Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 156


Chapter 156 The fox family has a young girl growing up

Mo Jiu then turned his head and looked towards the woman, his eyes fell on her hands holding her On her clothes, she curled her lips into a smile: "The clothes are very beautiful."

Hearing this, the woman's face suddenly filled with joy, as if this was the best reward in the world.

"But..." Mo Jiu's voice changed and his face became expressionless, "If you touch it, it will be dirty and can't be worn."

These words As soon as she came out, the woman's joy instantly turned to fear, as if she was bestowed to death by the emperor... No, it may have scared her even more than when she faced death.

"No, no..." The woman's lips were trembling, her words were trembling, and her body was also trembling, "I... my hands have been washed, just cleaned, not dirty, not dirty Yes, really not..."

"Not to mention that it has just been washed, even if it has been washed a hundred times, it will be completely dirty after passing through your hands, and it will never be cleaned." Mo Jiu indifferently said, "I don't want it."

The woman's face turned pale in an instant, the pupils in her eyes dilated, and her chest heaved violently, as if she was dying of suffocation at the moment, desperately breathing her last breath Air.

Seeing this, Mo Jiu raised the corners of his lips slightly, evoking a somewhat playful smile, matched with the faint charm that always existed between his eyebrows and eyes, and there was a youthful and lively atmosphere in his sexiness: "Why don't you chop off one of your hands? Then I'll take this dress."

This is simply asking a woman to self-mutilate. Any normal person will refuse this request. , and even more angry.

However, when the woman heard it, it was like a pardon, and she nodded without hesitation: "Okay, I'll chop, I'll chop!"

Mo Jiu didn't know where to change it. She took out a saber, handed it to the woman, raised her chin slightly, said with a smile: "Give."

The woman took the knife with trembling right hand, not in fear, but in excitement!

This is what Mo Jiu handed her, she has to keep it well!

Immediately, her right hand was raised above her head, and her eyes were staring at her left hand, as if it was not part of her body, but her father-killer. Next, the right hand chopped it fiercely without hesitation!

Blood splattered!

"Ah—" The woman let out a shrill scream like a pig.

Mo Jiu waved his hand, and the woman's mouth was blocked out of thin air, and she couldn't make any sound. Not a single drop of the blood spurting from her wrist splashed on him. He was wearing a white Taoist robe, which was still clean and tidy. If he only looked at the back, he would be like a fairy in heaven, out of the world.

Mo Jiu glanced at the woman's wrist showing the white skeleton, then withdrew his gaze, his slender legs stepped over the pool of blood on the ground, moved towards the outside of the room, and left a sentence before leaving. : "Remember to completely chop off the must." He closed the door and left here completely.

When he was going down the stairs, he also conjured a black veil and a bamboo hat in his hands and put it on his face and head, covering most of his beautiful face. Although the exposed pair of eyes seem to be more attractive spirit seizing soul when they are half-covered, at least they won't attract the attention of countless people wherever they go.

Mo Jiu walked out of the Inn.

He plans to go to the largest teahouse in Winterfell, which is the first place many outsiders will go when they come here. Guys ask for the news they want.

Walking down the street, Mo Jiu can feel his eyes projecting from time to time, which he has long been accustomed to.

'Host, these behaviors of yours are really exactly the same as those of the fox. 'System Road.

Mo Jiu's footsteps are slightly paused: 'The character. '

'hehe, of course I know it's a character design, I just sigh, don't worry, host. '

Mo Jiu's mouth twitched slightly, this little system is really becoming more and more black-belly, where did he learn these things?

'By the way, why did you let that woman chop off her hands? 'The system tilted his head in confusion,' After all, he lived in her Inn for free for ten years. '

Mo Jiu indifferently said: 'Who made her try to drug me? Originally, I paid, but since she wanted to attack me, I would naturally be welcome. Abandoning her hand is also to make her have a longer memory, so as not to continue to harm other men in the future. '

The system applauded: 'The host kills evil for the people, it's amazing! '

Mo Jiu: '...'

Mo Jiu went to the teahouse and ordered a private seat. It was on the second floor by the window. From here, you could see it at a glance. Pedestrians on the street to-and-fro.

His black veil and hat were also taken off, otherwise he would be eye-catching.

He leaned against the window with one hand on his cheek, his eyes fell on the street, observing whether Li Muxian was among the crowd, his posture was extremely lazy.

This is both a persona and not a persona.

For Mo Jiu or many people, this is indeed a habitual posture, and it is very comfortable, but under the background of this body and temperament, it is extraordinarily attractive.

Even though most of his face could not be seen, there were still people who looked straight at Mo Jiu without blinking.

“guest, your tea.”

The shop assistant is a girl who is somewhat delicious and pretty.

Mo Jiu turned his head subconsciously and said indifferently to her: "Thank you."

His lips are obviously not curved, but they seem to have a hint of light With a smile, the girl's pretty face instantly turned crimson, and she swallowed her words: "No...don't thank you..."

The other guests sitting here were also able to see. Mo Jiu's face was so real, and there was a sound of suck in a cold breath.

Mo Jiu just came to his senses and was speechless. Does this restaurant have private rooms?

'hehe. ' The system laughed happily, and could see the host scolding others again.

The girl left, and he looked sideways towards the window again, but it was too late. The person who was still a little hesitant at first, had great courage under the stimulation of his appearance, and one person stood up directly and walked towards here.

"Go..." The word "go" was already out, Mo Jiu turned his head around, his eyes were cold, and the next word "open" was about to spit out, suddenly he felt something, and immediately raised his eyes and looked towards the back of the woman who came to chat up.

There is the stairs, and at this moment, a beautiful face appears, from bottom to top, and even the body in Tsing Yi is gradually revealed, showing two quite agile and delicate. radian.

I can't believe that the cute little girl from before has grown into such a beautiful appearance.

Mo Jiu was filled with emotion for a while, and then was extremely relieved.

The 'Fox Family' has a young female.

A charming smile appeared on his face.

But the others misunderstood, who would notice the people who just came here?

I thought Mo Jiu was smiling at the woman who came to strike up a conversation.

The woman was overjoyed, she had to pretend to be calm on the surface, she stretched out a hand to Mo Jiu, said with a slight smile: "My name is Wei Wuhua, dare to ask Young Master's name?"

Mo Jiu looked towards her suspiciously.

Who are you?

(end of this chapter)

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