Such a handsome face with such a cold expression looks particularly strange even under the sunlight...

The two of them continued to watch the situation outside Juwang Town. Since Tianjie was not in a hurry, they would not be in a hurry!

At the same time, he controlled the lost demons and slowed down the pace of destruction.

Such a scene was naturally seen by [Sheng] and Kanzaki Yang.


Look at those lost demons, they are not in a hurry now.

Did the manipulator behind it realize our intentions?

[Sheng] said very surprised, this is a strange phenomenon.

But in this way, the pressure on angels like Gabriel will not be so great.

No matter what the other party's purpose is, [Saint] thinks the current situation is acceptable.

The Holy Grail glowed, and Kanzaki Yang snickered in his heart.

This situation is very good, that is, the opponent cooperates with them.

Well~ I think they should have seen that Gabriel didn't use all his strength!

Kanzaki Yang said slowly, this is a battle of wits and courage with them!

Does this give the other party the illusion that the God of the Bible is no longer in charge of heaven, making them more unscrupulous?

This may be considered a form of delaying time...

Just such a misunderstanding can bring him a lot of surprise~

There should be many people watching now, but they have no intention of interfering. What do you think is the reason for this...

[Saint] asked Kanzaki Yang curiously, because she didn't feel any panic tone from Yang Jiang.

All this is under his control, maybe this will be a so-called cat and mouse game...

Actually, if I think about it carefully, I know there aren't many reasons. I think that at a certain moment, Emperor Shakti and Shiva will take action. Then it will be a good opportunity for us to show off our skills~

Since they want to play, Kanzaki Yang will accompany them to have fun~

If you want to play such a trick in front of him, you are obviously a little too young!

However, this is a pain for Juwang Town. You may not be able to enter and exit normally for a period of time...

Now think about it carefully, especially in Kuoh Academy, there are still many demons~

There are some of my good friends among them, but now is not the time to reminisce with them...

By the way, Yang-chan...

Where did you put Sister Zhenhong~ Why haven't I seen her~

Seemingly thinking of something, [Holy] curiously asked about the Holy Grail in front of him.

Zhen Hong has not taken action until now. Could it be that Yang Jiang gave her a very important task...

In other words, in such a situation, there is no need for Zhenhong to take action.

Thinking of the real red, Kanzaki Yang laughed.

To be honest, he didn't see that guy, but he knew what that guy was doing now~

Because at this moment, Zhenhong has entered Juwang Town, looking at the dreams of some people in a boring, annoying, but happy way~

Of course, for the people of Kuoh Academy, a more realistic and appropriate one should be called a dream! .

Chapter 326

The battle between the lost demons and the heavenly angels outside Kuoh Town is still in full swing~

This is a kind of enjoyment for the people behind the scenes on both sides. Whoever cannot calm down will be the first to fail!

It's just that for others, it seems like torture...

Especially the people of Kuoh Town, who are stuck in there and can't get out, and no other Demon King-level people come to sit inside.

There was no plan to take action at all, as if he was not worried about whether Kuou Town would be destroyed!

You must know that many students in Kuoh Academy have deep backgrounds...

Only people who are not familiar with the situation will be anxious about it, and those who really have the background will not have any reaction.

Demons don't need those irrelevant things to enhance their strength!

Gabriel looked at the lost demons opposite, and now they were trapped in a circle...

The angels didn't use all their strength, and the lost demons just surrounded them.

It's really interesting~

It seems that the goddess is right. It depends on whether they can keep calm!

A slight smile appeared on Gabriel's face, and he looked very relaxed now~

If you can't fight with all your strength, your 'struggle' will not be in vain.

Sir Seraph~ Why do you look so unhurried...

Now the two sides were just acting superficially, but they were both relaxed. An angel next to him curiously asked the smiling Gabriel.

It seems that the usual image of Seraph Gabriel has never seen such a smile...

And this made them even more curious. What happened to Gabriel, who spoke uprightly?

When Gabriel heard this, he quickly put away his smile.

yes! On weekdays, we have to deal with many big and small things in the world, so how can we have time to laugh like this...

Although under such circumstances this time, there may be some dangers in the future~

Gabriel truly felt how happy it was to be able to have such a cheerful smile~

She finally understood that the goddess had experienced these changes during this period, which was indeed something to be happy about!


