If he can really switch these two systems back and forth, he can completely use her to become our army. As long as he forcibly creates a chip in their minds, then this chip will be useful to us. It plays a big role in making them all listen to us.”


This new type of soldiers is more reliable than Xue'er, and they have their own minds. They are cloned once anyway, and of course they will choose better people to reproduce.

Humans can never replicate it, so they can only make orcs.

Among the orcs, the man he brought back was undoubtedly the most powerful.

If this kind of legion existed in the current continent, it would definitely be invincible. Even if its combat ability was greatly reduced, it would not matter to them.

Under normal circumstances, if people have a war, they will activate another set of bloodlines to protect their country, so that there will not be any danger in their country.

No wonder you want to bring him back at the same time. I didn't expect it to have such an effect. But if this thing is really successful, it would be great. I'm afraid no one here or Ben would dare to provoke us. knife.

Chapter 512

Freya heard what Kanzaki Yang said.

I secretly made a mental note that this would indeed be helpful for their plan.

Even these are not very clear to me.

However, it seems that Yang Kanzaki plans to leave all these matters to himself.

There must be no mistakes.

While thinking this, he spoke to Kanzaki Yang.

So, Cher?

Is Xueer just a test subject brought back?

Freya did not elaborate. After all, this was a living person with bones and blood.

But the scene just now was indeed a bit scary.

Xue'er is our friend, but we can learn from his bloodline. Don't worry, he won't do anything wrong.

Kanzaki Yang comforted Furia.

He knew that Furia was not that ambitious, but was still very kind and would always take care of others, so Kanzaki Yang chose to let him follow him.

Tell him everything about this place.

Said. Started coming to this machine.

You don't need to learn how to operate this. I can do it all. The only thing you need to know is how these creatures can be created.

Listening to Kanzaki Yang's words, Fulia nodded.

What I just learned is definitely not enough.

Then let me continue to introduce things to you.

Kanzaki Yang said and continued to show her the back room.

I have just told you about this room. In fact, there is no need for you to know it. But I still want to tell you where the agency is.

It's okay if you know it. In fact, you don't need to know it normally, because you won't encounter these even if you do experiments. These are all my previous failed work experiences, and I have written them all down.

That's why I used these to make several mechanisms. Even the ones outside don't actually need to be touched, but the first, third, and ninth ones are particularly dangerous. Don't use them all. bump.

I took a look, and sure enough, these three do seem to have some problems. They are different from other decorations, but they make people want to take them away.

This is the purpose of his design. If someone doesn't know about it, they will find them very useful, so they have to take them back to make plans. But once they are taken back, they will die violently when they come here.

While thinking this, he spoke directly.

I'll pack up the information for you, and you can just take it away to them. I'm a little tired now and want to take a rest.

Only then did he realize that there was a hint next to him when he studied. There was nothing in it. It was relatively clean and tidy, just a bed and luggage.

It seems that the person in front of me sometimes just sleeps here because he studies very late.

I can’t imagine how much effort Kanzaki Yo put in? For this country, but at this time, he only has more admiration for Kanzaki Yang.

With great power comes great responsibility, and the speaker of this sentence also specifically describes this person.

Maybe I really didn’t work too hard at all.

Okay, then I'll take it and go directly to them. If anything else happens, we'll come back to you.

Based on this time, I estimate that Xue'er will be able to wake up tonight. If not, you can just come to me directly...

Kanzaki Yang still didn't feel reassured.

This was his first time seeing such a thing, so he could only find out after slowly getting to know it.

But since that bloodline has been sealed, and this bloodline has its own abilities, it should be easy to wake up.

If she wakes up at night, remember to have a dinner. After all, it is his first time in our country, so he still needs to be well entertained.

If she doesn't wake up and she doesn't get up here, remember to find someone to come to me. Her side may not be safe. I'll have to take a look at her body.

Okay, don't worry. I will find a doctor to keep an eye on him. If there is anything wrong, we will continue to come and notify you.

Fulia also said.

In fact, even if he goes to a doctor to look at his situation, it won't help at all. After all, the doctors here, although their medical skills are very good, even Kanzaki Yang finds it very difficult.

They shouldn't be of much help, but their medical skills are definitely better than mine.

Letting them watch can also reassure the people in front of you.

Okay, then you come with me.

In the blink of an eye, the two people came to a safe. Furia turned around to Kanzaki Yang and opened the safe in front of her.

