It’s been a long time since I’ve found such a happy opponent. Not only is she similar in appearance and temperament, but she’s even basically on the same level in terms of conjoined skills and abilities!

It is simply a natural whetstone! The perfect match for her!

Although she was at a disadvantage at the beginning due to her fighting experience and lack of physical strength at the time, she even fell into the embarrassing situation of running away in the end.

But later, her abilities returned to their prime, and she gradually became familiar with Cang Yue's moves.

In addition, Cang Yue had no intention of risking her life in the first place, and Esdeath eventually ended up in a draw with her.

Originally it was just out of interest, but now the more we fight, the more we feel a sense of sympathy for each other.

Esdeath was excited because of the opponent's strength and similarity to herself.

As for Cang Yue... she was touched by Esdeath's enthusiasm and joy.

Why can she be so happy? So happy?

This kind of doubt is like a poppy flower to Cang Yue, who is still in a period of confusion. Once she starts having this kind of thought, she can never stop.

The two of them are obviously so similar, but yet so different.


Cang Yue stopped Esdeath.

Huh? Do you think you want to continue fighting without further action? I have no problem. Although Esdeath had become as ragged as Cang Yue, she still burst out with strong fighting spirit.

She is always in fighting shape and ready to fight.

No, I just want to ask you some personal questions.

Cang Yue herself is not very interested in fighting.

Just like Kanzaki Yang said, there is an essential gap between her and Esdeath.

private question?

Esdeath raised her eyebrows. She really couldn't think of any personal issues to discuss between herself and this saintly saint.

What are you pursuing? The pleasure of fighting? Or the pleasure of killing the weak? Or the pleasure of domination, or something else?

Cang Yue frowned and asked.

Perhaps Elsa teased her a little too much. Now she chose to bring up this matter that she had always cared about to someone who had nothing to do with her.


It cannot be said that it is not relevant at all, but it is still relevant.

For example... they are still very similar in terms of personality and abilities.

Is it something that I care about? Is it something that I pursue? Is it something that makes me happy?

Esdeath nodded. She felt that she had a say in this matter.

Just follow what your heart wants to pursue.

Of course power is also a kind of pleasure, but it seems to me that you don't seem to care about this aspect?

Esdeath asked about something that she had always wondered about.

When she fought this man for the first time, she was clearly at a disadvantage and even chose to give in temporarily, but the other party didn't seem to have any intention of pursuing him.

The goal I care about seems to have been achieved now. Cang Yue said.

Done? What do you mean?... Esdeath wondered, shouldn't human desires be endless?

What she didn't know was that in the true sense, neither she, who drank the blood of a dangerous species, nor Cang Yue, who had made a contract with Kanzaki Yang, could be considered human beings.

All the people who passed away have returned. I have nothing to seek from this body anymore, so I followed his wishes and came to this world. Cang Yue said.

The person who passed away? Returned? Her?

Cang Yue couldn't quite understand.

Her consciousness is that she was not originally from this world?

She had also heard about the origins of these so-called saints of the Holy Religion before. It was said that they were sent to this world by the so-called Lord of the Holy Religion.

I thought it was just a rumor, but now it seems... it's actually true? !

You mean, resurrecting the dead?!

Esdeath can only understand it this way.

It can’t just be someone who traveled far away and returned, right?

You haven't answered my question yet. Follow your own heart. This answer is too ambiguous.

Cang Yue shook her head.

If she could really obey, she would have obeyed long ago. The key is that she doesn't know what she is pursuing.

That said, do you want a definite answer?

Esdeath touched her chin and thought seriously.

It seemed that the other party was really confused.

Obviously, the pleasure of fighting is not what the other party is pursuing. She can feel the temperament of someone like her.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

Then, as far as she is concerned, there is only one thing left that she pursues.

I can only give you the answer from my own perspective. It was rare for Esdeath to be so polite to a person.

That's Cang Yue. There are really too few people in this world who are recognized by her.

But Cang Yue - definitely counts as one.


