Maybe she had an illusion, or maybe it was because Kanzaki Yang himself had such a power to make people feel warm, and she felt very comfortable.

Ophis didn't have much reaction to this. She just didn't quite understand the meaning of Kanzaki Yang's actions.

But... Ophis thinks that the act of holding hands is quite interesting.


Finding a secluded place, Kanzaki Yang moved everyone to the target location with a space formation.

It is also very simple to transfer Orpheus when Orpheus himself does not resist.

Did you see that? It's the man who keeps walking back and forth there.

Kanzaki Yang pointed at Theodora not far away and slightly raised the corners of his mouth.


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly votes——.

Chapter 40

In his opinion, Theodora was undoubtedly extremely bold.

Theodora must have only one purpose in Kuoh Town at this time - to track Aisha.

After all, the purpose of his design to have Aisha expelled from the church was to get Aisha's body, and to see the degradation of a holy and pure girl like Aisha.

Therefore, before doing so, he wanted to confirm the purity of his prey.

If Elsa was tricked by the fallen angel before she was possessed by him, he would be very angry.

According to his plan, he will take action after the fallen angels seize Aisha's artifact, take back Aisha's artifact, and at the same time give Aisha his chess pieces.

In this case, Aisha becomes his dependent, someone who belongs completely to him!

Whether she was resurrected by him or saved with such a heroic gesture, Aisha would definitely regard him as her inner pillar.

Then, he will find an opportunity to tell Aisha the truth - in fact, your expulsion from the church was all planned by me, just to get you! ~Lady Saint! ! ~

Knowing that Aisha is like this, she will undoubtedly be heartbroken and lost.

And he... likes to admire the posture of the fallen saint the most~ Possessing her at this time is simply the highest enjoyment! ~

This is the life creed of a perverted Theodora.

Kanzaki Yo didn't say anything about his XP system. After all, his XP system was quite similar to Theodora's, and he even thought it was a bit interesting.

But.........This approach is too obscene and rubbish.

This is a small reason why Kanzaki Yang is unhappy.

The biggest reason is also very simple - Theodora wants to steal people from him.

This is enough!


At this time, Theodora was pacing.

He was thinking, should he contact Aisha?

There is a problem on the Fallen Angel's side. The chance of the Fallen Angel transferring the artifact to win Aisha's heart is definitely gone.

This was the first reason for his hesitation.

There is a second reason - that's Orpheus!

Although he didn't know Ophis' exact appearance, he knew that the black-haired mouthless lolita who followed Aisha was definitely not a simple thing.

Before that, he had followed Elsa from a closer distance.

However, after Aisha met the black-haired loli, every time he glanced at Aisha, he would catch Ophis's eyes.

This is the case after trying it several times, so it’s definitely not wrong!

What's even more terrifying is that he is completely unable to sense the strength of this black-haired lolita.

In other words, he definitely has strength above him!

The appearance of such a strong man next to Aisha was beyond his expectation, which was why he was hesitant here now.

He had just seen the person who eliminated Linali appear next to Aisha.

Being able to easily eliminate Linali means that he at least has the strength of a superior demon, which is already equal to him now.

With such a person appearing next to Aisha, and the black-haired lolita from before, there is no doubt that things are gradually getting out of his control.

Do you want to give up just like that?

If you give up so easily, wouldn’t all the initial investment be in vain?

So he is thinking very tangledly now.

He was thinking, and he didn't notice that Aisha, whom he missed so much, had come to his side.

Yang Sang? This...isn't this the one I saved?...

Elsa recognized Theodora!

In the beginning, it was this man who was injured and lying on the ground begging for her help.

The kind-hearted Elsa naturally would not choose to refuse when she saw such a scene. Then, the news that she had the ability to heal demons and had healed demons' wounds spread among the church.

Things became even simpler after that. The Holy Church did not allow the saint who could cure demons to stay in the church. This would undoubtedly destroy their faith for other believers.