This safe is full of information, and this is their ultimate secret.

Kanzaki Yang gave it to them with peace of mind. These people were all his old partners. .

Chapter 513

Saying that, Kanzaki Yang took out some documents from the safe.

These files have been sorted out and look very neat.

It should be all his experience during this period.

He sat directly on the chair and continued talking to Fulia.

I will sort out a few important ones for you. You can go back and take a look at this failure case. The failure cases above are clearly written, so there is no need to mention the above ideas.

The failed cases should be those we mentioned before, right? Since there was no success, we should still have some memories now.

No, not all. There are also some that I have thought about and added experience to. These failure cases are large and small, at least dozens of times.

It seems that during this period, I have been worrying about this direction a lot.

Okay, then I'll go back and take a look. If you're sleepy, I'll help you sort it out and then give it to them.

It doesn't matter. I'm afraid you won't be able to figure out what's going on here. After all, there's too much written on it.

Even many of them are written in their own language, which may be incomprehensible to him.

As he spoke, he opened the folder and listed some directly.

This is partly a case of failure, and partly it is my experience.

Although it seems like a lot, it is only useful based on experience. You only need to take a rough look at the others. Now I will tell you my thoughts.

Then he took out some other documents.

This document is all my thoughts. This is our final plan. If this plan is feasible, our cloning plan will be successful.

The person talking about Fulia read this document.

She didn't know the words on this document very well, but she could see it and it was clearly organized. If he was very confident about this document, then maybe I could really succeed.

After summarizing so many failed cases, I guess this one can be successful. The ideas we thought of don't seem to work. We almost have some studios.

But it looks relatively simple, not as good as this at all, and their ideas are simply not feasible.

Even the experimental products outside looked better than what I had done before, and all the plans I proposed had failed.

I understand these, and I have read your reports. I feel that your specific and general thinking is similar, but there may be some missing details.

However, if they want to complete this experiment, they must not allow any mistakes in the cloning plan.

If there is something wrong, it may cause them all to collapse, if a large number of armies are created, all with some omissions and mistakes.

If anything goes wrong, they simply can't afford it.

They must all be of high quality and obey orders, so that they can be effective.

In other words, if the orcs are restrained by them, if there is something wrong, they will not be able to control it at all, so they must catch it themselves.

Next is the physical problems they focus on. These physical problems must be strong. Otherwise, even if they control their thinking, if the body is not good, it will be like sand on the battlefield, which will be blown away by the wind. .

It has no role in protecting the country at all, so this is wrong at all.

Soon, he had sorted out the thick pile of information and made a copy.

Although this is all in my mind, I still want to put it here for record. Otherwise, if there is something slightly wrong, it is very likely that...

He didn't say it directly here, but everyone had already thought about the consequences. This was a plan they had spent a long time researching, and it would definitely not fail.

Okay, then I will take 673 and them back directly. You can have a good rest here. Pay attention to rest and don't study too late.

I'll sleep here for a while, and I'll continue my research here.

After all, the reason he came back was to carry out this plan to the end, so even if he came back, he couldn't worry about it at all.

However, I am indeed a little tired physically, so I rest here for a while.

Otherwise, if he goes back to his room to sleep, it will be no more comfortable than here.

Although it was clean and tidy here, it looked spooky and weird, and there were even many corpses of orcs. Even so, his bed wasn't very comfortable.

This made Fulia still a little worried.

Actually, it's been so long, and it's not too late. I think it's time for you to take a good rest.

It's nothing serious. Just now, I had some ideas and I wanted to record them all.

Chapter 514

Fulia was puzzled. It had been such a long time anyway, so it was better to give her a good rest.

How can you rest well in this environment?

But for Kanzaki Yang, this is still nothing.

You can take over yourself.

After all, this trip out is still very helpful. It might be useful, so record everything.

When he was in the Beihai Empire, he learned some experiences there, and after seeing things like Xue'er, he wanted to accumulate these into his own plan first, maybe it would be helpful in the future.

If it happened too long ago, he couldn't guarantee to write it all down.

What's more, after just watching the battle, he also understood a little about the shortcomings and advantages of the orcs.

Including the black magic just now, he must deal with all these things well and think about how to face them.

Therefore, he cannot give himself enough time to rest, but he also needs to maintain the continuity of his body.

Okay, just leave and don't worry about me.

After you get out, you must be careful and show them all the information.

Because this may be of great help to you. If you have any new insights, you can tell me directly.


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