[Sheng] was silent on the side and did not speak. Yang Jiang also told himself that Zhenhong would stay in Kuoh Town for a period of time. He did not expect to arrive in heaven so soon.

But she loves this sister very much. If there is no reason, Zhenhong will definitely not come here.

I must have come back after making sure there were no hidden dangers, because... all those lost demons seemed to have disappeared....

Chapter 311

The trace has disappeared...

Are you sure he wasn't killed by you?

Yang Kanzaki had some idea in his mind about the reason why Zhenhong came back.

Originally, this is what those people in Kuoh Town should do. If Zhenhong kills those lost demons directly, it will also save a lot of time~

Yang-chan, I don't think the really red sister would do this~

[Sheng] smiled bitterly and said, how could such a cute little girl like Zhenhong kill those things all at once.

That's right~ My sister still understands me, but those lost demons really disappeared suddenly!

Hearing [Sheng]'s words that he understood her, Zhenhong immediately smiled and swayed [Sheng]'s arm. The coquettish look on her face made [Sheng] feel happy in her heart.

Really? But is this going to be an unsolved mystery?

Zhenhong can't lie, Kanzaki Yang also knows it at this moment.

It seems that the world is undergoing some changes quietly now, and it is time for those gods to make a choice.

That's not true~ I could tell that someone was taking action, but the other person's action was too fast and he hid it very well.

Zhenhong said suddenly, even [Sheng] found it incredible after hearing it.

This is the true Red Dragon God Emperor, one of the most powerful beings in this world.

it turns out……

It seems really not easy to be able to escape from her sight under Zhenhong's eyelids~

Sister Zhenhong, don't think so much~

Now just live in heaven and don't think about other things~

[Saint] touched Zhenhong’s little head. This way, her life will be a lot more fun!

Okay, okay~ My sister is nice to me, unlike this broken Holy Grail who doesn't believe what others say, hum!

Zhenhong was still a little awkward because Kanzaki Yang didn't believe what she said, but fortunately [Holy] understood her quite a bit, and that was enough.

Yang-chan, why do you think the lost demons in Kuoh Town have changed like this?

[Holy] suddenly looked solemnly at Kanzaki Yang in front of him, wanting to hear what Yang thought.

Actually, I'm not very clear either...

But it's not without reason that such a change happened. It's just that I don't know which pantheon the people who can use those methods under her nose come from.

Kanzaki Yang said with a wry smile, he is not a know-it-all.

I only learned from the Ark Red Ball that some changes may occur in the world next, but the reasons for such changes are still unknown.


It seems that some of the gods can’t sit still~

With so much power of faith from the human world flowing into the heavenly world, it is natural for them to be jealous.

really red.

At this moment, he suddenly shouted Zhenhong's name.

This made Zhen Hong stunned, and quickly hid behind [Holy], looking at the Holy Grail in front of him with vigilance.

This guy has no good intentions!

Is it possible that he should use himself as a gunman again to do something for him?

She doesn't want to continue to stay in a place like Kuou Town. She will be very depressed and irritable~

She would rather stay in heaven and be by [Saint]'s side every day, and she doesn't want to do those boring and uninteresting things!

Ah, this...

What are you hiding from? I won't eat you~

Kanzaki Yang looked at her with a cold sweat on his face. Did he look that scary?

But when I think about it carefully, it seems that there is already a shadow in Zhen Hong’s heart~

You won't eat me, but I think you are really scary...

Zhenhong's voice was a little timid, and in the end it sounded like a mosquito.

My Yang-chan, are you bullying Sister Zhenhong outside? Look at how scared she is when she sees you now!

[Sheng] said with an annoyed look on his face, and held Zhen Hong in his arms to comfort her.

The majestic Red Dragon God Emperor was actually frightened like this by Yang Jiang. She was also a little curious in her heart~

I also want to see how Yang Jiang was so scared that she became really red. It’s incredible~

I... I'm wronged! You can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense~ speak according to your own conscience, okay!

Kanzaki Yang was made to laugh and cry, what happened to this!

Okay ~ Sister Zhenhong, I'm here today, don't be afraid, Yang-chan will definitely not dare to bully you!

[Sheng] comforted softly.

Only then did Zhenhong return to normal, and said slowly: Then tell me, what are your instructions? I'm telling you~ My appearance fee is very expensive.

