You are right~ Nagisa~ Your brother has a more important mission...

If this matter can succeed, then he will have the strength to fight against the other three true ancestors ~ Do you think such a thing is important?

Kanzaki Yang couldn't hold back and gently scratched the bridge of Nagisa's nose in front of him, looking very happy.

But from Akatsuki Nagisa's point of view, this seems a little different~.

Chapter 444

To be honest, Akatsuki Sa is very interested in what Kanzaki Yang is doing now.

Since his brother has a more important mission, what do he need to do?

As long as she can do it, she will never refuse at all. This doesn't make any sense...

She doesn’t want to be an ungrateful person~ Kanzaki Yang saved her life, which means that she will belong to Kanzaki Yang in a sense for a long time to come~

It can even be described as private property~ Although Yang Jun did not say such a thing, it is obvious that Xiao Nagisa has regarded himself as such private property~

I haven’t met such an interesting person in a long time~ How could I miss him so easily?

I understand Yang Jun~ But what does brother need to do?

Could it be that what Yang Jun asked me to do is how to deal with the war with the Beihai Empire? Or do you want me to make suggestions?

Akatsuki asked curiously, this was still an incredible thing to her.

What's more important is that this has already begun, so it won't cause any more trouble~

She is also very curious about what kind of help her brother will bring to Yangjun~ This is the most confusing thing in Nagisa's heart right now, right?

Looking at Nagisa who looked curious in front of him, some people finally couldn't bear it anymore...

Have you heard of the original? Then Kanzaki Yang looked at Nagisa in front of him and asked her with some doubts, not knowing if he had an answer in his heart~

The original power sounds indeed very strange and powerful. Even if it is a joke in his mind, in this world, it is indeed among the top.

The reason why he said this was to enhance his status from the side. Nagisa would naturally look very happy.

Sure enough~ When Akatsuki Sa came back to her senses, she began to think about other things. She always had an intuition in her heart that such things were not unnecessary.

She had heard a little bit about it at first, but it could be related to her brother~ It was a little too simple, right?

If he can't settle down today, it will leave a trace of unhappiness in Nagisa's heart~

Are you very curious about this plan? As an artificially created true ancestor-level power, no one can really adapt to it¨¨~

And your brother has the most suitable physique ~ he can inherit all the memories of the Artificial Ancestor in a more comprehensive way, which will be of great help to us...

It's just that someone has been keeping an eye on the Kingdom of Aldykia. Behind the North Sea Empire is the War King's Domain. Originally, this matter was very happy, but now it seems that there are more and more troubles...

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile, but to Akatsuki Sa's ears, it seemed to be even more different~ That kind of eagerness to understand things clearly was still visible in his eyes.

In the future, maybe the timing will be different again.

Now he can only give himself this explanation, otherwise it will not have much effect. This is not what he wants to see now.

Now he has come clean. No matter what the final result is, his original intention is the same.

Yang Jun~ I already know.

But in my opinion, this kind of thing is nothing~ but it will appear very inhumane, and slowly it will end~

A meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Nagisa's mouth. How much time has passed, she didn't expect Yang Jun to look at her again. This made her very touched. After all, who It won't happen suddenly.

With this in mind, no matter what Yang Jun does next, I will do my best to support him!

This is also an idea that belongs to her heart, a very strange idea~

Next, the ancient city will participate in the Banquet of Flames and regain the power of this artificial ancestor~ This should be of great help to us~

So~ you actually don't have to worry so much.

Kanzaki Yang nodded and said slowly.

No matter what the final situation is, things like this cannot be solved overnight.

This also made Nagisa nod. As for his father? Now there is no need to consider his thoughts, and there is absolutely no need to do so...

Then Kanzaki Yang brought Xia Yin, Fulia and others to Aye-chan~ This is the most secret and safe place...

Even though there may be spies from other places, they will not be discovered here~

This is basically the safest place inside the palace of the Kingdom of Aldykia, and it is most suitable to carry out his plan here.

This also made Ayejiang quite curious, but she didn't expect Yangjun to be ready so soon.

I originally thought I would have to wait a few more days, but now it seems there is no need.

.々Looks like you are ready, Yangjun~

Well... that's good~ start early, so you don't have to spend a lot of time, and I also checked. This place is indeed very safe, and no secrets will be leaked.

Xiandumu Aye said with a smile, but he was already relieved in his heart.

She may encounter a lot of troubles next, no matter what the outcome is, she must witness it with her own eyes...

Model the Angel Ceremony! This was a ritual to imitate angels, and even she was amazed by such a theory.

If you don't witness it with your own eyes, how can you be willing to do it?

Kanzaki Yang nodded, and then turned on the clone mode. The Ark red ball floated beside him, releasing a red light that shined on Xia Yin and others.

Next to them (Wang Liaohao) is an isolation device, and the clones can be placed inside.

Xiandumu Aye will handle all the debugging of data.

Now that such a scene happened, they couldn't help but marvel.

At this moment, Kanzaki Yang was also watching this scene quietly, still feeling a little excited in his heart, it finally started~

About a few hours later, there were clones exactly like them in the isolation device.

If you feel it carefully, you will find that a large part of its spiritual center is still retained...

This really surprised Kanzaki Yang, but he didn't expect it to be beyond his imagination.

