After hearing this, these bodyguards couldn't help but tremble.

Even the bodyguard captain has never seen their boss so angry.

610 For a moment, he stood there, not daring to answer his words...

I saw Xian Sheng Ye adjusting his collar, pushing up his glasses, and trying to calm down.

Staring at the bodyguards in front of me is really incompetent...

If it weren't for the fact that we couldn't recruit more powerful people now, these people would have been fired long ago. They were simply used to get angry.

Boss...then should we continue to keep an eye on the teacher from the private Saihai Academy?

I didn't expect them to move to the Kingdom of Aldykia...but that's Fulia's home after all, so it's normal.

But after hearing the news, I asked yesterday that the palace of the Kingdom of Aldykia is now under full martial law... basically not even a fly can fly in...

The bodyguard captain saw this and said quickly.

If he doesn't say anything now, based on his understanding of the Boss, I'm afraid he will be fired next...

Although they received a lot of scolding, Boss was still very generous in his treatment of them~

Basically, I have not treated them badly. After thinking about it, (bdcc) can reluctantly accept it.

Yose Xiansheng rolled his eyes at him, but sighed in his heart.

During the last analysis, no important focus was placed on the Kingdom of Aldykia.

There is someone from the King of War realm nearby, and that guy from the First True Ancestor is not that easy to mess with...

Don't put your main energy there unless necessary.

But now it seems... they have to change some strategies.

Even if this is not the current main strategic direction of the company, the importance of modeling the angel ceremony is self-evident.

It was interrupted abruptly, and now Fulia suddenly appeared in the Kingdom of Aldykia.

I'm afraid this matter is not that simple... Even other people will be in the kingdom, including the mysterious person behind the scenes...

This made him very interested. Who is so courageous and can make them fool around?

And every time when we are close to the truth, we are kept in the dark...

Either they lose control of the situation, which is obviously a shame for them!

If it was in the old times, I'm afraid they would be so ashamed and angry that they would have to deal with themselves...

Of course we have to keep an eye on it... The evidence last time showed that the problem is likely to lie in the prison barrier. Now even if Fulia appears in the Kingdom of Aldykia, we cannot deny that she probably went there from the prison barrier. .”

If this matter was really that easy to solve, there would be no need to worry so much now.

It's really a troublesome thing. Can the palace be penetrated?

After coming back to his senses, Ye Xianxian asked the bodyguard captain in front of him.

This must be very clear in his mind. Although he scolds a lot on weekdays, this ability is still there.

The bodyguard captain shook his head. It was obvious that this matter was not that simple.

It is full of more mystery, and it will be very difficult to penetrate it...

At least with their current configuration, there is no such possibility for the time being.

Boss~ It's not that we can't do it, it's just that we don't have such conditions...

Do you think other people will be there? Including Miss Xia Yin...

Then the bodyguard captain asked. When Xia Yin was mentioned, Ye Lai Xiansheng's eyes became extremely gloomy...

This has obviously touched his pain, and he doesn't know how to describe his mood at this moment.

It's probably very complicated~

But now that it has started, it cannot be stopped.

Even if Xia Yin knows what he did in the future, she should be able to understand...

It's just what he thought he could understand~

Then what do you think we should do now? Ye Lai Xiansheng said at a loss like a deflated ball.

Now I feel a bit tired all over my body, and I don't know how to describe this state.

But after this incident, he will become more cautious.

Boss~ I think we can divide the troops into two groups...

Try to send as many people as possible to the Kingdom of Aldykia to try to infiltrate it. On the other hand, you can continue to keep an eye on the private Saikai Academy~

Now it seems... Nangong Nayue is very likely to be the person who interfered with our sight. He must have a very close relationship with the person behind the scenes. He may even be the vampire demon behind it...

The bodyguard captain expressed his inner plan, which made Kensheng Yeze nodded.

This kind of analysis can be regarded as a basis. Nangong Nayue did interfere with their sight.

As a result, Fulia suddenly released such news, throwing them into confusion...

Although the current Nangong Nayue looks normal, the more this situation happens, the less careless he can be.

It further shows that Nangong Nayue is a person who is good at acting, and being able to deceive them is not a very simple thing~

For them, this pillar of shame must be washed away...

If this matter spreads in the future, people will probably laugh out loud.

By that time, he, a wizard-sculptor, was no longer so loved by others~

At the same time, Nangong Nayue must be made to feel their terror, so that he can show his weakness.

After getting his agreement, the bodyguard captain finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he quickly left here with his men, preparing to implement these two plans...

