The first is the treasure chest given to the Tosaka family. It looks like a real treasure box on the outside, but it is actually a magic box made by applying the second magic. By bending the space, most items can be stored inside.

Perhaps due to the influence of the second magic, the flow of time inside and outside the box is deviated, and one hour inside is equivalent to one day outside.

The inside of the box is equivalent to a complete world where living things can survive. After closing the lid, it cannot be opened from the inside, only from the outside.

And because he is in a dimensional gap, he can make phone calls with people in different parallel worlds. It can be seen from this that the second method can change the flow rate of time in a space, and combined with the concept of time travel, it is part of the second method.

It can be concluded that unlike rumors, the second method can not only manipulate space but also time.

But this is just a kind of usage after all. Kanzaki Yo's is considered a specialization of his ability.

If it were the complete second method, it would probably be evaluated as a silver treasure chest~

If it were the second method that was common to all worlds, it should be rated as a golden treasure chest or even higher.

After calming down for a while, Kanzaki Yang decided to put into practice what he had thought of before.


Um...she, is she gone?

Agurola asked tentatively.

She looked at Kanzaki Yang and said nothing for a few seconds, wondering what he was thinking.

Well, of course, I'm here now.

Kanzaki Yang put the Holy Cross back on his chest.

The biggest problem of creation has long been solved. The problem of Cain that was thought of before has been successfully solved. In addition, he has obtained the second method. I have to say that Kanzaki Yang is in a very good mood now.

If you can control parallel worlds and contain them, you will have a way to deal with the evil god of the EXE world.

Otherwise, if he can always resurrect in the parallel world, it will be a big trouble for Kanzaki Yang and the main world.

Then, the ceremony of the Fourth True Ancestor...

After hearing Kanzaki Yang's words, Agulola fell into a daze.

The ceremony of the Fourth True Ancestor, that is the meaning of their creation.

Now that the original Fourth True Ancestor was subdued by the man in front of her, then...why did she wake up?

The ritual of the Fourth True Ancestor will probably go ahead as scheduled. After all, some people don't know what this ritual is, and they don't know that the original one has disappeared.

I guess if they know this situation, they will carefully select an existence to inherit the power of the Fourth True Ancestor, right?~

Kanzaki Yang touched his chin and said.

Indeed, the resurrection ceremony of the Fourth True Ancestor will not be canceled because of the disappearance of the original, because now there is a need to use the Fourth True Ancestor, the most powerful True Ancestor weapon.

It doesn't matter who the fourth true ancestor is.

Regardless of whether it is the original Fourth True Ancestor or not, as long as it is a vampire who has inherited the bloodline and the beasts of the Fourth True Ancestor, it is enough.

After hearing Kanzaki Yang's words, Agulola's eyes darkened again.


Who is the Fourth True Ancestor and what does it have to do with them? They are just food for the Fourth True Ancestor.

Of course, you don't have to worry about this problem.

Kanzaki Yang thought for a while and said.

When he first arrived, he noticed the presence of a person.

No...don't worry?

Agurola felt a little more at ease.

Although she didn't know the identity and purpose of the man in front of her, she always had a blind belief that this big brother who seemed very friendly would not deceive her...

After all, if he was trying to deceive her or have any other plans, there would be no need to take out her original soul?

Well, I have something to do when I go out now. Can you wait for me here?

Kanzaki Yang touched Agulola's head and said with a smile.

I have to say, the obedient little loli is still very cute.

Of course, if you always want to bite his fingers or neck, then you need a little education~

go out for a while?

When he heard Kanzaki Yang say that he wanted to go out for a while, Agurola didn't know why. He just felt that his nose felt a little sore, as if he was a child abandoned by his parents.

Well, I'll be back soon. Let's play with Ophis and the others first~ Be obedient~

Kanzaki Yo touched Agurola's blond hair as if touching his own daughter.

I have to say that although Agurola sometimes likes to pretend to be appropriate and majestic, most of the time she is actually a very cute and soft loli.


Agurola looked at the two lolita over there who seemed to be really chatting happily even though it was mostly Akatsuki Nagisa who was talking, showing a timid expression.


Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

After handing Agurola to Akatsuki Nagisa and receiving a thumbs up from Akatsuki Sa, Yo Kanzaki teleported to the outside of ruins 2.2.

Of course he believed in Akatsuki Sa's abilities.

Akatsuki Nagisa has a natural ability to be familiar with herself and be able to get close to anyone.

