It is even more unrealistic for Kanzaki Yang to bring it with him.

The closeness between Agulola and him now does not allow him to judge him as one of his own.

Final words......Xiaoyacheng family......

That is definitely impossible. The Xiaoya City family are not simple people.

Thinking about it, Kanzaki Yang still thinks that People's Teacher Nangong Nayue is the most suitable.

At least Nangong Nayue will not do anything extraordinary. With the power of Xian Shen Island and Nangong Nayue's status, he is also qualified to accept Agulola.

That child?

The corners of Nangong Nayue's mouth twitched slightly.

She seems to have been dumped?

But who is the child this person is talking about?

Agurola? Or the black-haired lolita?

No matter which Nangong Nayue it is, it seems to be something related to the world structure.

Agurola, I'll leave it to you to take care of me.

Kanzaki Yang explained with a smile.

Why? Why do you think I would agree?

Nangong Nayue asked rhetorically.

Although she was indeed tempted, she still wanted to know the reason.

Furthermore, she was more interested in the boy in front of her than Agu 473 Laura.

Mysterious, unknown, powerful...

Who is he? What is his purpose? This is what Nangong wants to figure out that month.

Because you will agree, if I didn't tell you about this, if you saw Agurola, wouldn't you take it back to Genkami Island?

Kanzaki Yang shook his head, of course he knew what Nangong Nayue was thinking.

It was precisely because he knew Nangong Nayue's thoughts and operating principles that he handed Agulola to her, and he also concluded that she would not refuse.


Nangong Nayue didn't respond, just smiled helplessly.

That's really the case.

Doesn't this person know her a little too well? But she seems to have no impression of this person at all?

Did he specifically collect information about her?

If you agree, I can also give you the benefits you want.

Then, she heard something unexpected.

You know what I want?......

Nangong Nayue's voice was not as stable as usual.

At this stage, it should be something related to me, or information related to the Fourth True Ancestor.

But, fundamentally speaking, you still want something more.

Kanzaki Yang said slowly. .

Chapter 236


Nangong Nayue asked rhetorically.

Are you sure you want me to say it? Kanzaki Yang smiled and shook his head.

Of course... Nangong Nayue's language was equally simple and direct.

What you want is to fight, fight against fate, and also fight against the world.

Kanzaki Yang said slowly.


After listening to Kanzaki Yang's words, Nangong Nayue lowered his head slightly, acquiescing to this fact.

Although she is a guardian in name, she protects the current peace and order.

But...there is no doubt that her heart is eager to fight.

Fighting the fate of the witch is the ultimate goal that all witches want to achieve.

Ever since they signed a contract with the devil and became guardians, the witches have been regarded as outsiders and ostracized by everyone.

Most of the people who take the initiative to approach the witch are attracted by the witch's power.

This is part of her struggle.

Then it’s time to fight against the fate of the witch herself.

The witch gained such power through a contract with the devil.

The fate of the witch has always been bound by the contract.

And Nangong Nayue's contract is that the main body will always sleep in the dream.

The so-called witch. It's a nickname for a woman who made a pact with the devil.

As guardians of demons, they can use the same abilities as demons. As humans, they can control magic that can even rival the upper-level demons, and their magic skills can surpass even the highest-level magicians.

However, making a pact with the devil comes with a price. The price that Yue paid for becoming a witch was to become the guard of the prison barrier, the guard, the gate, and the key.

He alone will seal this huge empty prison until his death.

After all, the prison barrier is the name of the magic that exists to seal the vicious magic criminals - and the only user is her.

This is the curse placed on that moon.

There are no criminals in the prison boundary. It is really the prison where Nangong Nayue is imprisoned.

It's just that Nangong Nayue, out of her own sense of justice, chose to imprison the most heinous criminals in a legendary prison in order to protect the existing order.

Of course, it also has a protective effect.

Xiandumu Aye.

If he hadn't been in Nangong Nayue's prison barrier, he might have been annihilated by the top second-generation vampires eliminated by the three true ancestors.

The world-changing magic used by Xiandumu Aye has such dangers.

Of course, Xiandumu Aye also has a certain possibility to use the power of the Dark Oath to complete the counter-killing of the top second-generation vampires.

But then - the possible consequences will be even more serious.

The True Ancestor will take action, and the world may fall into chaos amid the turmoil caused by Xiandumu Aye.

Because it is obvious that not everyone supports the True Ancestor's notice. A large number of people are eager for power and chaos.

In order to kill such signs, and at the same time to protect Xiandumu Aye, Nangong Nayue chose to imprison him in the prison barrier.

Nangong Nayue expressed her understanding of Xiandumu Aye's appeal, but it was impossible for her to agree.

That's right......Nangong Nayue understood it very well.

Because Xiandumu Aye is also fighting against the fate of the witch.

But unlike the choice she had buried in her heart, Xiandumu Aye chose the craziest approach.


After listening to the words of the young man in front of him, countless images flashed through Nangong Nayue's mind.

Finally... it turned into a sigh.

Although the world seems a little unreasonable, at least now she can have a clear conscience, and that's enough.

What's the use of knowing what I'm thinking? Unknown young man, do you want to launch some initiative with this?

Nangong calmed down his mood that month and said.

No, not an initiative.

The young man in front of Nangong Nayue smiled and shook his head.

It's transformation.

He said it word for word.


Nangong Nayue narrowed her eyes.

To be honest, she is very familiar with this vocabulary. She often hears this vocabulary from some related work.

This word - it seems to be a word often used by terrorists, right?

It seems you have misunderstood me?

Kanzaki Yang smiled, he could see Nangong Nayue's vigilance.

So, you're not a terrorist?

Nangong breathed a sigh of relief that month.

If such a being who is at least the true ancestor level really has the idea of ​​​​acting as a terrorist......

She speculated that the world would most likely fall into chaos again!

Of course I'm not a terrorist, I just...want to take over the world~

Kanzaki Yang appeared in Nangong Nayue's ears in an instant, and whispered words that made Nangong Nayue tremble all over.

Of course he didn't want to do what Nangong Nayue wanted to do, a terrorist or something, it was really out of character.


Nangong Nayue subconsciously took a breath of cold air, and her heartbeat and the speed of the magic body's circulation increased to the extreme.

Because the young man in front of her suddenly appeared in front of her, and at the same time said the words she least wanted to hear.

.々I know what you are thinking now, but this is not the kind of issue we are talking about now, right?

What's important, isn't it what you want? What can I give you?

Seeing Nangong Nayue's reaction like a frightened kitten, Kanzaki Yang smiled and shook his head.

I don't dare to make deals with people of unknown origin.

Nangong came to his senses that month, his vigilance unabated.

Have you ever thought about the devil's background before you made a deal with the devil to obtain a guardian and become a witch?

Kanzaki Yang asked back, almost choking Nangong Nayue to death on the spot.

It seems... She has really never done such a thing.

But this is also because she didn't have much room to think before. Now she is different from before, and there are too many things to worry about.

When I make a deal with the evil devil, there is a contract. Neither party can violate the contract.

Furthermore, it was also based on the fact that I clearly saw the contents of the contract and signed it after thinking about it for a long time.

Nangong Nayue retorted Daoguan.

Then what if the plan I proposed is the same as the contract you signed with the devil?

It seems like you've never asked about this kind of thing, right?

It makes me a little sad that Yue-chan doesn't trust others~

Kanzaki Yang spread his hands, looking tired.

After analyzing the meaning of Kanzaki Yang's words, Nangong Nayue was stunned, and he didn't even have the intention to say Don't call an adult woman Jiang.

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