Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 220


Chapter 220 Senior Brother Want to draw her?

Seeing the smile in Cheng Caixuan's eyes, Mo Jiu blinked slightly.

His body is a nine petals holy lotus, and he has also absorbed countless Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi people under the action of Shen Yuehan. Naturally, he is the physique closest to Heaven and Earth and nature. Refers to the heart.

Seeing Cheng Caixuan smiling, he was completely sure that she was not malicious to him, and a trace of curiosity began to appear in his eyes.

In this world, do other people really exist?

Mo Jiu knows this world through the books in the room, such as text books, classics, history books, and biographies. Even the so-called 'monsters' are known from them, and of course they are clear There are other people in this world, but because she didn't see it with her own eyes, she didn't answer when she asked Shen Yuehan, so she read it as if she was telling a virtual story.

Until now, he didn't believe there was someone else in this world.

It's this person, he doesn't look as good as the Master...

Thinking like this, Mo Jiu can't help but feel a little proud, his Master is really the best looking!

"What's your name?" After discovering that Cheng Caixuan was kind to him, Mo Jiu also began to exude kindness to her, "My name is Shen Lian."

Senior Brother Do you have to play this role-playing game...

Cheng Caixuan raised his hand and touched his head: "My name is Cheng Caixuan."

Mo Jiu's eyes suddenly lit up, and each other Telling the name, is this even a friend?

"Are we friends...?" the teenager probed.

Cheng Caixuan laughed, Senior Brother's simple appearance is really cute, she naturally wants to cooperate with him: "Of course."

"Really?" Mo Jiu micro Staring.

“en!” Cheng Caixuan remarked heavily.

"Then... hello." The teenager moved towards her and stretched out a hand.

Cheng Caixuan looked at the clean, white and tender palm, the eyes in his eyes slightly shrank, he hesitated for a moment, but reached out and shook it gently: "Hello."

Mo Jiu She smiled sweetly, and her eyes sparkled with rays of light.

He has friends...

What do you want to do after you have friends?

He lowered his head and frowned, thinking carefully about the content of the words.

Cheng Caixuan stared deeply at the young man's thinking, and always felt that something was wrong, but he didn't want to break the beauty in front of him.

By the way, exchange hobby!

Mo Jiu looked up at Cheng Caixuan: "What do you like?"

Cheng Caixuan was frightened by his sudden action. Hearing his question, his just frightened heart was again. Trembling.

Was Senior Brother... implying something?

Otherwise, how could he play such a role-playing game with himself and deliberately get in touch with him? Is it true... He also likes her? !

Cheng Caixuan is not a person who feels good about herself, but in front of the Senior Brother at this moment, she can't help but have such an idea.

But she still restrained the word 'you' that was about to blurt out, and said word by word: "I like what Senior Brother likes."

She Let's try Senior Brother first.

Mo Jiu was slightly puzzled.

He likes to draw, does she like to draw too?

If this is the case, the book says, such a person is a confidant.

Mo Jiu said: "I like drawing, do you like it too?"

As expected, she was asking her hobby...

Cheng Caixuan raised his hand Helping the forehead, there is both loss and helplessness in my heart.

It's no wonder that Senior Sister, who is so indifferent, is like a little girl who first awakened of love in front of Senior Brother. Who can withstand such a method.

The mood was so fluctuating that Cheng Caixuan ignored the fact that Senior Brother couldn't draw at all, lightly said with a smile: "en. "

Mo Jiu was very excited and neat. Standing up, holding Cheng Caixuan's hand instead of holding hands, he trotted her to the backyard.

He wants to paint a picture of his new friend!

Cheng Caixuan was immersed in the soft touch from his palm, as if he had fallen into Warm Countryside.

Until Mo Jiu let go of her hand, Cheng Caixuan's heart filled with disappointment again, but she concealed it very well, said with a smile: "What is Senior Brother going to do?"


The sound of 'Senior Brother' made Mo Jiu tremble again. When he looked back, he found Cheng Caixuan smiling, then sighed in relief, a little annoyed: "Don't call me that."

Cheng Caixuan was stunned for a moment, but smiled after he reacted: "Yes, yes, Shen Lian."

The Senior Brother who lost his temper is also very cute...

"en. "Mo Jiu was satisfied, then lowered his head and glanced, with a startled expression, and hurriedly looked around, as if he was looking for something,

Cheng Caixuan thought for a while, and took the drawing board from the floor in the room Came over: "Are you looking for this?"

"Huh?" Mo Jiu blinked and took the drawing board from her hand, "Well."

" Are you going to paint?"

"Stand there and don't move."

"Me?" Cheng Caixuan pointed at himself, his eyes widened.

Senior Brother wants to draw... her?

Mo Jiu looked at her with a surprised and unbelievable look on her face, and was a little dumbfounded, and laughed lightly.

What a surprise.

Cheng Caixuan's face showed a slight blush, even if the Senior Brother was teasing her and wanted to draw her into something strange, she was satisfied.

This kind of treatment, I'm afraid neither the Senior Sister nor the Master have enjoyed it?

Cheng Caixuan put on a pose that he thought was the most handsome, and then stopped moving, staring at Mo Jiu with those motionless eyes.

The teenager looked cute and pitiful with a smile on his face and a teardrop left on his eyelashes.

His expression is not serious, but reveals a naive and flawless temperament, like a child playing his favorite bauble, very natural.

Cheng Caixuan naturally doesn't have any hope for Mo Jiu. He waved his hand holding the paintbrush as quickly as he held the drawing board directly in his hand.

After a while, Mo Jiu suddenly stretched his body and said happily, "It's finished!"

So fast, sure enough...

Even if Cheng Caixuan didn't Holding any hope, at this moment, there is also a trace of disappointment and depression, but there is no trace of it on the face, said with a smile: "Really? Show me."

Mo Jiu's face He handed over the drawing board with a smile, with a vague look of anticipation on his face, as if waiting for Cheng Caixuan's praise.

Seeing this, Cheng Caixuan chuckled inwardly, and the trace of loss disappeared immediately.

It doesn't matter if it's drawn in a mess, as long as it can make Senior Brother Gao happy.

She was about to take a symbolic look at it, and then she didn't hesitate to praise her, but after she saw the painting, she stayed in place. this really her?

The silhouette on the painting is slender, high-spirited, and exudes a flame-like power, which is so powerful. And it was only a painting, but Cheng Caixuan felt that this person seemed to be alive, and those flaming eyes were staring at her with coercion.

This, this was painted by the Senior Brother?

Cheng Caixuan couldn't believe it, lifted the head, looked at the expectant boy in disbelief, the strangeness in her heart finally broke through, she thought of a very shocking possibility!

I recommend a novel written by readers, which is also a woman's text. If you are interested, you can go and read: "I am in the world of women's cultivation, tea art"

(end of this chapter)

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