She didn't know why, but when she first saw Kanzaki Yang, she felt that Kanzaki Yang was a good person.

I don't think you are from this country, do you? What are you doing here? Kanzaki Yang took the initiative to ask.


In a coffee shop.

Ophis drank the drink called milk with great interest, and the Dragon God showed a look of surprise.

So, Aisha, did you come to this town to go to the church here? But unfortunately, the church here has been abandoned for a long time.

After talking for a while, Kanzaki Yang said.

Yes, I know the church here is abandoned. It's okay. I'm just going there for a stopover.

A slightly sad smile appeared on Aisha's face.

She is a saint expelled from the church, so where can she go?

When she came to Juwang Town, she just heard that the fallen angels here were willing to accept her.

No, I think you may have misunderstood something. Yang Kanzaki added.

Misunderstanding? Aisha tilted her head.

I'm not talking about abandonment, not because the angels abandoned this place, but now even the fallen angels have abandoned this place.

That's right, just like Kanzaki Yang said, there are no fallen angels in Kuou Town now.

Angel forces...Falled angel forces...Mr. Kanzaki? Are you know these things?

Aisha covered her mouth, so it turns out that Mr. Kanzaki Yang is also from this side of the world?

That's right, because I killed the fallen angel forces easily. After all, shouldn't there be unclean things that should be cleaned up?

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

He himself had no ill feelings towards fallen angels, he was just uncomfortable with the filth and depravity that these creatures carried.

He doesn't dislike fallen angels like Akeno-senpai.

Kanzaki Yang gave a positive answer.

Ophis glanced sideways for a moment, but still didn't say anything.

Because she really still thinks the milk in front of her is more interesting...

Eh? Were all the fallen angels destroyed by Mr. Kanzaki? In other words, Lady Linali is no longer here? Aisha opened her eyes slightly.

Wasn't Mr. Kanzaki's encounter with her a coincidence?

Is it possible that Mr. Kanzaki also came to find her in order to eliminate her like those fallen angels?

Thinking of this, Aisha couldn't help but show an expression like a frightened little rabbit.

No, I just came here to invite you.

Kanzaki Yang smiled, he knew what Aisha was thinking.


Elsa pointed at herself, inviting her to what?


——The new book sets sail, please give me flowers, please give me a review, please give me monthly votes——

The update time will change a little starting tomorrow, it will be around 8:00, 11:00 in the morning, and 9:00 or 11:00 in the evening.

Chapter 39

I want to invite you to be my ambassador and help me spread my faith.

Kanzaki Yang said very seriously.

Facing Kanzaki Yang's request, Aisha showed an unprecedented attitude.

Mr. Kanzaki, although I have left the church, I am still a believer in the Lord and will never spread faith for others.

The hardships I am experiencing now must be the Lord's test for me. No matter how many hardships I encounter, I will always believe in the Lord.

This is a matter of principle, and Aisha will never give in!

Aisha, your suffering is over...

Kanzaki Yang looked into Aisha's green eyes, his gaze was very deep.


After hearing Kanzaki Yang's words, Aisha froze on the spot.

What does it mean that the crucifixion is over?

Who has the right to tell her that her suffering is over?

The Most High Lord? Or the Seraph who serves the Lord?

Elsa?...Hold my hand.

Kanzaki Yang stood up and stretched out his hand towards Aisha.


Aisha looked at Kanzaki Yang's hand and wondered if it was her imagination. She always felt that Mr. Kanzaki Yang's eyes had turned golden.


At this time, Ophis finally showed a surprised look.

In order to confirm that she had seen correctly, she even rubbed her eyes. Unfortunately, when she opened her eyes again, she still could not see the difference from before.


Ophis curled his lips and looked at Kanzaki Yang.


As for Kanzaki Yang.

Elsa looked at Kanzaki Yang's hand.

Just like when she was pulled up from the ground by Kanzaki Yang before, by the time she reacted, she had already come into contact with Kanzaki Yang's body.

In an instant, Aisha's eyes were dyed golden!

This is..........

Countless scenes flashed through Aisha's pupils.

A tear fell from the corner of her eye...

Holiness, a feeling called holiness and redemption naturally rises from the heart.

It seemed as if all the sins on his body had disappeared and everything in the world had been redeemed.

The handshake between Elsa and Yo Kanzaki is, in a sense, equivalent to the handshake between Adam and God.

Mr. Kanzaki?......Kami-sama......Lord?

Elsa murmured softly, and she finally understood the reason why Kanzaki Yang said that her suffering was over.

So it turns out that the Lord has seen her thoughts, so did he come to the world in person?

Also, if it's the Lord, it's normal to eliminate the fallen angels from your home, right?

Kanzaki Yang also received a signal from Elsa's change of heart.

【Ding! 】

【Open the green treasure chest! 】

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward - Bible (unlimited copy)! 】

[Bible: A Bible that can be copied infinitely, and through which God’s favor and protection can be given...]

Elsa, so, are you willing to help me?

Kanzaki Yang asked while stroking Elsa's blond hair.

Yeah!~Yeah!~Elsa is willing, Elsa is willing.

Aisha subconsciously wanted to find something to wipe her tears, but it wasn't until she was ready to start wiping that she realized that the cloth she was holding seemed to be the clothes of the god.

Just call me Yang.

Kanzaki Yang smiled helplessly.

The title Lord God really made him feel awkward. Although there was nothing wrong with calling him this in a certain sense, when it really fell on him, it still made him feel uncomfortable all over.

Maybe..., it's because he's not that thick-skinned?


Since this is the Lord's request, how about calling her Yang Sang?

Elsa said while crying and laughing at the same time.


With a soft sound, the decoration on the corner of Orpheus's skirt collided with the corner of the table, and she stood up.

Under the gazes of Kanzaki Yang and Aisha, she walked up to Kanzaki Yang.

In Elsa's memory, Ophis has never acted proactively like this!

You are a god, but you are not her.

Ophis said softly.

She knew clearly the life form of the God of the Bible, and it was definitely not the person in front of her.

Moreover, being weak... is really too weak. Even if that person is reincarnated, he shouldn't be so weak.

Ophis, I do have something I want to tell you, but can you wait a moment?

Kanzaki Yang looked into the distance.

Just now, a purple treasure chest appeared there.

He felt now was the best opportunity.

Hmm? What's the matter with you?

Ophis tilted his head slightly, seeming a little confused.

It's not that I have anything to do with it, it's something related to Aisha.

He just triggered another treasure chest.

The distance from here is neither far nor close, almost as if it is far away.

The conditions for opening the treasure chest are also extremely simple.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for triggering the treasure chest, the treasure chest level is purple! 】

[Conditions for opening the treasure chest - Theodora Astaroth's fear. 】

The person who triggered the treasure chest was a demon noble named Theodora Astaroth. His purpose here was to obtain an individual named Aisha.

Of course, Aisha's identity as a saint was far more important to him than Aisha's appearance.

After all - he is just a simple pervert~

Aisha, and Ophis, come with me.

Kanzaki Yang took their hands.

Of course Aisha wouldn't resist, but instead carefully felt the warmth of Kanzaki Haru's hand.

Is this the warmth of the Lord? Aisha sighed in her heart.

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