Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 131


Chapter 131 Huifeng

"Master, what's the matter with you?!" Luo Qingxuan panicked instantly, if Her heart was full of anger before, but at this moment, it all turned into pain. For the first time, she experienced what it was like to be unable to breathe because of the heartache. Watching Mo Jiu vomit blood, it was more painful than the serious injury she received.

"It hurts... uncomfortable..." Mo Jiu said in pain, repeating it again, as if to prevent Luo Qingxuan from worrying and sad, he deliberately removed the two 'very', but this made Luo Qing The three of Xuan felt even more distressed.

Mo Jiu frowned coldly and hummed softly: "If you hug me, I'll... no longer hurt."

This well-behaved look is simply amazing Heartbroken at the same time.

"Okay, Master doesn't hurt anymore..." Luo Qingxuan frowned, but her words were very gentle. She hugged Mo Jiu even tighter, wishing she could melt him into her body. inside.

Isn't that the way the Master won't suffer any more?

Luo Qingxuan coaxed Mo Jiu, and seeing that his complexion improved, he took out a medicine pill and put it to Mo Jiu's mouth: "Master, open your mouth, ah——"

Mo Jiu looked at the medicine pill curiously, opened his mouth 'ao wu' and took it, then swallowed it.

"It's so sweet." Mo Jiu's brows and eyes were curved, and little stars twinkled in his eyes.

Luo Qingxuan's heart is about to melt, Master is the sweetest thing in this world.

After a while, Mo Jiu's eyelids began to droop, his eyes showed a strong look of exhaustion, he yawned slightly, and fell asleep in Luo Qingxuan's arms, his face still With a smile, this shows his trust in Luo Qingxuan.

Luo Qingxuan feeds Mo Jiu the highest quality Healing Medicine Pill. In fact, any Healing Medicine Pill has some sleeping effect, but it has no effect on the dao cultivator, only Mo Jiu now A mortal would fall asleep so quickly.

And the Master would trust her like this, maybe it was because she was the only one who planned to save him before? Or is she the only one who didn't do anything offensive to the Master?

Luo Qingxuan felt that both were possible. She knew in her heart that she should not be happy at such a time, but she still felt a little smug.

Does she have a Master?

It's still just and honourable.

Luo Qingxuan shook the head, now is not the time to think about it.

She looked at Luo Qingwan with cold eyes: "Master, what's the situation?"

Luo Qingwan's face showed bitterness, the pain in her eyes was uncontrollable, or she said truthfully: "Master In the early years, I took many medicine pills, and the residual erysipelas mixed together, which became a deadly poison."

Long E and Luo Qingxuan's complexion changed slightly, the former asked: "Can it be eradicated?"

Luo Qingwanshook the head.

"What about relief?" Luo Qingxuan browses tightly knit.

She shook her head again.

Long'e almost couldn't hold back, so she used her sword again.

That is to say, there is no solution, can only watch Mo Jiu die?

"Then why was the Master okay before?"

Luo Qingwan's words were trembling: "Because at that time the Master still had a cultivation base and could suppress it by himself, but now... "..."

"Bastard!" Long E furiously shouted, no longer caring about anything, and stabbed Luo Qingwan with a sword, the latter dodged the sword a little embarrassed.

"You can't kill me." Luo Qingwan whispered, not confident or threatening, "Because now the life of the Master has been bound to me, if I die, the Master will die too. So, if you want to vent your anger, I can stand still and let you fight, but you can't kill me..."

hearing this, Long E's anger seemed to be blocked, and then He couldn't let it out, so his pretty face turned red, he turned around suddenly, and cut a sword qi in front of him, directly cutting off all the ancient trees, and all the fallen leaves here turned into dust!

She let out a long sigh of relief.

Luo Qingxuan was stunned there, as if stunned by anger, closed her eyes, took a few deep breaths, and then opened it again, her expression seemed to have calmed down: "Yes. Is there a way to restore the Master's cultivation base?"

She is reasonably rational, knowing that anger is meaningless, and the top priority is to find a way to save the Master's life.

Luo Qingwan was about to shake her head. If she just lost her cultivation base, then she could still recover. But now there is erysipelas left in the Master's body, if it is not removed, it will be difficult to embark on the road of repair. But here's the problem, erysipelas can't be erased at all, and it can't even be relieved. Only its own cultivation base can suppress it. So it becomes a vicious circle.

But her movements stopped again, knowing that even if there is no hope, she must forcibly find the glimmer of survival, or watch the Master's life fade away and gradually die?

In this way, she will never have the possibility of atonement, and will never be forgiven by the Master...

Long E glanced at Mo Jiu in Luo Qingxuan's arms and said: : "Let's go back to the sect first, and then discuss how to save Moxuan Junior Brother."

"Okay." Luo Qingxuan nodded.

After saying that, the two raised their eyes at the same time and looked towards Luo Qingwan. She also came back to her senses and turned to leave the Secret Realm.

Luo Qingxuan and Long E came out later, and the three flew back together.

9999 Layers The ladder is right in front of you, and it takes a few breaths to reach the top step.

Long E landed on the ground and turned to look at Luo Qingxuan: "Come to me, I have a fairy spring, which can nourish muscles and bones and nourish meridian."

Luo Qingxuan thought for a while, then looked the head: "There should be a lot of Junior Sister Junior Brothers there, right? I'm afraid it's not convenient."

"It's better to go back to our peak, I and... I will take good care of the Master. If the aunt wants to come, you can come anytime."

Luo Qingxuan still remembered some of Long'e's kindness. If it wasn't for her, what happened to the Master might be She still doesn't know it yet.

Long E looked a little ugly, but she also knew that Luo Qingxuan was right, it was really inconvenient for her to be on the peak.

Mo Jiu's injury, without communication and communication, doesn't know that it can't be known to anyone other than them.

They didn't want Mo Jiu to suffer from those gossips, even if he couldn't hear them at all.

"Okay." Long E still compromised, "Since that's the case, I'll find a way to move that fairy spring."

Luo Qingxuan was stunned, but she knew this It was for the Master, she shouldn't have refused, so she accepted this affection: "many thanks, Aunt Long."

Long'e shook the head, finally gave Luo Qingwan a cold look, turned her head and moved towards herself He flew up to the peak, and naturally went to get the Xianquan.

Luo Qingxuan and the two returned to the peak and did not put Mo Jiu on the bed in his Cave Mansion, so he didn't need to guess what happened on that bed.

Thinking of this, Luo Qingxuan couldn't help flashing a trace of anger in her eyes, she pursed her lips tightly without saying a word, took Mo Jiu back to her Cave Mansion, and put him in her own. bed.

The two sisters looked at each other, both silent.

The most intimate family relationship in the past finally showed signs of falling apart under Luo Qingwan's behavior of deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors.

Fortunately, it didn't take too long, Long'e came over, and moved the entire fairy spring with great magic power.

(end of this chapter)

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