Unless one day his conscience finds out and understands some of his painstaking efforts~

But this is all a thing for another day. At this moment, Hestia looked at her family members with deep reluctance in her eyes.

But she took another look at the boy next to her. He had become the most powerful family member in the dungeon world.

This shows that she has done better, and then she has to follow her own freedom~

We are going to meet some friends first~ You have to be prepared!

Looking at Hestia's expectant eyes in front of him, Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

Hmm... Hestia nodded slightly.

Under her expectant gaze, Kanzaki Yang opened the door to Zhan Chitong's world. As the red-gold light continued to flash, three different doors appeared in front of them.

[Traveling through the world - the world of Zhan Chitong. 】

[Three methods can be used: reincarnation, substitution, and descent. 】

[Please host choose one of the methods according to the actual situation! 】

The sound of the Ark's red ball rang out like this. Of course Kanzaki Yang knew that he could only choose to come with Hestia now.

In this case, there are almost no other options, and once the number of reincarnations is too many, it will almost be detrimental to his growth, or the speed of reincarnation is too frequent.

Choose the way of arrival.

Thinking of this, he said slowly, and not long after, they disappeared from this world.

Seeing that the place just now was now empty, Freya sighed and left here immediately.

After all, this place still belongs to the Hestia Familia, and she wouldn't be here if she was fine.

Now maybe it’s time to be kinder to your family~

She was very envious of the means of traveling through the world, but she was even more envious of Hestia being able to follow...

She was very depressed, why didn't she get such treatment...

Ah ~ Yangjun, is this another different world?

Feeling the completely different atmosphere between this place and the dungeon world, Hestia asked curiously.

Now she understood something in her heart, and knew why Yang Jun already had traces of going to other worlds before she was conceived.

This is the ability to travel through the world. Although I don’t have it, Yang Jun just needs it~

She just needs to follow her Yang Jun obediently and experience some meaningful and interesting things~

But why do I feel that there is only one power of faith here? Is this a whole country? Mr. Yang, is this the world you mentioned before?

As a god, his keen perception in this area is very sharp.

When she first came to this world, she felt a huge pressure, but it was gone now.

It seems that Yang Jun next to him should have minimized that kind of interference~

I feel that this world is more filled with a kind of piety. It seems that the people here sincerely believe in their gods.

This is simply unprecedented and unprecedented~ No wonder Yang Jun said he was sure to become a god within a month. It turned out that he really did it...

Hestia suddenly looked at Yang Jun next to her, even though she had heard him talk about it before.

But when you really see it, you will still find something incredible...

This kind of thing is actually very sudden~

If we hadn't encountered a powerful enemy that Yang Jun didn't mention later, at least now there would be no way to deal with Apollo's legacy~

Fortunately, it was a blessing in disguise that after one reincarnation, the original aura was covered up.

This was also the time when I went back to their world before, and I wasn’t too affected by the sun~

Actually, we are still far away from the true path to becoming a god...

Kanzaki Yang smiled bitterly. Even if he said this now, Hestia might not be able to understand it...

There are higher dimensional beings above their dimension, and that is what we should really pursue and yearn for...

The omnipotent red ball is a typical representative, a high-tech product created by people from that high-dimensional world.

It actually killed all the people who originally created it. This is the true pinnacle of technology.

And what he is doing now is to bring his holy kingdom to that level.

At that time, when we face the almighty red ball again, maybe we won’t be so embarrassed...

Chapter 361

Hestia actually envied Yang Jun very much. It was not common for people to be able to do this.

I have basically never met such a person, and I still maintain such a close relationship with her~

Every time I think of this, I feel very happy.

Maybe this is a kind of honor that belongs to her, no... it's a kind of luck~

Yang Jun~ I believe you will definitely reach that height that I can't understand for the time being!

Hestia took Kanzaki Yang's hand and said very understandingly.

No matter what, she will stand firmly by Kanzaki Yang's side and support him. This may be one of the few things she does~

There is the only belief here, which means that Yang Jun is the only god believed by people in this world.

Such a non-competitive belief will undoubtedly benefit a lot.

If it were in a dungeon world, I don’t know what kind of fierce fight it would cause~

She also felt that this world was weaker than their world, which was not an exaggeration...

At least based on my current feelings, this is the situation.

It seems that traveling through the world is a really good skill~ Fortunately, I met Yang Jun~

This also makes her knowledge continue to broaden, and she also hopes to be able to do such things better.

