She really wanted to know the outcome of this matter, and also wanted to hear what Yang Jiang told her.

The real reason like this will definitely make Yang-chan feel embarrassed.

543 My Yang-chan~ No matter what the reason is, no matter what difficulties you encounter, I will always be on your side, but you can't just tell me nothing...

[Holy] Kanzaki Yang's heart gradually calmed down, and he was sorting out his thoughts carefully.

I might……

It won't be too long before we return to the future world...

Kanzaki Yang sighed and told what might happen in the future~

At present, Ark Red Ball has not yet made an accurate calculation of the time, and he is not sure where the specific point of return is~

But going back early is an inevitable trend!

It just depends on how the world will change next...

But don't you know the specific time?

[Sheng] had already guessed what Yang Jiang was going to say, but at the specific time, he was very concerned.

Kanzaki Yang did not answer immediately, but through the power of the Holy Grail and the power of the angels that had been nourished during this period, he reflected his appearance from the Holy Grail.

At this time, his face was full of complexity.

Bathed in golden light all over his body, yes, his face looked very complicated.


What are you...

[Sheng] looked a little surprised.

Because at this moment, Yang Jiang's body is gradually becoming substantial and does not look like a phantom.

Didn’t it say there are only three chances? A waste of time so quickly?

[Sheng] was very confused in his heart and felt a little confused about such an operation.

Because it's time now, and there's no need to hide some things from you~

Kanzaki Yang smiled bitterly, but this face looked particularly attractive to [Sheng], and she was a little fascinated by it~

She wanted to listen carefully, in what aspects would her Yangjiang tell her something?

It comes so suddenly that it even makes my heart pound~

This is not only about the future, but also about the future between the two of them. Of course [Sheng] is more concerned...

The spiritual power just now was indeed me watching you, but I didn't expect that there are only a few people in this world who can notice it. Apart from you, such as the Indian god Shiva...

The externalization of mental power, such an increase, brings more convenience to oneself.

It cannot be used casually, otherwise it will aggravate the collapse of the world.

But these things don't happen without warning. There must be a reason, right?

[Sheng] roughly heard it, and only knew that her Yang Jiang methods were endless.

Now that there are countless means available, I don’t know whether I should be happy or worried.

Before this, such a powerful externalization of spiritual power has never been displayed...(bdcc)...

Yes, it is precisely because of this that it intensifies the time it takes for me to leave here...

I'm afraid I have to find a way to leave this world in advance...

Kanzaki Yang sighed. Ark Red Ball didn't remind him, so how could he be sure?

Although he didn't know what changes would happen after he said these words to [Holy].

But if he doesn't say it now, it will make him feel very unhappy~

Now he is liking the [Saint] in front of him more and more~

His future destiny and the outcome of the future world, if he can make changes, he will definitely change them!

Is there no other way to solve it...


You know……

I am so dependent on you and so happy now, it feels like I can't live without you~

I'm not sure what kind of state I will be in after you leave this world~

[Sheng] said all his inner thoughts, leaving Kanzaki Yang stunned.

He secretly thought that this [Holy] is not like what he knew. He has become so sentimental. Could a pregnant woman really be like this...

Let's make a deal!

He coughed lightly, wanting to make such an agreement so that he wouldn't worry.

Okay, okay~ I'm also looking forward to what kind of agreement Yang-chan will make with me~

[Saint] Xiaoniao nodded and said, in front of him, he completely lost the majesty that the God of the Bible should have. There is no way, why is he so charming?

If I leave this world in the next uncertain period of time, I hope that we can meet again at a certain time and place in the future world!

Kanzaki Yang said slowly, his eyes full of solemnity.

This is mainly because even he himself is not sure when he will be able to leave here.

I don’t know if I will be able to avoid detection by artificial intelligence after returning to the future world...

This is a troublesome thing, and you must be fully prepared!

Under these many limitations, he had to be careful~

[Saint] murmured to himself: Are you talking about the future world...

But, will I have this opportunity to meet you at such a time and place ~ My Yang-chan...

She had a lot of doubts in her heart, and such doubts caused a lot of trouble~

Who wants to stay in such a depressed state all day long...

