Then I won't disturb your rest.

Fulia said, and was about to get all the documents and go out.

He also needs to arrange a banquet for the evening so that everyone can read this information and memorize it in their hearts. After all, I have never experienced it, so it is quite strenuous to understand it all.

It seems that the person in front of him is so anxious to keep everything in mind.

It must be that the time has come for this matter, and it is estimated that this plan will be implemented in the next few days.

So he had to figure it all out.

He was already familiar with all the mechanisms inside, and soon she walked out of here safely.

Finally he saw the sunshine, and it seemed that the air outside made her feel better.

It was neat and tidy inside, but it always made her feel depressed.

I wonder how Kanzaki Yang spent all this time here every day?

Not having the time to think about it, he was going to take a look first. Xue'er, everyone should still be in that room at this time. Looking at him, although his bloodline has been sealed, it still needs a little turnaround period. .

After this period, he was guaranteed to be safe, so he must have someone by her side now.

Everyone is probably there.

Now go find them.

With that said, he walked through the empire and came directly here.

You're here. I couldn't find you just now. I don't know where you went.

I saw that you were all busy just now, so I followed Yang Kanzaki directly to learn about the cloning project.

Okay. Xia Yin said.

Fulia saw that Yang Kanzaki must be very tired and asked him to take a good rest.

Unexpectedly, I really couldn't help, so I could only come back.

While thinking this, he also said to them.

These are some documents I got back, which record all the failure cases and ideas of the cloning plan from the beginning. We can take a look.

You got all this back.

Unexpectedly, at this time, he had already got all the secrets back, which must mean that the current cloning plan has reached a certain point for them.

The time has come. This plan will definitely go ahead as planned.

There is no specific idea for this cloning plan yet. If we think about it slowly based on these failed cases, it will probably take some time.

Fulia listened to Xia Yin's words and shook her head.

.々Look at this, this is Kanzaki Yang's new plan that has been completed.

This plan is the specific idea of ​​​​what we are going to do now. Since he has shown us this idea, he is probably very confident about this idea.

But the matter is not that easy to solve. If we have any other ideas, we can tell him at any time.

After all, this is just an idea, not the real correct answer.

I hope he can definitely make it this time.

Xia Yin looked at these files. He knew that these files were still very important to him. He gave almost all of these (Wang Zhaohao) files to himself, and he still had to read them again.

Okay then, you can just put this here. I will make a few copies of it later and send it to everyone so that everyone can master the knowledge about the cloning plan.

I also read a little bit when I came here just now. It is indeed much more detailed and thoughtful than ours. If we read more about this document, maybe our knowledge will increase a lot.

The two people nodded, agreeing with him.

By the way, one more thing is that Xue'er has no risk now, right?

I don't understand this yet. He has been unconscious here since you left and has not yet woken up.

Chapter 515

Xia Yin looked at Xue'er on the bed.

Still in a coma, there really has been no reaction since they left.

But I don’t know what else is in this person’s body. I guess that bloodline will never give up. It is still trying to break free from the seal and gain control of the body.

But how could Kanzaki Yang's seal be broken so easily.

Although this kind of beast is highly cultivated, it doesn't have any thoughts yet.

It is absolutely impossible to escape with brute force.

While thinking this, he also spoke directly to Fulia.

The cloning plan has not yet been completed, and Yang Jun has brought back such a dangerous person. I don't know what his thoughts are.

At the beginning, it was said that it would be useful for the cloning project, but I'm not sure how helpful this would be.

As long as he doesn't turn the empire upside down, Xia Yin will be thankful.

Xia Yin listened to what this person said and spoke directly to Fulia.

Why don't we take a look together now? I don't know when this person will wake up.

It's not 673 right now. I just heard from Yang Jun that we can't take a good look at his condition right now. It's better to send two doctors over now. At least if there is an emergency, they can be useful together.

Xia Yin looked at Xue'er on the bed.

Then I guess there is no need for a human doctor. After all, this person's current physical condition is probably at the level of an orc, so if there is a problem with this bloodline, it should still be an orc's lifetime.

Xia Yin said, thought about it, and looked at Fulia opposite.

I think so, but it's better to find one person. Two doctors should look at it together. Otherwise, if there is a problem with any bloodline, there will be no way to solve it easily.

The two discussed it and settled on it. At this time, Xia Yin went out to find a doctor.

Fulia looked at the document in her hand.

He was not sure whether this document was the final plan? I am still very interested in him now. If I take a good look at it, it might be of some use.

What if it would inspire you? Maybe Yang Jun let himself watch just to give him some advice.

