Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 165


Chapter 165 Demon Traces

Mo Jiu quietly cheated on Li Muxian and the others, but in their opinion, this is instead Respecting the performance of the old man, he was much less wary of him.

Do demons respect people?

Don't talk about respect, if you don't hurt people, you can already be regarded as a 'good demon'.

But this is simply impossible, at least in the eyes of Li Muxian and the others. This is also how Mo Jiu uses their cognition to constantly eliminate their vigilance and gradually integrate into them.

The clue can be seen from Luo Qingwu's active concern for him.

In the middle of the night, the night wind was cold and cold, Li Muxian's entire group hid in the bushes and had been waiting here for two hours.

Their cultivation base has long reached the level of inedia. In essence, they don't need to eat or drink.

But Mo Jiu is an ordinary person in their eyes, and it is hard to resist such cold.

Luo Qingwu looked at Mo Jiu whose face had turned pale under the night wind. For some reason, her heart ached slightly, and she cared, "Are you alright? I think you should not talk to him. We've been waiting here together, how about going into that uncle's room?"

Mo Jiu glanced at Luo Qingwu in surprise, as if she didn't expect her to care about him suddenly, Bending his eyes slightly, he smiled: "Don't look down on me, although I don't have a cultivation base, my physical fitness is not much worse than yours."

"Nonsense." Luo Qingwu lowered her voice, "You're so pale."

"Don't believe it? Let's compare our strengths." Mo Jiu held out a hand to her.

Luo Qingwu was stunned for a moment, before she realized that he was planning to wrestle her wrists...

There is no support here, which will test both parties' grasp of strength.

But, this is obviously not the time to be stronger...

Luo Qingwu was about to refuse, when she noticed that Mo Jiu's sleeves had slipped slightly. The small snow-white wrist, the skin is thick and fat, and the fingers can be broken, just like the bright moon in the sky.

She also noticed that Mo Jiu's fingers were slender and slender, and the nails were pink and healthy, like the most perfect jade stone.

Luo Qingwu gradually became fascinated by it, she really wanted to touch this hand and carefully feel the soft and warm touch it would feel.

So, she slowly extended the hand...

"What are you doing!" Li Muxian's words at a low volume suddenly sounded, Luo Qingwu immediately woke up, and only then did she think of Li Muxian And Qu Xiaoxiao is still here.

Li Muxian kept her voice low in order to avoid disturbing the monsters that might come at any time, but even so, it was difficult to suppress the surprised and angry tone in her words.

Qu Xiaoxiao also looked over with a look of astonishment.

What are these two people doing?

Luo Qingwu's face became hot for a while, and there was an inexplicable feeling of secretly stealing love and being caught by the female protagonist. She lightly coughed and pretended to calmly said: "He wants to test my strength."

At this time, you guys test your strength?

Li Muxian clenched her silver teeth tightly, and the roots of her teeth were itching. She didn't know why she was so angry, but it could only be attributed to the anger that she couldn't even hold out a hand when she saw her good sister in front of Mo Jiu.

Li Muxian took a deep breath, then called out, also noticed Mo Jiu's pale face: "Are you all right?"

Luo Qingwu's eyes were fixed On Li Muxian's face, it's like saying 'You don't let me care about him, so it's your turn to care'?

Li Muxian's body froze, which was almost her subconsciously behavior. But in just a split second, she returned to normal, shook the head, and coldly said, "I knew I wouldn't bring him here."

Mo Jiu looked at her with a faint smile, only he noticed Li Muxian for a moment of stiffness.

Her affection for him doesn't seem to be much worse than that of Luo Qingwu...

Qu Xiaoxiao glanced left and right, obviously he was in the middle, but It's just an inexplicable feeling of being superfluous.

"Okay, don't talk, monsters may appear at any time, don't beat the grass to scare the snake." Li Muxian changed the subject bluntly.

Mo Jiu didn't bother to point her out and fell silent.

The next moment, he felt something lightly touch his arm, and then a warmth spread from there to his whole body.

Mo Jiu glanced at Li Muxian immediately, and found that she was not looking at her at all, her eyes were staring at the house in front of her, and she looked attentively, as if she was not doing anything else.

Mo Jiu pursed his lips and laughed silently.

Dead arrogant.

His pale face was just disguised, but in fact the cold wind had no effect on him at all. But since Li Muxian gave him heat, he stopped pretending, and his face gradually turned rosy.

Mo Jiu leaned slightly, put his lips close to Li Muxian's ear, and spit out two words: "Thank you, thank you."

Li Muxian's body trembled slightly, but his posture remained the same. The same, but the ear was dyed a little bit of crimson color, becoming a red, looking small and pink.

Mo Jiu played Li Muxian once again, and he couldn't be more happy, but he also knew the principle of accepting it as soon as it was good, and it was not unsatisfied.

In this way, one hour has passed, and it is already late at night. The sound of insects is coming and going, but the monster has never been seen.

Could it be that he had already discovered them, so he didn't plan to show up?

Li Muxian brows slightly wrinkle.

After a while, a bright fire suddenly lit up in the distance, and some faint exclamations came over, and the suspected villagers gathered again.

"What's the matter?"

Their expressions changed slightly, is it possible that the monster is changing its target?

A villager hurried over and woke the middle-aged man, who got up from the bushes, approached, and listened carefully.

"What's wrong?"

"An Daochang is dead!"


hearing this, Li Muxian and the others complexion sank. The demon really changed its target, and it no longer absorbed the essence a little bit, but directly deprived the person of his life!

They no longer hesitated, and hurried towards the place where the villagers gathered, walking in the darkness.

Everyone was crowded in the house. If Li Muxian and the others wanted to go in, they were bound to be seen.

In the middle of the night, outsiders appear here, impossible will not be suspected of murdering monsters.

Li Muxian pondered for a moment, looked towards Mo Jiu, said solemnly: "Can you control a group of people?"

"It should be possible."

"Okay, we In the past."

They also moved towards the house, and some villagers noticed the unfamiliar face, and their expressions changed instantly, yellowed: "There are monsters... monsters!"

Mo Jiu walked in the front, facing a group of villagers who lost one's head out of fear, his pupils flashed with a strong pink light, and he said word by word: "Don't be afraid, we are not monsters, we are subdue monsters and defeat The Taoist priests of the demons."

The group of villagers really calmed down.

(end of this chapter)

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