Fulia's sudden location display will still attract the attention of Kensei Yeze.

Hestia said, still very curious about this matter.

Nangong shook his head that month and no longer wanted to worry about the details.

She would not proceed to the next step until Kanzaki Yang gave herself some tasks.

This is also to avoid other people's suspicion. The more she does this, the safer she will be.

Moreover, Hestia was able to obtain these key information from the magician Gongsu, which further proves that this person's ability is not simple.

This time it was like standing in the fog, she couldn't see anything clearly...

She just hopes to succeed, which will be a relief for her.

What she wanted was to be able to reach such a contract faster so that she wouldn't have to carry so many things.

No matter what, I still have to thank you for this, but don't worry, I won't expose anything~ Thinking of this, Nangong Nayue replied.

As for what will happen next, she doesn't care about it for now.

Hestia will also inform herself of the news in a timely manner to avoid causing any trouble. knife.

Chapter 422

Hehe~Teacher Nangong~You just have to be aware of this matter~

But...I should leave here now.

Although I am very confident in my own strength, if I stay here for a long time, it will be difficult to be discovered by the magician craftsmen~

Hestia said with a smile, and then left here.

She would not stay here for any length of time. At least there were several people taking turns monitoring Nangong Nayue.

It doesn't do much harm to show off a little bit.

But there is no airtight wall in this world, and the people molded by magicians are not stupid...

Looking for such clues and conducting some investigation, there will still be results...

Watching Hestia leave, Nangong fell into deep thought that month...

She didn't expect to bring herself such exciting news about the 610 explosion, but it made her a little helpless.

Who would always live under the surveillance of others? Now I can only hope that Yang Jun can gain something~

I also hope that I can return to Xuan Shen Island as soon as possible, so that I don’t have to be afraid of the magician.


In the palace of King Aldykia, Fulia called Xia Yin over. When Xia Yin saw Yang Kanzaki in front of her, there was a trace of doubt in her eyes.

She didn’t understand why Fulia asked her to come over...

The memory about that period has been deleted, but I still feel that there are some places that are very scary.

I don’t know the reason for this, let alone why I have come to the Kingdom of Aldykia now...

Hello~Yang Jun~ But why did you call me here this time?

Although there will be some doubts in my heart, I don’t want to come into contact with too many strangers.

However, Haise Xia Yin still greeted Kanzaki Yang enthusiastically, especially after meeting Kanzaki Yang, she was deeply attracted by the sacred radiance emanating from him.

I don’t know what it feels like, I just know that after being attracted, I feel very relieved.

The impatience deep in my heart was greatly relieved at this moment.

There is no longer that feeling of wanting to understand things urgently. I can only say that Yang Jun’s energy is really great~

Fulia~ You go down first... Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

He had his own way, which made Fulia nod.

She still had some worries in her heart, but when she thought of Yang Jun's shock these few times, she felt a little relieved.

Such a feeling is something that few people can give her, not even her father, who has never given it to herself.

Fulia then left the room. Whether Yang Jun's plan would succeed or not would depend on what he told Xia Yin.

If it were her, she really wouldn't know how to speak on this matter~

There will be an awkward feeling, which is indescribable.

After seeing Fulia leave the room, Kanzaki Yang looked up and down at Hazune Natsune in front of him.

In fact, there was still some complexity in his eyes, and he didn't know how to explain it clearly to Xia Yin.

Yang Jun~ Do you have something to tell me?

If you want to say anything, you can tell me. No matter what worries you have, I will comfort you~

Seeing that Yang Jun in front of him didn't speak, Xia Yin suddenly said with a smile.

Such a smile looked very bright, and it was because I was attracted by the divine temperament of Yang Jun that I felt so empathetic.

If it had been anyone else, she would have been expressionless.

It can only show that Yang Jun did give her a different feeling and made her indulge in it.

Xia Yin~ Actually, I asked you to come here today because I want you to know some truth...

It's just... I'm not sure if you can accept it after you know the truth.

This is a bet, you can understand it this way.

After thinking for a long time, Kanzaki Yang decided to say it out, and he could only say it in this way.

As for what the final effect will be, it depends on what the current situation will be like.

Xia Yin was stunned and nodded subconsciously.

In fact, she had already guessed in her heart that she seemed to have encountered something recently, so that every time she thought about it in her heart, she would feel a headache.

It seemed that there was a great chance to get close to the truth this time. Thinking of this, a smile appeared on her face.