But if Kanzaki Yang has no other solution, then whatever he thinks about should be superfluous, but there are more people and more power. Three cobblers are even more powerful than Zhuge Liang.

While thinking this, he came to the table and looked at the files behind him. It was true that Yang Jun had sorted them out.

Part of it was the wrong experiments he had done before, and part of it was the experience she had compiled. Later, he put all the experiences together, which is how he came up with the current plan.

Logically speaking, he should learn from the experience of failure, but now he wants to see what the current plan is?

He turned to the last page.

It is recorded in detail that they need to find a very suitable clone, then find a gene from the clone, extract it and put it in the laboratory where the cultured cells will continue to divide (bdcc), that is, Make one exactly like him.

In this case, genes can be continuously recombined, which means that as long as they have one copy of the genes, they can cultivate a steady stream of orcs.

In other words, now he has the clone he wants?

Now even he is not sure about this, but it says that when each clone is cultured, a chip will be placed, and this chip can control its overall thinking.

In other words, these clones do not have any thoughts, and they cannot have thoughts. They are all controlled by this chip. Although it sounds a bit scary, they have no life in the first place.

It's just a little cell that slowly grows through constant division.

If you put it this way, it should be without any emotion, right?

But in fact, this way, it doesn't have the same animality as the orcs.

If the beastly nature is too strong, it will be difficult to control so many armies.

If all chips are placed, there must be a control terminal. There is no record on this terminal. It is estimated that it is controlled separately and allowed to be placed.

Then this terminal must be in the hands of Yang Kanzaki.

It seemed that she didn't want to give it to her, but one terminal was enough, and it would be useless for them to learn it.

If it were leaked, the consequences would be disastrous.

All the methods for making this chip have been written down below. It seems that he has complete control over the production of the chip. It should be ready for normal use after experiments.

Now we just need large-scale production, at least one for each clone.

Otherwise, it will be very dangerous, and they need a steady stream of orc troops, so the number of these chips they want must also be very large. If they succeed, they will still need to be mass-produced. .

Chapter 516

Fulia looked at the document.

Sighing, this was undoubtedly not an easy thing for them.

Moreover, how cells can be decomposed more quickly is a question.

Fulia drank a cup of tea and calmed down her thoughts.

Even if you don't think about these, the most important problem to solve now is how to extract this D-NA.

Even if the chip has been made, there is no one who can test it.

It is very easy to choose an orc, there are many on the battlefield. If this cell can be divided, it will not be difficult to find a new life form. After all, there are still many brave and warlike people in our empire.

However, to find such a person, we must not only look at his physical endurance, but also his way of thinking, as well as his various qualities and management of animal nature.

If something is wrong at all, it is a problem.

In this case, I have done the math myself, and I guess the first step for everyone now is to find the original clone.

Then DNA is continuously extracted from this body until he can correctly develop dividing cells and how can he evolve into an orc.

However, they must control the time for the orcs to split up, within half a year.

If it takes too long, it may be too late even for large-scale production.

Now for this war, there is still a certain ability to resist it, but the time cannot be delayed longer and longer. The longer it is delayed, the more danger will be to them and the more casualties will be.

Although Xueer is a good plan.

But his current situation is beyond even his control.

Let alone clones, there will be more Xue'er. If too many are cloned, I'm afraid this city will be damaged to a certain extent if they can't stand their beastly nature.

At this time, Xia Yin also came here with two doctors.

You guys go take his pulse first and see if there is anything strange about her body now?

First a human doctor came to the man.

From the appearance point of view, he is indeed no different from a human being, but why do you need two doctors to come over?

I'm not sure about this, but you should be able to feel it if you try it.

Although the doctor was very doubtful, after hearing what Xia Yin said to him, he came directly to Xue'er.

He looked at Xue'er's appearance. There is really no difference from humans.

According to his degree, it is impossible to tell what kind of organism this person is?

However, he still listened to the order and gently took Xue'er's hand.

Feeling his pulse.

This is indeed a human pulse. I didn't feel any animality when I touched it. His human blood was still very stable. He seemed to be just a little weak and then fell into a coma. It should only take a few hours. wide awake.

After hearing the doctor's words, Xia Yin nodded with relief, but still had some concerns and spoke to the other doctors.

Since you're here, you should go and touch it.

After all, he just said that she is a human pulse. According to what Yang Jun said to himself, this person should not be a tired pulse, but should be a person with two bloodlines all in one body.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

What's more, I've seen everything he looked like just now.

I am even more convinced that this person must not be an ordinary human being.

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