For the sake of the stability of the belief system, whether Michael is willing or not, such factors that would lead to instability of belief must be excluded.

Aisha has been an orphan since she was a child, was adopted by the church since she was a child, and has been worshiped as a saint since she was a child. Of course, Aisha is not familiar with the world, so she doesn't know how many hardships she has gone through along the way.

Aisha, you don't have time to sigh~

Kanzaki Yang reminded.

Lord God, I'm sorry, I did save this devil, but...

Elsa wanted to explain.

Because she felt that saving the devil might be something that she had to do, but in the eyes of God, it might be something that was unforgivable.

Otherwise, why would the Lord God appear in front of her now? She wouldn't have suffered so much before.

No, I don't have a problem with you saving demons, I just have a problem with the person you saved Elsa.

All types of life have the value of being saved, but not all individuals of a race need to be treated. Do you understand?

Yes, Aisha will remember Lord Kami's teachings.

Elsa nodded.

Perhaps it was because of the time she was being taught by God, that she returned to the title of God.

Remember, this devil is not worth saving.

Kanzaki Yang sighed.

Elsa is just too easily deceived.

Elsa can be kind to everyone, but not everyone is kind to Elsa.

Eh? Why isn't Mr. Theodora worthy?

Elsa asked a little strangely.

Apart from anything else, she had always felt that Mr. Theodora was a very gentleman and always behaved in such a polite manner.

Because...he deliberately let the church see you treating you know?

Kanzaki Yang said calmly.


Elsa's eyes instantly shrank.

According to the Lord God, she understood...

Deliberately letting the church see her treating demons.

In other words, was the purpose of Mr. Theodora's actions to deliberately cause her to be expelled from the church? !


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly votes——.

Chapter 41

With Elsa's temperament, she naturally didn't know what to cover up, and rushed towards Theodora with tears in her eyes.

Mr. Theodora!

There was a hint of huskiness and anger in her voice.

Since it was the Lord God who said it, she would not have the slightest doubt.

but why? ! Why did Mr. Theodora do this! ?

Elsa, who is kind-hearted, didn't understand, so she said she wanted to ask.

Isn't this too direct?

Kanzaki Yang watched Aisha's actions and spread his hands, but still followed her.

When he followed him, he took the little hand of Ophis who was still there, but Ophis didn't react at all.

She just looked at this man with the same hair color and eye color as herself with her deep black eyes, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

And at this time.

Theodora, who was thinking, suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Mr. Theodora!

He subconsciously looked towards the place where the sound came from.

Looking towards the place where the sound came from, he saw the saint he had longed for.

Aisha!~ I have been looking for you! I have been looking for you since I learned that you were expelled from the church.

Theodora rushed towards Elsa without stopping. In a short period of time, he had already thought of a story and was ready to tell it to Elsa.

Please don't come near me!

However, to his surprise, Aisha suddenly showed an unprecedented tough attitude.

Mr. Theodora, did you deliberately let my healing for you be exposed in front of the church?

Elsa asked very seriously.

There was a trace of hope in her eyes. He hoped that Theodora would give a different answer. He hoped that the person he was treating was worthy of being treated.

Theodora, on the other hand, was surprised for a moment, and then gave the answer that Elsa didn't want to see.

So, did someone tell you about this, Aisha-chan?

Yes, I just want the Saint to be expelled! Only in this way can I have the intention to contact the Saint! ~Hahaha~~

Theodora didn't hide anything.

Because obviously, Aisha herself would not know this, someone must have told her.

No matter how he explains it, Aisha will definitely remain defensive to a certain extent, and as long as Aisha still retains her defensiveness against him, all his seemingly saving strategies may backfire.

So.........he doesn't pretend anymore!

He showed his hand!

Although it is different from the original idea, there is nothing we can do about it. We can only pick the Holy Lady when the fruits are not fully ripe! ~

It was different from his original plan, but it might also be an extremely novel and exciting experience?

This is his idea.

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