But then [Sheng] seemed to have figured it out, and his whole person looked a little firmer!


My Yang-chan, no matter what, we must meet at a certain time and place in the world you mentioned~

[Sheng] said with a smile, becoming extremely confident. .

Chapter 316

Kanzaki Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief and made such an agreement with [Sheng].

[Sheng] looks very happy now~

Finally he has some time and opportunity to learn about other things, which is equivalent to a burden falling on his heart!

Okay~ This is the agreement between us, you must remember it! But now I still go to persuade your really red~ sister~

She should look very sad now~ and maybe a little lonely...

Yang Kanzaki suddenly changed the topic, which made [Saint] chuckle.

Thinking of Zhenhong's appearance just now, she felt a little cute~

But Yang Jiang was very right, Zhenhong stayed in the heaven.

In a certain sense, this is a powerful improvement for the heaven!

As the Lord of Heaven and the God of the Bible, [Holy] has to comfort her...

What's more, Yang Jiang also knows about Zhenhong's future, which doesn't seem to be a good ending...

My Yang-chan, please hurry back to the Holy Grail~

I don't want you to waste these three good opportunities before you leave our world~

[Saint] left here in a very comfortable mood, and Kanzaki Yang shook his head.

Then the light of the Holy Grail gradually dimmed, and he completely returned to the Holy Grail!

But when he lowered his head to look at the electronic watch, his entire face almost turned into the color of pig liver...

Because now the value displayed on the electronic watch has reached 61.7%! It went up a few more points.

Although it can only be regarded as a small fuss at the current level, after exceeding 50%, it seems that he can feel that the world has changed a lot...

Judgment, did the agreement just now cause the numerical value to increase?

I originally had the mentality of giving it a try, but this value really did not disappoint Kanzaki Yang.

But this will only cause a lot of trouble...

There are even times when it is not suitable for him to come forward in person...

Because if you do this, you will inevitably be oppressed by the world, and there will be very few opportunities to take action in the future~

Once the world stares at me, I am afraid that the pressure will come instantly as soon as I come out!

【Yes! 】

After the judgment was successful, it turned out to be true. Was this really not letting him go?

How far has the system's calculations progressed now?

Things are getting more and more interesting~ Kanzaki Yang smiled faintly.

For him, everything he should do in this world has been done, and even [Saint] has made an agreement with him~

So what else needs to be done at this critical time?

Upon closer inspection, it seems that there are none.

On this timeline, it depends on when we can break out of the detection of artificial intelligence, so that we will not encounter a big crisis when we return to the future world.

[Sorry, the system cannot give a specific answer...]

Although some things are destined by heaven, the red ball of the Ark cannot calculate a more accurate result...

Kanzaki Yang sighed, could this be the case?

How great is this? If it really can't be determined, then I'm afraid he will have to leave this world forcibly...

At that time, it will be full of unknowns. If it is detected by artificial intelligence...

Let’s not talk about whether we can save our lives again. If even the red ball of the Ark is completely destroyed, the price will be too high.

[ is not completely without gain. 】

If the Ark red ball came out of the blue, it almost missed his waist!

Nowadays, the system is so screwed up that I don’t even finish all my words in one go~

But Yang Kanzaki finally felt a lot more comfortable, because he was not completely waiting to die!

This means that there is still a lot of time left for him to prepare. It depends on whether he can make good use of it!

Talk to me quickly!

He wanted to know urgently and quickly, in case more variables would arise.

[The system estimates that a major event will be encountered in the next period of time. As long as this matter can be resolved within the specified time and coincides with the time of returning to the world, we can make good use of that slight gap and return to the world. To the future world! 】

After hearing this, Yang Kanzaki began to think thoughtfully...

This does sound a bit incredible, because if something big happens, it cannot be solved as quickly as possible.

In a certain conceptual sense, we even need to slow down the speed of solving this matter to coincide with the time point!

But how can he determine when it is time to return to the world?

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

I'm afraid even now he doesn't dare to be sure, right? Could it be that the red ball of the Ark has also been calculated?

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