Cang Yue said while freezing the three-headed hell dog running towards her.

“I won’t be bored anymore~”

Kanzaki Yang kicked open the door of Hades with a gentle kick, and the entire door was shattered in an instant.

Hades, get out of here!

After entering Hades, Kanzaki Yang stretched out towards Hades and shouted.

It's okay to say that he is looking for trouble with Hades. Although his ultimate goal is not to cause trouble with Hades, if Hades blocks his way, then he will have to dismantle his bones.

Sekiryuutei! What are you doing in Hades!?

A high-ranking god of death stood up first.

Although he was a little scared, he had the highest position in front of Kanzaki Yang. If he didn't express his position, he would probably be settled by Hades' queen.

I'm here to find Hades.

Kanzaki Yang said calmly.

You need to make an appointment to see Hades-sama. Although you belong to the Sekiryuutei, who is highly respected by the God of the Bible, you can't just see Hades-sama anytime and anywhere!

The superior god of death felt that he could not lose the face of Hades.

Even if you are a big shot, it is impossible for others to kneel down and lick you when they see you!

His arrogance is certainly well-founded.

The Death Scythe harvests souls, and its inherent weirdness and damage power are much more terrifying than those of other races.

The scythe of a high-ranking god of death makes it uncomfortable for even the top demon to be injured.

Pluto, the top god of death, although he looks like a bastard who was killed instantly by Wall-E's Silver Ultramarosaurus, in fact, he does have demon king-level strength.

As for their leader, it goes without saying.

Although they are always arrogant and make people panic, the strength of the top ten in the world is real.

Just ask Hades to come out~

Kanzaki Yang said calmly.

His purpose is Samael.

Samael is a fallen angel dragon created by the God of the Bible of the previous generation. He has almost absolute restraint against dragons.

Now that he has signed a contract with Ophis, Kanzaki Yang thinks it is better to get rid of this dangerous thing first.

I didn't choose to take action before just because I didn't have the strength to handle it perfectly, but now I don't have such worries.

After all... just using Star Star's Savior Star Dragon can defeat all conventional combat effectiveness.

I said, even if you are the person favored by the God of the Bible, you still...


Before Death finished speaking, he lost the ability to speak again.

His existence was fixed at this moment. After saying these 447 words, Cang Yue waved slightly towards the surroundings.


Countless gods of death fell into a state of eternal seal almost instantly!

Diorio has the ability to freeze the underworld, and Cang Yue also has it.

You are really direct~

Kanzaki Yang sighed. He originally wanted to wait for Hades to come over and solve the matter quickly, but he didn't expect Cang Yue to be so direct.

It seems that the wait time will be extended a little longer.

As for him going to Hades himself? Such a choice did not exist from the beginning. It was his style to hit the door and wait for the opponent to find him.


Cang Yue said nothing.

She really didn't want to be turned into a little lolita by Kanzaki Yang for any reason. This person was really too crooked and she absolutely couldn't be caught by him.

Being teased and pampered by a man as a little lolita was a dark history in her life.

Although she has signed a contract now, theoretically speaking, her voice no longer belongs to her, but as expected...she still doesn't want to encounter such a situation.

This was the first time she felt such a state of mind.


Cang Yue didn't know how long she had been thinking about this problem before she finally heard the man's voice. .

Chapter 195

What appeared in front of them was a huge skull.

Judging from the size of the skull alone, it is much larger than the previous God of Death.

Maybe...the bigger and smoother the skull is, the more powerful it is~

Sekiryuutei, by disturbing my underworld and hurting my followers, do you want to keep your soul here forever?

Hades looked at Kanzaki Yang and Cang Yue, with cold white flames dancing in the empty eye frames.

Huh? What are you talking about?

Kanzaki Yang tilted his head, and a crystal shadow appeared behind him.

I'm sorry, I didn't hear you clearly. Can you please say it again? Kanzaki Yang asked again.


Hades was speechless for a moment.

He knew how powerful the crystal dragon behind Kanzaki Yang was. Emperor Shakten could only be hung up and beaten, and he was not far behind.

He really couldn't see why the God of the Bible was so fond of this human being. Could it be that he wanted to cultivate him as a divine son?

Such a powerful Tianlong allowed her to simply follow this human being? Isn't it a waste of resources?

What are you here for?

Hades said something that he thought would bring shame to him.

Not only him, but also the gods of death behind him were helpless.

