Since the War King Realm wants to make such a small move from behind, don't blame him for not showing any mercy.

Now that he has enough people on hand, he doesn't have to worry about something like this happening to him. If even the mere Rashuka and Beihai Empire can't solve it, he doesn't have to continue to mess around~.

Chapter 446

At the border of the North Sea Empire, Rashuka has arrived here at this moment~

This time her main purpose is to help the North Sea Empire and lead the orc troops to defeat the Kingdom of Aldykia.

As a servant beside the Forgotten War King, one thing is very clear.

That is, the relationship between the War King Realm and the Beihai Empire is not as good as imagined, and there are even some contradictions in it.

These were all formed in the past, but now they are affecting them.

After all, the North Sea Empire has repeatedly tried to provoke a war between the King of War Realm and the Kingdom of Aldykia. If it were not for this reason, the cost of doing so would probably be even greater.

This time it was entirely due to luck that the First True Ancestor still had great deterrence in this area.

Even if the Beihai Empire does not want to cooperate, what role can it play? There seems to be no such possibility.

This time, the main person in charge of the North Sea Empire is the Major of the Orc Army, Tolinie Harden.

This is a female cat orc, whose body exudes an unnatural musk scent. This scent is very confusing.

It is also a specialty of Tolinie, which can be regarded as a very powerful life-saving ability.

And it is said that she can also control vampires and is a true ancestor-level vampire.

Of course, in front of the Forgotten War King, it still seems a little stretched.

After all, the Forgotten War King is different from ordinary true ancestor-level vampires. He is a real bucket-level true ancestor, and he has no disadvantages.

Therefore, among the three true ancestors, her strength is comparable to the other two.

The [Sacred Territory Treaty] of Xuan Shen Island was forged by him. If it weren't for the Forgotten War King's powerful strength that could deter these people, there might not be such a result today!

The War King's Domain is also a very ancient Empire of Night. At least in this area, no country dares to blatantly provoke.

At this moment, Tolinie came here, and after seeing Rashuka in front of her, a trace of disdain flashed in her eyes.

It was obvious that he did not take the servants of the First True Ancestor seriously, but there was no obvious disdain in his eyes.

Toligne~ I really didn't expect that this time the Beihai Empire would let you, the major of the orc army, take over as the leader.

However, there is one thing I am very curious about. Are you ready for this?

This kind of thing is not that simple. I think you should be very clear about how powerful the Kingdom of Aldykia is, right?

Rashuka said with a smile, naturally knowing the other person's little thoughts.

But she didn't deliberately point it out. After all, the War King Realm is asking for help from others. It's not convenient to personally take part in this matter, otherwise she doesn't know what kind of trouble and impact it will cause~ She doesn't want to be the first The true ancestor worked so hard.

This is also to clarify their inner thoughts, whether this is consistent with the information provided by the magician.

Although the imitation angel ritual is currently only a theory proposed by Kensei Yeze.

But the final result of the theory is indeed terrifying.

Once such a molded angel is created, such an existence that is infinitely close to God may be bad news for their empire of night.

No one wants to encounter such a situation, they can only take it one step at a time.

Haha~ Rashuka~ I know that you are the famous person next to the Forgotten War King. I will naturally know this.

Although you are nominally in charge, I would like to advise you that this is an orc force belonging to our North Sea Empire after all. You'd better not interfere in any of my actions easily.

Otherwise, I can only ask you to return to the War King's Domain.

Tolinie was not polite in this matter...

He was originally going to be sent to the Kingdom of Aldykia to lurk, become a diplomat there, and instigate a war between the War King's Domain and the Kingdom of Aldykia.

In this way, the North Sea Empire will eventually become the ultimate beneficiary.

From this, more benefits can be obtained~ This is also a very urgent result in the heart of the emperor of the Beihai Empire...

It's just that I didn't expect that the War King Realm would let Rashuka come here first, which led to the current situation.

And there seems to be another hidden reason in this. The War King Realm should have its own purpose.

But even the Beihai Empire did not dare to challenge the majesty of the Forgotten War King, otherwise this matter would become very embarrassing.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

Based on this situation, they can only send their orc troops to the border. In fact, it is more of a show. With the savvy of the North Sea Empire, they will never take risks rashly. This is for There is no benefit to them.

On the contrary, it will put them into a more embarrassing situation. At that time, the matter will not be that simple.

Rashuka couldn't help but spread her hands. She didn't expect that Tolinie in front of her would be so disrespectful to her.

But it doesn't matter. The original mission this time is to play a supervisory role, and she will not interfere with the internal affairs of the orc army~

After all, Tolinie's strength should not be underestimated. She just needs to be the one who speaks to the Forgotten War King.

..... ...

Don't worry~Toligne, I won't interfere in this matter...

But I hope your orc troops can display their due strength and don't let us look down upon you.

At that time, even if you want to regret it, I'm afraid there is no such possibility. Remember my words, whether you are just pretending or you really want to go to war, the Kingdom of Aldykia is not just on the surface now. It’s that simple.”

Although Tolinie was at odds with her, Rashuka still said some important things on such basic matters.

This also made Tolinie nod thoughtfully. It seemed that Rashuka still thought about the North Sea Empire.

Perhaps they didn’t want to deceive them too much, so they shared some information.

But how shrewd is Toligne? How could we stumble over this matter...

Anyway, I still have to thank you...

Rasuka~ Although I don't know what the purpose of your War King Domain is, it's best not to trick us too much.

