Xue'er follows me. After all, I am giving you your body. I will continue to need you to provide me with your genes.

Friya and Xia Yin are busy with the empire's affairs first.

The empire still needs more people. They can trust that they can handle this matter well while he is away, he said. He also nodded directly to everyone.

Okay, you should probably understand everything now.

Mr. Yang, I think it's time for us to take the initiative. People like those with dark magic have wasted so many of our orc troops before.

There's nothing else to do now, so we can attack.

I don't think this will work.

Tolinie directly objected. After all, it was her own country and she was not here. If this happened, there would definitely be heavy casualties. She spoke directly to everyone.

Our current troops should be recuperating. If we let them go out at this time, their bodies will not be able to support such a long period of combat.

Xia Yin listened and said.

I think that's the case. After all, everyone is very tired. War should be less of an issue. We'd better not provoke wars for no reason.

Saying that, Kanzaki Yang smiled, thus exposing his identity at a glance. After all, this person knew that he was the messenger of the Dark Empire, and no one could use the formation in his absence.

If you come to their country, you can't defeat this person with those troops.

Xia Yin followed suit because she had no idea about this matter.

Said. Kanzaki Yoya said.

Since you all express your opinions, why don't you think about it and see if there is any bad way.

This time, before Tolinie could finish speaking, Xia Yin in front of her spoke directly.

Didn't I say last time that there was one thing that was not settled?

Why don't we do what we said last time? We should develop the strength of our army before starting a war.

.々I haven't told these officers, soldiers and ministers about the auction yet.

This is what I am thinking about right now. After I finish this matter, I will directly launch an attack on their country.

After all, you also know that there is not much time for the auction to take place, which is about 10 hours. At this time, everyone has almost rested in the past few days.

You can buy him a bed or something while they are away, and then talk about food.

The current military salary is completely sufficient. It is just a matter of letting them eat well in advance, and then giving them some additional cash.

Rashuka kept talking about neighbor.

It was as if Wang Qianhao already had the answer in his heart. t

Indeed, she barely slept last night, just thinking about these things.

But he thought he could really help.

At this time, his idea is the best.

Not only did he complete the auction mentioned at the beginning, he also improved his army, and most importantly, he was able to lead his troops to fight proactively.

In this case, it would be more relaxed, so he asked Kanzaki Yang directly.

Yang Jun, what do you think of my idea?

Kanzaki Yang nodded. It was the first time he realized that this person was so smart. It might be that Little Fatty would be dead by then, but he could indeed help him. .

Chapter 535

After hearing what Rashuka said, Kanzaki Yang smiled and continued.

I think your idea is very clear, and I think this method is very feasible.

Then just do everything as you said. If you need any help, I will still provide you with absolute help.

Then that's the case, great, I need 10 charms now.

Rashuka directly said what he wanted.

Kanzaki Yang naturally knew this, but she would not draw out the spell in front of the dark messenger. He had already prepared it in advance.

You heard from the beginning that you were going to hold this auction, so I had everything done last night.

As he spoke, he took out a box from his belt.

Here are all the talismans. They can take them to a place in times of crisis, but it depends on where you are going to set the price...

Kanzaki Yang said, wanting to hear everyone's opinions. After all, this talisman can be considered a mid- to high-grade one.

At this time, everyone is thinking that it must not be too low, and if it is too high, it will look bad.

After all, it's just a gimmick.

Rashuka heard this and said.

The price we set at the beginning was 10 million, and our starting price should be 5 million.

Even if there were ten pieces, it would still be a transaction worth tens of millions.

If I had known, the monetary value of this empire would still be very high. In other countries, this money would have been worth at least several hundred million before.

Okay, then do what you want. Although the salaries of these officials are not high, they will lose at least tens of millions every year.

Using this money for charity can be considered a good deed.

Kanzaki Yang said, thinking that this method is still very feasible.

Then I won't go out for this event. You should be able to handle this matter.

After all, he had promised the Xue'er in front of him, so he had more important things to do now, and there was no time to waste at all.

For them, every minute of time must be cherished now.

This must be of great use to them. While saying this, everyone began to busy themselves with their own things.

In the blink of an eye.

Xue'er is still in Kanzaki Yang's laboratory.

And Rashuka also directly told everyone the news.

This auction is only for famous families, which means that ordinary people cannot buy it at all. In this case, it will directly create the appearance of rare things being more valuable.