Cang Yue nodded quietly, waiting for Esdeath's answer.

Under Cang Yue's gaze, Esdeath asked a question very seriously.

Do you have a spouse?



Cang Yue's face was expressionless, why did she ask such a question?

Judging from Cang Yue's expression, Esdeath knew her situation. If so, she would never react like this.

If not, I suggest you find one. As a female, you cannot live without a mate.


When you mate with your mate, you should get the ultimate pleasure. Humans are also animals, so there is no doubt that this is the same.

Esdeath said seriously the words that made Cang Yue's mouth twitch slightly.

That Elsa said this, and this Esdeath said the same. Could it be that she was the abnormal one?

Since you don't have a spouse, this is the advice I think is most useful to you.

Esdeath emphasized again.

Today is destined to be an unforgettable day in Cang Yue's life.

Whether it's a powerful immortal like Elsa, or a person like Esdeath who has great power but is still affected by the beast's lifespan, they all say this.

On the contrary, it seems that she is abnormal?


[Sorry, I have been sick these past few days and am not in good condition. 】

[Looking at what I wrote today, it looked like a piece of shit, so I deleted most of it. 】

[There is really no other way, so go to the doctor first. 】

[I’m sorry that I have presented content these past few days that does not satisfy me and may not satisfy everyone. 】

[I really want to write this book well, and you can see it from the outline. 】

[Updates may be a bit sparse in the next few days. There will only be three updates, eight in the morning and nine or eleven in the evening. I need to sort things out. 】

[Ester came to the world of Zhan Chitong to open the treasure chest and create a three-in-one sacred weapon for the heart of the world. He should also write about this aspect in the future. 】

[The second reincarnation is coming soon. This time, he will become the Holy Son in the true sense. After that, he will be the real path to becoming a god. 】

[The strongest artifact and the strongest physique are just enough. 】

[Sorry for giving you a bad reading experience. If you feel dissatisfied, you can ask me to get a red envelope. It should be one hundred and it will be distributed within 24 hours after this chapter is released. 】

[Updates will be resumed on Saturday at the fastest and on Sunday at the slowest time. 】

【Sorry again. 】knife.

Chapter 231

Ah sneeze!!~

Kanzaki Yang, who was attacking the station at night, suddenly had a bad feeling.

He hadn't felt this bad in a long time.

What's wrong?

Chitong beside him asked strangely.

Because others were worried that their names might be engraved in the Bible and exposed, it was said that the person accompanying Kanzaki Yang was Akhitomi.

Anyway, Chitong is already called a saint in the Bible, so she won't reveal anything no matter what.

It seems like someone is thinking about me...

Kanzaki Yang smiled and said.

In fact, if Cang Yue hadn't been thinking about these issues, he really wouldn't have had much reaction.

After all, Cang Yue and him are connected through a contract, and Cang Yue's affairs will also cause some reactions in him.


After saying this, a burst of red marks suddenly flashed in front of Kanzaki Yang, and the entire sight range was flashing with red light.


It's not that the things in his sight have changed, but that Kanzaki Yang's own perspective has changed.

[Individual No. 004 of the new human race has mutated! 】

[Individual No. 004 of the new human race has mutated! 】

This is the sound of the red ball of the Ark.

Kanzaki Yang's vision turns red because of the Ark's red ball alarm.


Yang Kanzaki raised his eyebrows and retrieved the information of No. 004.

Did he remember that No. 004 was not that person?

[Individual No. 004, bloodline transformation, transformation level, 0.1%... Estimated final transformation level is 20%... ....]

It seems something happened on Akatsuki Nagisa's side.

There are still people who want to snatch someone from my hand. It's really interesting~

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes.

The data of all individuals reincarnated by the Ark Red Ball will be stored in the Ark Red Ball, and the data will also be updated at the same time.

So after there was a problem on Akatsuki Nagisa's side, Kanzaki Yang got the information immediately.

Chitong, I have to go out for a while and I'll be back soon. Just catch the fish first.

Kanzaki Yang felt that he still needed to go.

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