Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 175


Chapter 175 Confession

It was because Mo Jiu took care of Li Muxian for one night that their relationship ended here To what extent?

Qu Xiaoxiao suddenly regretted handing over Li Muxian to Mo Jiu last night.

However, even if he watched Li Muxian being robbed by Mo Jiu, he could not have any strong thoughts of robbing him.

Is it because Mo Jiu's appearance is so stunning that he subconsciously thinks that he is not comparable to him at all? Or was it because he was too open, from the moment we met, he was always suppressed, making him unable to imposing manner in front of Mo Jiu? Or was it because of his sometimes friendly attitude towards himself and the sincerity in his words that he couldn't bear to turn against Mo Jiu?

Maybe all three, but no matter what the reason is, it can't change the fact that Mo Jiu and Li Muxian are gradually deepening their relationship.

Are you going to give up like this? The person he has liked for so long...

No, he can't just give up like this, or how cheap is his liking? Feelings for so many years can also become a joke.

It's better that while Mo Jiu and Li Muxian's relationship has not yet reached that point, he will show his affection to Li Muxian now, which is also to verify whether she has any feelings for him!

Thinking like this, Qu Xiaoxiao let out a long breath, and her whole body relaxed a lot. As long as a decision is made, it will no longer be bothered by the choice and thus be in a dilemma.

Maybe after getting the answer, he will be sad and sad, but before that, he must be happy. And if Li Muxian really has no feelings for him, he can take this opportunity to cut off his thoughts. Always buried in the bottom of my heart, it seems indecisive, and it is not good for his psychology.

The more Qu Xiaoxiao thought about it, the more he thought about it, and even he should have revealed his heart to Li Muxian long ago. If Mo Jiu hasn't appeared yet, the success rate may be higher.

His personality is inherently biased towards women. This is the conclusion that Mo Jiu came to when he saw his appearance for the first time, just because anyone would hesitate in terms of feelings, Qu Xiaoxiao's reaction Not surprising.

And now Qu Xiaoxiao has untied an accidental knot in her heart, and her whole body is neat and tidy again, she suddenly slaps the table, stands up, and looks down at Li Mu immortal dao: "Come out tonight. Find me, I want to tell you something."

"Is there anything I can't say here? There is nothing else..." Li Muxian was a little puzzled, and saw Qu Xiaoxiao glance at Mo Jiu, she suddenly understood something, and her words stopped abruptly.

The corners of Qu Xiaoxiao's mouth curled into an arc, as if sneering, she glanced at Mo Jiu again, and then strode away from here.

Mo Jiu stared at Qu Xiaoxiao's slender back, looked thoughtful.

Qu Xiaoxiao left, and Luo Qingwu had no intention of staying here. All three of them are injured, and they have already discussed that they will stay in this village until they fully recover.

The villagers know what they have done and naturally welcome it.

"That's right." Luo Qingwu left these words before leaving, "I didn't see the man who saved you last night, I only knew that he had white hair. If you want to look for such a feature, just look for it."

Li Muxian didn't understand why she had already answered the question, Luo Qingwu wanted to repeat it until she saw Mo Jiu's sullen face , she reacted.

"Any other man rescued you last night?" Mo Jiu whispered, his words as soft as the voice she heard in a coma.

Li Muxian panicked for no reason and hurriedly explained.

And some doubts in her heart disappeared under the appearance of Mo Jiu.

Is that white-haired man Mo Jiu? how can that be possible.

Mo Jiu 'believed' Li Muxian's explanation, and the two of them separated, returning to their houses arranged by the villagers.

'Host, do you know what Qu Xiaoxiao has done with Li Muxian? '

Mo Jiu indifferently said: 'Confess. '

'Huh? 'The system was stunned, 'The host, you have to stop him quickly! '

'Li Muxian will not agree. 'Mo Jiu's expression is calm, and she is familiar with everything under control.' Even if Li Muxian doesn't like me now, she will not accept Qu Xiaoxiao's heart after I showed her true face to save her last night. '

'even more how, she also has some good feelings for me now, even more so. '

'Oh. 'The system is nodded, since the host says there is no problem, it can rest assured.

It just didn't notice that when Mo Jiu looked into the distance, his browsers slightly wrinkle up, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

But why is he always a little uneasy in his heart?

Seeing that Li Muxian was about to be attacked by him, would the Lord God really watch and do nothing?

He doesn't know, the only thing he can do is to see tricks and dismantle tricks.

Soldiers will come to block, water will come... soil will cover.

In a flash, it was night, and Li Muxian was called into the wild by Qu Xiaoxiao. Above her head was a Milky Way, the sky was full of stars, surrounded by insects and birds, and everything was natural.

In such an environment, Qu Xiaoxiao, who specially trimmed her hair, put on light makeup, and dressed in Tsing Yi, looked extraordinarily beautiful and moving.

Li Muxian admits that Qu Xiaoxiao in this look is really beautiful.

The guess in her heart was completely confirmed at this moment.

"Muxian." The young man in front of him opened his mouth, his voice clear like an oriole, "How long have we known each other?"

Li Muxian replied: "Three years."

Qu Xiaoxiaoshook the head: "It's three years, seven months, twenty-five days."

Li Muxian's eyes moved.

Remember so clearly...

"We've known each other for so long." Qu Xiaoxiao pursed her pink lips and smiled softly.

Both of his hands are behind their backs, their heads turned slightly sideways, revealing a small half of a delicate side face, blue silk fluttering in the ears: "Do you remember how we met?"

"I remember."

"I remember too." Qu Xiaoxiao looked up at the starry sky and smiled as she recalled, "It was a night as beautiful as it is now..."

Li Muxian Listening to him quietly, telling about the beginning of their encounter, their experience of knowing each other, the process of their companionship, those Life and Death Together, surrounded by perils...

Among them, Luo Qingwu's silhouette is naturally , because she met Luo Qingwu earlier, but in Qu Xiaoxiao's narration, it was deliberately omitted, only she and him.

"...I'm really lucky to have met you in this life." At the end of Qu Xiaoxiao's words, her voice was extremely soft, and her eyes were slightly blurred.

"I'm also very fortunate to have you as my companion." Li Muxian said softly.

Qu Xiaoxiao looked startled, turned her head slowly, and looked at her: "Is it just a companion?"

Li Muxian knew what he meant by this, but she could do it when necessary. He sacrificed his life for him, but there was really no way to satisfy his wish.

"A companion who can sacrifice everything," she added.

As soon as these words came out, the air seemed to be condensed, Qu Xiaoxiao stared at Li Muxian, her eyes were quickly dyed with a clear blush, and the pupils in those bright eyes trembled slightly. , and after a while, a crystal teardrop slid down...

(end of this chapter)

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