Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 143


Chapter 143 Catching the Fox

It is not difficult for Mo Jiu to understand this sentiment, after all, their mother and brother sisters are both Died at the hands of these hunters.

The fox's repayment of kindness is not true or false, but if a kindness can be remembered for a long time, and if you try your best to return it, then if you hate a group of people, I'm afraid it will be even more unforgettable, and I wish they died immediately.

And if those hunters are really injured or die, it means that they can absorb a lot of energy, and the cultivation base can be improved a lot.

But he really didn't want to cultivate in this way...

While he was still struggling, the white fox had already flew out, so he had to follow closely from behind, Hurry to follow.

It should be winter now. There was a lot of snow last night. It was white and wrapped in silver and white. The whole forest exudes a rare silence.

The snow does not affect their movements at all, but is the best protection.

Mo Jiu has read all the memories of the original owner. Now he is a fox, so there is no strangeness in running, but he always has an indescribable sense of weirdness.

Fortunately, as he continued to run, this feeling gradually weakened. He even had a feeling in his heart. This kind of speed is faster than the running speed of ordinary cultivators. If he can use the movement method of human beings , will it be faster?

There is no movement method in the last world, but an escape technique, which requires a spirit root to use it. Feng Jiuyou's world has a movement method, he recalled it a little, and then cast it out. The whole person was like a gust of wind, surpassing the white fox in an instant, but he couldn't control it at all, and his head fiercely slammed into a crossed tree trunk superior.

Mo Jiu was knocked unconscious, his head was full of pain, the Heaven and Earth in front of him seemed to be turned upside down, dazed.

"Why is your speed so fast all of a sudden?" Baihu asked in surprise.

Mo Jiu buried his entire head in the snowdrift. The cold feeling of the white snow made him feel a little better, and he said vaguely: "It accelerated a little."

"Yes. Is it?" The fox was a little confused, but even if he had a spirit, he was still an animal, and he didn't have the ability to think like that of a human. After thinking for a while, he no longer struggled with this question, "Let's go, I want to watch The group was gutted by the bear."

Mo Jiu shook his head and continued to follow him.

When I came to the vicinity of a cave, even if it was far away, I could hear a strong roar, and there were people screaming from time to time.

"We have approached some, but we can't see it here." The white fox leaned against the cave and slowly approached.

Mo Jiu would like to say, did you forget how our mother died?

But he still followed along.

As he moved towards the cave, he pondered what he had learned not long ago.

He often has this kind of insight, because he has experienced many worlds and has seen too many things. When two different spells collide together, special ideas will be born.

But those ideas were without exception. After he tried them, they all failed.

This shows that his perception has no effect and meaning.

At that time, he vaguely noticed that it seemed to be related to luck.

Why are those daughters of luck and Child of Destiny, the cultivation speed of ordinary people unimaginable?

Because of their outstanding innate talent, and a large part of innate talent is reflected in occasional insights.

To put it in layman's terms, this is called dive light flashed, and to put it in a more advanced way, this is 'Enlightenment'.

And the insights that appeared in his mind may be more than those of the daughters and sons of luck, but why did he try cultivation in several worlds before, and the results did not make any progress?

Because his perception is useless, it is 'invalid perception' to some extent.

But so many times, all of them are meaningless, isn't it too strange?

It was just some speculation before, now Mo Jiu can finally confirm, that's why he has no luck.

He himself has no luck, and the original owners he possessed are all villains, so there is no luck at all.

Therefore, he is like a waste, and the cultivation base depends on the cultivation base of the original owner when he is possessed. He is trying to cultivate, that is doing nothing.

And now, his perception really has an effect, which must be inseparable from the two qi luck he obtained.

Even in the last world, he tried cultivation, and he really promoted a small realm, which was basically impossible in the previous worlds.

So, luck is gradually lifting the upper limit of his innate talent?

This means that after he gets some luck to a certain extent, he can really become the most powerhouse in that world?

Even, now this world is ready to try!

Mo Jiu felt a little excited when he thought about it.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a strong crisis in his heart. He couldn't tell whether it was the animal's instinct or his perception. In short, he immediately ran and said to the white fox: "Run quickly. !"

Two figures jumped out from nowhere, obviously there is no one here, and there is no other atmosphere, but they just appear out of thin air.

Mo Jiu accelerated suddenly, causing the person who was trying to catch him to pounce, but the white fox didn't act immediately. On the ground, he made a somewhat harsh 'gu gu' sound.

Mo Jiu ran over and fiercely slapped the woman's eyes.

"Ah—" the woman screamed, let go of the white fox, and covered her drenched with blood eyes.


No need for Mo Jiu to say anything this time, Baihu hurriedly stood up and ran.

Mo Jiu ran in the other direction. At this time, he needed to split up, otherwise he would be easily wiped out.

Relying on his own speed, he glanced at the cave and found some bear fighting with people fiercely. There was only blood and brown hair all over the ground, and a bear corpse!

The sound of the fight before is clearly fake, the bear has been solved long ago!

Mo Jiu was horrified, how did the voice disguise? There is a high probability that there is also a cultivator with high mana!

He suddenly wanted to turn around and go back, but there was a roar full of anger and pain behind him: "This damn little bastard! I must kill it!"

Mo Jiu had no choice. , I had to find another position between the front and rear, moved towards the left and ran over.

He didn't dare to use the movement method, because he couldn't master it yet, and the situation like before could easily happen.

A silhouette suddenly appeared in front of him, Mo Jiu turned around quickly, changed direction, and another person appeared, then he turned around again.

So you catch me and hide, a dozen people can't help but a fox.

"Master, don't act quickly!"

"Subduing this fox demon, but, you have to pay more."

"Okay, okay, you You can do as much as you want, hurry up and give my mother a shot!"

The moment Mo Jiu's voice fell, Mo Jiu seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, unable to move an inch, and was finally caught and pressed to the ground.

(end of this chapter)

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