It seems that what he just said is correct. The two of them are really sisters, and they are sisters who share the same body.

Therefore, their thoughts are never together, because these living people are two people, and they are two such different people.

He's like a replica of that lying there now.

At this time, the girl also came to Xueer and looked at him.

Xue'er didn't wake up, he couldn't wake up so soon. lBut this girl kept staring at him. l seems to be yearning for life outside.

I don't know when I can see my sister again.

He doesn't look like the same person now. It's like he has changed his image from beginning to end. It seems that he is not as scary as he thought. If nothing happens, he can still control himself. It's like living with other people who are completely different from myself.

While thinking this, she also answered to him.

He should be able to wake up soon. Don't worry. During this time, I will study the lesson plan carefully and leave it to you as the first prototype. Wait for me for two weeks. I will come and find you again when the time comes.”

Two weeks is not a long time. He has been waiting here for a long time anyway.

Okay, I promise you.

I hope I can hear your voice again in two weeks. Please don't lie to me.

Don't worry, just do it

Saying that, Kanzaki Yang came directly to the back.

Looking at Xue'er, I guess that after Xue'er fell asleep, she would wake up the next day. By then, she would tell him everything she saw today.

It seems that he doesn't even know that he has this sister in his body.

When he wakes up, I will tell him that he still has a sister like you. I think he will be very happy. When you meet, don't be too cruel to him. After all, he I don’t know these things either.”

I know my father, because he is a human being, and I can't live longer, so I gave this body to him. We are also a parent. I don't think there is anything to be jealous of.

But if you can really get me out of here.

No matter what you want to do, I will fully support you. Don't worry, my abilities are beyond your expectation.

He knows the strength of the person in front of him, so if he follows him, he won't be too bad.

Okay, then it's settled, I'm leaving here now.

There's something really sad here, too.

After all, every minute here requires his mental strength to support...

So he had to leave as soon as possible and take a good rest.

I know, without my interference, I would probably wake up tomorrow.

I hope he won't be angry when he knows that he has me as his sister. The things I did before were not everything I really wanted to do. They were all misunderstandings.

In fact, it's not strange at all, it's all the same for him, because he can't control his body at all. l

Coupled with the things his father did before, no one can stand such treatment at all.

While thinking this.

Kanzaki Yang looked here. The snow began to fall bit by bit again.

It seems that Xueer has slowly woken up.

The faces of the two girls in front of me are exactly the same.

Secretly thinking in my heart, I will definitely rescue you.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he went directly to Xue'er's room.

came back.

It was Fulia's voice.

Kanzaki Yang briefly recovered his body, and then said to her.

Xue'er has nothing to do now. It is estimated that 2.2 will wake up normally tomorrow. When he wakes up tomorrow, ask him to come and find me. I have something to tell him.

What's wrong? Is there something wrong with your body? But it's really good to wake up tomorrow.

In this case, he will have the strength to do more things, and he won't have to look after him here.

There's nothing wrong with him physically, it's something else about him.

Kanzaki Yang said, there is no need to tell everything today, and he is ready to pack up and go back to his room to have a good sleep. .

Chapter 533

I returned to my room and thought about what happened today.

The cloning project was about to be completed, which he was thankful for.

And Xue'er's bloodline might actually be able to help him a favor.

These people never thought that this person was actually a twin? In other words, both personalities are in one body, so if it succeeds, it means that the humanoid created by you can be put into use.

This is a good approach.

While thinking this, he simply washed himself and prepared to lie down on his bed and sleep.

As soon as it touched the pillow, I couldn't hold it back and fell asleep directly.

It was already dawn when I woke up.

It should be around 11 o'clock at this time. It seems that I slept a little too long.

13 However, he felt that his body was always full of energy.

At least he already has a lot of energy.

I opened the door, took a breath of fresh air, washed myself and got ready to go out.

By this time everyone was already up.

Yang Jun, you just got up, we are all ready to eat.

I was too tired yesterday and couldn't sleep until now, but I feel like I will have more time to work on some cloning experiments today.

