[These gods will produce two different choices. Each choice represents a result. The system does not know the specific node reached! 】

Ark Red Ball's words were a bit vague and vague, which left Kanzaki Yang a little confused.

Generally speaking, he can still make a rough summary, even if the answer given by Ark Red Ball is ambiguous.

The outcome of the matter will definitely lead to an answer.

In other words, whether it is a spatial node or a time node, it will cause differentiation.

It depends on how these gods make decisions, and the results will inevitably be different.

Then can you predict the consequences of every choice you make?

[No, every choice is full of unknowns. In a conceptual sense, the system is not yet able to fully predict the accurate result guide! 】


Kanzaki Yang felt quite helpless. After such speculation, his feelings were completely pushed to loneliness.

But when he thought about it carefully, he felt much more comfortable.

If the Ark Red Ball calculated the results of each choice so accurately, then the degree of world collapse over time would not fluctuate up and down.

Is this just reminding him of something?

The outcome of an uncertain choice cannot be inferred. Even if it becomes a given choice, it will inevitably be different.

Kanzaki Yang suddenly thought of something, it depends on whether this judgment will work.

Judgment, if I interfere with their choices, will it affect the degree of Honken?

【meeting! 】

After confirming this judgment, Kanzaki Yang probably had some guesses in his mind.

And Ark Red Ball seems to have something to say next.

[Interference must be made now. There must be a deterministic result in the choice, which can drastically reduce the degree of collapse of the world and finally reach stability! 】

.々Would it be good for me if I interfered with that choice?

He will never do anything that is not beneficial, but all this can only be known through the calculation of Ark Red Ball.

[You can end reincarnation early and return to the future world! 】

The sound of Ark's red ball rang faintly. It originally took ten years. At this moment, it seemed that it could be drastically reduced because of some choices.

Even Kanzaki Yang would inevitably be shocked after hearing such words.

If the final result can be changed in this way, then he will definitely intervene carefully.

Determine whether the previous coexistence of the mother body has an impact on the reduction of time to return to the future world?

【yes! 】

It turns out that since Li Haozhao received the white treasure box, some changes have been quietly taking place in this timeline...

It's just that he didn't notice this before, but now that he looked back carefully, it became a bit intriguing.

Without knowing the attitudes of those pantheons, we should not have interfered.

But now...

But they had no choice but to make a choice.

Guided by the final result, the timeline is developing in a direction that is beneficial to him.

Yang Kanzaki must be fully utilized to ensure that the timeline does not collapse!

And after coming to this timeline, everything seems to become more subtle~

As the timeline continues to change, it will definitely be more beneficial for him.

And he only needs to make full use of this to return to the future world as soon as possible.

The calculation of the results this time is an extremely important matter for him. .

Chapter 310

Being able to return to the future world in advance is a very good thing for Kanzaki Yang.

This means being able to hide from the prying eyes of artificial intelligence, and you can avoid some dangers by just paying more attention.

In his heart, he was very much looking forward to it!

However, Ark Red Ball has already given such predictions, so he will have more choices.

I should make good use of this result~

It may give him some unexpected surprises, and it may even take the opportunity to determine the final choices of other gods.

No matter what their choice was, he would interfere.


He will take action himself when necessary...

Kanzaki Yang didn't know whether this would change the final result orientation, but he knew very well that it had to be done.

My lady goddess!

Zhenhong is here! Do you want to see her now?

At this moment, he heard Gabriel's voice outside the door.

really red? Isn't she outside Kuoh Town? Why did you come here suddenly?

This situation was somewhat beyond his expectation.

He wanted to see if Zhenhong had any other purpose in coming to heaven at this time?

Oh~ Sister Zhenhong is here...

Gabriel, let your sister come in quickly~

540 [Saint] murmured in a low voice, and then said in surprise.

Zhenhong appeared in front of [Sheng], looking very high-spirited.

And Zhenhong was also very proud. Looking at the Holy Grail in front of her, she showed a funny smile.

Sister Zhenhong, didn't Yang-chan say you were in Kuoh Town? Could it be that you came to see my sister~

[Holy] There was some surprise in his tone, but his face still looked very happy.