Yang Jun~ If you have anything, just tell me! Ye Lai Xia Yin showed a bright smile...

No matter what you say to yourself, you will have a psychological endurance.

At least I have already made such preparations and will not feel any fear.

This actually made Yang Kanzaki look at her in surprise. It seemed that he had already made this plan in his mind.

As for whether it can meet psychological expectations in the end, this is an unknown...

But before doing this, he actually used [Absolute Dualism] to make relevant judgments.

It was precisely because the conclusion he drew would not have an impact on the final result that he wanted to tell Xia Yin the truth.

If it weren't for this final conclusion, he would never have done this.

Xia Yin~ What do you think of your adoptive father, Kensei Haise?

You can think about it from several aspects: Is he good to you? Does he have a purpose for you?

Kanzaki Yang decided to use a persuasive approach to help Xia Yin understand Ye Lai Kensheng.

And the agreement between him and Xia Yin before the magician's molding ceremony started.

This made Xia Yin stunned and started to think seriously.

Well...how should I put it? Father is actually very good to me...

It's just that I feel that his attitude towards me has changed a bit over the years. It's not like he was when he was a child. He has become more indifferent.

I think this may be due to work reasons...

What's wrong 2.2? Yang Jun~ Why do you suddenly ask this question.

Then Yeze Xiayin said this matter very normally, which can be regarded as some of the thoughts in his heart now.

But I don't know why, after I said these words, a very disdainful voice seemed to sound in my heart.

This made Xia Yin feel very confused, but she didn't know how to describe it.

Kanzaki Yang glanced at her, and he really didn't expect that Yose Kensheng still had such a tall image in Xia Yin's heart.

He blamed all this on his busy work~ This was beyond his expectation.

However, what made him feel gratified was that deep down in Xia Yin's heart, he still had a deep understanding of the change in Ye Lai Xiansheng's attitude towards him after he became an adult.

Being able to feel this is already very good...

Chapter 423

Xia Yin~ It seems that your father Ye Xiansheng's image status is quite high in your mind...

But this is also a normal thing. I want to talk to you today. Do you know why he is so indifferent to you now?

This should be something you have to admit. I think you should have felt his terror before...

Kanzaki Yang's eyes just looked at Haise Xia Yin in front of him quietly. He had already said everything that needed to be said. As for what Xia Yin would think about next, it all depends on how she endured it.

Such a thing is indeed accomplished overnight, and Xia Yin must have felt it over the years.

As for what the real situation is, it depends on how she recalls it.

With such a shadow, Kanzaki Yang can't help much.

If you want to completely come out of it, you still have to look at your own tolerance and how to adjust...

Knowing the final outcome, this was the only thing he could do.

That is to let Xia Yin know Ye Lai Xiansheng clearly and stop living in such concealment and deception.

Although he has his own selfish motives, modeling the angel ceremony is very important to him.

But he also felt very sorry and sympathized with Xia Yin13 and wanted to help her.

At this moment, after Ye Lai Xia Yin heard his words, she saw Yang Jun looking at her like this again.

Now I am deep in thought, recalling some of the subtle changes over the years.

This is also the most intuitive feeling. Not long after, a trace of tears appeared in the corner of my eyes...

I actually know that my father's attitude towards me is sometimes hot or cold, which makes me very unhappy.

I once wanted to make a change, but he told me that if I didn't have some effect on him, I'm afraid he wouldn't have adopted me...

Yang Jun~ Can you tell me what happened here?

Afterwards, Haise Xia Yin looked at Kanzaki Yang in front of him quietly, trying to get some answers from his eyes.

No matter what, it has reached this point. If it is not clear yet, Xia Yin may have wounds in his heart that are difficult to erase.

Kanzaki Yang sighed, seemingly recalling such a bad phenomenon.

It's still within the acceptable range, at least it means there's still hope.

If you can’t even be saved, this means nothing…

And the things we did today were basically useless efforts.

Do you know about the ritual of modeling an angel? In fact, I know that there are some fragments in your heart that you can no longer recall.

But it's something that breaks your heart so much that you don't know about it.

It seems that you are very sad today, and I don't know whether I should tell you.

Kanzaki Yang sighed, this was the truth in his heart.

If it wasn't for this reason, then he would never say this anyway.

This made Xia Yin stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Isn’t that the purpose of today? If it's not clear yet, what's the point?

She was already mentally prepared to bear this. Even if the reason was very cruel, she still had to face it.

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