Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 174


Chapter 174 Warming Up

Li Muxian's eyes were pitch black.

She felt like she was in a void, with nothing and nothing in her body, accompanied by a sense of weightlessness that kept falling, making her want to vomit blood.

But when she tried to fight against the feeling of falling, she seemed to be stuck in the mud, her body was wrapped in rotting silt, unable to move even a little bit, as if she was caught on the shore. Fish, no matter how to hop, bounce, is futile.

This is a dream.

Li Muxian clearly knew that she was dreaming. In the past, after realizing this, she could even manipulate her own dreams, but this time, she couldn't even try to wake up.

Void, emptiness, despair... One emotion after another gradually appeared in her heart, and she felt more and more suffocated.

This was the third time she had a strong sense of powerlessness. It didn't make her feel as painful as the previous two times, but it made her suffer the most. It seemed that her consciousness would be tortured to the point of disappearing under this feeling.

Until a certain moment, a soft voice suddenly sounded in Li Muxian's ears, like a spring breeze blowing his face, and a coolness swept across his body little by little. Her body suddenly relaxed, the feeling of discomfort and torment disappeared, and she felt more comfortable and happy than being reborn.

Who is it? whose voice is this?

The soft voice kept ringing in his ears, Li Muxian listened for a long time, and finally knew who this person was.

Hu Jiu, he was by his side.

After knowing this, Li Muxian was inexplicably relieved, and with the coolness all over her body, she finally fell asleep peacefully.

Mo Jiu stared straight at Li Muxian in front of him, and after seeing her frowning brows completely stretched out, a smile appeared in her eyes: "It's done."


The system carefully read all of his actions, and it was rarely silent, not laughing anymore.

It's digesting what Mo Jiu does.

The host wrapped Li Muxian in a thick bed, making her forcibly sweat. Then when she looked extremely uncomfortable, she uncovered the bed and wiped the sweat from her face and body with a towel. During this process, she kept talking in her ear, with a tone so gentle that it was indescribable.

Is this a sacrifice or a curse?

Only two similar scenes can be found in the database of the system, but the answer from Mo Jiu's mouth is: 'I'm attacking her. '

Others are in a coma, how do I get rid of them?

Mo Jiu explained to it well: 'Of course she can do it when she is unconscious, it can make her subconsciously increase her affection for me. '

The system obviously doesn't believe it much.

Mo Jiu didn't explain it to him, just laughed: 'When she wakes up, you'll know. '

So, three hours have passed.

'She's waking up. '

The system just watched the host's expression change from a bright look to a tired look after saying this, and a faint azure appeared around his eyes. He sat on the small stool, folded his hands on the edge of the bed, put his head on it, and closed his eyes.

After a while, Li Muxian opened her eyes and woke up.

She raised her head slightly, turned her head to glance, and saw Mo Jiu lying beside the bed, tired enough to fall asleep.

Li Muxian was startled for a moment, as if she couldn't believe that Mo Jiu was taking care of her all the time, but subconsciously she knew this was the truth, while she was in a coma, Mo Jiu was taking care of her sleeplessly until she was in a coma. I couldn't hold it anymore, so I passively fell asleep not long ago.

The look in Li Muxian's eyes is very complicated. Except for her father, she has never been taken care of by a heterosexual in her life, and she is also a strange man who has only known each other for less than a few days.

But let her label Mo Jiu 'unfamiliar' again, and then take precautions against him, Li Muxian feels that she can't do it, and she can't do it, otherwise what's the difference with thankless wretch?

Moreover, if he really has any purpose in approaching him, such as wanting to harm her, then he can do it while she is in a coma. She didn't even know who killed her until she died.

"Why did you treat me like this..."

Is it true repayment, or...

Li Muxian's complex eyes slowly became pure, There was only the softness of water, and extended the hand to gently stroke Mo Jiu's jet-black hair, quietly lifted the bed and got out of bed, without waking Mo Jiu up, he gently picked him up and put him away. On the bed, and then carefully cover the bed.

Li Muxian stood beside the bed, lowered her head and looked at Mo Jiu softly for a while before leaving here.

After she stepped out of the house, Mo Jiu opened her eyes suddenly, lightly said with a smile: 'How is it? '

The system is silent.

It's a huge shock to its young database!

Mo Jiu knew that Li Muxian went to Luo Qingwu's place to see their situation, and he had no past thoughts. If he suddenly woke up, it would be a bit too fake. It would be better to sleep obediently and honestly.


A few hours later, Mo Jiu felt that he should wake up, so he woke up and took the initiative to find Li Muxian and the others.

They didn't wake him up, they probably wanted him to sleep longer.

When Mo Jiu walked into the house, Li Muxian and the others were discussing something, and when they noticed his arrival, they immediately stopped communicating.

Li Muxian smiled slightly to him: "You're awake."

Mo Jiu met her smiling eyes, thinking that when he woke up, he was lying on the bed, the bed was full of With Li Muxian's breath, there was a slight blush on her face, and she glared at her: "When did you wake up? The injury wasn't healed, so you just got out of bed and walked around, wanting the wound to burst again?"

"My body's ability to recover is very strong, and it doesn't affect my actions anymore." Li Muxian smiled lightly, "It's you, have you slept well?"

Mo Jiu can't say, 'It's been a long time since I was hit by you again. Wrapped in his breath, I slept well', so his identity was directly exposed. After thinking about it for a while, a charming smile appeared on his face: "big brother slept well, the young sister smelled everywhere on the bed and quilt. It smelled very good."

Li Muxian was caught by surprise She teased him a bit, but she wasn't annoyed, she knew what Mo Jiu's true character was, charming was just his disguise, and underneath the appearance was a pure heart.

But noticing that Luo Qingwu and Qu Xiaoxiao were looking at her in shock, Li Muxian realized that her attitude towards Mo Jiu was a little too strange, not even being teased. anger.

"Cough." Li Muxian restrained his smile, said resolutely, "many thanks to Master Fox Young for taking care of me when I was in a coma."

Mo Jiu brows slightly wrinkle: "Since you thank me, why are you calling me Young Master?"

Li Muxian was slightly startled, but quickly changed her mouth and said softly, "many thanks...Hu Jiu."

Mo Jiu narrowed his eyes with a smile.

Luo Qingwu's gaze swept across the faces of the two, purse one's lip, when did their relationship reach this point?

As for Qu Xiaoxiao, biting her lower lip lightly, looking at the clear smile on Li Muxian's face, there was some indescribable bitterness in her heart.


Mo Jiu has so many disguises in this world that I almost got confused.

He plays Fox Jiu, First Layer in this world.

Disguise her true identity as a fox demon in front of Li Muxian, Second Layer.

The false identity also has a charming appearance and a pure heart, Third Layer.

Well, plus the real character when communicating with the system, there is a total of fourth layer. (┭┮﹏┭┮ is too complicated, so it must not be written like this next time.)

(end of this chapter)

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