Xiandumu Aye was quite curious about the appearance of the red ball in the Ark. Is this the way Yang Jun relies on to survive?

This is a new species~ Even the highest technology in the world does not seem to have reached this point...

Chapter 445

When all these clones were completed, Ark's red ball had already been put away.

At this moment, Kanzaki Yang looked at Fulia, Xia Yin and others in front of him, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Xia Yin, Fulia~ Thank you... for being willing to choose to believe in me at such a moment.

Now that the early part has been completed, I think there will be no other problems with a high probability. You still have to be careful during this period. I don't think the magician's sculpture will be so desperate.

He said sincerely that this was indeed his concern.

He was not able to stay by their side in time. If the Mage Worker or the King of War took action, the matter would become very troublesome. He did not want to see such a situation happen. This is really a very embarrassing thing.

No matter which situation you look at, you won't have much of an upper hand.

The two of them nodded at the same time. Even Yang Jun had already warned him, which at least meant that there would indeed be some danger in this matter.

As for how to solve it in the end? It depends on their final actual actions.

Don't worry~ Yang Jun, in fact, I have already given up on the magician Gongsu and Ye Lai Xiansheng...

From now on, I have no 623 relationship with Mage Gongsu. As for Kensei Haze? I think we will be strangers next time we meet~

Xia Yin sighed. There was nothing that could be done about it. Who said that his heart was already broken?

She has already agreed with Fulia that she will stay in the Kingdom of Aldykia for the time being.

At least here, they will be absolutely safe and will not encounter any trouble of one kind or another.

Although they are always not afraid of trouble, they don't have too many things to show.

Ye Lai Xiansheng has made things so decisive, and Xia Yin no longer needs to hold on to the previous longing.

This made Kanzaki Yang nodded, as long as Xia Yin could figure it out.

Then several people left here. At present, everything they need to do has basically been done, and the rest depends on Xiandumu Aye.

At this moment, Kanzaki Yang turned around and looked at Aye-chan in front of him. Seeing the doubt in his eyes, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Aye-chan~ It seems like you have some questions...

But now I can basically start modeling the angel ritual. As for how far I can grow, I completely depend on you!

He smiled and said, maybe Aye-chan is interested in the Ark red ball next to him?

Or is it something else? But if the other party doesn't say anything, I don't know how to explain it.

Xiandumu Aye looked at Yang Jun in front of her with confusion. She found that she could not see through the young man in front of her more and more...

Almost every time I see him, I can feel a sense of mystery about him.

Or perhaps a new mystery could be solved every time she saw him, which in her opinion was extremely shocking.

She didn't know why this happened. If she said she didn't have doubts in her heart, it would be a lie.

I just don't know how to express such doubts. After all, this kind of thing is not that simple.

Yang Jun~ What was that red ball just now...

It seems like you have more secrets than I thought~ But if it's not convenient for you to tell me, then don't tell me.

No matter what, we are now in a partnership, and I will choose to believe you in basic matters.

Xiandumu Aye looked like he was hesitant to speak. In fact, he really wanted to know about the red ball of the Ark, but he was a bit duplicitous~

Maybe this is the idea of ​​a woman with some small thoughts in her heart~

How could Kanzaki Yang not see through it? In fact, there is nothing bad to say about this.

Aye-chan~ You are thinking too much~ As my partner, you must have the right to know these things.

This is one of my weapons, it's a weapon with a very powerful destructive power (bdcc) and a fully functional weapon. I got it by accident.

This is also the reason why I am filled with so much mystery~ But please don't tell me about this! I'm afraid it will bring some unnecessary influence to me.

Then he smiled and said, no matter what, the angel modeling ceremony he wanted to perform has been handed over to Aye-chan with confidence, which proves that he trusts her enough.

And in his opinion, once such doubts take root, if they are not explained clearly as soon as possible, subsequent misunderstandings will become bigger and bigger.

At that point, a vicious cycle is formed, and it becomes very difficult to alleviate it.

Kanzaki Yang doesn't want to see such a situation arise, and it is also an unnecessary thing.

Xiandumu Aye nodded thoughtfully. Since he chose to say this, he really needed to believe it.

If even Yang Jun can't be trusted, then there seems to be no need to supervise such a ritual of modeling angels.

Okay~ Of course I choose to believe you, Yang Jun~

Actually, I'm just a little curious about your secrets~ It's okay if you don't tell me~ Okay, I will focus on preparing for the angel modeling ceremony in the next time.

“If you have any questions, you can come to me in time~ Actually, I don’t know where to start~”

Xiandumu Aye had an indifferent tone, but after knowing Yang Jun's honesty, his doubts had long been dispelled.

What she wants is such an attitude. If she doesn't even want to give herself such an attitude, she doesn't know what else she has in mind.

Yang Kanzaki disagreed. The slightly improved angel-making ceremony was still very powerful to a certain extent.

What Aye-chan needs to know most is the relevant knowledge, which is not too difficult for her.

If Aye-chan couldn't even do this, it would make him feel very confused. This was not a big problem that could be solved quickly.

And now he also has some plans of his own in mind. The orc troops of the North Sea Empire have been extremely rampant in the past two days.

But he hasn't seen any reaction from the War King Realm. He only knows that Rashuka has arrived in the Beihai Empire.

Perhaps he also wanted to manipulate the royal family of the Beihai Empire from behind the scenes to provoke this war.

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