Chapter 501

Kanzaki Yang looked at the people in front of him with contempt, not taking them seriously at all.

After all, it might be difficult for them to be their opponents.

It is not yet certain what kind of organism the person opposite is, but the only thing that is certain is that this person must disappear.

As he spoke, two formations fell directly from the sky.

At this time, all the orc armies had some unexpected changes.

What's going on?

The person in front of him said, looking at the orc, he didn't understand why he looked like he was carrying a weight.

There seemed to be some slow motion, and their scarlet eyes seemed to become hollow.

All these orcs became very powerful under the urging of the formation. At least there won't be any interference, and both the endurance and attack capabilities will be more than doubled.

So now they don't know what kind of changes will happen.

While thinking this, Kanzaki Yang directly dropped the formation from the sky.

At this time, as expected, all the orcs lost any ability to resist.

Can it be solved in just this moment?

Of course it was impossible. Suddenly the black sky was filled with lightning, thunder roared, and huge raindrops fell on the ground and also on the orc's body.

It can be seen that these orcs stood up directly, as if they were alive again.

And it seems to be more powerful.

This made him feel a little strange.

This kind of thinking does not happen in a day or two. It takes at least two years to practice this kind of formation to master such a powerful black magic.

After all, you have to control so many people at once.

It is conceivable that this matter may have been prepared before Kanzaki Yang arrived on this continent.

But it was his bad luck to meet Yang Kanzaki.

It took a lot of effort to get to where it is now. If it were anyone else, there would really be nothing to do, but this was Kanzaki Yang, how could he let the person in front of him win so easily.

At least it has the aura of a protagonist.

As he said this, he spoke directly to the people behind him.

Did you notice this formation when the celestial phenomena changed drastically?

Kanzaki Yang asked this person to look here. Indeed, they thought something unexpected was going to happen. Sure enough, it was the same as they thought.

There's really no telling what to expect.

Let them meet now.

Xueer also came out and said something at this time.

I don't think this is a normal formation at all. The backlash of this formation is so serious that ordinary people can't bear it. But now this formation has become more powerful.

The man looked at Kanzaki Yang as he spoke.

Kanzaki Yang also nodded and said to him, You are right. I suspect that this is not a formation at all, but a kind of black magic. That's why there is this way to exploit the resentment in their hearts, so to improve their Now, their capabilities have not only been strengthened in action and attack, but their defense has also been strengthened.”

You see the weather has turned dark. This is probably because their resentment is driving them up there.

And I had completely controlled them just now, and suddenly their abilities became stronger. That's definitely a point.

At this point, the two people looked at each other, and then they both spoke in unison.

Then it must be a summons. All the grievances around here are attached to them.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

In this case, their pain will increase even more. Although they will not feel anything now, if they wait until they wake up, their pain will definitely increase exponentially.

If they cannot bear such strong resentment, other people's pain towards the world will be forced on them.

Therefore, the energy hidden in his body will be stimulated and he will become stronger.

Really vicious.

Think of a way.

Kanzaki Yang said.

The only thing now is that I don't know how he formed this resentment and who he got it from? So if there is someone nearby, then she must have resentment towards the world, so this method of his is A steady stream.”

...... ...... .......

In the same principle, if Xueer has this kind of resentment and increases the animal nature in her, Na's animal nature will completely engulf his humanity.

His ability doesn't increase by a certain percentage, his ability increases exponentially. This is the difference between him and these orcs.

If this person lets them get it, although there is no way to control it, it is definitely a hidden danger to this world.

Kanzaki Yang could no longer sit back and wait for death, so he clasped his hands together and then separated them naturally.

A faint golden light began to emit from the thumb. This golden light floated in the air like powder, but formed a huge beam of light. This didn't look like some kind of formation? It seems like something that cleanses the soul?

In an instant, not only the golden light in his fingers slowly emitted, but even everyone on the grass and trees had this golden light emitting, covering the entire battlefield for a while. knife.

Chapter 502

It seems that this is the same principle used by the person just now. If he makes this place densely covered with darkness, it is so magical and uses the same method to eliminate these darkness, then his orcs will not have the blessing of the formation and return to What it looked like initially?

It is important to get to the root of it.

But if it was just like this, it would be useless. After all, for him, both of them were using formations on each other, so they could only consume each other.

Xue'er might be able to help at this time.

He said, asking directly.

I found that your current principle is similar to that of when it snows. As long as the snow is covering their bodies, wouldn't it be enough? But I don't know this kind of blood, I only bring some poisonous snow.

So it's not your turn to deal with this matter yet, but there is another more important matter. It's not even possible for us to be so good. You can just let him kill him.

It may still be a bit difficult for him. After all, I don't know him well, but it will be no problem to deal with the orcs below.

The orcs below don't need to be dealt with at all. Maybe I will use them for my cloning experiments.

As he said that, he also looked directly at the people behind him.

Have you seen the person behind? If that person is directly injured, the formation will be cancelled. If one of us gives up, then the other side will be successful.

After all, this is still not helpful to them.