Talkativeness is actually just one of the symptoms. If you really get along, you will feel the sincerity in it.

Of course, it was precisely because of the sincerity that Xiaoya Cheng was saddened by the changes in his daughter.


Outside the ruins.

A petite figure is wandering here.

She was wearing a dark purple...or purple-black gothic lolita skirt, exuding an extremely quiet temperament.

But soon, this temperament was broken.

Yo~ What are you doing here?

Such a voice suddenly came from behind her, making her body tremble. .

Chapter 235


Nangong Nayue turned around subconsciously.

She came here following the fluctuations in Orpheus's space, and was wondering whether she should go down.

When facing this kind of opponent, she was always in high spirits.

No one can withstand being suddenly stopped in such a mood.

However, when she turned around suddenly and saw who was calling her, she suddenly felt a little regretful.

If she knew it was that man, she wouldn't have looked back but just slipped away.

Me? It seems that I have never introduced myself, right?

Kanzaki Yang remembered that he had used the Savior Star Dragon to paralyze Nangong Nayue before, and she had no chance to get to know him.

Yang Kanzaki, just call me Yang Kanzaki, Teacher Nangong.

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.


Nangong Nayue's eyebrows raised.

She always felt that this man named Kanzaki Yang, no... maybe it should be said that he was a boy named 13 Kanzaki Yang. He was talking about Teacher Nangong with a hint of teasing?

Are you laughing at her height, age and bra size as not qualifying her to be a teacher? That’s definitely the case! ~

When she saw this man, Nangong Nayue subconsciously wanted to use space magic and also wanted to use her own guardian.

Because the last time she met this man, her guardianship and magic power were instantly lost, leaving such a psychological shadow.

Are you here to find Ophis? Kanzaki Yang looked at Nangong Nayue's extremely vigilant expression and asked with a smile.

I have to say that Nangong Nayue is quite interesting like this.

It's definitely more interesting to tease than to tease Cang Yue... ahem...

Are you here to see the Fourth True Ancestor?

Nangong Nayue did not answer, but asked Kanzaki Yang.

Of course, at the same time, she is also ready to jump in space at any time. This time she must reach a safe zone before this man uses his ability!

It has to be said that her combat experience is indeed quite rich. Basically, the only way to deal with the Savior Dragon is to leave the coverage area of ​​the Savior Dragon.

Unfortunately, Kanzaki Yang has no intention of using the Savior Star Dragon this time.

Since he took the initiative to appear in front of Nangong Nayue, it meant that he had the intention to expose this aspect of himself.

So Kanzaki Yang gave this answer.

Yes, I came to see the Fourth True Ancestor, and she is here now~

Kanzaki Yang took out the Holy Cross on his chest.

Ha ha?!??

The corners of Nangong Nayue's mouth twitched slightly. Wasn't this man kidding her?

Was the original Fourth True Ancestor so easy to handle?

Yo Kanzaki: Well, it’s indeed easy to handle.

Although Nangong Nayue was complaining, he still silently remembered the information about the young man named Kanzaki Yang in his heart.

It seemed like he was wearing casual clothes before, and there was no Holy Cross.

Kanzaki Yang is now wearing an ancient style of white clothes with a holy cross on his chest.

Is he someone related to the church? Such doubts popped up in Nangong Nayue's mind.

Don't believe it? The twelfth body Agurola is inside. You can ask her. Kanzaki Yang put the Holy Cross back.

This is a special achievement. If the created Cain [original] is obedient, he won't do anything to her.

Anyway, the bodies created and reincarnated by him are considered a new type of human beings, and are essentially one of his own.

If you are disobedient - then you can only refer to how Freya is dealing with it now.


Nangong became confused again that month.

What does this person mean?

Do you think she doesn't know that the black-haired loli is inside?

Do you want her to go in and cooperate with the black-haired loli to capture her?

That’s not right either? ...........

Theoretically, there would be no benefit to them catching her, and it felt a bit sorry for themselves, but Nangong Nayue felt that the other party alone was very likely to take away her ability to move before she could react.

You'd better go and take a look. The child will be handed over to you in a while.

Kanzaki Yang said.

That's right, he said that he wanted to leave temporarily just to leave Agulola to Nangong Nayue's care.

There are really no good candidates left.

With Agurola's ability, it is obvious that he cannot take care of himself.

Orpheus? It would be great if Ophis could take care of herself without wiping her butt with him. Kanzaki Yang really didn't dare to think about taking care of others.

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