Suddenly, this anger was no longer black, it was that kind of brown with purple mystery.

This color also gives people a feeling of fear.

You are young and have such speed, it really makes you think of the devil. But if you hurt me today, I won't make it easy for you.

After saying that, all the orcs teleported in this direction. This must be the movement speed they just increased. At this time, Kanzaki Yang's orcs did not react directly. They didn't know that they were going to help a bunch of snow. Son.

And even if they could know the past, it would be too late.

At this time, all the beasts were heading in the same direction. Xue'er was constantly running past, and some had wings and were flying in the sky, but the only thing that could be known was that they were moving at the fastest speed.

However, this has no other deterrent effect, except for this puppet, and it is relatively easy to deal with these orcs, but Kanzaki Yang just warned himself that it is best not to kill them 670.

Then please be merciful. You brought it on yourselves. I'll let you faint for a while.

After saying that, he didn't use his weapons at all, but just used a charm technique casually, and everyone just lay down on the spot.

I never imagined that it would be so simple, but what I didn't expect was that these ferocious beasts actually stood up again. This may be because there was still a lot of resentment left in their bodies just now.

Although they are half human, they now have no trace of humanity at all.

It's like their bestiality has exploded, they can't tell right from wrong at all, and now they have no thinking.

As long as they see blood or people are among their first targets, they will take the initiative to attack.

Before Xue'er could react, the half-human, half-bear orc in front of her rushed towards Xue'er.

Be careful! Kanzaki Yang reminded. .

Chapter 504

Soon enough, Xue'er turned slightly and missed these orcs.

At this time, Xue'er has arrived in the sky.

In the sky, Kanzaki Yang's formation was still activated, and the entire sky was filled with golden flying stars.

At this time, the orcs also came directly in front of them.

I don't know why I can see these orcs, but I don't know why their bodies have no control over their thoughts.

This formation looks even more vicious, but it looks like it will take some time to end this fierce battle.

Seeing that all the orc troops were rushing towards Xue'er, but miraculously, they could not withdraw their formations. He was afraid that when they retracted their formations, these orcs would become even more violent.

But at this time, the army of his acquaintances had no way to rush over directly.

This is the critical moment.

Xue'er suddenly slowly flew into the sky. I didn't expect that he had such a skill. Maybe this was something only orcs had before!

This made Yang Kanzaki dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, this man had the ability to fly, so he was completely curious, how could this happen?

How many times has this Xue'er been unaware of?

Like a meteor that flashed by, it was unexpected that it could be so fast. It evaded these orcs and only chanted for a short time.

Countless meteors fell down, is this his skill?

This made him never expect that this short chant could make several meteors fall and turn into beams of lightsabers to attack these orcs.

As he spoke, Kanzaki Yang discovered that there was a weakness in such an attack. He was all attacking the orcs below, but little did he know that these were just puppets of the man in black.

Even if the attack was useless, it was the wizard who really wanted to attack him.

Moreover, these orcs bought him a few minutes without any distractions.

This person can also have enough time to directly defeat the people in the sky. Such an idea is beyond their imagination.

If she continued to attack, she would definitely not be able to defeat so many orcs in an instant.

Even if he kills a few, it won't help, and at this time, his position will be completely exposed.

The wizard on the ground can defeat him directly.

This has absolutely no effect on their performance.

While thinking about it, he also put down his formation.

Just when the orcs were all thinking about Xue'er's position and rushing over, the wizard had already set up all the formations behind him.

Oops! Xue'er, be careful!

When Kanzaki Yang said this, it was still a step too late. Xue'er had already launched an attack on the orcs.

Her back and shortcomings are all exposed, that is, in the eyes of the real enemy, clearly visible.

Seeing that the wizard was about to attack Xue'er.

Kanzaki Yang had to put down all the formations in his hands and teleport directly to Xue'er.

Shield of God!

Light appeared and a shield was erected in front of the man.

Is this the eighth shield? The shield of the wizard in front of me seems to have no effect at all.

Only then did Xueer notice this man's attack on her.

He cursed secretly in his heart and directed all the attacks in his hands towards the person in front of him.

go to hell!

A bunch of golden holy swords were held directly in his hand.

He struck hard at the wizard.

This wizard is not a simple character. Seeing such a field, there is no hesitation at all.

A teleport left here directly.

The orc changed direction again and stopped Xueer's pursuit.