Okay, isn't it just that I'm afraid of running away? It shouldn't be a big problem?

Saying that, Xue'er was about to fly in that direction.

Kanzaki Yang is still relieved. With Xue'er's ability, defeating the person in front of him is not a problem?

At this time, it seemed that the man in black opposite had the same intention and summoned all the orcs. The army did not compete with his orcs and the army, but all walked towards Kanzaki Yang.

However, the orc army on Kanzaki Yang's side is not just for food, and they directly want to stop him and protect Kanzaki Yang.

Therefore, these orc legions did not cause any harm to Kanzaki Yang for a while. However, Xue'er was about to arrive in front of him. He directly went up to the man's face and took out the dagger.

A horizontal slash only hit this man's puppet.

And this puppet immediately transformed into a human being, as if he didn't have any thoughts, thoughts, or even eyes, but he just knew he was going to fight.

I don't know if this is another kind of black magic or some kind of spell.

But to their understanding, this is more like a magic weapon.

The two orc legions of Wuwu Xuanxuan below, the formation between heaven and earth, one is golden light, the other is black light, constantly circling between the whole world.

It seems that he also wants to steam out a victory or defeat.

Xue'er, now is your chance.

Xue'er was not moved by this puppet at all. This person kept restraining his position so that he could not enter that person's body.

Immediately afterwards, looking at that person, he felt like he was in the past, but at this time, the puppet was blocked in front of him.

But he finally solved one, but something happened that she didn't expect. Just when he was about to beat the puppet to death, the puppet's scattered limbs reassembled and turned into something like nothing had happened. Like this, he continued to strike in the direction of Xue'er...

In this way, he never thought that he had clearly scattered it just now, and even disassembled it into eight pieces and lay on the ground. Why could he put it back together again without any difference?

It seems that he can't waste time with this puppet at all. No matter how many times he kills him, he will always make peace with him. This is not a person at all. Now he has to bypass this puppet and directly give the person behind him a fatal attack. .

But when the puppet was there, he couldn't reach that person at all. Even if he could, the puppet would block her side.

What's more, this puppet will continue to attack herself, which makes Xueer very difficult to deal with.

He now has to think of a way to make the puppet in front of me obey him obediently and not let her waste any more of his time. This is simply too tiring.

As he spoke, he directly activated his skill. 2.2 This skill is useful for people, but he has never used it on puppets.

Now it was his first time to see such a strange thing.

He said that he also wanted to give it a try. Sure enough, it had no effect on the puppet in front of him. Then he would have wasted all his hard work.

He could only spend his time with this, and he thought about whether there was any way to confine him.

Let the person's spirit be strong enough not to let him continue to move.

In fact, it can be seen from the form of the man in black just now that he is not afraid that Xue'er will cause any harm to him. .

Chapter 503

Because of this puppet, he could believe in his heart that he would definitely defeat Xue'er.

Even if you don't defeat it, there is no problem in protecting yourself.

Because this puppet will block the knife for itself countless times, and it will not be destroyed at all, and will always exist.

And this was a thin woman in front of him, so he didn't believe that he would get past the puppet he had raised for so many years and injure himself. He had been looking at the orc army below, thinking about how to defeat this person?

But he didn't expect that after all, he had no other way. He still had the formation in his hand. If he gave up the formation in his hand now, it would mean that he would no longer be in a leading position.

Don't fight this puppet. It's just a waste of effort.

Kanzaki Yang also said directly.

It can be seen that he also understands that he cannot attack the puppet in front of him at all. He has been observing Xueer's attacks just now, and he found that every attack of Xueer was very neat.

If it really hits anyone, I'm afraid they will all be killed in one hit.

But now you can't meet that person at all, no matter where he appears? Now I want to try it. If it is not one weapon, but ten weapons, how will this puppet block the master's knife?

As he spoke, he took out ten hidden weapons from his sleeves and threw them on him.

Since he had been practicing since childhood, she could listen to the changes in the voice and reach that person without needing anything. However, he discovered something after the hidden weapon in his hand was shot out.

This puppet did not block in front of the man, but blocked in front of his own hand, directly passing the knife directly into his chest, and the puppet fell down again.

It turned into light smoke and floated in the air, but within ten seconds this person transformed into the same person he had been at the beginning.

How is this possible? It seems that there is really nothing we can do to him. I can't hit this person anymore. He can't be beaten to death. This is really strange. Even if he has ten lives, All ten lives must have been killed by myself.

Xue'er gave up. There was no need to waste time. She also wanted to try if she could get past the puppet and hit the person behind her?

As he spoke, he came directly to the man.

It seems that his puppet is not as fast as himself. Although it has the ability to heal, it is unexpected that it did not catch him this time.

At this time, when he came to the black man's side, he stabbed him in the leg with a knife.

The man in black felt the pain and directly released the formation in his hand.

At this time, all the orcs became relatively calm, but at this time, the man in black seemed to be more angry and made more powerful bursts, but this was not permanent.

And with just a moment of stitching, all these orcs walked towards Xue'er.

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