Everyone knows it in the streets and alleys, and Kanzaki Yo made a world out of nowhere. If a war really breaks out, everyone can directly face this spell and go to a safe world.

In this case, you can get eternal life.

In fact, this world is just a world created by Cher.

Coupled with his teleportation skills, simple (bdcc) things can directly double the price.

This is why Rashuka was able to come up with such an idea.

While saying this.

said a child on the street.

Mom, if we have this thing, we will always be at peace.

This is not something we ordinary people can afford. Don't you see? The starting price above is three million. How can we people buy it?

And if we don’t have close relatives from the empire, we simply can’t buy it, even if we have money.

The child nodded confusedly.

The old woman looked at this prompt and said, Who doesn't want to buy this thing? But there is only a clock. How could it be his turn? Now I heard that the war is serious again.

If Kanzaki Yang hadn't come back and broken the rule, those who invaded his country would probably still be fighting there now?

But the peace is only temporary, and at least our country is not in particular danger.

The woman was thinking about it, and was about to leave, and no longer looked at the announcement. Now the whole city was in an uproar about this matter, and now the national relative Huang Huang had also taken some actions.

Your Majesty, I have an audience.

Say I'm taking a rest. I won't see anyone who comes here these days.

A fat man is here. He stood here wearing imperial clothes and didn't listen to this man's words.

Just as the guard was about to go out, another Marshal Peng came to his room again.

Why, brother, I want to see you. Is it so difficult now?

When the king saw this person, his attitude immediately changed. He asked the person in front of him to do a good job, repeated the scary words, served him tea, and then said to her. .

How can you sit down quickly?

I'm here this time on behalf of my father.

I should have guessed the reason why you are here. You don't need to say it anymore. Please forgive me that I can't do anything about it. Although I am now half a relative of the emperor, my whole family also needs it.

Chapter 536

It seemed that this person had no intention of helping at all, but refused the other party.

As he spoke, he looked at the person in front of him.

This thing really makes it impossible for me to help him.

I am still trying my best to get a few more, after all, there are so many people above and below me.

Even if you only take pictures of important people, it's not enough.

What's more, everyone is eyeing these talismans now, so how can he take pictures of them so easily?

Thinking about it, I spoke directly to the person in front of me.

So this is something I can't do anything about. I'm really powerless. Even with my best ability, I can't do these things at all.

In fact, according to his status and his family fortune, he can get at least three of them. However, this thing is so precious, so naturally he doesn't want to take this opportunity.

Although it was difficult for others to get this vote, in his opinion, even if he was given three votes, it would not be much at all. It could not even be said that it would not be enough for him to use.

The person in front of him saw that he had no choice but to frown, then took out a jade pendant from his arms and handed it to the person in front of him.

It seems that this is also his trump card. If this doesn't work, there is probably nothing he can do.

It's like this. My father asked me to hold this half token and said that with this, you can make a wish for me.


The person in front of him sighed.

I know that this jade pendant is very important to me. If I didn't have this jade pendant, I probably wouldn't be who I am today. But I really have no choice. I told him at the beginning that I I won’t do anything that goes against my ability, but this is indeed beyond my ability.”

If it's some other small things, you can just say it, I will be satisfied with everything. After all, he really saved my life. But it really doesn't work now, because everything will help you. , but think about it for yourself. It’s very difficult for me to get this myself. Is it possible to help others?”

I know it's difficult for you to do this, but my family really needs this thing. We really have no other choice, but even one piece is fine.

The king shook his head and did not agree to this matter.

He said to the people behind him.

In that case, what is the purpose of this jade pendant that we need? Now that we are really in trouble, you are finding various ways to say that you can't help us.

You really need to understand me about this. I really don't have the ability to do this now. You can take it back and talk about it first. If possible, I'll exchange this jade pendant for you. That'll be all right.

After all, a gentleman has to bear the responsibility for what he did when he sat down, and if this person really didn't exist, he might still be here.

It's impossible to continue to exist in this world just like that.

It was also because of the war that she lost her direction during the war, so she was confused. It was her family who saw her, but now she has developed them into low-income people.

I should repay them, but I really can't handle this matter myself.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

Your Majesty, our family all knows how well you take care of us, and we have always treated you as a relative. But my father asked me to come here just for this matter. After all...

Okay, I have helped your family enough, so now I have nothing to do. Even if you come here with this jade pendant, it will have no effect.

The king obviously doesn't want to help with this, and it might not be good if he says it to death.

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