When it was finally completed, Hestia still couldn't believe it...

How much did her Yang Jun go through to be able to accomplish such a huge achievement~

This is a complete world, even if the world is not as strong as the dungeon world.


Such a population base cannot be achieved overnight, not to mention that it has experienced the collapse of an empire here before.

She suddenly felt that she should understand Yang Jun better in the future and love Yang Jun~

My Yangjun~ Achieving such a great achievement is actually a great thing in my heart~

So where do we go now?

This time, he agreed to take himself to meet some friends, and it seemed that Wuqisan hadn't seen Hephaestus for a while.

It's impossible to say that she doesn't miss him. In fact, Hestia also really wants to see Hephaestus~

Looking at the woman in front of him, Kanzaki Yang smiled faintly.

It seems that he is still a little anxious~ He has just traveled through the entire Holy Kingdom, almost the entire world...

But now it's time to head to the Holy Capital. He didn't show his aura when he arrived this time.

They even hid the aura on Hestia's body, so no one in the Holy City must have discovered their existence.

Take you to do something fun~

Thinking of this, he smiled mysteriously.

This left Hestia a little confused. She had already traveled throughout the Holy Kingdom. Is there anything more fun?

I have never done such an interesting thing with Yangjun, and I am looking forward to it even more~


At this time, in the Holy Capital of the Holy Kingdom, a golden-haired man looked at the several saints in front of him, as well as the God of Forging, Hephaestus.

Several adults...the gods are coming to the Holy Capital. Is this true?

This is the Pope of the Holy Kingdom today, the superficial authority exists, and above the Pope is the god that people believe in~

The sudden arrival of the Lord God came without any warning in advance.

The original Pope was still praying at home. When he heard several saints telling him this, he immediately put down his prayers and came here.

Yes! Our Lord God is coming soon~ Lord Pope, let's prepare the reception as soon as possible~

Elsa nodded. She had just received a temporary message from Kanzaki Yang, so everyone gathered here to prepare for the arrival of the god~

However, there was something strange in the eyes of Hephaestus, who seemed to have no presence at the side.

Did Hestia also come here this time? It made her very curious.

The saints and the pope nearby were all seriously waiting for the appearance of the only god~

Not long after, a golden light shone in front of them. This golden light was very dazzling.

Two figures suddenly appeared in front of them, it was Kanzaki Yang and Hestia.

The hearts of several saintly women are actually relatively clear-sighted, and they do not have the ability to travel through the world.

If you want to follow him to the world of blood-devouring attacks, you must take him with you personally.

Otherwise, it won't have any effect at all, and you can only continue to stay in Zhan Chitong's world~

They all have a contractual relationship with Kanzaki Yang, but they have been deeply impressed by his personality charm.

This kind of charm is unparalleled, just like the reason why the Holy Kingdom was established.

There may be no one like him before or after. Except for Kanzaki Yang, I’m afraid I won’t meet anyone like him in the future.

Lord God! You have arrived~ The Pope is the nominal representative.

At this moment, after seeing their gods descending here, they immediately bowed and worshiped~

The others were equally enthusiastic. Only Hephaestus nodded slightly, but looked at Hestia next to him with interest.

Well~ You all worked hard~ Yang Kanzaki raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

And all the people in the entire Holy City began to worship devoutly because they saw the arrival of the gods~

Such a scene was naturally seen by Hestia, but she didn't expect that the benefits of being the only god would be so great.

It is almost impossible for any criminal behavior to occur, which is also unreasonable~

This means that complete unity has been formed here, and there will be no other inexplicable changes~

If anyone dares to cause trouble, God will know it immediately...

Once you die and cannot go to heaven, if you make a very serious mistake, even if you repent for the rest of your life, you will only end up in hell...

This is also Yangjun's constant warning to the world that they must be pious and not destroy themselves for the desires in their hearts.

The Pope quickly went to appease the people of the Holy City. The sudden arrival of the gods could cause quite a stir here~

In other words, it is the only sensation. In this holy country, who has a status that can challenge the gods?

Not to mention the future, even now, there may not be such a possibility~

As the ultimate beneficiary, Yang Kanzaki knows this aspect very well~

In the room, Kanzaki Yang looked at the saints in front of him, while Hephaestus took Hestia to reminisce about the past.

The two of them haven't seen each other for a while. It's not easy for them to meet each other, so they must have a good chat~

Master, are you planning to go to another world? Elsa asked very curiously.

The Dragon Saint is almost the oldest among them, and she has been very loyal to him for so long~ deeply loved by him~

Several other people also looked at the Lord God in front of them with curious expressions, but they didn't expect that 2.2 Hestia was brought here this time~

They have some understanding of the relationship between the two, but this is a matter for the gods, and they will not gossip about it...

After all, it is enough to do your own thing well. If the master is displeased, he will not be able to coax him, and he may even be punished for it~

Kanzaki Yang nodded. In fact, he was thinking about who should he take there?