They did not expect that their own gods would submit to others, but if the object of submission was the extremely powerful Tianlong, it seemed to make sense...

Samael's soul and your soul, I have to take one away today, choose~

Kanzaki Yang said directly.

The fallen dragon Samael is a great weapon against dragons.

After the death of the God of the Bible, because he simply had the greatest malice towards the dragons, the gods chose to seal him in hell for the sake of the existence of the dragons.

And Hades is the person in charge of Samael's highest seal authority.

Of course, the highest authority is not all authority.

It is not realistic to directly control Samael, which requires the consent of the gods, but it is still possible to temporarily unblock Samael.

All you need to do is unseal Samael and throw it in front of the dragons. Samael will destroy all the dragons in front of him!

If it were thrown into Tan Ning's territory, maybe the next day the news of the complete annihilation of the dragon clan gathering place in the Demon Realm would spread throughout the world.

Now, he was hesitating about one thing.

As the Sekiryuutei and the White Dragon Emperor, if this person brings a dragon like the Savior Star Dragon to cause trouble... is he trying to catch his own fish?

Bringing a group of dragons to ask for Dragon Eater Samael, isn't this fishing?

If he chooses to take action, will the God of the Bible appear in front of him at the next moment and kill him naturally?

Although the God of the Bible has been injured, he is still afraid of the power of the God of the Bible.

As for Sekiryuutei? ...........He really didn't take it to heart very much.

What kind of trouble can a Sekiryuutei, whose whole body relies on the dragon clan, create?

That's what he said, but Sekiryuutei's attitude really made him too angry.

What does it mean to be Samael's soul and what must one of his souls take away today? Who does he think he is? The God of the Bible? !

You should know that there are countless sealing spells on Samael, right? Unlocking Samael's seal is not a matter that I alone have the final say.

Hades is doing Tai Chi. Indeed, this is the restraint of the gods.

It's okay, just give Samael like this to me. Anyway, the order is to execute him on the spot.

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

Didn't he know that Hades wanted to delay time?

“When you say that, you’s the will of the God of the Bible?”

Hades's eyes flashed with strange fire.

That's understandable.

Kanzaki Yang looked at Hades and curled his lips.

So that's it...

Hades pondered.

It turned out to be what the God of the Bible meant, and he understood...


Come out! Samael!

He suddenly waved his hand, cut through the space, and summoned Samael who had broken the seal.

After hearing that the person who came to him was the Sekiryuutei, he secretly released Samael's seal long ago, just to take a preemptive strike if he rebelled.

Because... Dragon Eater Samael is undoubtedly the most suitable being to deal with the Sekiryuutei and the Savior Dragon!

After hearing that it was the will of the God of the Bible, he completely wanted to flip the table.

Why did the God of the Bible suddenly want to return to Samael?

Although it was originally the embodiment of his malice towards Dragon and Snake, and there was nothing wrong with him wanting to go back, Hades believed that everything must have a reason.

He could only think of two reasons.

The first reason is that considering that the God of the Bible also borrowed the power of the dragons before, the God of the Bible now has basically no hatred for the dragons.

Combined with the previous performance of the God of the Bible uniting various pantheons, he should have expressed his goodwill towards the dragon clan by destroying Samael, the fallen dragon, thus drawing the Infinite Dragon God and the Red Dragon God Emperor into his camp. .

The second reason is that the God of the Bible may want to steal the power of the dragons, so he wants to return to Samael to deal with the Infinite Dragon God and the Red Dragon God Emperor, and then swallow their power to create new powerful chess pieces or Artifact.

This definitely won't work, this is what he has to do.

Hades had already made up his mind before. When Ophis revealed his traces, he directly sacrificed the fallen dragon Samael, swallowed Ophis' power, and created a new infinite dragon god.

But.........there is one biggest problem...

The problem is serious - Orpheus hasn't appeared in a long time.

Originally, he wanted to wait forever, but the arrival of Sekiryuutei had reminded him of the fact that the God of the Bible had noticed the situation here, and there was no time to wait any longer!

After thinking clearly about the above issues, he chose to rebel without hesitation.

He has already thought about swallowing the power of the Red Dragon Emperor and the Savior Star Dragon first!

In this case, the new Sekiryuutei created should also be very powerful. Even if he is hiding in Tibet and is wanted by the God of the Bible, he will still have considerable capital.

.々Sorry, I still know what action you will take.

(Ma Zhao) Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes and said.

[I swear here. 】

【I do not allow anything to exist that I cannot cut...】

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