong with his thinking. In fact, he may be Senior Brother...a long-lost younger brother or big brother?

"Are you alright?"

Cheng Caixuan was fine if he didn't ask, but when he asked the boy, he felt a lot of grievances, and the eyes that had cried once before became red again, and whispered : "No, it's okay."

It seems that he heard the choking in his own words, it really doesn't look like 'it's okay', Mo Jiu shrugged his nose hard to stop the tears, and tried his best to hold back the tears. Hold back.

Seeing this, Cheng Caixuan couldn't hold back and grinned slightly. In order to hold back his tears, the young man cocked his pink nose, which is really cute.

This small aggrieved appearance made it even more difficult for her to believe that this was a monster who deliberately pretended to be Senior Brother.

And, what is he planning?

Cheng Caixuan doesn't think there is anything in her body that deserves to be targeted by monsters. Even if she provokes a monster, it is estimated that she will not be able to get by with her strength. Those demons and ghosts should go to Senior Sister.

Speaking of which is a bit humbling and humiliating, but it's what it is.

The most important thing is that she carefully observed Mo Jiu this time and found the difference between him and Senior Brother, that is his eyebrows and eyes are much softer than Senior Brother, if Senior Brother is like a dazzling spark, he is like soft water, and contains a hint of coldness, but it does not give people a sense of alienation and indifference, but is clear and pure like a piece of ice.

Cheng Caixuan also does not believe that such a simple look will appear on a monster, even if it is disguised, it is impossible. It will reveal some weak spots and tricks more or less, and it will not make her feel so comfortable and friendly. Peaceful feeling.

Thinking so much in her mind, in the final analysis, Cheng Caixuan was trying her best to eliminate the fear in her heart, and her fear really dissipated a lot.

"I didn't lie to you, your paintings are really good." Cheng Caixuan said slowly.

Mo Jiu stared at her with big watery eyes and blinked slightly, seeing that this time she was sincere.

Then why not before?

It's weird...

Mo Jiu didn't know the reason for the change, but he didn't really care, and was really happy.

He raised his hand to wipe the moisture in his eyes, curved his eyebrows slightly, and said lightly with a smile: "Thank you."

Cheng Caixuan's heart beat in this brief moment After a short while, she didn't realize it, and asked, "Who taught you to draw?"

"Master." Mo Jiu's eyes suddenly lit up, and the moment of intense joy was unexpectedly Let Cheng Caixuan frown slightly, there is a strange feeling in his heart, he didn't notice it, and what followed was a strong shock.

Master...This is another discipline that Master received? But why didn't she, Senior Sister and Senior Brother know? And he looks exactly like Senior Brother? Senior Brother's long-lost younger brother or big brother?

Cheng Caixuan had a lot of doubts for a while, but it didn't prevent her from letting go of her heart when she heard the word 'Master' uttered by Mo Jiu.

It really is the way of painting taught by the Master, then Mo Jiu is absolutely impossible to be a monster.

"When did you enter?" Cheng Caixuan asked.

The joy in Mo Jiu's eyes immediately faded a lot.

Master didn't take him as a disciple, he agreed with coax and pester...

But after a little recollection, he still said: "Two hundred and zero Six days, three hours and a half before the incense stick."

At that time, the Master acquiesced that he called her Master.

Cheng Caixuan: "..."

"Senior Brother...Who are you?" She asked again.

Mo Jiu opened his mouth slightly, and finally realized that 'Senior Brother' was not a monster's cry, but a literal meaning.

But what Senior Brother does he have?

“No.” Mo Jiu shook the head.

"Master never mentioned us to you?" Cheng Caixuan frowned, why?

Mo Jiu was a little anxious: "What Master, Master is not your Master, it's my Master, mine!"

Cheng Caixuan looked at him in a panic, and suddenly hesitant. With a smile: "Forget it, then I'll introduce myself. My name is Cheng Caixuan. You are a Master. I started earlier than you. You are my Junior Brother. You should call me Senior Sister."

After she finished speaking, she had an inexplicable expectation in her heart, and she really wanted to hear the soft sound of 'Senior Sister' from the tender lips of the young fan.

Mo Jiu frowned, his face bulging like a little bun, staring at Cheng Caixuan angrily: "It's my Master!"

Cheng Caixuan found it interesting , thinking of teasing him, and deliberately said: "It's mine."

Mo Jiu stomped: "Mine!"

"Mine." Cheng Caixuan was very happy.

After several times, Mo Jiu's eyes were filled with thick mist, and he gritted his teeth, as if he was about to cry.

Is this about to cry?

Cheng Caixuan was a little flustered, and quickly comforted: "Hey, this is not a joke, okay, your Master, your Master, I won't rob you, don't cry, don't cry..."

At this moment, a silhouette suddenly appeared here, with bare feet in a white dress and a white bracelet on her feet, her eyes staring at Cheng Caixuan coldly.

Cheng Caixuan's heart tensed, the Master is back!

(end of this chapter)

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