This point does need to be carefully considered, and the world of Zhan Chitong will also leave a few saints here to spread the faith.

Otherwise, it would be a bit uneasy to just leave this matter to the Pope.

Although the Pope tried his best during this period, he was not his confidant after all...

Even with Hephaestus here, she is not that good at spreading faith~.

Chapter 363

Yes, this time we are indeed going to another world~

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile, now he still needs to think carefully.

In the final analysis, the great saints still cannot all go to the world of blood-devouring attacks with him. In that case, they will not be able to achieve absolute control in the world of Zhan Chitong~

He didn't want to leave the Holy Kingdom to the Pope alone, otherwise he would be very worried.

Then can we go together? Master~ Chitong asked, blinking.

This point is indeed something that several saints are very concerned about. If they can follow their master to see other worlds, it will definitely have an indelible effect on their improvement~

Actually, this is also something I want to discuss with you this time~ I will tell you then~ But for those who cannot go with me, the importance of the Holy Kingdom is also very important~

Kanzaki Yang smiled, no matter what, he still needed to be comforted~

He also knew that several saints were very envious of his ability to travel through the world, but how could such an ability be formed so casually...

He can't do them all, so he can only choose from them.

All right……

Master, you must choose carefully~ We all believe that the master will choose the most suitable person...

Elsa nodded and said, this is the master's own business. If you can't go together, there is nothing you can do~

After all, besides them, there is also Hestia...

This is an undeniable fact, Kanzaki Yang will definitely take Hestia to the world of blood-devouring attacks.

Now Kanzaki Yang is also very curious, and he doesn't know what Hephaestus was whispering when he took Hestia to him?

At this time, two people were sitting here in Hephaestus' room.

We haven’t seen each other for a while, and I miss him very much now, but there is still some curiosity in Hephaestus’s eyes~

In her understanding, Hestia is a person who will not abandon her family.

She almost regards the family as her mission, and regards the development and growth of the family as some of her future dreams~

More importantly, there are countless gods in the dungeon world, but Hestia basically understands all the gods...

And most of the gods have a very good relationship with her. Perhaps only the Hestia Familia has such an honor for Aurora~

Even if someone is as powerful as Freya Familia and has the existence of the Goddess of Beauty, they may not be able to reach the heights of Hestia.

But looking at the current situation, Hestia is actually willing to leave her family behind...

At the same time, following Kanzaki Yang to the world of Zhan Chitong is enough to explain some problems.

It seems that Hestia has undergone a lot of changes during this period~

Otherwise, how could she do something that she didn't quite understand?

Hephaestus...it seems like we haven't seen each other for a long time~

By the way~ How are you doing in this world during this time? I have already heard about Yang Jun. It was really all thanks to you~

Will you stay here forever? Yang Jun told me that you will stay in this world called Zhan Chi Tong for a period of time in the future. I don't know if it is true or false...

Hestia immediately started chatting with Hephaestus. Such things seemed not that simple~

Even Hephaestus at this moment looked at the woman in front of him with some surprise~

Why is the feeling it gives her so similar to the feeling of falling in love? This is what Hephaestus was puzzled about.

In her opinion, the dignified god of Aurora's Hestia Familia would undergo such a change...

And all of this seems to have started after she was pregnant with the [Holy Son].

Yes, if Hephaestus remembers correctly, it should be after that point in time, until after the birth of the [Holy Son], the changes were even greater than before~

I am the God of Forging, but now there is nothing worth forging for me~

Hestia~ It's true that we haven't seen each other for a long time~ But this time you came here voluntarily with Yang Jun... Why do I always feel that there is something different~

Hephaestus blinked and looked at Hestia in front of him, not knowing how to say it.

But her relationship with Kanzaki Yang is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. As gods in the same world, Hephaestus now has some subtle understanding of the relationship between Kanzaki Yang and Hestia...

Although this hypothesis is very bold, if it comes true...

Such consequences are currently unimaginable for her~

Of course I did it voluntarily~ And in Aurora, who else dares to bully me~ Don't you think so!

Hestia, who was wearing twin ponytails, answered quite innocently at this moment.

If it is voluntary, then some aspects may be explained clearly...

It seems that Hestia did make a major choice in this matter...

But wouldn’t it be nice for her to stay in her own family? This kind of family is now the most powerful in the dungeon world.

Given time, some of this history will even be preserved~

By that time, the Hestia Familia will become very powerful ~ and she has personally come to this world of Red Eyes Zhan, so what will happen to the Familia?

Once Freya regains control of 577 Freya Familia, will she immediately issue an order to attack the Hestia Familia?

This is difficult to say at present, and it is simply impossible to explain it in detail~

Aren't you afraid that the Beauty God will cause you trouble? Once this crazy woman makes some moves, I think you will also feel very troublesome...

At this time, Hephaestus thought of some of the consequences that might not be very good, and couldn't help but frowned...

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