Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 157


Chapter 157 Familiar Strangers

Mo Jiu didn't want to talk to Wei Wuhua at all, and let her extend the hand stop at in midair, even the smile on his face gradually became stiff.

Wei Wuhua's expression froze, and her heart was extremely embarrassed.

It shouldn't be, didn't this beauty smile at her just now, how could she ignore her?

Yes, she must have been too quiet for him to hear.

Wei Wuhua said again: "My name is Wei Wuhua, dare to ask Young Master's name?"

The answer to her was a word that Mo Jiu spit out coldly from his lips: "get lost !"



There was a burst of laughter behind him, Wei Wuhua's face was blue and white, as if it was going to Qiqiao is out of smoke, and it looks very exciting.

She never thought that she would get such an answer. Originally it was just embarrassment and embarrassment, but now, under the ridicule of others, her heart suddenly burst into anger.

This damn man made her lose face!

Mo Jiu didn't care about Wei Wuhua's feelings at all, but kept his eyes fixed on the azure robed girl. Li Muxian was keenly aware of his gaze, and raised his eyes to look over. After seeing his face, he immediately started.

What a beautiful man.

And why did she feel a familiar feeling from him inexplicably?

Li Muxian had some doubts in her heart. At this moment, a question sounded behind her: "What's the matter?"

She shook the head and looked away.

Should be just an illusion.

Li Muxian's reaction was expected by Mo Jiu. After all, who would have thought that a fox could become a human? And it has been more than ten years since he lived together in Li Muxian, even if he is still a fox, she may not recognize him.

And Li Muxian was stunned after seeing him. He was already satisfied, which meant that she had an almost instinctive feeling for him.

At this moment, Wei Wuhua, who was in front of Mo Jiu, suddenly shot, raised his hand and slapped him in the face.

Under normal circumstances, Wei Wuhua wouldn't make such a radical move even if he was reprimanded for chatting up. But Mo Jiu is an exception. The flattery between his eyebrows and eyes is the best Catalyst for women by nature, whether it is desire, anger, or desire to conquer.

With all kinds of emotions being stimulated at the same time, Wei Wuhua was already in a daze, wanting to slap Mo Jiu is almost a subconscious behavior, wanting this man to show a painful expression and making him regret it reject yourself!

Under such thoughts, Wei Wuhua's eyes already showed a strong color of excitement.

But all this is too slow in Mo Jiu's eyes. Whether he wants to dodge or fight back, it is all with no difficulty.

But he suddenly had a thought, isn't Child of Destiny at a critical moment, the daughter of luck will take action, then I don't know if he is now... Can he be regarded as Child of Destiny?

Mo Jiu stood on the spot, neither dodging nor evading, letting Wei Wuhua yank at his face, as if he didn't respond.

If this is the draw, Mo Jiu's cheeks will be extremely red and swollen.

Suddenly, an azure light flashed, and with a 'smack' sound, Wei Wuhua's palm stopped just a few inches away from Mo Jiu's cheek. A pale jade hand gripped tightly, impossible to move even a little bit.

"You..." Wei Wuhua reacted and wanted to struggle, but the hand holding her wrist tightened even more, as if it was about to crush her bones.

She suddenly let out a scream: "Ah..."

When Wei Wuhua called out, Li Muxian immediately let go of her, icily said: "Go away."

Wei Wuhua raised her head and glared at Li Muxian, but seeing the killing intent in her eyes, her imposing manner disappeared, looking pale, she quickly turned around and ran downstairs.

Mo Jiu looked at the scene in front of him with a smile on his face, and it never disappeared.

"Why don't you hide?" Li Muxian turned to look at Mo Jiu with a cold tone in her voice.

Mo Jiu's eyes were slightly raised, and he actually taught him a lesson?

As a result, he raised his eyebrows, his body trembled violently, the pain spread all over his body in an instant, and the system punishment appeared.

Damn, this is also considered against the character?

Mo Jiu clenched his teeth tightly, the green meridians were beating on his white forehead, and just like that, a lot of cold sweat had already seeped out from his back.

In this way, he was directly honest and deeply remembered that he is now 'Hu Jiu', not Mo Jiu. When he was a fox in the past, he could do whatever he wanted, but now he has become a human being, and any demeanor or action may go against the human design.

Mo Jiu urged his luck, slowed down, then smiled slightly at Li Muxian, too innocent, and the look in his eyes was a little innocent: "I can't react."

The system couldn't help but give a like, worthy of being the host, and entering the play in a second!

Li Muxian was at a loss for words. Yes, how can a normal person react to this slap?

But is this man really an ordinary person?

Such a beautiful man, alone, without anyone to protect him?

But she had observed and really didn't catch a trace of spiritual power from a man. This only represents two possibilities, either his cultivation base far exceeds her, or he is an ordinary person.

Can a person who can't even respond to a slap be a powerhouse?

Mo Jiu looked at her slightly frowning brows, and immediately knew what she was thinking: "Do you think it would be dangerous for a man like me to be alone outside?"

Li Muxian was shocked, how could he guess what she was thinking?

Mo Jiu chuckled, word by word, as if whispering to Li Muxian: "Because I believe that there will be someone like a girl who will help me."

" Has anyone else helped you?" Li Muxian blurted out.

Mo Jiu's eyes were full of smiles, but there was a hint of embarrassment on his face: "The girl just rescued me, did she plan to let me devote one's life to?"


"That's not what I meant." Li Muxian immediately denied it, only to realize how inappropriate what he just said.

Strange, a man she just met, how could she have such thoughts about him...


She had this thought in her heart, and there was a strong disgust and hatred in her eyes. That kind of gaze... was like watching a mouse crossing the street.

Mo Jiu looked pale when she looked at her with this look, as if she couldn't bear the killing intent emanating from her body.

At the same time, he frowned in his heart, what's going on, this disgust and hatred?

Li Muxian saw Mo Jiu's face turning pale, and hurriedly restrained her imposing manner, knowing that she thought too much.

I didn't feel a trace of Monster Qi in his body, and she didn't feel bewitched either. She had such a reaction, maybe it was purely because he was too beautiful...

But after this, Li Muxian became a lot more normal when facing Mo Jiu, alienated and indifferent, just a stranger.

(end of this chapter)

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