Otherwise, our Beihai Empire is not a vegetarian! Our orc troops will not swallow this easily!

One yard after another, at this moment Tolinie still told the bottom line of the North Sea Empire.

No matter what, they cannot harm their North Sea Empire.

This is their homeland that they have lived in for a long time, and they don't really want to see the empire decline. knife.

Chapter 447

Don't worry, the War King Realm won't do such dirty things...

What's the situation in the Kingdom of Aldykia now? Have your spies discovered anything new?

Rashuka said unequivocally, appearing very concerned about the specific situation at the border between the two countries.

Whatever it turns out to be, it doesn't seem to do much.

When talking about this, Tolinie shook her head. In fact, she didn't know what to say specifically, but she still told the situation found by the spies of their orc army.

Next, they have to make targeted solutions, otherwise there will be more changes.

At this time, in the palace of the Kingdom of Aldykia, Fulia came to find Yang Kanzaki.

Although the model of modeling the angel ritual to defeat Liu Er San Long has begun, Xia Yin is still staying in the kingdom.

What's wrong? Fulia~ Is something new happening now?

The Angel Modeling Ceremony has been very successful now, and the effect on Aye-chan's side is pretty good.

Is it possible that the Beihai Empire has made new moves? If you need it, I will send manpower to you now to deal with their orc troops. I think there is still no big problem.

Looking at Fulia in front of him, Kanzaki Yang asked curiously.

During this period, he has been in a state of adjustment, basically resting.

But I always go to various places to check, especially Aye-chan's place. I basically go there several times a day, just to ensure the success of the angel molding ceremony.

As for the war between the North Sea Empire and the Kingdom of Aldykia? What he didn't know was that detailed.

But Fulia's face is not so pretty now. Could it be that something happened?

Is this what led to the current situation? This indeed made him quite curious.

No matter what, if the Kingdom of Aldykia encounters difficulties, he will definitely not stand idly by, and he also has Ophis, Akatsuki Sa and Elsa at his side.

There will even be a few of Aye-chan's magical criminals in the prison barrier at that time, which will become a force that cannot be ignored.

If they can do better, they will naturally need to defeat the Beihai Empire easily.

Fulia shook her head. Naturally, it wasn't because of things in the Beihai Empire that made her so upset...

This is a question that I can't figure out clearly in my heart. Although fundamentally it has nothing to do with her, to a certain extent, it has a certain connection.

Yang Jun~ Maybe there is something you don't really want to hear...

But we really don't know what to do, so we want to find you. I hope you can provide some suggestions.

The people created by the Magician have now arrived in the Kingdom of Aldykia...According to what our spies have reported, it is very likely that Kensei Yeze is among them...

Fulia frowned and said, this matter really made her a little annoyed.

It seems that Kensheng Yeze firmly believes that Xia Yin is in the Kingdom of Aldykia. Although this is indeed the case, will they admit it? This is obviously impossible.

When Kanzaki Yang heard the news, he couldn't help but frowned.

Kensei Haze? I didn't expect that he would actually be in danger alone. If he dared to come to the Kingdom of Aldykia, wouldn't he be afraid of encountering some dangers?

Although he is the core high-level leader of Mage Works, this is not the God-dazzling Island.

I'm afraid it's not something their magician craftsmanship can do well, right? This also gave him a bad premonition.

He probably guessed why Fulia was quite upset about this matter. Maybe Xia Yin didn't know these things yet.

Although Xia Yin has initially accepted this result, she still doesn't know what kind of performance she will have after hearing that Kensheng Yeze has come to the Kingdom of Aldykia.

So I probably know what you're thinking~ You're afraid that Xia Yin won't be able to accept this result, right?

But we have to think about a question. Ye Lai Xiansheng has obviously determined that you two are in the Kingdom of Aldykia, and there are provocations from the Beihai Empire from outside. Whether you see them or not depends entirely on Xia Yin herself. What do you think?

Thinking of this, he expressed his thoughts.

This also made Fulia thoughtful, Yang Jun was indeed right.

But what can be done? You can't say that Xia Yin is not allowed to see Yose Xiansheng at all, right?

Just thinking about this person who was kind on the surface but very sinister on the inside made her lose that interest...

If given the chance, she would even want Xia Yin to forget this so-called adoptive father...

This person raised Xia Yin with his own purpose, but in the end, she became the most critical link in the ritual of modeling an angel.

Yang Jun is right, but Xia Yin's opinion must be sought for all this.

Moreover, this is the territory of the Kingdom of Aldykia, at least the magician does not dare to mess around here.

Otherwise, with the strength of the Kingdom of Aldykia, they would definitely have the confidence to make it impossible for them to come back.

As for the North Sea Empire? There is no need to worry too much at the moment.

Their spies have already paid off. Although the orc troops of the North Sea Empire have gathered at the border, apart from some friction at the beginning, there seems to be no too drastic action now.

In other words, the Beihai Empire is most likely just going through the motions, perhaps forced to do so due to pressure from the King of War domain.

I understand Yang Jun~ I will communicate with Xia Yin about this matter...

If we must meet, maybe this is also a good thing. It is a way to completely cut off the relationship between them. Maybe 2.2 will have certain benefits for Xia Yin.

But what kind of crazy moves the Magician's sculpture will take next may not be something we can control...

Fulia said slowly, not knowing what to think about this matter.

For now, it is enough to just do what they have to do, which made Kanzaki Yang nodded thoughtfully.

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