There was a flash of light just now, it seemed to be a barrier...

Such a thing is incredible to them.

I don’t know why this situation happened, causing these lost demons to feel like they have lost their way.

He glanced at Shiva next to him, who didn't seem to be panicked at all...

There was no trace of panic on that handsome face.

Emperor Shitian then said: Why don't you seem to be in a hurry...

Upon hearing this, Shiva 553 took off his sunglasses and showed a faint smile.

in a hurry? Is it useful to be anxious in this situation?

We'd better wait and see what happens. We all told you to stay calm~

If we can't keep calm, we will expose more and more things...

At that point, I think no matter what I say, it won't work. What do you think?

Shiva rolled his eyes at him, how could someone who was doing big things be so flustered...

When Emperor Shitian heard this, he felt it was very reasonable and sat down.

However, they are unable to turn their guns and turn towards Kuou Town. Do they still want to continue fighting with these angels?

This is not good news, and there is not that much time to waste on it.

Moreover, Tianjie's approach is also a bit strange, not in a hurry at all.

Emperor Shitian's IQ is pretty good, but at the same time he is also a person who is prone to random thoughts...

Shiva, it's up to you to make the decision on this matter. Emperor Shaktian coughed slightly, and he had no idea...

The idea is very simple. Now it's time for us to take the field!

A smile appeared on Shiva's face. Heavenly Realm did so much just to lure them out.

If they want to gain all the power of faith, if they take action now, they are likely to gain support from other pantheons.

When the pressure on the fishing boat comes down, it will depend on whether Heaven will make concessions.

We are on the field, what if we lose completely...

It’s not that Emperor Shitian is unclear, he never does anything he’s not sure about!

Can you tell me a better way now?

A trace of disdain appeared on Shiva's face, and he looked down upon the god of Mount Sumeru in front of him more and more.

But he himself fell into silence, which was indeed not a good idea.

It just depends on what the heaven will do next, you have to stay calm!

Yang-chan~ I didn't expect you to have a solution a long time ago~

Heavenly Realm, [Saint] looked at the situation in Juwang Town at this moment, and his mood suddenly felt better~

In this way, they will not fall into passivity~

But so far, why haven't those two people taken action?

Do you really want to be like a turtle with its head shrinking and never come out until you die...

Actually, it's just some preventive ideas in advance, and they come in handy~


Why haven't those two taken action yet? Do they want to see our actions in advance?

Kanzaki Yang and [Sheng] thought of going together, and were quite curious about it.

It seems that there is still an additive missing~ Without the effect of additives, how can it stimulate them!

Well~ Now we can let Gabriel attack these lost demons with all his strength, and Zhen Hong can also take action. The effect we want has been achieved.

Thinking of this, Kanzaki Yang said quickly.

You mean~forced?

[Sheng] asked tentatively, because she was still not sure of Yang-chan's true intentions.

These angels did not rush to Juwang Town in a hurry. Naturally, they made all preparations and brought all the good things~

Those previous deliberate displays of weakness were nothing more than a kind of confusing agent~

Now that the other party has taken the bait, there is no need for such superficial doubts.

That's right~ I don't believe they can keep calm like this.

But he sighed in his heart, because just now Ark Red Ball had told him the result...

The time for complete overlap is just a few days away, and he has to do something about it...

As long as we can lure those two people to Kuoh Town and drag them for a few days.

By then he will be able to return to the future world, and before that, he still needs to arrange everything...

Determine whether Emperor Shakten and Shiva will come to Juwang Town together...

【Yes! 】

He made a bold decision in his heart, and after receiving such a positive answer, he chose such a method...

Even though those two people seemed very confident, they couldn't change his final result, nor could they change the fate of the two of them on this timeline.

This is just the fate of this timeline. Some demonic phenomena have already occurred, and it cannot be related to the real fate.

He was naturally more relieved to get such a result.


Since you have made your decision Yang-chan, do you want me to go with you~

[Holy] After hearing this, I actually felt a little disappointed in my heart, because Yang-chan will return to the future world...