Chapter 421

Kensei Hayase's bodyguard team still underestimated the energy Kanzaki Yang left on Xuanshen Island~

When they started taking action, Hestia had already discovered them.

It’s just that these people still foolishly thought that they had not been discovered~

Hestia immediately came to Nangong Nayue's home~ She just came secretly and was not discovered by anyone.

Hestia~ How is it? Have you discovered anything? Nangong Nayue asked doubtfully.

Now she is living her life step by step, doing the most ordinary things~

It was not easy to attract others' attention this way, but she couldn't imagine what Hestia's purpose was for coming here this time...

Because she knew very well in her heart that it would be difficult for Hestia to come to her home as a guest if she had nothing to do~

This is enough to show that there must have been some problems that led to the current situation.

In any case, I'm afraid this matter can't be solved -.

Mostly it was a matter of magician craftsmanship, and they had been struggling to cope with it during this period.

Hehe~Teacher Nangong~Can't I come to your house as a guest if I have nothing to do? But this time Hestia's answer made her stunned.

Such a situation has never happened before~ When did she become so naughty in front of him?

Did He Yangjun learn this? Such bad habits are not good...

As a serious people's teacher, Nangong Nayue is not too cold about such things~

Of's just that from my perspective, you don't look like someone who would come to my house as a guest~

Okay, let's quickly tell you what happened~

I don't want to be restless when the time comes, and I don't have that much in mind to joke with you.

Nangong Nayue said angrily, but it no longer had the same gunpowder smell as before.

At that time, the two of them would fight each other as soon as they met, and it could be said that they would not let anyone go.

If Kanzaki Yang hadn't stopped him in time~ I'm afraid it would have been a war between two women every time they met...

If you think about it carefully~ time flies by quite quickly.

During this period, I have been paying attention to the movements of the magician Gongsu, or rather the movements of Kensei Haze.

Guess what I found?

Hestia put away her fun and asked seriously.

This made Nangong Nayue stunned, and then shook his head.

She doesn't have that much time to pay attention to these things, and attending classes every day has already made her anxious and anxious as she approaches menopause...

But if he discovered these things... maybe he was targeting her specifically.

Nangong Nayue could only think like this in her heart. Whether it was correct or not would depend on Hestia's next answer.

Yose Kensheng has indeed made some moves recently, and these moves may affect you~

People will be sent to the Kingdom of Aldykia. On the other hand, they will continue to put pressure on you...which means you will be under more surveillance~

Fullia released the news a few days ago that she has returned to the Kingdom of Aldykia, which led them to take such action.

Hestia told what she had found out, which made Nangong Nayue stunned.

Kanzaki Yang has tricked himself this time...

I originally thought that if I lived a step-by-step life, the magician's work would gradually divert his attention.

But I didn't expect that I thought things were too simple. The people in the magician's work seemed to be very smart...

This was really beyond her expectation. When she thought about facing their surveillance in the future, her face was very depressed.

Although he didn't mean to blame Yang Jun, it did affect him.

Moreover, after Fulia released this news, she thought that it would attract the attention of the magicians about the angel molding ritual~

Now it seems that I was still careless.

In this matter, Ye Lai Xiansheng unexpectedly acted out of common sense, which was beyond her expectation.

How is it? Teacher Nangong~ Now you have thought of a solution... Looking at Nangong's expression, Hestia asked curiously.

Instead of sitting here and thinking uneasily, why not come up with some solutions~

This is the most practical and simple and crude method~

Nangong Nayue shook his head. If there was a way, why would he have such a depressed expression...

Hestia~ Yang Jun has done me a terrible job this time.'s not a big problem. I have been living step by step during this period, and I haven't exposed anything.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

At most, it will only arouse more suspicion. As long as I don't panic, there is nothing the magician can do against me.

Then Nangong Nayue said that she only hoped that Kanzaki Yang's side could start as soon as possible.

In this case, you don’t have to worry about these or those problems~

I don’t know if the angel-making ceremony was carried out by Kanzaki Yang, but it did arouse her interest...

She also wanted to see whether such a molded angel that was infinitely close to God would have such an effect~

No matter what, the situation has already developed to this point, and it’s hard to say anything else.

Hestia nodded thoughtfully, Nangong Nayue was quite tolerant.

...... . 0

The more this happens, the more calm you can be.

Okay~ It seems that I underestimated your mental endurance~ I didn't expect you to be so calm about this matter...

But what you said is right. I don't know how the angel-making ceremony is going on at Yangjun's side now~

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