It seems that this person cannot be hunted down today.

Xue'er was a little unhappy, and the burst of light directly blew all the orcs on the ground into pieces!

Kanzaki Yang didn't expect such explosive power and seemed a little scared.

The war stopped with the outbreak of Xue'er. The battle that lasted for several days and nights ended with the departure of the wizard, but there is really no way to do it now.

Watching the smoke from the battlefield slowly falling, Kanzaki Yang also came to Xue'er's side.

Xue'er looked a little exhausted. His last-minute burst had already exhausted his magic.

There was no choice but to take Xueer back quickly.

After returning to the palace, these warlocks will definitely not be able to restore this person. Now it is better to see if they can solve it on their own. But this person is not an ordinary person (Wang Zhao's) after all.

I wasn't sure if I could put my energy into his body.

Still gotta give it a try though.

Maybe I can also see the structure of this person's body.

If you explore it, you will probably understand everything.

Kanzaki Yang put Xueer on his bed.

With his back turned to him, he was behind Xueer, and his dantian was filled with anger.

There seemed to be no disturbance, and the quiet atmosphere allowed her body to escape.

The bloodline in his hand has successfully penetrated into Xueer's bloodline.

Yang Kanzaki was surprised to find that Xue'er's body structure actually had two sets. The two sets did not interfere with each other, and the only connection point was in the heart and brain. .

Chapter 505

So for Xueer, she is not only a human, but also a beast.

Unlike all the orcs on this continent, he is not a combination of orcs, but two complete sets of body structures all in one body.

The explosion just now used up this set of physical characteristics of humans. If the number of orcs is larger, I am afraid that this set of physical characteristics of beasts will be directly activated.

It would be nice if it were human signs.

Kanzaki Yo was able to prevent that part of the beast from activating easily.

After inputting some information, Kanzaki Yang slowly left.

This physical feature was something he had never seen before.

Such structural diagrams are both good and bad, and may even be unprecedented.

Then, if these two structures can be freely switched in the same body at the same time, then his attack power will be at least ten times stronger.

In this case, we should be able to understand 670 why she can destroy a city by herself.

Maybe it was the place where the heart was connected that made Xueer aware of it, and then she activated another set of body structures with the body of a beast.

If this is the case, after destroying the city, as to why it changed back.

It must be like today, the body will naturally transform into a human structure after exhaustion, so he doesn't remember anything.

Just like his current body, if the human structure is exhausted, it will directly stimulate the animal nature.

By that time she won't be able to control her behavior.

After all, it has never been manipulated before.

But since it is connected to the brain, the brain should have certain control over him.

As long as Xueer can control this brain, all problems will be solved.

Xue'er's matter is probably already understood. As for what happens next, it may take a while for them to wait.

That's what this wizard is.

This person is just using the same idea to do whatever it takes.

It seems that now more and more dark forces are involved in this battle.

Now that they had finally managed to bring the Beihai Empire into their own camp, another person appeared who wanted to consolidate their position.

This is most likely their fault.

While thinking this, he also calculated a position in his mind.

Yesterday, this person's power was not like being drawn into a camp, but rather a faction of his own.

This form is different for them.

Let them have no way of imagining it.

At this time, someone came to the door.

Your Majesty, please see Adusa.

Kanzaki Yang went out directly and watched the guards return directly to the meeting hall.

At this time everyone has come here.

I'm back. I still need Yang Jun to take action. Now I find that the war over there has come to an end.

But they didn't know that whatever happened over there, it was over for the time being, but they still let the wizard run away, which meant that it was just a paused run, and none of them knew what was going to happen next.

Therefore, Kanzaki Yang slowly sat down in his seat, and then spoke to them in a serious voice.

What you guess is only local. Our situation is very dangerous now. Although we have brought over two people from the North Sea Empire, we now have a thorny problem, which is the cloning mission. We have not solved it yet, and now another problem has appeared. A gang.”

It was this wizard that none of them knew about.

They didn't know anything about this wizard, but he knew that this army was definitely not their old people, but definitely newbies. No one had ever used his spells before, and it would be at least as easy to master this one. It takes 5 to 10 years.

I don't quite understand what you mean by the new gang?

Do you know that our orc army has been professionally trained, but why did they still not take the lead in this battle? It's because they used a very evil ancient formation, which will increase their Resentment, this resentment will continuously enhance their animal nature, so their defense and attack power will be doubled.

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