Is it something important?

Chitong asked with a little concern.

It's not something important. I'm just going out for a trip. There's a place that needs me temporarily.

Kanzaki Yang said very relaxedly.

With his current strength, he can defeat three True Ancestors alone. How difficult would that world be?

Do I need you? Go ahead and come back early.

Chitong saw that Kanzaki Yang didn't mean anything, so he didn't say anything more.

She didn't think she could solve things that Kanzaki Yang couldn't solve.

Rather than saying that I want to follow, I might as well catch fish here, after all, I still have to eat dinner.


Kanzaki Yang smiled, and then disappeared in front of Chitong in a burst of golden light.

I have to say that Chi Tong is indeed quite comfortable in these aspects.


Bloodthirsty attacks the world.

Kanzaki Yang arrived at his destination.

That is the ruins where Akatsuki Nagisa is.


As if he noticed something unclean, Kanzaki Yang frowned.

There are a lot of corpses down here~

As Kanzaki Yang walked, he released golden light from his body, purifying all the corpses.

Originally Agurola was supposed to be awakened by Verdiana, the person who wanted to use the power of the Fourth True Ancestor to change her family background.

Now it seems that she still chose this path?

Kanzaki Yang purifies the corpses buried by the dead emperor's brother. He really doesn't like these corpses that may be cursed at any time and may turn into zombies at any time.

The survivor of Count Caruana's family in the 'King of War Territory', the sister of the late Liana.

It is hoped that by awakening the twelfth Yebo of Flame, he will be qualified as the Emperor Chosen, so as to avenge Zaharias and revive the family to regain everything lost.

Due to the loss of her title and territory, Verdiana, who was impoverished, began to work in the Demon Café, the Demon Mansion, in order to make ends meet.

He was mortally wounded in a duel with Zaharias, and was eventually rescued by Motoki and the Lion King Agency.

Because he was involved in the awakening incident of the Fourth True Ancestor, all his memories were drained, but he started a new life because of it.

However, regardless of her situation for now, let's go to Agulola's side first~

Kanzaki Yang saw that her injuries were not serious, she just basically lost her ability to move.

On the opposite wall was Zaharias' corpse. Looking at the obvious traces of Ophis' power on the corpse, Kanzaki Yang knew that Ophis had killed this man easily.

But Ophis didn't seem to care about Verdiana, and just moved on.

Arriving under the ruins, Kanzaki Yang saw a slightly ambiguous scene.

A blond fantasy loli was leaning against Akatsuki Sa quietly. Akatsuki's face was slightly red, and her eyes were filled with confusion.

This is why Kanzaki Yang received the alarm that the blood of vampires was eroding Akatsuki Sa's blood.

If it were just an ordinary human being, I believe Akatsuki Nagisa would have been transformed into a vampire by the time Kanzaki Yo came.

Although being transformed into a vampire seems to be a good thing in the world of Blood Devouring Attack, Kanzaki Yang does not want his race to be transformed into vampires.

Even if according to the judgment of the Ark's red ball, the vampire blood can only occupy 20% of Akatsuki Sa's blood, he is not willing to do so.

It's like someone else has taken control of your own things. There is basically no room for negotiation. What's more, the other party doesn't know 470's existence and has no idea of ​​​​discussing with him.

You can really do this kind of thing~

Kanzaki Yang sighed and casually kicked someone unconscious on the ground.

How on earth did this person become a parent? If she were his child, she would have beaten him up.


At this time, the black-haired loli who was quietly watching the two loli also noticed the outsider.


Ophis's eyes brightened, and his body seemed to be leaning toward Kanzaki Yang.

The only one who can make Ophis show such a close attitude now is Kanzaki Yang.

Ophis, did you get here just now?

Kanzaki Yang asked based on the situation he just analyzed.


Ophis nodded, and then cast a slightly troubled expression towards Akatsuki Nagisa.

Should she take action now?

She didn't know if she should take action.

Even though she was a vampire, it was no different to her.

What she was worried about was that this vampire seemed to be very important to Akatsuki Sa, and the other party did not show any hostility.

If anything happens, just leave it to the contractor.

This is the first thought of Orpheus at this stage after encountering difficulties.

So, it was natural for her to stand here and watch the show. .

