Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 144


Chapter 144 What a Value

Mo Jiu struggled desperately, but the woman couldn't hold him down with both hands, he turned his head and opened it Mouth, about to move towards her palm and take a bite.

The woman was frightened by her fierce appearance, and she shrugged to avoid it. Mo Jiu took this opportunity to escape, but she still seemed to be stuck in a swamp. He stretched out his hand to grab the fox's tail, let out a painful neigh, and turned to bite again.

But the woman learned to be smart this time, holding his body with one hand and his mouth with the other, completely subduing him.

"How can this beast be as slippery as a loach!" The woman scolded lowly, her forehead was covered in cold sweat, she didn't expect to catch a fox, it was even more dangerous than killing a bear.

The woman grabbed Mo Jiu and tried to get up, but he struggled and almost broke free from her hand, so she had to keep this position and push him to the ground with one hand.

"There's another beast, have you caught it?"


Two women came from a distance, Holding the snow-white fox tail, he carried a fox.

Mo Jiu took a look, secretly sighed inwardly, he didn't escape either.

Just thinking about this, a silhouette rushed in front of the fox, grabbed his neck tightly, as if to crush his spine directly, and glared angrily. : "This damn beast has blinded my eyes, I want to make it worse than death!"

"Stop!" Someone scolded her sharply, cursing, "You know these beasts live How much can I sell it for? Many rich kids want to keep these things, and this thing is two prices, dead and alive!"

"What about the eyes of the old lady?"

"After you get the money, I'll give you half a percent more!"

"One percent!"

"Your father's, one percent of your money, let go quickly!"

Hearing this, the woman slowly let go of her hand, which is regarded as a default compensation.

She didn't dare to kill the fox, because the money after selling these things was shared by everyone, and she hurt the interests of a group of people.

It's not bad to be able to get 10% of the compensation.

"Let Poor Daoist take a look at this little thing."

The middle-aged female Taoist priest moved towards Mo Jiu came over, crouched down, and wanted to touch his fur , which immediately caused him a fierce struggle.

Mo Jiu knew that he would be caught, it was the priest who was casting spell, or he would have escaped.

"Master, this beast is very fierce. I suggest you don't touch it, or it will be bad if you get hurt." The woman smiled, but her eyes contained deep vigilance and concern. Be vigilant, worried that this Taoist priest will suddenly make a move.

Although they are numerous and powerful, they may not be able to defeat her. Even if they win, it is estimated that there will be heavy casualties.

The Taoist priest had a smile on his lips, nodded, but glanced at the woman contemptuously, knowing what she was thinking in her mind, without explaining, she is now more interested in Mo Jiu.

The female Taoist strangely said: "Do you know that this little thing is my hand?"

"Fox, cunning is very good, it has some spirituality."

"Poor Daoist looks at it like this, it seems that it is not just ordinary with spirituality..." The female Taoist cannot see that Mo Jiu has a cultivation base, but she can also feel that he is different from ordinary foxes, and has extraordinary spirituality. If it wasn't for her special technique, he would have escaped.

If you give it a few more years, isn't this fox going to turn into a demon?

At that time, the value was great...

The female Taoist rolled her eyes, stood up, looked towards the group of people in front of her, and said peacefully: "This fox How about to Poor Daoist?"


A dozen sharp gazes suddenly fell on her, it seemed that the leader of the group stood up, and said with a smile: "Daoist, we all have this sound. One of my sisters even went blind because of it, you want these two foxes..."

"I don't want two, just this one is enough." Don't panic, lightly said with a smile, "Of course Poor Daoist will not ask for nothing and will pay you."

"Poor Daoist will not charge you for the cost of killing that bear, how about that?"

The leading woman heard this trembling, and she was a little moved. In order to kill the bear, they specially invited this Taoist priest. The price is not cheap at all. If she can really save the cost of her shot...

But the woman thought about it again, this female Taoist is willing not to pay this reward, but also wants this fox. Is there anything special about this fox?

My knowledge is short and I can't see it, but she has a friend with cultivation, she should see it, and when the time comes, just go to her to see it.

"Sorry, the two foxes have already been reserved, and they can't be shot casually." The woman said apologetically with a smile, "But the remuneration that the priest deserves, we will not be less. One pen and one coin."

The female Taoist priest's eyes were slightly narrowed, her eyes were sharp, and she seemed to be able to read people's hearts, so that the group of people lifted their spirits, for fear that she would shoot at the next moment.

After a long time, her expression loosened, and she smiled and looked at the head: "If that's the case, then forget it. But for the sake of cooperating, Poor Daoist doesn't hide from you, this fox does not Ordinary, if you sell it to wealthy children, no matter how they like it, they will only regard it as a fox with a little spirituality, and the price will not be too high. But if you sell it to a Taoist who wants Spirit Pet, the price they offer can be very high. Just..."

"What price?" The woman didn't believe it.

"At least one high-grade Spirit Stone."

The woman's perfunctory nodded: "Oh, I see."

The female Taoist priest knew at a glance that they had Not understanding the value, sneered: "Do you know how much a piece of high-grade Spirit Stone is worth?"

"How much?" To get this fox.

"If you can ask me to shoot eight... ten times, it will be no problem to help you kill ten more bears!" In a hurry, with this conversion, they instantly understood and understood the value of the fox.

"That Daoist priest, does this fox also have spirituality?"


Asking her like this, the Daoist priest knew that they were tempted. Lightly snorted with disdain, he looked towards the fox in the woman's hand in the distance: "How many of you caught this fox?"

"Two, only me and her!" The woman patted her chest , indicating that this is the credit of the two of them.

"Yes." The female Taoist said, "Two people can catch this fox, and now it is like a dead dog being held in his hand, impossible to move even a little bit. "

"What about this one? How many of you are besieging and blocking it? In the end, it wasn't Poor Daoist who shot it, and almost let it escape. Which is more important, isn't it obvious at a glance?"

hearing this, the leader's eyes flashed a hint of loss, and then cup one fist in the other hand to the female Taoist priest, said with a smile: "haha, the Taoist priest made us feel better. A big wave of knowledge, just do what the Taoist said!"

The female Taoist slowly stretched out a finger, leisurely said: "I will also pay for the reward after selling this fox. 10%."

A group of people suddenly turned ashen.

(end of this chapter)

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