After staying in heaven for a long time and spending some time with Yang-chan, [Sheng] also yearns for a free and relaxed life~

Although [Sheng] knew very well that it would take a long time to live such a life.

But my heart is full of endless reveries. Every time I think about it carefully, I feel very happy~

Such changes were all brought to him by Yang Jiang.

Hehe~ Yes~ Sister, I came here specifically to see you!

Zhenhong came to her senses and spoke with a smile.

But when he looked at the Holy Grail, he made a face, which made Kanzaki Yang feel a little confused.

What happened to the Holy Grail? Is he asleep?

I had been here for a while, but found that the Holy (bdcc) Cup had no reaction at all. Zhenhong asked curiously.

This is not in line with Yang Jun's style. Doesn't he have a strong interest in this world?

Why is it that now that I am here, there is no response?

Really? Then maybe Yang-chan really fell asleep~

[Sheng] After hearing Zhenhong's teasing, he covered his mouth and laughed.

In fact, [Sheng] was also very puzzled, why did Yang-chan seem to be unresponsive?

This was inconsistent with the logic in her heart, and she just didn't know if Yang Jiang did it on purpose.

Zhenhong didn't seem to care, and walked forward, holding [Holy]'s arm, and the two of them just looked at the Holy Grail quietly.

They wanted to see how Yang Kanzaki would react?

If the two of them could see Kanzaki Yang's condensed form now, they would find him rolling his eyes.

Oops~ Sister, this guy is really unresponsive~ How about I stay here with you from now on, and then put this Holy Grail somewhere else so as not to be an eyesore here.

Zhenhong suddenly said deliberately.

[Holy] How could one not understand? She knew that Zhen Hong was deliberately teasing Yang Jiang who was avoiding her.

But the sister in front of you is indeed very interesting, so let’s cooperate well!


My sister's idea is very good~ It's just...

Is this really okay for us to do?

While talking, [Sheng] pinched his red little face, looking extremely happy.


Who told some people to ignore us on purpose? I think it would be good for the two of us to be companions!

Zhenhong smiled stupidly, feeling that [Sheng] pinched her cheeks was very helpful, and she was enjoying the process very much.


Ha...what's going on? Why do I smell such a strong sour smell?

There was no way, everyone had already said so, Kanzaki Yang had to speak out.

However, he believed that [Sheng] would never do such a cruel thing, but that was not necessarily the case for Zhen Hong.

This little girl is not simple, she is a ruthless person who does what she says!

Hehe~ If you don't say this, I will never be able to wake up a person who is pretending to sleep!

A radiant light appeared on Zhen Hong's face. If he hadn't felt the holiness of [Holy] and his soul had been cleansed, he would have jumped up with excitement.

Yang-chan, I thought you were asleep~

[Sheng] held hands with Zhenhong and said with a smile.

This is the sour smell...

It seems Yang-chan cares a lot~

Okay~ Let's get down to business. Didn't you stay well in Juwang Town? Why did you suddenly return to heaven?

Kanzaki Yang quickly brought them back to the topic. He didn't want to endure such a sour smell~

Even [Sheng] looked at Zhen Hong next to him in surprise after hearing this.

Yang Jiang told herself that during this period of time, Zhenhong would stay in Juwang Town. She was also very curious in her heart, why did she suddenly come to heaven?

But with Zhenhong’s strength, he shouldn’t encounter any trouble that can’t be solved, right?

Or is it that she was defeated by a new powerful person in Kuou Town, and then returned to the heaven to ask Yang Jiang for help?

Oh, I feel so bored there...

“So I thought I could just come back directly, and there’s nothing else going on there!”

Zhenhong scratched her little head. She was not meant to stay there for a long time.

Although it had only been a few days, it was still boring to be there alone.

There were a lot of interesting things missing from this, so I simply went back to heaven to find them.


Don't you remember my instructions to you? It's just because I'm worried that I let you stay there for a while...

Kanzaki Yang couldn't understand it. Zhenhong was a cheerful little girl, but she also had a hint of naughtiness.

But you were too naughty this time, right? It almost made him unable to recover.

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