After seeing these things, Hestia felt that her state of mind became extremely open...

This may be the growth that this power brings to her, it should be the energy that Yang Jun brings to her.

Hehe~ Don't be anxious. If you want to really get there, there is still a long way to go~

So~ Hestia, actually I'm just letting you see the tip of the iceberg...

It will be even more difficult for us to walk in the future, so you have to be prepared for this!

Kanzaki Yang gently scratched Hestia's nose, now that he had left the dungeon world with him.

Regardless of any aspect of responsibility, he must take good care of Hestia.

This is not only a kind of feedback, but also a sublimation of feelings~an indescribable sublimation~

Yes, at least that's what he thinks in his heart now.

There is still a long way to go before he can truly become a god, so he is not in a hurry. The only thing he is guarding against is the threat from the almighty red ball.

Hephaestus is also in this world~ I will take you to have a good look at this world first, and then go to the Holy City!

He said with a smile, thinking of Hephaestus.

Hestia's expression paused, and then she laughed.

Hephaestus? It’s indeed been a long time since we last met...

She also missed it a lot, but Yang Jun said whatever she said, suppressed the throbbing in her heart, and followed Yang Jun to take a good look at this world.

This world that only believes in one god has a paradise that has a profound impact on the world.

The people of this world believe that as long as they devoutly believe in gods and get rid of greed and distracting thoughts in people's hearts, these can make them fall into crazy desires.

Then after death, people will ascend to heaven, at least the heaven in the holy heaven, which is what everyone yearns for.

The gods will watch over every citizen of this world, which is equivalent to a supervisory role.

They should always avoid committing such sins themselves, and more importantly, they should learn to atone for their sins.

As for those evil people? What should be done is what it should be.

The world of Zhan Chitong has been unified, and that kind of special situation is actually very rare.

Desire is enough to destroy a person, and it will also have a more profound impact.

Yang Kanzaki understands this very well. Fortunately, there are no gods in Zhan Chitong's world. After he gained unity, the world only believed in him as a god.

As for what will happen next? He didn't know this.

However, he was very sure that if someone dared to go against him, then he must make the other party suffer some pain.

This is also his firm determination that will not change no matter what.

Now Hestia is also feeling something unusual about this world, although it is much weaker than the dungeon world.

But because of the existence of the only god, the vast scope of this world, and the number of devout people, these all lead to some changes.

It is precisely because of the existence of these things that Yang Jun can obtain unimaginable power of faith.

Although there is a pope in this holy religion.

But behind the pope is a direct connection with the god, that is, Yang Jun.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

The Pope is just the spokesperson of God in the so-called Holy Kingdom, and God is naturally watching every citizen of the Holy Kingdom in heaven.

I really didn't expect that there would be such a grand occasion, Yang Jun, how did you do it~

Hestia asked very curiously. Yang Jun had said before that there was another ancient empire.

It is precisely because this empire has been wiped out that there is no longer any obstacle.

Of course, this does not include the obstacles of those destroyers. Those super destroyers like ants are not worth mentioning in the eyes of Kanzaki Yang.

But it is still very difficult for every citizen to truly believe in it.

At least in the places where the two of them walked just now, it seemed that no one had committed any crime.

..... .... ...

Has this phenomenon really been eliminated in such a huge place?

Yang Jun only told a general story, but did not go into details at the time.

Actually, I know your doubts, Hestia, but I have already expected such a thing...

I have used the divine light to let those saints purify those dirty souls~

This is an existence that is used as a negative teaching material. It is precisely because the sacred light has evolved away those dirty souls, and every devout people will use their heart to influence the people around them.

It is precisely because of this model that the crime rate has been reduced to almost zero.

Kanzaki Yang patiently explained that these are not absolute secrets, and even if they are told, they will not have any impact.

Hestia nodded thoughtfully, it turned out that was the reason.

It seems that that reincarnation was of great help to Yang Jun~

She knew very well in her heart that if a belief system was established and split from its foundation, it would gradually collapse.

With so many moths, if some strategies are adopted in the long run, collapse will happen sooner or later.

And Yang Jun was able to completely prevent such a situation when he discovered the problem. It's no wonder that the Holy Kingdom is now in a happy mood.

In the places they traveled, they didn't encounter anything unstable.

To some extent, this belief system can even be described as perfect~ Knife.

Chapter 362

Yang Kanzaki took Hestia on a general tour of the Holy Kingdom in a very short time~

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