Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 130


Chapter 130 What's Wrong

Luo Qingxuan hurriedly comforted, raised her hand and patted Mo Jiu's back lightly, Just like coaxing a younger sister when I was a child: "Master, don't be afraid, Qingxuan is here."

hearing this, Mo Jiu stopped trembling, his face gradually calmed down, and he buried his head in Luo Qingxuan's arms and refused to look up. .

Luo Qingxuan and Long E looked at each other, and then she cast a spell to cover Mo Jiu's ears, so that he would not hear any sound, so as not to be stimulated.

"What did you do to the Master!" Luo Qingxuan asked coldly, her expression cold.

This is the first time that Luo Qingxuan has been so angry with Luo Qingwan. In the past, no matter what she did wrong, she would admonish and remind her in a gentle tone. After all, when Luo Qingwan was very young, their parents died, only she can teach her, not to mention making the younger sister a Saint, at least she can't go astray.

And Luo Qingwan didn't let her down. She was well-behaved, sensible, and obedient, which saved her a lot of heart, and she didn't need to teach her anything.

But this time, Luo Qingwan has gone too far... No, it's not 'too much' at all. This is deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors!

"And what the Master did to you, tell me everything!" Luo Qingxuan said icily.

Luo Qingwan was still immersed in the scene of Mo Jiu showing fear and fear to her, like falling into an abyss, like a nightmare, her whole body was in a trance, as if she had lost her soul.

It took a long time for her to slowly come back to her senses, but her eyes were full of pain and regret.

She opened her lips slightly, finally opened her mouth, and spit out hoarse words: "I'm not the original Luo Qingwan..."

As soon as these words came out, Luo Qingxuan and Long E's eyes narrowed for a moment, staring at her, wanting to say something, but she still didn't interrupt her and let her continue.

Luo Qingwan began to talk about her past life. She briefly talked about the previous experience in a few words, and told in detail how she died and was thrown into the pill furnace by Mo Jiu and became a pill concocting. Material. As a result, as if Heavenly Dao favored him, he lived a new life and came to this body, and then he had the idea of revenge and possession of the Master.

Luo Qingxuan and Long E were shocked, obviously shocked by Luo Qingwan's words, and they were a little unbelievable. But looking at her painful expression, it didn't look like a fabricated lie.

It would be better to say that the most like a lie is that Mo Jiu used Luo Qingwan as a material for pill concocting, and threw it into the pill furnace, in pursuit of ethereal immortality?

How can the Master (Junior Brother) they are familiar with be such a person?

But they turned their heads and glanced at the souls that were always being burned by Yaozi's demonic fire. The pain inside was so ferocious and twisted that they seemed to be constantly wailing. They seemed to understand something.

They didn't say anything, because Luo Qingwan was still talking, but as her words came out, their faces became more and more ugly, and in the end they also became a little hideous.


Long'e couldn't bear it anymore, and a sword was cold.

A strand of blue silk fell, Luo Qingwan sat motionless on the spot, as if the sharp sword light streak across her cheeks was not.

They didn't finish listening to Luo Qingwan's story, but they were able to guess nine times out of ten. This was a misunderstanding from beginning to end. The reason why Mo Jiu would use his own recipe to make human pills in his previous life , is being possessed. Just who could have thought of this? Luo Qingwan relived her life and thought it was Heavenly Dao's care and pity. Naturally, she just wanted to avenge Mo Jiu, but she accidentally discovered the truth of her previous life, but it was too late.

Misunderstanding and tragedy.

This is a tragedy from start to finish.

After a long silence, Luo Qingxuan said indifferently: "You stand up and come here."

Luo Qingwan got up from the ground as she said, and walked slowly to Luo Qingxuan, Hissed: "Sister..."


Before the second word 'sister' was spoken, a slap slapped her face heavily, Big, beat her head to the side, the corners of her lips cracked, and a trace of blood oozes out.

However, Luo Qingwan didn't have a trace of surprise and anger, she straightened her head, lowered her eyebrows, and looked like she was beating and scolding.

Why doesn't she hate herself? The elder sister beat her, but it made her feel a little atonement and felt a little better.

If her death could get it all over again, she would.

It's just impossible, and it won't work, because the Master's life has been bound to her...

Whether it's for the Master, or for atonement, she should continue to live.

Luo Qingxuan made this slap without affecting Mo Jiu. If the Master was not in her arms, I'm afraid this slap would be even stronger.

She was really in a hurry, because what Luo Qingwan told her later was what she did to the Master. Even if the details were omitted, those actions still made people angry. Long'e was not easy to do because of her identity, so naturally she should be the one to do it.

And Luo Qingxuan took a slap, raised her right hand and planned to give another slap. Seeing Luo Qingwan like this, her anger did not weaken, nor did she soften her heart, but she did not fight.

What's the use of teaching her a lesson? It has come to this point, and blaming can't change anything.

"Do you know where you are wrong?" Luo Qingxuan said solemnly.

Luo Qingwan lifts the head, looking slightly stunned.

She didn't know how to answer, because at a simple thought, she was wrong everywhere, but if one thing was not done, things wouldn't fall to this level, and the Master wouldn't be punished. She was tortured like this.

"It's all wrong..." Luo Qingwan said hoarsely.

"You don't know!" Luo Qingxuan gnashing teeth, angrily said, "You are wrong, even if the Master killed you, you shouldn't take revenge! If there was no Master, we would have Died on the ladder, where did it come from now, where did it come from now? In addition, has the Master treated us harshly? Preaching and karma to solve puzzles, even if there is an afterlife, this kind of Master's kindness will not be fully repaid, so what do we have? Qualified for revenge? If you think one life is enough to offset these kindnesses, then cut off the relationship between master and disciple, how can you do such a deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors!"

Luo Qingxuan's words were like thunder Piercing the ear, ringing in Luo Qingwan's ear, made her stay where she was.

She knew that what the elder sister said was not wrong. The Master's kindness to her cannot be repaid in two lifetimes. Even if the Master asks her to die, that's what it should be. If you really have resentment in your heart, then don't care about the master and disciple relationship, just like Mo Jiu and Long E'en cut off justice.

But what did she do?

Taking the Master's kindness to her as it should be by rights, but feeling that his previous appearances were all hypocritical, and at the end he showed his true face, as if Dou Mien raised Mi Chou, her Behavior is the real thankless wretch.

She shouldn't have taken revenge on the Master, and no one knows what she has in mind, whether her love for the Master has already begun to stir, and then with this reason, she just and honourable reveals and vents It came out, and it was nicknamed 'revenge'.

The more Luo Qingwan thought about it, the more painful it became, her heart felt like a large piece of flesh and blood had been cut off, already drenched with blood.


Mo Jiu, who was buried in Luo Qingxuan’s arms, suddenly spit a mouthful of blood, and whispered in a painful and weak voice, “It hurts… It's so uncomfortable..."

The three people present were instantly heartbroken, as if they were the ones who vomited blood!

(end of this chapter)

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