Chapter 232

When Kanzaki Yang was thinking about what he wanted to teach Ophis about common sense, a purple light flashed in front of him.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for triggering the treasure chest, the treasure chest level is purple! 】

[Conditions for opening the treasure chest—Original Vampire: Conquer the soul of the original Fourth Ancestor sealed in Agulola’s body. 】

A purple light emerged from Agurola, no, to be precise, it should be from the original head of Agurora that was moving towards Akatsuki Sa.


Kanzaki Yang curled his lips, feeling a little better about Yuan Yuan, whom he had never met before.

Ahem... You gave yourself such a big gift before we even officially met. How could you not be touched?

Agurola, can you put my men down?

Kanzaki Yang said to Agurola who was in the process of embracing her for the first time.


When she received no response, the blonde dreamy girl's eyes flashed with confusion and she continued to suck blood.

By the way, she probably doesn't have the name Agulola yet.

Kanzaki Yang remembered.

Agulola is the code name given to her by Xiao Yacheng and others. At least for now, Agulola should call herself No. 12.


The blond vampire loli finally seemed to understand that the word was calling her, because she seemed to be the only one present who fit the description.

That's right, your name is Agulola. How about it? Are you satisfied with this name?

Kanzaki Yang said while walking.

Well, although he didn't get it, in fact he was the first to say it in front of Agulola. In fact, it doesn't make much difference to say that he got it.

At least...that's certainly the case in Agurola's perception.


Agurola released his mouth and tilted his head.

Does a name really have anything to do with her? Does such a luxury thing really not matter to a consumable product like the Second True Ancestor Body?

Agurola, the meaning of the goddess of the dawn, I am Kanzaki Yang. In a sense, isn't this also a kind of fate?

Kanzaki Yo walked into an extremely close distance.

Morning light...goddess...

Agulola knew the meaning of this name and couldn't help but open her mouth slightly. Does it actually have this meaning? ! It sounds wonderful.

But - is she qualified to have such a thing? She couldn't help but have doubts about this.

Are you embracing for the first time? Sorry, sucking blood may be possible, but embracing for the first time is impossible.

Kanzaki Yang stretched out his hand, and a wall of air seemed to appear in front of Agurola and Akatsuki Sa, thus isolating the two people.


As if being bounced away by Agurola's body, Akatsuki Sa was thrown in the opposite direction towards Kanzaki Yang, and fell directly into Kanzaki Yang's arms.

Akatsuki Nagisa seemed to have fallen into a state of obsession because of the pleasure of being sucked by a vampire, and she did not come back to her senses for the time being.

Give it back to me...

Agurola cast a dissatisfied look at Kanzaki Yang, but took no action.

It seemed that because this person gave her a nice name, she thought he should be a good person.

No, compared to this, aren't you aware of the condition of your own body?

Kanzaki Yang said, reaching out and touching Akatsuki Nagisa's neck.

As his hand brushed over, a little blood emerged from Akatsuki Nagisa's minor injuries caused by blood-sucking.

Unable to be seen by anyone, the red ball of light in the center of Yang Kanzaki's chest was emitting light.

The blood and power belonging to the vampire are being drained.

This kind of blood and power has almost no effect on enhancing Akatsuki Sa's physique. It will also add many weaknesses out of thin air. There are no shortcomings other than enhancing recovery ability.

But it is a pity that the Twelve Body itself is not the top vampire, and the recovery ability of their followers is also worrying. The quality of the new humans themselves can completely overshadow it.

The summary is - absolutely no need.

After the power and blood were drained out, the wound on Akatsuki Nagisa's neck was brushed by Kanzaki Yang's hand again, and the original fair skin was restored again.

Yang... Mr. Yang?

Akatsuki Sa also came back from that obsessed state.

At this time, she realized something very important - she seemed to be in Yang Jun's arms!

When did Yang Jun come back? She only remembered that Agurola had put herself...

No, no, none of this matters.

The important thing is that being held like this now, Akatsuki Nagisa felt that her heartbeat was going to accelerate to the extreme.

Akatsuki Nagisa is a precocious lolita. It is too early to think about this kind of problem even after two or three years.

Well, Nagisa, let's go play with Ophis first. I have something to tell her.

Kanzaki Yang put down Akatsuki Nagisa's petite body.


Akatsuki glanced at Agurola, then at Sakihiro, and finally at Ophis, then ran over.

Yang Jun’s words must not be wrong!

Whether it is wisdom, knowledge or strength, Yang Jun is absolutely trustworthy.

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