[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward - spiritual sublimation! 】

It was very comfortable, and now he felt that his spiritual power had penetrated the entire world.

Before sublimation, some places that could not be seen can now be clearly perceived.

Some things that were originally lost are coming back one by one.

“Looks like this feels really good!”

Kanzaki Yang released his spiritual power and saw [Saint] and Zhenhong in the heaven. The two were feeling some changes in the heaven.

I saw the cursing Indian god Shiva, who was angrily going home with a fishing rod and bamboo basket.

He saw some people from other gods doing various things under his spiritual gaze.

Coming back slowly...

He was in an ecstatic mood, which also meant that the benefits continued to increase!

However, only a few people felt that they were being watched, such as [Holy], or the Indian god Shiva, who suddenly stopped and stared at the sky in the distance.

It doesn't seem like it's reached the extreme yet, they can actually sense it.

Kanzaki Yang murmured, but being able to do this would already bring him a lot of convenience.

I really hope that there will be more and more rewards like this~ He doesn’t refuse anyone who comes.

But when he looked down at the value on the electronic watch on his wrist, he was stunned...

Chapter 314

Kanzaki Yang looked at the 53.7% value on the electronic watch and felt bad.

what happened? He just used his mental power.

Why did this value suddenly soar? Doesn’t that mean that all the previous efforts were in vain?

What exactly is the reason?

He asked Ark Red Ball, hoping to give a definite answer.

No matter what, he is now subject to various constraints in this world, which has made him very depressed.

Now this result is somewhat unacceptable to him. If he could cry, he would have cried long ago...

[Due to the excessive use of mental power by the host to spy on various pantheons, it has attracted the attention of the world, which has increased the difficulty to a certain extent! 】

Ark Red Ball analyzed the possible reasons, but Kanzaki Yang fell into deep thought.

This also means that the constraints on myself are becoming more and more serious, even if more and more things are restored...

Wasn't he just a little excited? As for targeting myself this way...

He is much more wronged than Zhenhong...

The sudden change almost caught his eye!

Determine, is the time to return to the future world getting closer?

Now that such a change has occurred, it cannot be just a single one, and it will bring about changes in other aspects.

The best result he could think of was when he could go back to the future world.

Rather than being oppressed by the world on this timeline all day long.

【yes! 】


This is now confirmed, but the value fluctuates up and down.

Specifically, what does it look like?

You're not going to do nothing, are you?

Kanzaki Yang asked quietly, finally he could do something. If the Ark Red Ball just looked at it quietly, it would be quite stressful...

In his current state, many things cannot be interfered with personally.

There are still a lot of things that have not been returned to me, so I can’t give them all away, right?

[Host, please rest assured! The system will continuously make automatic calculations to ensure a foolproof return! 】

This kind of thing is really not something that Kanzaki Yang can accept immediately.

He knew very well in his heart that this was just a means to restrain him.

However, he is quite confident about the automatic calculation of Ark's red ball!


There is a huge question in his heart - has the world completely set its sights on him?

If this is true, then whatever he does will increase the level of collapse.

“What’s the worst possible outcome¨¨?”

He believed that Ark Red Ball had already made accurate calculations on this point.

It depends on whether the calculated result is within the range of his heart, otherwise he will have to leave early.

Although he got along extremely well with [Saint] during this period, he was not willing to accept such a separation...

[The worst result is that the world is completely destroyed and then re-established. Total destruction refers to everything, including the gods! 】


Just as he suspected...

This is the worst result~ It’s really hard to accept!

If I continue to interfere, I'm afraid everything will become different!

He may have the ability to re-establish a belief system, but all gods will be destroyed, including [Holy].

This is beyond the scope of what he can accept!

Does this mean that it is not an ordinary thing in itself? As long as I am in this world, the degree of collapse is just a matter of speed?

He had already thought about the consequences, but he didn't dare to be sure in his heart.

【Is such that! 】

Kanzaki Yang couldn't help but rub his temples. This was really a headache...

It changes with the changes of time, and he is just an intensified vehicle of it.

An accelerator equivalent to the degree of collapse of this world.


If he leaves this world early, how sure is he?

If I leave, how sure are I of avoiding detection by artificial intelligence? I can't watch this world being destroyed with my own eyes.

Now there are a lot of constraints, and he can't do whatever he wants!

You must also think carefully before taking action when necessary.

Especially the delicate relationship between him and [Saint] now, which cannot be broken!

Otherwise, the consequences would be serious.


The system fell into silence, which left Kanzaki Yang speechless.

Wouldn't it crash at a critical moment again?

Then who can he talk to to reason with him? I’m afraid there’s not even a place for reasoning!

Isn't it? It's now this time, we two must unite~

Don't let your guard down at the critical moment, they now share weal and woe!

[The current rough estimate is a 50% chance, and the system will continue to automatically calculate in order to reach the critical time point. 】

After hearing such an answer, he felt relieved.

Otherwise, something would be bad if you continue.

And at this moment, [Saint] came back.

Standing quietly in front of the Holy Grail, the expression on his face looked very happy.

I don't know if I couldn't hold it back, but my whole body exuded a soft smoothness, and sacred light dotted the surface of my body, making people look very hazy and unable to see their true appearance.


Is it really possible for us to meet in the future world?

After a long time, [Saint] asked slowly.

But he didn't get an answer immediately, and the place fell into silence.

Because even Kanzaki Yang himself doesn’t know the specific time when he returns to the future world.

Not to mention meeting [Saint] in the future world.

Why are you so sad all of a sudden...

Perhaps because he felt that the atmosphere was a little quiet, Kanzaki Yang asked in confusion.

This doesn't look like [Sheng]'s original style (Li Mo's). Could it be that something happened to him? Or a sudden realization?


I feel like we are completely inseparable. Just now I felt a burst of spiritual power watching me. Is that you? Yang-chan...

[Holy] looked directly at the Holy Grail in front of him, wanting to get a positive answer.

Hey, sister, I feel like the world of heaven has changed so much now~

At this time, Zhenhong suddenly walked in.

[Sheng] immediately returned to normal and showed a smile, but the doubts buried in her heart must be clarified.

What are you doing? Did something happen?

Zhenhong asked curiously, because the [Saint] in front of her was shrouding herself in haze.

This is a rare thing to see, especially after she came to heaven.

Moreover, she and the stinky Holy Grail seemed to be silent. Could it be that they were quarreling? .

Chapter 315

Both of them avoided talking about what had just happened, which made Zhen Hong even more confused.

You guys...

Zhenhong didn’t know what to say, but she also knew very well that this was probably a rare persuasion!

The key things had to be explained by the two of them, so they left here knowingly.

Yang-chan~Are you really not willing to tell me?

[Holy] blinked his eyes and looked at the Holy Grail in front of him, and the resentment in his eyes was vaguely visible in the hazy feeling of his body.

Yang Jiang is always the one who will be born in the name of [Saint], which is not a good phenomenon.

She knew very well in her heart that something must have happened to Yang Jiang, otherwise she wouldn't be like this...

It's just that if you don't ask, Yang-chan won't tell the truth to herself to a certain extent.

On the surface, he doesn't show that he cares, but in his heart, [Sheng] is very worried.

Actually, what should I tell you...

Kanzaki Yang sighed, and at this moment [Holy] restrained some of the sacred light floating on the surface of his body, with a trace of desire in his eyes.

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