While talking, he waved his little fists, as if he could run away at any time.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

Don't you think this matter is a bit exaggerated? I want you to go to a place to look at it for me.

Yang Kanzaki said what he was thinking. It was because the red ball from the Ark just reminded him that there was another treasure chest to collect.

The conditions for receiving the treasure box happened to be true red, so he said this.

I just didn't expect Zhenhong to be so evasive to me, as if she had seen a ghost, but she almost broke his heart~

Where? This is your business, none of my business...

Zhen Hong was slightly speechless and couldn't help but roll his eyes at the Holy Grail.

Yang-chan, did you find anything?

[Sheng] knew that Yang Jiang would not do this easily, that is, he asked Zhen Hong to help him when he had his own ideas.

..... .... 0

Look, you still understand me~

How can it be none of your business? Don't forget about the future. If I have a bad life, wouldn't you...

He didn't say anything further because he saw the murderous look in the red man's eyes.

If he continues talking, there is no doubt that Zhen Hong will go berserk and drop the Holy Grail directly to the ground.

Okay! Come on, meet you. It's really the greatest misfortune in my life!

Zhen Hong was so convinced that she couldn't help but reflect on how she ended up in this dire straits!

Hehe~ Don't worry, it won't do you any harm at all. Just put your ears closer!

Seeing the way she relaxed, Kanzaki Yang instantly felt happy.

Zhenhong, with her hands on her hips, reluctantly came to the Holy Grail and put her ear to it.


After Kanzaki Yang finished speaking, Zhenhong looked in disbelief.

Are you crazy? How can this be possible...

[Holy] Seeing the petite woman in front of him react like this, he was also very curious about what Yang-chan said to her?

Calm down~ Why are you so excited?

Kanzaki Yang smiled, it shouldn't be such a big reaction, right?

This is not like the real Red Dragon God Emperor in his impression~

Forget it if you do this. I won't say anything anymore. I still have to follow your request. I really can't do it!

Zhenhong scratched his hair, feeling quite depressed. knife.

Chapter 312

Hehe~ How can you highlight your strength if you don't do this? Don't you think so?

Zhenhong had already let go, and Kanzaki Yang laughed happily.

After receiving the white treasure chest last time, some unexpected changes occurred.

Will it be the same this time?

He was actually looking forward to it, wanting to see what changes would happen.

Zhenhong gave him a blank look, then turned into a stream of light and left here.

[Sheng] knew that she was going to help Yang Jiang complete the task, but what exactly did she ask Zhen Hong to do? She was also a little curious about that reaction!

Yang-chan, can you tell me what you want Zhenhong to do~

[Saint] is indeed very interested in this matter.

But if her Yang-chan wanted to keep it a secret for the time being, she wouldn't want to know urgently.

540 Actually, I just want to disturb others~ Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

The most important thing is actually to get the treasure chest reward. As for how Zhenhong does it, he doesn't really care.

Such an eccentric little girl, I don’t know how she will deal with that person!

Hey~ It seems that I am not important now. My Yang-chan has hidden something from me. I am so sad...

[Saint] went out of his way and put on a pitiful look.

That delicate expression, with tears in her eyes, almost made Kanzaki Yang feel pity for her.

After being in contact with Zhen Hong several times, [Saint] seems to have become different~

Actually, I'm looking for Shiva~ to complete a small task.

Kanzaki Yang had no choice but to speak slowly.

[Saint] immediately returned to normal, but there was a little doubt in his eyes.

Looking for Shiva? Why don't we let the heavens come forward? That's the Indian pantheon. Is it really okay to let Zhen Hong go alone...

There was some confusion on her face, but she wasn't quite sure why Kanzaki Yang did this.

In fact, Kanzaki Yang was extremely speechless about this completion condition, and he must let Zhenhong peek into Shiva's dream.

If this completion condition is not followed, the task cannot be completed.

Looking at it this way, it would actually be beneficial for Zhenhong to return to heaven~

Because if the heavens come forward, there will be no point in doing this task...

Kanzaki Yang didn't know how to explain it, but Ark Red Ball gave such conditions.

[Saint] After hearing this, he looked at Qi Yang intriguingly.

Is it because I didn't do well enough that that's why I'm like this?

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