Under uncertain circumstances, I still don’t know when we will meet~

How can I stop her from thinking too much...

Okay~ Well~ I promise you, at a certain time and place in the future world, I will definitely be there

Waiting for you there!

But you must come to me quickly!

But now, we have to wait for them to come forward first...

He felt some changes taking place in [Sheng]'s heart and spoke to comfort him.

However, return is inevitable and even he cannot stop it.

Not to mention changing destiny under the nose of artificial intelligence, 2.2 is far from being able to do it with his current ability...

Then I'll let Gabriel and Sister Zhenhong take action now!

[Saint] nodded firmly, and then gave an order to the angel outside Juwang Town.

When Gabriel received the order from the goddess, without any hesitation, he let the angels he brought launch an attack horn together. The benefits brought by the Bible instantly increased several times, making these lost demons very painful. ~

Even the Demon King level is hindered by the enhanced Bible...

At this moment, Zhenhong also took action boldly, manifesting his dragon form in the sky outside Juwang Town.

Let the eyes of these lost demons be filled with fear, this is the true invincibility.

And what they do is just a small fuss...

Chapter 328

Outside Kuoh Town, these lost demons suffered a huge blow~

Especially when Zhen Hong appeared, the sense of pressure instantly became stronger, making him somewhat powerless to resist.

After seeing this scene, Shakti, who was far away in Hawaii, looked at Shiva next to him.

We should take action now. These lost demons will be useless in a short time...

This is just an introduction, and Emperor Shitian can still see it clearly.

Shiva is far more powerful than him, so we still need to ask for his opinion on this matter.

If Shiva can take action at the critical moment, it can be maximized.

Heaven can't hold back its anger...

Shiva took off his sunglasses, looked at the position of heaven in the distance, and fell into deep thought...

There is always a bad feeling in his heart, and he doesn't know what causes it...

The Lost Demons have continued to fall into decline, and they really should take action.

In that case, let's set off!

Looking at the giant dragon figure, Shiva's whole body burst out with a strong fighting spirit.

This is a rare opponent, I only hope to have a good battle with her.

13 Not only can it satisfy his warlike mentality, but it can also give a warning to the heavens.

In heaven, after watching Kuou Zhenzhenhong take action, [Sheng] and Kanzaki Yang were watching quietly.

Yang-chan~ When do you think those two people will arrive?

[Sheng] murmured, appearing extremely interested in this matter.

These lost demons gradually lost control, and the next step was the moment when their angels won a great victory~

It is reasonable to be excited about such good news.

It’s not that they have already achieved complete victory, but because their momentum is already suppressing~

They're already here.

Kanzaki Yang felt it carefully and looked down at the value of the electronic watch in his hand.

The timeline is getting closer and closer, and he is also making some final preparations mentally.

After [Saint] heard this, he stared in the direction of Juwang Town, and sure enough, two figures suddenly appeared from the space.

This kind of fighting power already represents the top of the world...

And this kind of fighting power appears in Kuoh Town. This is not the same god system.

Being united under such circumstances is enough to show that their ulterior motives cannot be speculated using common sense~

Hmph! Is it finally here...

Zhenhong, who transformed into a giant dragon, whispered, with a solemn look in his eyes.

Her strength is indeed top-notch, but Yang Jun said that she has to constantly deal with it and cannot directly exert her full strength.

Under such circumstances, it is even more impossible to defeat the opponent easily~

Red Dragon God Emperor, you actually colluded with the heaven...

Shiva said slowly, but he also felt a little pressure.

The pressure caused him a lot of trouble...

The other party is not a simple person. He lives in the cracks of dimensions all year round. Even if he is as powerful as the Infinite Dragon God Ophis, he cannot occupy it.

At this time, they actually colluded with Heaven. What interests do they have between them?

It's no use talking more.

Zhenhong said disdainfully, bursting out with a strong momentum, and soon the two sides were fighting together...

Many gods are paying attention to this battle, and they all have their own guesses about the outcome.

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