Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 166


Chapter 166 Exposure

Mo Jiu's words seem to contain magic power, instantly turning a group of villagers who are about to get excited and panic soothed.

The four words 'subdue monsters and defeat demons' are really the best reassurance when the monsters have just killed people.

These villagers stared at Mo Jiu with a certain distrust in his eyes, and he kept looking at them, the pink light in his eyes almost filled his pupils.

After a long time, Mo Jiu's lips moved slightly, and he said softly, "Let's see what's going on, okay?"

When the voice fell, the group of villagers separated to both sides, He made way for a road, and at the end was a bed.

Mo Jiu took a deep breath.

"It's amazing." Luo Qingwu sighed sincerely, but turned to look at Mo Jiu with a startled expression.

Mo Jiu is slowly closing his eyes, the look between his brows is extremely tired, this charming technique seems to have consumed a lot of his energy.

Even, his body was a little on the verge of collapse.

At this moment, a hand lightly placed on Mo Jiu's shoulder and firmly supported him: "Are you all right?"

Mo Jiu opened his eyes and just Meeting Li Muxian's calm eyes, a smile slowly emerged from the corner of his mouth, and he said, "I'm fine." His voice was particularly weak.

"It's hard work." Li Mu immortal dao, and then noticed that Mo Jiu regained his footing, and withdrew his palm.

The whole process was smooth and smooth, without any stiffness or embarrassment.

Even her expression was always natural, as if she was doing a very normal thing, and if someone opened up and said something, it would be wrong.

"Go and have a look."

Before Luo Qingwu and Qu Xiaoxiao could react, Li Muxian had already passed through the villagers and walked to the bed.

Mo Jiu walked over slowly, and Luo Qingwu followed closely from behind.

As they watched the scene in front of them, their brows furrowed in unison.

I saw that the female Taoist priest, who was still full of energy during the day, had died. The death was extremely tragic. The whole body was like a mummified corpse that had been hung on the city wall and dried for a long time. There was almost nothing left. A shriveled human skin, the flesh and bone marrow under it were sucked clean.

Qu Xiaoxiao just glanced at it, then turned her head aside immediately, he was not afraid, but simply disgusted.

He also glanced at Mo Jiu out of the corner of his eye, and found that he was watching, as if he was neither scared nor disgusted, but his face was a little pale.

But whether this paleness was caused by the use of the charm technique, or whether it was because of the picture in front of him, gave birth to some fear, it is unknown.

Li Muxian and Luo Qingwu are the two most calm people here, staring at the shriveled face without any fluctuations in their eyes.

"This monster's cultivation base may not be weaker than ours." Luo Qingwu said.

Although this female Taoist does not have any real materials, she still has some cultivation bases. Otherwise, she would not be able to use such fancy techniques. She can't be considered a mortal, but there is no big news. In the case of what happened, she died quietly like this, and the monster who killed her must not be the little monster who just transformed.

"Follow him, he shouldn't have left very far, maybe he's still in the village."

Luo Qingwu said, took out a talisman from her pocket, Habitually waiting for Li Muxian to help her take out a strand of Monster Qi, she found that she was standing there, staring at the mummy, as if she didn't hear her words and didn't move for a long time.

"Muxian!" Luo Qingwu loudly shouts, "This is not the monster you are looking for."

Li Muxian woke up and said solemnly: "I know."

After saying that, I took a step forward without feeling disgusted. In the little exclamations of the villagers, I pointed two fingers at the body of the mummified corpse. Luo Qingwu.

Luo Qingwu took it, broke into talisman, mutter incantations, and used talisman to draw mysterious trajectory in midair.

Mo Jiu wasn't curious about this scene. What attracted his attention was Li Muxian's state. The deep hatred deep in his eyes could still be seen at a glance, no matter how he concealed it.

Has she hated demons to such an extent? Even those who have been killed by youkai can have strong hatred, so what would happen if you really encountered a monster?

And what Luo Qingwu said...

Mo Jiu probably guessed what Li Muxian's purpose was to get rid of the monsters. He should be looking for a certain monster, that monster. Destroyed the Taoist Temple and possibly killed her Master.

Is this destined, or is it specially arranged by the Lord God to prevent him from obtaining luck?

Mo Jiu prefers to believe in the former, not because he is unwilling to bear the guilt of Li Mu's Immortal Master's father's death, but if he can tamper with what is destined, then is it the Lord God or Heavenly Dao?

And if this is the case, then Li Muxian's hatred of monsters is probably more than he imagined.

Did that year and a half of affection really make Li Muxian not hate him?

It is possible, but the final result has a high probability, it will be a stranger, a different way for a ladyboy.

It is necessary to continue to enhance the relationship.

Mo Jiu glanced at Li Muxian faintly, her heart tightened slightly, why did she feel that there was a sense of grief in it?

"Go." Luo Qingwu threw away talisman and flew out lightly.

This is a 'Monster-seeking Talisman', which can float up to 100 meters. Generally, it is not used to accurately find the location of the monster, but to find a general direction and follow it.

Li Muxian and the others stepped forward, followed talisman, and left the house first, followed by Mo Jiu and Qu Xiaoxiao.

But this time, after the demon-seeking talisman flew out for a few meters, it turned its direction, moved towards the house and flew back again.

Li Muxian and Luo Qingwu both changed color. Could it be that the monsters are hiding among the villagers? !

As Mo Jiu saw it, his heart seemed to skip a beat. From his point of view, the demon-seeking talisman was clearly moved towards him!

His Monster Qi was very well hidden, even if he left Winterfell, Li Muxian and the others would have difficulty finding out his strangeness, but they never thought that this talisman could capture his Monster Qi like this.

Didn't Li Muxian take the monster Qi? That should only lock the demon, why did he target him?

Yes, that monster is also a fox demon, and Monster Qi is almost homologous to him!

Mo Jiu has been playing with people's hearts for so long, but after all, he is still sparse. He has even seen the look of shock that gradually emerged in Li Muxian's eyes.

He couldn't help but wonder if everything that happened at this moment was also in the Lord God's expectation and plan?

Mo Jiu's thoughts turned and he was ready to deny it, his eyes swept across the group of villagers, and his eyes suddenly fixed on someone.

The man's expression seemed natural, but in fact his whole body was already tense, like a wild leopard that could erupt at any time.

With Mo Jiu's thoughts, an invisible demon wind blew past, blowing the demon-seeking talisman to the person's location!

(end of this chapter)

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