What's wrong with Gabriel? Why do I feel like she's smiling so stupidly~

[Saint], who has been paying attention to the situation in Kuoh Town, saw doubts in his eyes after seeing the smile that Gabriel showed just now~

Even she has never seen Gabriel smile like this~

In the past, she might have been told to pay attention to her image.

This time, I was actually happy for her!

Hehe~ Then when you smile, don't you...

Kanzaki Yang said in a funny way, before [Sheng] had said that he wanted Gabriel to be his wet nurse...

Could it be that after such a short period of time, everything was completely forgotten?

This is not the demeanor that the God of the Bible should have...

When I laugh...

That's not true when I laugh, oh~ Yang Jiang, you are so bad, how did you learn to tease me? Now aren't you talking about Gabriel...

[Holy] I was still thinking about what Yang Jiang said, but suddenly I came to my senses~

After realizing the reaction, my little face turned red, my heart was pounding, and I was so happy looking at Kanzaki Yang~

Then a bright light appeared on the surface of [Saint]'s body to cover up his embarrassment~

Under Kanzaki Yang's conditioning, [Sheng] has already felt that he has changed a lot~

What's wrong? Isn't that what I said~

Kanzaki Yang had an innocent tone and continued to tease [Holy] whose face was no longer clearly visible in front of him.

But this is indeed the case~ If [Saint] hadn’t made some changes first, how could it have affected Gabriel...

All the angels in heaven were created by her.

To a certain extent, nature will affect these angels, and this influence is subtle~

Yes yes yes~

Yang-chan, you are really bad~ But I don't know why, I feel like I like it~

[Saint] collected his thoughts and then answered.

This made Kanzaki Yang couldn't help but be stunned, wasn't it? He just said it casually...

At this time, they observed the situation outside Kuoh Town, and it seemed to have changed again.

It was extremely beneficial for him to maintain this state.

Because with his strength, it only takes a few moves to deal with Shakti and Shiva, and there is no difficulty at all~

It's just that the other party seems to be a little restless now, and these lost demons don't want to drive all the angels away.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

Of course, just think about it~

If it really comes to the point of life and death, even Zhen Hong will take action, not to mention [Holy].

But it doesn't seem to be a problem if it continues like this. The other party will also feel a lot of pressure.

This kind of pressure continues, and even Shakti and Shiva feel headaches...

And these lost demons seemed to have turned their guns and no longer paid attention to the angels led by Gabriel.

That direction seems to be the direction of Kuoh Academy...

Yang-chan, where did these lost demons go...

[Holy] put away those sacred lights, and a look of solemnity could be seen on his face.

This is not good for the heaven. The confrontation between angels and these lost demons originally did not want to affect other people.

However, if the lost demons attack Kuou Academy now, the impact will be terrible!

Even the powerful demons behind Kuoh Academy would join forces with Shakten and Shiva, which would double the pressure...

At that time, I still don’t know if Yang-chan can bear it...

[Saint] turned his eyes and looked at the Holy Grail next to him, with deep worry in his eyes.

Don't be afraid, I have already guessed their thoughts, but since Zhenhong is there, they will have this opportunity...

Kanzaki Yang looked at the situation in the light curtain and smiled, but didn't take it to heart.

Zhenhong, who was inside Kuoh Academy at this moment, received the message from Yu Yangjun, and said to himself: Hmph~ These guys are really looking for death, dare to come here!

She didn't seem to care very much, but she just felt a little pity...

I just saw the dreams of many Kuoh Academy students, and they are all full of positive energy~

It also made her feel envious, but these lost demons were really annoying!

Then she took out a formation model, which Yang Jun gave to her before leaving the heaven, and only told her how to use it...

Zhenhong pressed the switch, and the formation model in her hand disappeared instantly...

It’s just that at this moment, there seems to be a barrier of light flashing across the entire area of ​​Juwang Town...

The lost demons who originally planned to attack Kuou Town stopped, and seemed to have encountered great difficulties... Knife.

Chapter 327

What's going on? Why did these lost demons stop...

On the beach in Hawaii, Emperor Shakten, who was checking the situation in Kuoh Town, suddenly stood up and looked at the situation in his eyes in disbelief.

Originally, they wanted to test the bottom line of the heaven, and then let these lost demons attack Kuoh Town, but now it seems...

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