Don't make fun of me. Let's study carefully and figure out what to do next.

Then we have to study it after dinner. Come with us quickly. It's almost done.

With that said, he took her directly to the restaurant.

At this time, he found that Xue'er was already sitting in front of him.

You've woken up.

Why do you all ask me that? I thought I just got up after a nap.

You really don't know what happened. You went to the battlefield with me, and after you exhausted all your strength and fell into coma, another personality in your body has already risen. I spent a lot of time It took so much strength to seal him away.”

Otherwise, if you think you can still get up, you don't know the seriousness of the matter at all.

Kanzaki Yang said.

At this time everyone came to them.

Xia Yin looked at everyone and said.

Yes, Xue'er, don't you even know that you have two bloodlines in your body now?

I do not know?

After all, Emperor Xue Ye would not tell him this, otherwise he himself would be afraid.

It's like this. In fact, you don't have two sets of blood in your body, but you have an identical sister. However, I don't know why the two of you can only share one body.

So the human bloodline is yours, and your sister inherited it all from your mother.

Because all your power was slowly used up by you, so your sister had the opportunity to take over your body.

And haven't you always wondered how all the cities in your country disappeared overnight?

Kanzaki Yang asked.

Xue'er seemed to understand something, and then said to him?

You mean the country's city was destroyed by my sister?

Kanzaki Yang nodded and continued.

According to what your sister said, when you two were born, only one of you could bear this body. Because you are a human, your father chose you, and after you die, this body will naturally belong to your sister.

But since you have a spell, your sister can never come out again, because you will live in that world forever.

No wonder I always feel like someone is talking to me sometimes, and I seem to dream that he is a girl wearing red clothes. She should look exactly like me.

Yes, that is your sister. I have already seen him, and yesterday I released the seal on him. He has decided to coexist with you. Now I will only create a body to provide him with use.

Kanzaki Yang said, Xue'er, although he doesn't understand a little, he still sounds like he trusts this person.

Looking at 683 in front of her, she was talking to herself, so she also answered.

Then what do I need to do? After all, this is my sister too.

Now you have to cooperate with me. I need your cells to divide continuously to create a prototype just like you, and then put his blood into this body, and the two of you will meet.

That is to say, the only way for the two of them to coexist is for him to take out his own cells and then cultivate a body like his. Only his body can integrate the bloodline together.

Don't worry about this, I will definitely cooperate with you.

Xue'er nodded. After all, he was doing this to help himself. Let alone anyone who wanted a bit of his genes, even if he took everything to save this person, that would be fine.

You come over to me later and I will explain everything to you. It's still not clear for a while.

Xue'er's eyes widened, she looked at the person in front of her and nodded. .

Chapter 534

The dishes were served, and at this time Tolinie also came to everyone's side.

It's so lively, what are everyone talking about?

It's about Xue'er.

oh oh.

Tolinie nodded, he didn't care about Xue'er.

Maybe it's because of the dark magic thing that he only cares about the cloning plan now.

But he couldn't pretend too much, so he had no choice but to speak to Kanzaki Yang.

Xue'er has woken up, right? I haven't introduced this new friend yet. Can she bring any help to our country?

Tolinie was trying to trick Kanzaki Yang out of her words.

Kanzaki Yang naturally understood this, so he spoke to this person.

This person has done me a big favor, so I have to help him wake up. I have to make a body for her, so that she can be resurrected.

Kanzaki Yang said, concealing his cloning plan. This was his real purpose.

In this way, he can eliminate the suspicion of being in the laboratory frequently.

People outside should not know that their country is planning a cloning project.

As he spoke, Tolinie in front of him nodded. He still believed what these people said. He simply didn't believe that they could know that they could occupy this body in such a short period of time.

But everything is under Kanzaki Yang's control, including what he would ask himself.

There isn't much to do today. After eating, I can keep studying things in the laboratory.

While thinking this, he said to everyone.

I will assign you a task now¨¨.

Raschuka and Tolinie are still on the battlefield. You should know this. They are both better at this.

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